Cicada Moving

Chapter 401: residence search

 Chapter 401 Residence Search

Zuo Chong heard that he understood that this old man was a personal alarm. The real early warning personnel must be in the police station in this area. The other party would notify other spies when they receive this alarm call.

He looked at the trembling old man and continued to ask: "How do you judge whether there is a thief in Kong Ji's house? Your eyes are not so good. Does he have any secret code with you?"

"Yes, I am in poor health, but my eyesight is good. Everyone around me knows this. Mr. Kong, no, Mr. Kong has passed my test many times, otherwise he wouldn't spend three yuan a month to hire me. "

The old man hurriedly replied: "This **** will pass by my hut every time he leaves or comes home. If there is someone in the house or the lights are on while he is away, it means there is a thief in the house.

What he did really has nothing to do with me. He is so unscrupulous. My family of dozens of people are all honest people and have never done anything bad. Sir, please spare our family. "

 At this point, the old man sat down on the ground and burst into tears. He was obviously frightened by the sentence "Zhu Jiu Clan". He felt that he was just helping someone look after a house, so how could he be related to Da Ni?

Poor people must be hateful, just like the little nurse in the hospital. They were used by the Japanese either because of money or because of their emotions, and unknowingly became accomplices of Japanese spies.

Let’s talk about the matter at hand. Would a normal person want to pay others to keep an eye on his home? Or would he find an old man with limited mobility? Anyone with a little bit of brain would know there is something wrong with this.

If these people could think more and have a little vigilance in their hearts, such things would not happen. Anti-espionage propaganda work must be carried out, otherwise there will be more and more such things in the future.

Zuo Zhong thought of many things, and then asked again: "Kong Ji asked you to call the police station. Did he teach you how to say it specifically, or who to call? This is your chance to make atonement."

The old man got up from the ground when he heard the meritorious atonement: "He didn't ask me to find anyone. He just asked me to tell the police station his name. I must say the name. Yes, that's what he said."


Zuo Zhong immediately realized that the name was a code for early warning. This was to protect the early warning personnel. There were so many people in the police station, and there were many people who could find out the content of the alarm call. Anyone could be a spy.

Tianfu is still so cautious, but the early warning officer is so trusted by him that he actually revealed his pseudonym to him. Why would an experienced intelligence officer do this?

Either we are sure that the opponent will not surrender, or the opponent's only mission is to provide early warning and there is no risk of exposure, or both, this is the last protection method of the Nandou team.

And the early warning personnel only know his pseudonym. Unless the other party takes the initiative to investigate Kongji through household registration information, the impact on Tianfu will not be great, but they are not afraid of encountering people with the same name.

Then Zuo Zhong smiled mockingly to himself. On one side was his life, and on the other was the false alarm caused by the same name. It was easy to choose which one was more serious. The worst he could do was to take a leave during the evacuation and hibernate for a while.

As for how the early warning personnel notified other team members, if Zuo Zhong guessed correctly, it should not be direct contact, but various indirect methods, for safety reasons.

  What a cunning woman.

Zuo Zhong thought for a while and put the pistol back into the holster. He picked up the phone and called the Secret Service, asking the Secret Service to notify the agents from nearby surveillance points to come over for support and conduct a comprehensive search of Tianfu's residence.

There is no need to set up two observation posts in Tianfu. This is too uncontrollable. It is not easy to find a suitable fool and control it. If you meet a shrewd one, your identity may be exposed.

 “Section Chief, what should I do with this old man?”

Wu Chunyang asked from the side. He was a little afraid that the old man would be scared to death. This was not unfounded. After answering Zuo Zhong's question, the old man was already slumped on the ground, shivering, and his face was pale.

After all, he is not a real spy. He is just deceived when he works for a spy. If he really dies here, the reputation of the Secret Service will be even worse. If things get bigger, they might be implicated.

Zuo Zhong found a stool and sat down, turned around and asked: "What should I do? Investigate clearly. As long as you don't take the initiative to help the Japanese spy, you can just let him go home after punishment. You can't keep him in vain."

What, you kid still wants to recognize a godfather? These people are half buried in the ground. They will not be taken to prison. As long as they are willing to cooperate, we will deal with them in this way. Respect the old and love the young.

He said with a smile: "I heard that, sir, please cooperate honestly and help us catch our accomplice named Kong, and you will be fine. Yes, you will also need to help us with some publicity."

The old man didn’t know what propaganda was. He only knew that the two people who claimed to be the police were being reasonable and did not regard him as a scapegoat. Only then did his frightened soul return to his body, and blood started to appear on his face.

Not long after waiting, several spies in different costumes arrived. After saluting Zuo Zhong, two people were left to guard the old man, while the rest went to Tianfu's residence to conduct a search.

Different from Zuo Zhong’s previous dark operations, this time they conducted an honest and formal search. They had to check all the items in the room one by one to look for clues related to the Nandou Intelligence Team.

Zuo Zhong followed his men and walked around the house with his hands behind his back. Except for the previous living room, the layout of this house was very modern, with a kitchen, dining room, study room, and bedrooms.

The items in the kitchen look very new, the pots and pans have basically no traces of daily use, and the bamboo chopsticks have no signs of being soaked in water. All this shows that Mingfu rarely cooks at home.

