Cicada Moving

Chapter 422: Follow-up 3

  Chapter 422 Follow-up 3

 “No, sir, it must be a misunderstanding.”

Sha Luxun was really anxious. He knew how the intelligence agency acted. Even if he was a member of the British military intelligence agency, the other party would not hesitate to kill him. He was in danger today.

“No, no, Mr. Saluxun, you have misunderstood. I am not here to listen to your explanation. I am just curious about what kind of person is in charge of the British intelligence network in Jinling. The result is disappointing.

 You have made friends with many Chinese people through your identity, which is great, but why don't you pay attention to your behind, or do you think we will not discover these little secrets at all. "

The young man ignored Sha Luxun's increasingly ugly face, raised his hand and looked at his watch: "I want to remind you that the officer you are waiting for will not come. He should be waiting for you in **** now.

I give you two choices. One is to aim that broken gun at me, and then you will be shot to death. Your wife and three children will be tortured to death by a group of inhumane robbers tonight.

Or you sit here enjoying your last cup of black tea and look back on your life. In a few minutes you will die painlessly and your family can return to the UK safely. Now, choose. "

The young man was talking while tasting the dessert. Some people say that sweetness brings pleasure, but compared to the satisfaction brought by controlling the life and death of a British spy, this pleasure is not worth mentioning.

He really didn't expect that an assistant manager of Jinling Power Plant could control so many moles. What was even more unexpected was that the other party's contact did not do any anti-tracking and even directly contacted them by phone.

 Perhaps it’s the strength gap between China and Britain, or it may be that they have never been in danger. In short, MI2 has to pay the price for underestimating the enemy, such as a regional director and an entire intelligence network.

Sha Luxun's head was a little confused. On one side, the whole family was killed, and on the other side, he was killed alone. It seemed like a good choice, but who wants to die? If you resist, you might have a chance to live.

But a flash of light from the rooftop in the distance made him give up this delusion. It was the reflection of the sniper sight. The other party was warning him in this way that if he moved, his head would be smashed.

Having experienced a war, he understands how dangerous it is to be targeted by a sniper in such an open environment. Escape and resistance can only lead to death. The Chinese are well prepared.

"It's been a minute. It seems that Mr. Saluxun has made a choice. It's very good. I like to deal with smart people the most, so I won't bother you. I wish you a good day. Goodbye sir."

The young man drank the black tea and stood up to leave when the waiter hesitated to speak. Then he put his hands in his windbreaker pockets and walked slowly on the street full of fallen leaves, listening to the crackling of dead leaves under his feet.

Life is like a leaf, which sprouts, grows, withers, and then disappears completely. It has been brilliant and beautiful, and finally dies. It is a beautiful and fragile process.

 “Didi, didi.”

Suddenly, a truck appeared in a quiet neighborhood, driving on the road at a fast speed. As it approached the coffee shop, the driver honked the horn desperately and waved his hand at the pedestrians.

 “Get out of the way, the car is out of control.”

The driver shouted at the top of his lungs, dodging the panicked citizens. Everyone could see that this person was trying his best to control the car. Unfortunately, sometimes disasters and tragedies are unavoidable.


 Finally, under everyone's horrified gaze, the truck rushed into the coffee shop and smashed Sha Luxun, who was sitting at the outdoor table, into pieces. The bright red blood slowly soaked the fallen leaves.

 “Someone is dead, someone is hit and killed.”

Some people covered their faces and shouted loudly, some were so frightened that they collapsed on the ground, and some left in a hurry. The patrolman puffed up his cheeks and blew the whistle. There were cries, shouts, and the sound of the whistle.

The young man didn't seem to hear the chaotic movement behind him. He still walked calmly under the plane tree, facing the crowd of people watching the excitement and gradually walked away, with a faint smile on his face.

A few hundred meters out of the coffee shop, he turned into an alley, where a black car was parked. Next to the car stood two stern-looking men in Chinese tunic suits. When they saw the other person coming back, they immediately greeted him.

One of the bald heads said: "Section Chief, Sha Luxun is dead. A truck weighing several tons hit him at full speed. Even a **** can't escape. I will go to the police station later to inquire and confirm the news."

“The driver can also rest assured that the Central Hospital has determined that his illness is incurable. If he wants to leave something to his family, he must shut up.” Another Chinese tunic suit added immediately.

These three people are naturally Zuo Zhong, Gui Youguang and Wu Chunyang. Except for a driver who exchanged his life for money, there were only three of them in this clearing operation. Fortunately, everything went smoothly.

 “Evacuate first.”

Zuo Zhong said something, got into the back seat and started to clean up the disguise on his face, and asked: "The driver probably won't survive. I promised him a thousand oceans and will give it to his family after the storm has passed."

 “Yes, section chief.”

Wu Chunyang nodded. It was indeed a big deal for an Englishman to be killed. The police station would definitely investigate. If someone knew that someone was sending money to the other person's home, it would probably be associated with murder.

