Cicada Moving

Chapter 413: 43—1

Chapter 413 43—1

Soon, Zuo Zhong, who was squatting at the Central Gate Rest Shop, received the latest news from Hong Gong Temple. Song Minghao had captured a spy suspect and rescued a baby.

The answer is obvious as to why Japanese spies brought children. Just like Ma Hui brought his lover, it was all to divert the attention of the inspectors. These **** can even kill children.

After hearing this, Wu Chunyang sighed with emotion: "Old Song's luck was good, and that child's luck was even better. If he had met someone from the City Defense Headquarters instead of Old Song, he would have been killed by a spy in the end."

 “Well, yes, Lao Song is very lucky.”

Zuo Zhong agreed with this statement and said with a smile: "I think he could ask for a marriage. Without this child, he would not be able to catch the spy suspect. After all, that little guy is also his nobleman."


Both of them laughed. This sentence seemed to be a joke, but it was the truth. If the murderer of the assassination could be caught with his own hands, Lao Song's future would be bright, and the child would naturally be regarded as his noble person.

Zuo Chong thought seriously after laughing. The suspect carried a miniature pistol, had holes in his teeth, and tried to leave Jinling at this time. The combination of these three points meant that the spy had not escaped.

However, Song Minghao's idea to continue checking is correct. It cannot be ruled out that the woman is a scapegoat thrown by the real Japanese spy. You have to be careful that the Japanese are trying to trick the tiger away from the mountain. The people in the Nandou team are very ghostly.

Tianfu, Min Ping, Jiang Zhaoqing, and Ma Hui, none of them are fuel-efficient lamps. They are all the most professional intelligence personnel, cunning in their methods, very vigilant, and as slippery as a loach.

He stretched his head to look outside and asked Wu Chunyang: "How's it going? Several agencies have ordered special midday news editions. Now that it's past working hours, how many people from these agencies have not come?"

“Eight agencies including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Education have ordered this newspaper. As of the time of inquiry, a total of 43 people have not come to work. Some have asked for leave, and some have not. The files will arrive in a moment.”

Wu Chunyang replied without hesitation, these situations are easy to calculate. I heard that the case was investigated by the Secret Service and it was related to the assassination case. Those agencies were very cooperative, for fear of accidentally taking the blame.

  43 people, not a large number.

Zuo Zhong nodded slightly. Compared with the millions of people in Jinling, it was easy to identify 43 people. In less than half a day, all the experiences of these people from childhood to adulthood would appear in front of him.

It doesn't matter if the investigation is unclear for the time being, as long as you have files and photos. This gives a clear clue to all the bayonet. Judging from the existing evidence, Japanese spies are likely to be among these people.

After receiving the early warning message, whether it is asking for leave normally or saying goodbye without saying goodbye, the spy will always leave. It is safe to continue to lurk, but it is entrusting one's life to others.

Once the arrested accomplice speaks, he will not be able to escape even if he wants to. A professional intelligence officer will not be so unwise. They will not believe anyone's guarantee. The only one they can trust is themselves.

The only thing worth worrying about is that if the espionage is not involved, if the files and photos are released, it will cause interference to the operators and cause the suspicious persons who should be inspected to be let go.

He thought for a while with his hands behind his back and gave a new order: "Chunyang, send the file to Lao Song and ask him to compare the Japanese spy suspect with these 43 people to see if the other party is included.

If the suspected Japanese spy is inside, use all means to contact these people. Those who cannot be contacted will be treated as Japanese spies. The photos will be handed over to the military police Xiante in the city for a large-scale manhunt.

If it's not in it, don't release the file yet. You know the reason is that we know too little about the information about the members of the Nandou team, so we can only use this method to verify the reliability of the clues. "

Of course Wu Chunyang understood that there were two Japanese spies that they had not captured yet, and it was not easy to confirm the identity of one of them. The remaining one could only depend on luck, so he nodded and walked out.

 Half an hour later.

Song Minghao got the results quickly. This may be because Changgan Bridge is only 2.8 kilometers away from Hong Gong Temple, and the files sent by various agencies can be transferred to him as quickly as possible.

In short, after taking off the facial disguise and the shabby clothes on his body, they found that the spy suspect they captured was very similar to a deputy chief of the Ministry of Education named Ren Yan.

According to the feedback from the Ministry of Education, the woman went to the ministry as normal this morning and completed the work as planned. After the lunch break, the woman directly asked for leave from her superiors, and then disappeared.

 In addition, Ren Yan's performance in the Ministry of Education has always been very good. She is the first to arrive and the last to leave every day. Because she lives far away from the office, she rests directly in the office at noon or handles official duties.

This led to the fact that when the Secret Service asked the Ministry of Education to send the files, the other party complained quite a bit. If it hadn't been a serious matter, they might have taken the matter back. This shows Ren Yan's ability.

Soon, Wu Chunyang got back Ren Yan's files and preliminary investigation. After following the section chief for so long, he knew what the section chief valued most, which was solid basic intelligence collection.

While handing the document to Zuo Zhong, he dictated the contents of the investigation, mainly introducing Ren Yan's daily performance, interpersonal contacts, political outlook, etc., which was very helpful for case analysis.

Wu Chunyang finally concluded: “Our people went to Ren Yan’s office and residence, and there were no signs of excessive turfing of the items inside, which shows that the other party was in a hurry when he left, but not in a panic.

