Cicada Moving

Chapter 421: Follow-up 2 (Happy New Year to everyone)

Chapter 421 Follow-up 2 (Happy New Year to everyone)

Dai Chunfeng thought about it in his mind, leaned back in his chair, and asked: "Where is Deputy Director Zheng? Alas, if I had known this, I might as well have let him make a fortune in Peking. I am not being a villain in vain."

Zuo Zhong didn't believe a word of these words. If Lao Zheng was allowed to do business for a few more years, he would be able to create a director of the Secret Service even with money. This was the real reason why he was transferred back to Jinling.


He bent slightly and said with a smile: "Deputy Section Chief Zhang Yifu has been idle since the merger of the Investigation Division. Would it be appropriate if our division could have an additional Deputy Director to assist Deputy Director Zheng in his work?

  After all, Deputy Director Zheng has been away from Jinling for such a long time and does not know much about the situation in the department. With an assistant, he can surely get into work status as soon as possible and reduce the time to get familiar with it. "

Zuo Zhong asked Dai Chunfeng to add a deputy director as soon as he opened his mouth. Logically speaking, this was unacceptable to a person addicted to power, but he judged that Dai Chunfeng would readily agree after hearing this.

 Anything becomes less valuable if it is in greater quantity, and the same is true for official positions. The triangle is the most stable structure. With Zhang Yifu sharing the pressure, Dai Chunfeng can deal with Zheng Tingbing more easily.

As for whether Zhang Yifu will change his position as a guest or establish his own business, it is unlikely because the other party is not a veteran of the Secret Service and is not qualified to join the competition for the highest position in the Secret Service.

Dai Chunfeng's eyes lit up, and he instantly understood Zuo Zhong's intention. He wanted to drive the tiger away and devour the wolf. The best thing was that the tiger only had sharp claws and no fangs, which were harmless to him and could be used boldly.

He raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing a rare smile: "Yes, I see Deputy Director Zheng working **** official matters. I see it in my eyes and worry about it. I think this suggestion is very good.

The Chairman has always been very concerned about the placement of investigation section personnel, and he should not object to Zhang Yifu being appointed as deputy director. This also shows that our secret service does not engage in cliques and is purely public-minded. "

Lao Dai finished a long speech and happily took out a document from the drawer: "Destroy it immediately after reading it. You must select capable people to handle this matter, and no news can be leaked to the outside world."

Zuo Zhong was a little confused. He took it and looked at it before falling into silence. After a few seconds, he struck a match and lit the document. He did not ask or ask for instructions, because this was an order given to him alone.

“This is what the chairman of the committee personally asked me to give to you. Shenzhi, you don’t need to tell me the specific content. As long as you can complete the tasks assigned by the leader, you can choose from all the personnel and equipment in our department.”

Dai Chunfeng looked at the document that slowly turned into ashes, turned around and added again, as to whether he really didn't care about the specific content, that's a matter of opinion, but it is most likely false.

How could a person with such a strong desire for control allow his subordinates to communicate directly with their immediate superiors, but under the strict orders of the bald man, he could not check in private or ask questions on his own initiative.

Zuo Zhong is not a fool, so he naturally knows what the cheap teacher is thinking. At the same time, he understands that this is Bald Man playing a check and balance game to drive a wedge between himself and Lao Dai. The leader of a country does some sneaky things.


So he leaned in and said a few words in the teacher's ear. Dai Chunfeng nodded from time to time, thinking that if this was the case, then he was really not suitable to go in, and then he said with satisfaction.

 “Then go and make arrangements, and be quick.”

"is teacher."

 The master and apprentice ended the conversation, and Zuo Zhong left in a hurry. After returning to his office, he called Gui Youguang and Wu Chunyang. This matter really needs to be kept secret, and the person who does it must be reliable.

  No matter from any point of view, they are the most suitable and reliable candidates. Plus himself, three people are enough to complete the task. A simple action does not need to be made known to everyone.

 Three days passed quickly.

The most beautiful season in Jinling is autumn, when the maple trees and sycamore trees on both sides of the road begin to slowly change color. The scenery is beautiful and the environment is quiet, making the buildings in the city look classic and elegant.

At this time, many stores are willing to move some of their tables outdoors, firstly to expand their business area, and secondly, to allow customers to enjoy the beautiful autumn scenery that only comes once a year.

The most active ones are the French who open coffee shops and Western restaurants. Perhaps because Jinling in autumn is somewhat similar to the Champs Elysees, these Gallic roosters want to use this to comfort their homesickness.

In addition to the French, the British also like to enjoy the intoxicating scenery under the plane trees in the afternoon, with the help of a certain colorful light and shadow, while tasting the French's best desserts.

As the deputy manager of Jinling Power Plant, Sha Luxun has enough power to arrange his own leisure time, such as enjoying a completely quiet afternoon tea without having to deal with those annoying workers.

 “A happy day.”

