Cicada Moving

Chapter 391: eyes

Chapter 391 Eyes

The Intelligence Section was activated, and the spies who had no tasks quickly gathered together. They knew how to develop the films and divided them into groups. They were responsible for developing the films sent back by Wu Chunyang's men. After developing a batch, they compared the batches.

Other agents temporarily cut off contact with the outside world and sat neatly in the conference room waiting to identify the photos. Gui Youguang's action team was still standing at the door. The confidentiality measures were very strict.

Even the female spies formed a logistics team under the leadership of He Yijun to provide hot water and food for the identification personnel. This scene made Wu Jingzhong feel emotional and praised him repeatedly.

“Section Chief, I am not bragging, Old Wu, but our Intelligence Section is truly united. The last time we saw this kind of scene was 16 years ago in the Republic of China. Alas, it’s such a pity.”

 Zuo Zhong looked at Wu Jingzhong who looked regretful with a smile. People below him can say this, and people above him can say it, but he, the head of the intelligence section, cannot say it. If he does, it would be a taboo.

Wu Jingzhong also noticed the inappropriateness of his words after saying this. He coughed twice quickly and found a place to sit down. He thought to himself that he couldn't control his bad mouth. Is he allowed to say such things?

 A quarter past seven in the evening.

The personnel under surveillance at the pharmaceutical company returned one after another and brought back the film. The sophisticated machine of the Intelligence Department suddenly started up and began to identify and prioritize the three key personnel according to the plan.

 Zuo Zhong, Gu Qi, and Wu Chunyang each selected one person. As the section chief, deputy section chief, and business backbone of the Intelligence Section, they must be responsible for identifying important targets. The greater their ability, the greater their responsibility.

However, in order to prevent mistakes and omissions, the identification of other personnel was also carried out simultaneously. Two to three special agents were responsible for comparing the same batch of photos. Multiple people were identified together, and the intelligence department kept the lights on all night.

 One forty in the morning.

  Someone discovered that an employee of Bayer had been wandering around Tangzi Alley. This person bought a breakfast at a roadside stall at 7:13 in the morning, and was photographed from the front by agents at a secret surveillance point.

After emergency investigation, it was found that the other party’s residence is near Tangzi Lane. His parents are still alive and he has several brothers and sisters. There are traces of his past schooling and work experience, so the suspicion can be ruled out.

  Two: fifty in the morning.

 Another person identified a staff member of Jiuzhou Pharmacy, but he worked as a clerk and did not have the opportunity to go to the Central Hospital. At the same time, his ancestral home was in Jinling, and the relevant background information was very clear.

More importantly, this person was just passing by Zhujiang Road that day and did not observe the angle of Min Ping's residence. This was double confirmed from the photos and the description of the surveillance personnel, and the suspicion was eliminated.

  3:05 and 3:20 minutes in the morning.

Some people identified that employees from Pfizer and Roche had appeared nearby. Unfortunately, one person was not an academic visitor, and although one was an academic visitor, he had only been employed for less than a year.

Min Ping clearly stated that she had been in contact with Tianfu through the dead mailbox for a long time. Moreover, the second person had been studying in Shanghai before the academic visit and was not in Jinling, so there was no suspicion.

 The successive discoveries and exclusions made the agents a little disappointed. It happened that He Yijun and others brought supper at this time, hot soy milk and steamed buns, which calmed everyone's depressed mood.

 “Section Chief, let’s have something to eat.”

He Yijun walked up to Zuo Zhong with the late night snack and carefully prepared a pair of clean bowls and chopsticks. She knew that Zuo Zhong was very particular about hygiene in his living habits and was unwilling to share tableware with others.

"Well, don't tell me, I'm really hungry after standing there for most of the night." Zuo Zhong rubbed his eyes, took the supper, found a place to sit down, and ate hungrily, and he had to take the time to identify it.

The photo in his hand is of Kong Ji from Boehringer Pharmaceuticals. He is neither tall nor short, has an ordinary appearance, neither fat nor thin, and has no obvious features on his face or body. He is the most difficult type of person to identify.

He Yijun looked at his appearance and smiled slightly, then picked up the photo and continued to identify it for Zuo Zhong. She had never given up training in the Secret Service for so long, and she never failed to do special training.

Photo identification is very simple for her, and women are naturally more attentive than men and are easier to concentrate. However, the field of view is relatively smaller when observing seriously.

This is a shortcoming in other matters, but it is an advantage in terms of identification. He Yijun quickly checked and eliminated, and soon finished the photo wall in front of him, and walked lightly to the other photo wall.

She identified them one by one from the bottom right of the photo wall. As for why she didn't start from the top, it was because after identifying so many photos, it is easy for people to make mistakes or get tired.

 First identify from the bottom where it is easy to see. When the person feels tired, they just need to raise their head a little bit until they look up at the top. This can force the identification person to gradually increase their concentration.