She probably has a planned retreat plan like Jiang Zhaoqing and Ma Hui. There is a private hospital not far from the Ministry of Education with a nursery inside, and the security is not very tight. What is even more suspicious is that Ren Yan has a very high enthusiasm for work. She is willing to complete the work she is supposed to do and the work she is not supposed to do. I think she is taking the opportunity to collect relevant intelligence.

 Although the Ministry of Education is Qingshui Yamen, its staff have a relatively high level of education. Other agencies sometimes second people to organize translation-related documents and materials. This is what is currently known. "

Zuo Zhong touched the documents that still had Yu Wen, looked at the smiling Ren Yan in the photo, and smiled in his heart. Compared with the lazy party-state elites, these Japanese spies have become model workers.

The other party didn't go home at noon, probably so that she could receive the signal in time for the special noon news issue. This is why she was able to react so quickly and be fully prepared to escape.

 Working actively is to cover up intelligence operations. If a person is usually lazy but gets excited when going to other agencies to translate documents, this would be too strange and would arouse suspicion from others.

As for going to the hospital to steal a child, it is very easy for a professional spy. In addition, Ren Yan looks decent and does not look like a bad person, so the hospital employees and guards will not pay too much attention to it.

 Now one person has been removed from the 43, leaving 42 people left. I don’t know when the other spy received the signal, where he is now, and whether he is observing the place nearby.

It is difficult to completely blockade a large city with a million people, and a capital city cannot be blocked for a long time. Even if a bald man wishes to shoot Japanese spies a hundred times, he will never do so.

The spy doesn't even need to escape. He can find a place to hide in the city for a few days, and when the blockade is lifted, he can escape and ascend to heaven. It would be really difficult to do this, but it is different with photos.

As long as he offers a bounty, even if he hides in a mouse hole, he will be dug out by those gangsters who are crazy about poverty. No one knows better than them what place in Aurous Hill is suitable for hiding.

Zuo Zhong felt that it was time to see the winner. He turned and looked at Wu Chunyang: "Confirm where the people on the list are. If their whereabouts are unknown, make 10,000 mimeographed copies of the photos and write a reward of 1,000 yuan.

If there is no sign of the Japanese spies at 5 o'clock in the evening, ask the Air Force to help distribute the information so that all the people in Jinling can recognize their appearance. In the face of millions of eyes, it is useless for them to hide anywhere. "

 “I’ll make arrangements immediately.”

Wu Chunyang ran away again. He knew that the section chief was going to mobilize the people again. This trick had been tried and tested. As long as the Japanese spy showed up outside, he would inevitably reveal his whereabouts, unless he was motionless.

 But this is not realistic.

Even if there is a safe house, how long can the other party hide? People need to eat and drink water. Some places in Jinling have running water, but coal, firewood, rice, oil and salt must be bought out. Sooner or later, they will be exposed.

Zuo Zhong put down the document and looked through the window at the passing pedestrians and vehicles. He raised his hand and looked at his watch. At three o'clock in the afternoon, no matter how late, the last spy should see the signal.

But so far, a lot of sneaky thieves have been caught in the central gate checkpoint, and not a single suspected spy has been found, not only at the central gate, but also in other places except the south of the city.

Wu Jingzhong, who was in charge of the east side of the city, led people to pull a net to block the wasteland east of the Central Martial Arts Museum. As a result, a group of people lay in the grass and fed autumn mosquitoes for most of the day, without even seeing a ghost.

Shen Dongxin of the West City was the most unlucky. There were many rivers in the west of Jinling City, with crisscrossing ditches. A wooden plank served as a bridge. In order to intercept the Japanese spies as much as possible, this guy hid in the river.

Zuo Zhong imagined a group of spies squatting sneakily by the river, and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth. In fact, it was basically impossible for spies to go west. It was inland and there were few village markets.

But don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of what happens.

He had no choice but to work hard for them. As he thought about it, he felt a slight movement in his mind. If the Japanese spies had not evacuated, but had already evacuated, but at a slower speed, would this happen?

Assuming that the other party received the early warning at the same time as Ren Yan, it stands to reason that one or two hours would be enough for him to escape from Jinling City. However, the evacuation tool slowed down the speed, causing him to still be on the way to retreat.

Then why is the mode of transportation so slow and able to take a spy out of the city? It is definitely not walking. The spy is not a fool, and it is unlikely to be a bicycle. In that case, he still has to go through various checkpoints.

Zuo Zhong stood there and squinted his eyes. Perhaps he had guessed that the last member of the Nandou team might be rowing a boat on Xuanwu Lake, trying to escape from the encirclement and leave Jinling.

Xuanwu Lake is a shallow lake with relatively stable water flow. To leave the city, you have to go from the southernmost end of the lake to the northernmost end. This distance is almost 2.8 kilometers. What is the average speed of the cruise ship?

The specific numerical value is not clear, but it is similar to the walking speed of a person. Boats can often be seen traveling parallel to tourists on the Xuanwu Lake, and sometimes the boats cannot match the speed of people.

 This is because the cruise ship slows down to allow passengers to enjoy the lake view. However, if the Japanese espionage retreats by boat, it must maintain the same speed as other ships, otherwise it will easily attract the attention of others.

He thought for a while and walked out. There would be no problem with Wu Chunyang watching the bayonet here. He had to go to Xuanwu Lake to have a look. He was really worried about Lao Bai's men.

 (End of this chapter)

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