Cicada Moving

Chapter 414: My boat is famous...

Chapter 414 My ship is famous

  Three thirty in the afternoon.

Xuanwu Lake is at the peak of its passenger flow. There are many cruise ships on the lake, shuttling back and forth, carrying tourists from all over the country to visit Jinling's number one scenic spot. The cool breeze of late summer and early autumn makes people drowsy.

One of the boats rowed slowly and leisurely in the waters of Wuzhou Park. The so-called Wuzhou is just that someone named the five small islands accumulated in the lake with the names of the five continents.

 It can be regarded as keeping up with the international trend.

This small boat is only five or six meters long and more than one meter wide. It was originally a fishing tool for fishermen in the lake. After Jinling was established as the capital of the Republic of China, fishing in Xuanwu Lake was banned, so the fishermen changed their profession and became boatmen.

There were only two people on the boat, an old man and a middle-aged man. Their expressions were different. The old man held a big pipe in his mouth and paddled leisurely, while the middle-aged man looked anxious.

“Master, can you hurry up? When I ordered your boat, you patted your chest and assured that your boat is famous for being fast. Why are we still wandering around Wuzhou Island after more than an hour?”

I am really in a hurry to go to Guojiagou on the north shore. In this way, in addition to the agreed one-yuan boat fare, I will add another one yuan. Please row faster. I will definitely have another big thank you when we get to the shore. "

The middle-aged man finally couldn't help it. After the boat slowly stopped again, he immediately expressed his dissatisfaction to the old boatman, then took out a banknote from his wallet and handed it to him.

  It’s not that he is easy to talk to, but that he must leave Jinling as soon as possible. As long as he can achieve this goal, it doesn’t matter if he spends a little more money. At worst, he can kill this hateful old man directly when he reaches the shore.

The old boatman's eyes lit up when he saw the banknotes. He immediately reached out to grab it and put it into his pocket. He also took out a bag of things from the cabin at his feet and threw it at the middle-aged man's feet. He started selling it as he opened his mouth.

"Sir, these dried shrimps and whitebait are really good things. They are not expensive. They only cost one yuan per pound. Although my boat is fast, the things are too heavy to row. How about you buy more."


The middle-aged man almost vomited blood after hearing this. Shrimp and whitebait are nothing good. They cost one yuan a pound. One yuan is enough to buy several kilograms. The old man is not afraid of the wind and his tongue flashes, he really dares to speak.

He took a few deep breaths, gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "Okay, I bought them all. It's about eight or nine kilograms here. I'll count you ten kilograms, but you have to wait until you pay at the shore, otherwise we'll break up." ”

As he spoke, he touched the cold pistol on his waist and gave up the idea of ​​shooting this old guy to death. He must not shoot until the critical moment, otherwise he would strangle the opponent to death.

Seeing that the other party was so understanding, the old boatman smiled slyly, placed his pipe on the side of the boat, knocked out the ashes, held on to the oar and said with a straight face: "Sit still, sir, I won't let you get away from your business by keeping it safe."

The speed of the boat finally increased. The waves stirred up by the breeze hit the bow of the boat, and a few mercury splashed onto the boat. The middle-aged man's face looked better, but he hated the boatman's black heart even more.

He is running for his life. Chinese intelligence agencies will know his true identity at any time. Jinling will definitely be blocked by then. Every second he stays in Jinling will increase his risk.

As a result, this old guy wasted an hour of his life. With this time, he would have left Jinling City long ago. If he didn't kill the opponent today, it would be difficult to understand the hatred in his heart, the despicable Chinese.

The middle-aged man lowered his head to hide the murderous intent on his face, and began to think about the most painful way to torture people. If there was enough time, he would definitely let the boatman know what life was worse than death.

The old boatman didn't know that the guest who had been slaughtered was thinking about killing him, so he asked while rowing: "I don't know why you are going to Guojiagou in a hurry. Why don't you call a rickshaw or a car?"

 “Nothing, it’s a little urgent.”

The middle-aged man replied coldly. He felt confident after paying a big price. He looked at the looming north shore and breathed a sigh of relief. It was safe once he got ashore. He hoped that the team leader could hold on for a while longer.

Not far from the river bank are the Beijing-Shanghai Railway, the road around the lake, and the mountains and forests. Whether he wants to escape or hide on the spot, he has many choices. As long as he survives the most critical few days, he can go to Shanghai.

This was the route he had planned long ago. He would not evacuate from the regular route after receiving the early warning signal, because facing the siege organized by professional intelligence personnel, taking a car or a train would be to risk death.

No one would have thought that he would leave Jinling on a cruise ship. The Chinese couldn't set up checkpoints on the lake. The north bank was several kilometers long, and it was impossible to completely blockade it within a few hours.

By the time the Chinese intelligence agency found out that he had left without saying goodbye, he might have been sitting at home in Japan, tasting the fish made by his mother. The middle-aged man couldn't help but smile proudly.


“The ship ahead stopped for inspection.”

Suddenly, a blast of whistle interrupted the middle-aged man's complacency. He followed the sound and a smile immediately froze on his face. An iron wheel with the flag of the Republic of China was slowly approaching here.

He had already asked why the patrol boat was here. The patrol boats on Xuanwu Lake rarely went out and usually parked at the dock. They had come to confirm several times before and just chose to evacuate here today.

