Cicada Moving

Chapter 402: Anxious

Chapter 402: Urgent

Zuo Zhong finished speaking and walked out of the bedroom. Wu Chunyang had already started to pry the floor. It seemed that no useful clues were found in the restaurant. Yes, except for the clothes during the joint, it was too clean here.

Where is the radio station that Tianfu communicates with Wang Deyong, where are the cameras, maps, and documents needed for intelligence operations, and where is the rubber boat he used to identify Min Ping.

There is only one explanation. This guy has another safe house. Those things are all in the safe house. This is also in line with the target's style. It is estimated that there will be no more places to find, so there is no need to waste time.

"Chunyang, let's go. I'll leave this place to them. Let the old janitor be taken back, and then someone can come over to support me. You accompany me to Tianfu's office. This place has no value anymore."

Zuo Zhong patted Wu Chunyang on the shoulder, turned around and walked out the door. Although he felt that there would be nothing to gain from the target office, he should treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor, and there must be no less procedures that should be followed.

Had it not been for the possibility of contacting the target from the Northeast at any time and the target's extraordinary vigilance, he would have been more willing to follow the clues. Even if he couldn't find the offline, he could at least master the safe house.

A house full of espionage supplies and weapons that has not been discovered is too dangerous. If a thief who sneaks in and picks the lock discovers these things, then they will be even more stressed.

We are not afraid of weapons or anything like that. Even if Jinling is beaten into a pot of porridge, that is what Bai Wenzhi should be worried about. If the board cannot hit the Secret Service, he is afraid that there is intelligence inside, especially high-density intelligence.


 Zuo Zhong cursed in a low voice before getting into the car. It was all the fault of those British guys. It was because of their conspiracy that the case became so complicated. If he investigated slowly, how could these problems arise.

 “Section Chief, who are you scolding?”

As soon as Wu Chunyang got into the car, he heard the section chief cursing, and asked doubtfully: "Also, why don't we continue the search? We have too few clues now, and I'm afraid it won't go well next."

 “Criticize some shit-stirring sticks.” Zuo Zhong twisted his body and said with a dark face: “It’s useless. Min Ping said that Tianfu had weapons when he went to find her, but there are no weapons in the residence now. Tianfu must have other dens.”

Wu Chunyang thought about it and nodded. If there was information hidden in the house, it would be normal for them to not be able to find it for a while, but it was impossible to find weapons and radios unless these things were not here.

Even Wang Deyong knows how to set up a safe house. There is no reason for Japanese spies to be so stupid as to put mission items in their own residence. Setting up a safe house is not an easy task.

 As long as you have money, you don’t even need to provide identity documents. There are many landlords in Jinling who are willing to rent houses. With a population of nearly one million and so many residences, these things can be hidden anywhere.

 No wonder the section chief wanted to scold the British. This incident was indeed caused by them. Otherwise, if Ye Jinzhong was caught, even without the evidence provided by MI2, Vanessa and Wang Deyong would not be able to escape.

At that time, it will be easy to follow the clues and catch Nandou and Beidou. Don't forget that with a coward like Wang Deyong, the Secret Service wants to know any information. It's just a matter of how long it takes.

“The Boehringer company has been closed down, and they asked people to secretly control the janitor. After the search was completed, they returned to the original state. They warned the janitor not to talk nonsense if they wanted to survive, and tried to conceal Tianfu’s arrest as much as possible.

But I guess there will be no results. The next work will focus on the old man, find the early warning person of the police station, and also find the members of the Nandou team, you know what I mean. "

Zuo Zhong asked, looking at the flashing street lights outside the window. He didn't expect victory before he expected defeat. Everything must be considered based on the worst possibility. A spy would not be stupid enough to put evidence in his desk.

Wu Chunyang said tentatively: "Chief, do you mean to lure the snake out of the hole and let the early warning person in the police station jump out on his own? As long as we follow him, we can find the remaining members of the Nandou team?"

 “Well, drive quickly.”

Left and right hands rest on the car window, tapping lightly while planning the next action. It is a good thing to warn people in the police station. The police station is a disciplinary agency, and the commuting time is very fixed.

 Once the other party does something inappropriate at an inappropriate time, the suspicion will naturally rise. No matter how many people there are in a sub-district police station, it is easy to find out who has the problem under one-to-one tracking.

As for what to do after finding the other party, it depends on the specific method he uses to issue an early warning. There is also a way to follow the clues through indirect contact. It just takes a little more time and is not too difficult.

Zuo Zhong lit a cigarette, and the cool late summer evening wind came towards him. The smoke was involuntarily blown in all directions. He just sat quietly, as if he had thought of something.

after an hour.


In the alley near Boehringer, there was a sound of footsteps. Two black figures walked out of the back door of Boehringer and walked towards a row of cars in the alley. There were people standing on both sides of the car.

Zuo Zhong took off the gloves on his hands while walking, and said: "There is no problem with the search. Let's have someone conduct a routine investigation on Boehringer employees, even those who clean toilets.