  Gui Youguang, who was in the driver's seat, started the car and drove out of the alley, heading in the opposite direction to the scene, and quickly disappeared into the evening rush hour traffic. No one knew that a conspiracy had occurred here. "Section Chief, except for Sha Luxun, the other MI2 moles should also have been eliminated. Deputy Chief Gu took Lao Song and Lao Wu to do it himself. I didn't explain the specific reasons, and they didn't ask any questions."

Wu Chunyang handed a Chinese tunic suit to Zuo Zhong and reported the situation calmly. According to his description, in addition to the unfortunate car accident just now, there will be more than a dozen accidents in Jinling today.

For example, some people will be burned to death due to fire, some people will drown because of swimming in early autumn, and some people will fall off a cliff outside the city because the brakes of their cars fail. It is really a disastrous day.

These people are either military and political officials, influential businessmen, or prominent figures in the world, and they are all close to the British. Of course, this is just a coincidence.

 “Alas, fire and water are merciless.”

 Zuo Zhong put on his Chinese tunic suit, stuffed his windbreaker and camouflage into a paper bag, and expressed his views with regret. It was a pity that the British spies could not be captured openly.

Yes, the order given to him by the bald head was to let him kill a few British guys to vent his hatred. However, in order to avoid triggering a conflict between China and Britain, secret operations must be used.

Secret operations are actually an elegant way of saying assassination. It is impossible for the bald heads to directly order them to cover their faces and shoot with guns blazing. Although this is an old tradition of the Guo Party, the bald heads are tough, but not completely tough.

 So after identifying Saluxun’s subordinates, secret elimination became the best option. As long as they did not break their faces and carry out large-scale arrests, the British would only pretend that this incident had not happened.

“Find a place to burn these things before returning to the place, and then verify the casualties in the accident. If there are any who are not dead, help, and make sure they leave without pain.”

Zuo Zhong pointed at the paper bag, feeling that he was too kind, and then added: "Remember to take a photo, this is for the superior. Don't take a **** photo, which will upset the appetite of the superior."

Wu Chunyang showed a charming smile: "Don't worry, section chief, I will personally go to the hospital to check and make sure they leave happily. The camera is also ready, and the photos will be developed before tonight."

He knew who the section chief was talking about. The director often went to the interrogation room to inspect, so naturally he would not be turned off by the photo, and then related to today's task. The so-called "shangfeng" could only be the chairman of the committee.

As he spoke, Gui Youguang drove the car to a wasteland. The three people got out of the car and poured gasoline on the paper bag and ignited it. The flames roared high and the paper bag burned into ashes in a short time.

After the ashes stopped burning, Wu Chunyang carefully found a wooden stick to crush the ashes, and poured a pot of water, completely destroying the evidence of this operation, showing great caution.

“How are things going in Shanghai? The Special Department of the Public Concession Police Department must be destroyed by me before dawn tomorrow. The other party will definitely convene a meeting if they know that Saluxun is dead.”

After Zuo Zhong got into the car again, he issued a new order. The special department was the stronghold of the British MI2. He originally planned to find a truck filled with dangerous goods and detonate it nearby to carry out demolition.

However, considering that this move might frighten Bald Head and Dai Chunfeng to death, they replaced the detonation with a collapse. They had to let these arrogant British guys know that even if they hid in the concession, they would not be safe.

 Gui Youguang, who was in the driver's seat, turned around and said: "Okay, the personnel have been confirmed. For safety reasons, we did not come forward. Instead, we asked Ma Tianchang from Caobang to find someone who is not afraid of death to take charge of the operation.

This man is a native of Shanghai. His sister was raped by British soldiers in the concession, his parents were angered to death, and he also had his kidneys damaged. His condition was to let Ma Tianchang take care of his wife and children. "

 “Promise him.”

Zuo Zhong's face was slightly gloomy: "Tell Ma Tianchang that since you have promised to others, you must do it. If he dares to bully orphans and widowed mothers, I will personally send him to see his master. That's what he said."

 Too many things happened to the driver in the Republic of China. He could not control other people. He could only keep his word and help the other person take care of his wife and children, so that this person could die with the British without regrets.

Don’t think that the Angsa people are too humane. The things they do in Africa, America, and Asia are no better than those in Japan. The driver will never survive if he falls into the hands of the other party.

In order to keep the secret, the driver must bite the poison sac in his mouth at the last moment. Zuo Zhong wanted to give the other party the illusion that the Secret Service did not mind sending professional intelligence personnel for revenge.

Offending a Black State member would be a headache at most, but offending an intelligence agency, and the kind that would never stop fighting, even an empire on which the sun never sets would have to think carefully about it.


Gui Youguang replied with murderous intent, ready to deal with the Cao Gang boss at any time, Jinling Youhui Group leader Ma Tianchang, and then he suddenly mentioned a few people Zuo Zhong had almost forgotten.

“Section Chief, all the people in Nandou and Beidou are dead, but the Puppet Manchukuo spies, Wang Deyong and Liu Gui are still alive. How to deal with them? It’s not a problem to occupy the detention center all the time.”

Zuo Zhong patted his head. Ye Jinzhong's gang of puppet Manchukuo spies have been imprisoned for so long. They really should be dealt with. Wang Deyong can just be sent to prison. As for Section Chief Liu Gui and Liu, it's not that easy to die.

 (End of this chapter)

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