 To explain it simply, it is difficult to fall asleep if you raise your head, and you will wake up suddenly if you lower your head suddenly. On the contrary, it is very easy to fall asleep if you doze with your head lowered. This is the so-called work experience.

Zuo Zhong threw a bun into his mouth, glanced at He Yijun calmly, and found that the order of her observations was correct, so he stopped caring. To be honest, his eyes were already blurry now.

 It’s good to get more rest. Otherwise, when you are most tired at 4 or 5 o’clock, you won’t be able to concentrate even if you want to. If you look at the wrong photo, it will be a waste of everyone’s hard work for so many days. He Yijun finished reading the bottom row and looked up at the penultimate row. However, after only looking at two pages, she showed a puzzled expression and stopped looking away.

One of the photos on the wall is of a man sitting in the back seat of a rickshaw, about thirty years old, wearing a black top hat, a pair of round-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, and a gentle smile on his face.

This man is wearing very ordinary clothes, a gray gown and old-fashioned cloth shoes. He is no different from thousands of men in the Republic of China. At most, he is a bit conservative and old-fashioned.

Judging from the environment in the photo, he was driving in a rickshaw from south to north on Zhongshan Road. Jinling Middle School can be seen in the distance on the left, and Huiwen Girls' School and Tangzi Lane are on the right.

He Yijun came slightly closer to the photo, carefully observed the other person's eyes, and quickly confirmed that the other person was looking straight ahead and didn't care about Tangzi Alley on the right, and seemed to have no problem.

But his eyes are so similar to Kong Ji’s eyes photographed today, they are both clear and deep. Both photos were taken secretly, reducing the interference of other factors. Could this be a coincidence?

 It's just that the bridge of the nose, facial contour and skin color of that person are completely different from Kongji's, especially the lips don't look that thin, but these can all be achieved through disguise, so it doesn't mean anything.

He Yijun was not sure, so he immediately turned back to Zuo Zhong and said, "Section Chief, I found a person here. His eyes seem to be very similar to Kong Ji's, but his appearance is very different. Come and take a look."


Zuo Zhong put down the soy milk in his hand and stood up and walked over. He couldn't let go of any clues, let alone underestimate a woman's intuition. At the same time, he thought like He Yijun, the appearance could change.

For example, holding cotton in your mouth can make your cheeks appear more prominent, thus changing the contours of your face; properly wearing dentures will cause huge changes around the mouth and change your face shape.

 A slight trimming of the hairline on the forehead will give people a different look, and the hair style will be even simpler. As long as you can afford a wig, you can change it as you like without repeating it.

The only thing that cannot be changed is the eyes. There are no contact lenses in this era. Whether it is the color of the pupils or the ratio of the black and white of the eyes, you can get whatever your parents give you and you cannot fake it.

So He Yijun was a little excited when he said that he found a person with similar eyes. Kong Ji was not an ordinary suspect, but a key target. Once confirmed, he could basically take action.

Zuo Zhong walked quickly to He Yijun and took a look at the photo in the direction of her finger. At this sight, his heart beat suddenly. It was so similar, no, it should be said that it was exactly the same.

Kong Ji, photographed by Wu Chunyang, also has a look in his eyes that looks like a smile, but is actually extremely indifferent, which can make people feel chilly. This kind of look may appear calm on a businessman.

What about spies?

 Watching everything silently from the corner, with enough confidence to grasp everything, even Min Ping's residence does not need to be looked at, because that is a very low-level method, and masters do not need to observe directly.

Professional intelligence officers like him can see clearly whether the curtains more than a hundred meters away are open or closed with just a glance and a blink of an eye.

 “It’s this bastard!”

Zuo Zhong said word by word, staring at the photo. What is the other person smiling at? pride? pride? Or disdain? Yes, his plan easily tore through the National Government's defense.

 He had the right to laugh at everyone at the scene that day, including the Secret Service and Zuo Zhong. Regardless of whether the incompetence of one department led to the assassination, this responsibility belongs to all of them.

If you want to wash away this shame, you can only rely on blood, either theirs or the Japanese's. One of the two sides must fall, so let's see who is better.

Zuo Zhong raised his hand and patted it, and under everyone's doubtful eyes, he said categorically: "We have found him. From now on, no one with knowledge of the matter is allowed to go out at will.

Until the end of the operation, anyone leaving the Secret Service must be accompanied by two or more people and reported to the unit chief for approval. Our enemy this time is very cunning, so we must be careful. "

After a long battle, Tianfu appeared in everyone's sight for the first time. At this point, Tianfu could not hope to leave Jinling City alive. His destination could only be the execution ground.


From Gu Qi to the ordinary agents, they looked surprised and immediately replied loudly that if the case was not solved for a day, they would not be able to rest for a day. After working for several months, they finally saw the light of day.

"Come, let's all take a look at the photo of Tianfu or Kong Ji. Remember this person's physical characteristics, don't look too much at his appearance, just pay attention to his eyes." Zuo Zhong waved to everyone.

 (End of this chapter)

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