 He ​​carefully put a piece of pastry Napoleon into his mouth, feeling the collision of cream and fresh fruit in his mouth, and then took a sip of expensive Darjeeling black tea and sighed.

I have to admit that cooking delicious food is the only job that French people should do. In comparison, British afternoon tea desserts are a little less exquisite and delicious, with the exception of various black teas.

 He took another sip of the black tea that originated in China, finally took root in the Queen's Crown Jewel, and gradually became famous all over the world. He sincerely felt that it would be great if life could continue like this forever. “Good afternoon, is there anyone here?”

Suddenly, Sha Luxun, who was savoring the taste of dessert with his eyes closed, was awakened by a cry. When he opened his eyes, he frowned. Damn it, it was a Chinese man wearing a black windbreaker.

These people never know how to be grateful, and they never know what civilization is. If it weren't for earning a few more pounds, they would never have come to this ancient and boring East Asian country.

He was slightly disgusted and said rudely: "Young man, don't you know what politeness is? Or are you Chinese just like that? You don't care about causing trouble to others."

This is the urban area of ​​​​Jinling, and it is a place where foreigners often hang out. There are patrol police everywhere. He is not worried about getting into trouble. Besides, he is not an ordinary businessman.

If the Chinese dares to do anything, the Webley revolver in his pocket will let him know that some people are not to be messed with, just like General Seymour did decades ago.

The young man was not frightened or angered by his aggressiveness. Instead, he gently opened the stool, sat down unceremoniously, and said something with a smile before Saluxun got angry.

“What a beautiful day, isn’t it? In such pleasant weather, why can’t we have a good chat? Who knows what will happen in the future, so cherish the present moment.”

 Is it beautiful? It may have been called it before you came, but it is definitely not now. Chatting with a stranger on the street is not what a British gentleman should do. Sha Luxun put his hands in his pockets.

"Well, you English are so boring. I wish you were a Frenchman and at least knew what humor was. Put away that old revolver, unless you want your brain to explode."

The young man ignored the other party, picked up a piece of dessert and put it into his mouth: "My people are aiming their rifles at this place. I advise Mr. Saluxun to calm down and never be impulsive."

As he spoke, he pointed to the black tea on the table and motioned to the waiter to bring another cup. Then he looked at the doubtful Saluxun with a smile on his face and threw out a stack of photos and a document from his pocket.

“Your wife will go to church for two hours at this time every day, during which she will drink two glasses of water, go to the toilet once, and is used to praying in the third row of the main hall, first from the left.

 She has to go back to your home in Sanpailou from the church, passing through 5 intersections and 3 alleys. The whole journey takes 20 minutes, and the only one accompanying her is a 45-year-old maid from Shandong Province.

Your eldest daughter works in an English firm and has recently become very close to a boy from Yorkshire. Your eldest son and second son are studying in a church school. Am I right about everything I said? "

The young man casually told the information about Sha Luxun's home, and at the same time he put his right hand on the table and tapped it gently. It didn't make a sound, but it made the heart of the person he communicated with beat violently again and again.

Who is this Chinese person and why is he collecting information about his family? Is he a gangster or a gangster organization in Jinling? Sha Luxun feels that this may be a huge misunderstanding.

Although he is the assistant manager of Jinling Power Plant, he actually does not have much cash. A decent life comes at a high cost. The Chinese are definitely looking for the wrong person if they want to blackmail themselves.

 “Sir, your Darjeeling tea.”


At this time, the waiter brought black tea. The young man thanked him politely, then picked up the tea cup and blew on it. He raised his head and let the sun shine on his face through the leaves, feeling the last warmth brought by nature.

Sha Luxun thought for a while and said in a slow but firm voice: "My friend, I don't know where you know these things. I just want to tell you that you are playing with fire.

I have been in the Republic of China for many years, and I know very well that once a British citizen suffers misfortune, your government and the British Empire will intervene, and no matter who you are, you will be shot in the end.

 As long as you leave now, I will pretend that nothing has happened. Even if you need some help other than money, such as weapons and shelter, I will be very willing to help. "

He felt that the person in front of him had the potential to be an intelligence officer. He was bold, had good psychological quality, and had a suspected black background. He was a good development target. The empire needed more friends.

 “Well, you want to recruit me?”

The young man slowly lowered his head and looked at the other person curiously, as if he had seen something interesting. He was still thinking about this when he was about to die. He was indeed the person in charge of MI2 in Jinling.

Sha Luxun was shocked. Recruitment, this is a standard intelligence term. Is the other party an intelligence officer from the national government? But why are they looking for him, and they still meet in this way.

“Mr. MI2, we are well aware of your coming to the Republic of China. Out of respect for the British Empire, we have not interfered too much, but this is not a reason for you to act recklessly.”

The young man took a sip of tea and his tone gradually became colder: "But if you instigate the Japanese to assassinate government officials, you have crossed the bottom line. I am here today just to say hello to London."

 (End of this chapter)

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