The news of Kong Ji’s arrest will not be announced for the time being. Academic exchange staff do not need to go to the company every day. It is normal to disappear for a day or two occasionally. The target also took this into consideration when choosing to work here. "

"I understand, section chief." Wu Chunyang helped Zuo Zhong open the car door and whispered: "I'll make arrangements immediately to go back to the office first. The target should be almost gone. The longer the time goes, the stronger the opponent's will to resist will be."

 Zuo Zhong slammed the car door with a clang: "That's an ordinary spy. The target has been prepared. It doesn't make much difference when the interrogation happens. But since the guest has arrived, I, the master, should go and have a look."

 “That’s the truth.”

After speaking, Wu Chunyang got into the car with a smile and drove out of the alley with the headlights black. Behind the car was a long line of cars. The convoy galloped through Jinling City at night and returned to the Secret Service after a long circle.

At this time, the Secret Service was very busy. From Dai Chunfeng to the junior agents, everyone knew that the Intelligence Division had captured an extraordinary person. This could be seen from the extremely strict surveillance measures.

The intelligence section's action team took over the detention center, with one post every three steps and one sentry every two steps. There were heavily armed agents patrolling everywhere. Several section chiefs went to inquire about the information but were turned away.

In the end, Dai Chunfeng went to the detention center to have a look. When he came out, Dai Chunfeng's face was full of joy and he could even walk with energy. All the secret agents, big and small, were guessing who the person who had been arrested was.

Some people said it was related to the assassination, some said it was a big shot in the Jinling underground party, and some even said it was Xu Enzeng. Otherwise, why would Virgo be so happy? Everyone suddenly felt it made sense.

So as soon as Zuo Zhong's car stopped, Li Wei, the secretary of Mr. Xianyuan, jumped out and dragged him to Lao Dai's office, where Dai Chunfeng had been waiting for him for a long time.

 “Haha, Shen Zhi, well done!”

As soon as they met, Dai Chunfeng slapped Zuo Zhong on the shoulder, and he was so happy that his back molars were exposed. Less than a week after the assassination, the mastermind behind the assassination was successfully captured by the Secret Service. It was great.

He has been under a lot of pressure recently. The bald man is urging him, various superiors are urging him, and many people want to know the truth of the case. However, the case is very connected, and certain things must not be disclosed to the outside world.

For example, the Secret Service had known for a long time that the assassination would happen. For example, it was actually the British who were behind the incident. The Japanese were the only ones to blame. Who allowed them to do this kind of thing so often?

Catching the spy leader who is responsible for internal affairs is also an explanation to everyone. If anyone is dissatisfied, then go catch Doihara and the Kwantung Army commander yourself, or go directly to Tokyo to catch the locusts.

“Teacher, you are ridiculous. The students are just following your orders. In terms of credit, you deserve the most credit. Moreover, not all members of the Nandou team have been arrested, so they have not yet received full credit.”

Zuo Zhong replied very seriously that the first sentence is flattery, and the second sentence is the truth. When your immediate boss praises you, you must be realistic and never be self-righteous.

Sure enough, Dai Chunfeng smiled even happier and waved his hand proudly: "That's not what I said. If we let those losers from No. 1 investigate, I'm afraid they will still be kept in the dark when the other party arrives in Tokyo.

I will report your progress to the Chairman immediately. The best ones can be caught. If not, forget it. By the way, I heard that Kong Ji is rich. Is this true? "

Teacher Cheap said it in an understatement, but his expectant eyes betrayed him. He must have been anxious due to the huge military expenditure. He prided himself on being incorruptible, so he had never directly asked about money.

Zuo Zhong looked outside the door quietly, took two steps forward and said, "Yes, this guy works for a German pharmaceutical company. He probably has a lot of good stuff, and the students will definitely dig it out as soon as possible."

“This is up to you, Shen Zhi.”

Dai Chunfeng's eyes lit up and his voice became a little louder: "Then I won't keep you. I will interrogate the Japanese spy immediately. I must ask out all his secrets. It is best to complete it before the end of the month."

The end of the month is the time for the Secret Service's expenditures. Maybe the entire Secret Service's military salary is counting on the Intelligence Division to make a big fortune this time. As for peak funding, Director Chen is not an easy person to talk to.


Zuo Zhong knew the seriousness of the matter, so he bowed politely and left immediately. He didn't even return to the office and went directly to the detention center. He was about to become an arrears migrant worker, and Section Chief Zuo was also anxious.

After passing through the gate, cell area, and corridor of the detention center, he hurriedly found Gu Qi, Song Minghao, Gui Youguang, and Wu Chunyang, who had just returned. Everyone was waiting for his arrival.

"Section Chief, the target didn't say a word after he woke up. I sent four brothers to guard him closely to prevent this guy from committing suicide. Do you want to start the interrogation immediately?" Gu Qi pointed to a cell and said.

 “Judge, judge immediately.”

Zuo Zhong had a ferocious look on his face: "Old Gu, you are the deputy interrogator, Lao Song recorded, Gui Youguang and Wu Chunyang are responsible for the torture. Even if his bones are smashed, this **** must be made to confess his crime as soon as possible."

 Hearing what the section chief said, the others didn't have much reaction. They just thought that the section chief was anxious to solve the case. Only Wu Chunyang was a little confused. That's not what the section chief said just now. What happened.

 (End of this chapter)

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