But the strange thing is that the stove is filled with briquettes. Considering the target's usual cautious style, I am afraid that the stove has destroyed top-secret information much more often than cooked food. Unlike movies and TV shows, burning information in an ashtray will only reveal your identity. For serious people who have nothing to do with burning paper in an ashtray, the correct way is to burn the information and throw it into water or a stove.

Zuo Zhong squatted on the ground, opened the ash outlet at the bottom of the stove, poked it gently with a pair of tongs, and pulled out all the ashes inside. As expected, a lot of ashes from burned paper appeared.

These ashes have been broken into pieces and completely burned, and no content can be seen. It seems that Tianfu watched the papers burn completely, smashed them, and then poured them into the furnace.


He stood up and patted the ashes on his hands, looked at the kitchen furnishings, walked to the flue, put his feet up, and reached out to touch inside, but unfortunately he didn't touch anything except soot.

Same, this guy from Tianfu is only 1.7 meters tall. In an emergency, if you need to collect certain items, you can't look for a ladder. The kitchen should be just a place for the other party to destroy information.

Zuo Zhong walked out of the kitchen slowly. Outside was a small restaurant. At this moment, Wu Chunyang was taking apart tables, chairs and benches with a dagger to confirm whether there were hidden compartments or intelligence hidden on these things.

This is a normal operation. When Xie Jiuwen and Gu Lan were captured in one place, the furniture was broken open. However, this method was too old-fashioned. They had not encountered this method of hiding intelligence for a long time.

He watched for a while and walked along the corridor to the door of the study. Inside, a little agent was shaking the books one by one, checking whether there were any inclusions in them. This was only the first step in checking for written evidence.

 After these things are brought back to the Secret Service, a series of checks must be carried out to see if they are secretly written, how old they are, how often they have been used, and compared verbatim with books of the same edition, etc. It is very complicated.

It’s just that Tianfu will not be stupid enough to put the information in a book and wait for them to come and check it. Everyone is a professional and will never make such a low-level mistake, so on-site inspection is meaningless.

However, looking at the full bookshelves in the study room, he knew that his guess was correct. The other party was indeed a person who loved reading, but it was a pity that all the books ended up in the dog's belly.

Zuo Zhong then turned around and walked into the other party's bedroom in the study. The bedroom was relatively large, and there were two little spies in charge of inspection. At this time, the two of them had already separated all the clothes, sheets and bedding.

 “How is it, have you found anything?”

Looking at the cotton wool flying in the sky, he covered his mouth and nose and picked up a handmade suit. He thought it was a pity. Clothes of this quality had to be tailor-made in Shanghai, and the labor cost alone was quite high.

I don’t know if Tianfu’s guy has a lot of savings, but he is about to receive military pay. He hopes to get some money from the Nandou group, otherwise he and Dai Chunfeng will have to go to the bureau headquarters to beg.

The little agent immediately stood up straight and replied: "Report to the section chief, no suspicious items have been found yet, and there are no clothes in the clothes. We only found three hundred cash on the bedside table. We have registered it."

 “Well, not bad, not bad.”

Zuo Zhong showed a satisfied smile. He could leave three hundred cash at home. Tianfu's family was not as rich as usual. This was the key point during the interrogation. All the spies' money must be squeezed out.

The money earned by the Japanese in the Republic of China was the money of the Secret Service. As the saying goes, it was taken from the people and used for the people. Brothers should not be allowed to starve and serve the party-state. It is natural for soldiers to eat food.

He kicked the clothes on the ground with his feet and said: "There is no need to slit open the search in the future. You can just check more slowly and carefully. If you take these clothes back, you will have disguises."

 “Yes, section chief.”

The two little spies nodded repeatedly, secretly thinking that after all, they were the section chiefs, and they were really good at making ends meet. On second thought, it was indeed a waste. Even if they didn't use the disguise, they might as well wear it themselves.

Zuo Zhong didn't know that his men were thinking of enriching themselves. He lowered his head and looked at all the clothes. There were quite a lot of suits, trousers, shirts, vests, leather jackets, coats, and all kinds of clothes.


 He picked out a large piece of tattered cloth with his feet. It was a Chinese-style gown, like the one in the surveillance photo. The other party wore it when he went to Tangzi Alley to check the security signal left by Min Ping.

Zuo Zhong bent over and took the strip of cloth in his hand. Judging from the style, the clothes were old and the buttons were slightly faded, but the fabric was very new, which showed that Tianfu did not wear it often.

 An old piece of clothing is rarely worn. What is the reason? It may be that this long gown does not match Tianfu’s daily dressing style. It may be that this piece of clothing has special uses, such as joints.

He smelled the faint smell of soap powder on it and felt that the latter was more likely. No matter how rich the funds were, a Japanese spy would not throw away a piece of clothing after just one purchase.

Moreover, it is easy to arouse suspicion. Who often throws away clothes when they have nothing to do? Judging from Nandou's incubation time, if he really wants to throw away clothes like this, all the clothing store owners in Jinling City will have to set up immortality tablets for Tianfu.

Zuo Zhong thought for a moment and gave the order to the little spy: "Category the clothes into one category with obvious signs of use and one category with less obvious signs of use. After sorting, bring them all back to the office."

 (End of this chapter)

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