 Now that this situation occurs, there are only two possibilities. One is that the team leader Tianfu betrayed him and the Chinese intelligence agency followed the clues and found this place. The other is that it is a coincidence and he is just unlucky. Looking at the lazy police officers on the iron wheel, the middle-aged man felt that the second possibility was more likely. These police officers might be short of money and wanted to make some money in the name of patrol inspection.

 Fortunately, he had prepared a new certificate, but he really couldn't afford to spend money to eliminate the disaster. Moreover, facing the machine-powered patrol ship, this human-powered boat couldn't escape even if it wanted to. All he could do was to accept the inspection obediently.

The only thing I have to worry about is that the gun on my body is difficult to explain. This gun is a black gun and has not been registered at the police station. Once discovered by the police, I will definitely be taken back to Jinling for detailed investigation.

He rolled his eyes, pulled out the pistol under the cover of his clothes, stood up unsteadily, and then put a little force on his feet. The boat suddenly tilted, and the middle-aged man bent down to hold on to the side of the boat.


There was an inaudible sound, and the pistol in the middle-aged man's sleeve slipped into the water. The boatman at the stern seemed to hear something, and turned his head to look at the water bubbles on the lake thoughtfully.

The middle-aged man threw the weapon directly. He didn't have any cover now, and even with the weapon, he couldn't defeat the police officers on the patrol boat. After landing, the gun was not very useful, so he might as well throw it away.

As soon as he finished this action, the patrol boat approached the boat. There were five or six police officers and several Chinese tunic suits standing outside the cockpit. These people all had guns in their hands and looked extremely serious.

“It turns out to be Lao Du, why? Aren’t you usually active in Wuzhou? Why did you take your guests to Beihu? Are you trying to trick people again? Be careful to offend people you shouldn’t offend.”

A police sergeant on the patrol boat recognized the boatman. He was a man who made a living on the water. He had become familiar with him over the years and knew that the boatman named Lao Du was dishonest and liked to kill people.

An embarrassed smile appeared on the old boatman's dark face, and he waved his hands quickly: "This is all a misunderstanding. This guest is going to Guojiagou on the north bank. No, it took me a long time to row here."

"Oh, I see."

The police chief nodded and looked at the middle-aged man: "Sir, could you please show me your ID? Why don't you take a car to Guojiagou? Even if you take a boat, you shouldn't go to Lao Du. His boat is very slow, haha."

The middle-aged man was almost in tears. He came to the old man because he said his boat was fast, and in case of danger, older people are easier to control than young people. Who knew the old man was so dark.

He twitched the corner of his mouth, took out the certificate from his arms and explained: "I am not born to smell the smell of gasoline, and the rickshaw is too bumpy. It is better to take a boat, just in time to see the scenery of the lake, kill two birds with one stone."

"That's right, the scenery of Xuanwu Lake is indeed not enough. Just wait a minute." The police chief replied after taking the ID, and then handed the ID to the man in the Chinese tunic suit next to him with a very respectful attitude.

This action made the middle-aged man's heart skip a beat. Something seemed wrong. The Jinling Police Station did have plainclothes officers, but the patrol boat was an open police vessel, and there was no need for the officers on board to wear plainclothes.

Moreover, these Mao suits looked familiar to him. The man in the Mao suit holding the ID looked up at him, and his sharp eyes made him immediately realize that the other person was an agent.

Oops, if there is only a police officer, he is confident to hide these rice buckets, but facing intelligence staff, this possibility is very low, and more importantly, why the other party appears here.

Just when the middle-aged man began to feel uneasy, the man in the Chinese tunic suit shook off the ID in his hand and asked a question: "Your name is Feng Chaoyuan, your address is Chaotian Palace, why are you going to Guojiagou?"

This is a standard intelligence cliché. It seems to be one question, but it is actually three questions. However, the other two do not use question sentences to reduce the resistance of the interviewee.

The middle-aged man knew this well and replied without thinking: "You are right. Feng went to Guojiagou to visit an old classmate. He heard that his condition was serious, so he rushed there in such a hurry."

He is not worried about being verified by the other party. He had prepared the identity of Feng Chaoyuan a long time ago and used it specifically during the retreat. The records in the file are traceable except for his parents.

Chaotian Palace does have a house that he rents. He occasionally appears in front of the neighbors once or twice. He rents the house and uses the name Feng Chaoyuan publicly, so he is not afraid of his lies being exposed.

Visiting an old classmate is not a casual excuse. It's just that the so-called old classmate is his carefully chosen shield, an old and sick man who graduated from the same school as Feng Chaoyuan's file.

 We usually walk around, drink some tea and chat together, and drop some gifts and sincere wishes from time to time. The relationship between the two parties is quite good. It has been paved the way for so long, and now it is time to use each other.

"Mr. Feng, please provide the name and address of that old classmate. We need to verify it. If there is no problem, you can leave at any time. If there is any problem." The Chinese tunic suit sneered.

 “Every word is true and nothing is hidden.”

The middle-aged man swore a promise, thinking that the team leader should not have confessed. The Chinese did not know their specific identities. The team leader was indeed the warrior of the Japanese Empire, Arigado.

 (End of this chapter)

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