Cicada Moving

Chapter 423: Follow-up 4 (End)

Chapter 423 Follow-up 4 (End)

"Ye Jinzhong and the others were sent to Laohuqiao for solitary confinement. Wang Deyong sent them to any other prison and asked the prison authorities to take good care of them. This person will be needed in the future. Liu Gui and I will handle it myself."

Zuo Zhong touched his chin and decided the fate of these people. Not killing the Puppet Manchukuo personnel and Wang Deyong was not a sign of mercy, but out of practical interests, and he could not kill people casually.

Northeastern China will be an important battlefield for intelligence competition between China and Japan. With so many children of high-ranking puppet Manchukuo officials in hand, they can be fully exploited. Song Heizi is not the only one who can use them to push forward the enemy.

For example, if Ye Jinzhong is asked to do something outrageous and take pictures of locusts at the same time, will his father wake up and provide necessary help for the great cause of anti-Japanese national reunification?

 Yes, and the possibility is high.

As long as they do not force the other party to die or directly oppose the Japanese, these smart people who have engraved in their bones that those who understand current affairs are heroes will be happy to shelter and cover the national intelligence personnel.

As for reporting, the Japanese are narrower than the eye of a needle. If they knew that someone had insulted the so-called Tian Locust Mikage, would these traitors have a good end? You can't even think about it with your buttocks.

There is also Wang Deyong. His role will only be seen in a few years. By then, if we don’t bite off a piece of the British guy’s flesh, Zuo Zhong will have the surname of the sailor King in London. In short, these people are precious resources.

 After counting, Liu Gui, the bastard, was of no use at all. Director Chen and Xu Enzeng did not mention him when they came to supervise the execution, as if this person had never existed in the world.

Zuo Zhong thought of something, and asked with a sneer on his face: "Chunyang, I heard that the intelligence section chief of Division 1 has been changed again. Do you know his name, his background, and his past achievements?"

Wu Chunyang frowned: "I heard about such a thing, but the specific information has not been received yet. According to the rules, the file should be handed over to us, but so far I have only heard about it but not seen it.

Would you like me to call the secret service headquarters to urge you? After the files arrive, our political intelligence unit will conduct a strict review and we will never allow underground party members and Japanese spies to sneak in again. "

Zuo Chongshen believed that if things continued like this, he wouldn't have to work so hard to catch Japanese spies. As long as he focused on one place, he could catch as many spies as he wanted. This was ridiculous.

He looked at the secret service in the distance and nodded: "This is your responsibility. Find out the details of the other party, especially the past resume. It will definitely not be easy for the other party to be favored by Xu Enzeng."

As he spoke, the car drove into the gate. Zuo Zhong got out of the car and prepared to report the progress of the operation to Dai Chunfeng. However, Li Wei told him that Lao Dai had gone to Qilu, so he had to divert to the detention center.

Since the execution of those Japanese spies, the reaction of the puppet Manchukuo agents has been a bit big. Some people changed from lying on the railing and shouting to kneeling and begging for mercy. Some people tried to use their gender advantage to seduce the guarding agents.

The hat on the head of Xu Enzeng's nephew's head was shining brightly. Not only did he have to watch his ex-fiancée showing off her coquettishness, but more importantly, he couldn't do anything but stand on the sidelines and rage.

“Wu Xinyue, you are shameless.”

As soon as Zuo Zhong walked into the prison area, he heard his eldest nephew scolding him. He immediately frowned and winked at the guard. The guard picked up the whip and walked over to help the other person remember it.

 Don't blame others for being beaten. If you want to blame, blame your uncle for not being strong enough. It's been so many days. I can't find the files and I don't even know how to give away some local specialties. I've been in the officialdom for so many years.

He was not interested in caring about this pair of crazy men and resentful women. He casually looked at Ye Jinzhong, who had a dejected look on his face, and then arrived outside Liu Gui's cell. This guy was quite tenacious and was catching Xiao Qiang for dinner.

As a professional intelligence officer, Liu Gui was very vigilant. After realizing that someone was observing him, he retreated into a corner. Only two green eyes could be seen glowing in the darkness.

Upon seeing this, Zuo Zhong sighed: "Chief Liu, you are fine. I didn't expect that you, who once held the power of the secret service headquarters, would become like this. To be honest, I feel very uncomfortable."

As he spoke, he patted his chest lightly, as if his heart was about to break. Then he took two steps forward to the iron window, lit a cigarette and placed it on the window sill, and spoke in a sincere tone to persuade.

“Old Liu, as long as you tell who colluded with the Japanese and tried to assassinate the leader, we can forgive you and even reinstate the official. There is no need for me to lie to you now.

You know the shooting of Japanese spies two days ago. Director Chen is here and Director Xu is here. They have not asked about you. It makes no sense for you to insist on not saying anything, and others will not accept your kindness. "

Zuo Zhong said that he believed it all, and it was like a Japanese spy having a trick. But this is the highest level of lies. After all, if you don't believe it yourself, why should others believe it?

Liu Gui finally moved. After listening to Zuo Zhong's persuasion, he walked to the bars, picked up the cigarette on the window and took a few puffs, thinking about a question in his mind, how to survive.

Even though he is in prison, he can rely on observation and reasoning. Many things in the outside world are not secrets to him. For example, Director Chen and Xu Enzeng came to the Secret Service. He knew about it that day.

  That day when the death penalty was mentioned, the agents of the Secret Service were neatly dressed in military uniforms and even wore military boots. Their actions and conversations were very formal. This must mean that a senior official was present, most likely Director Chen.

With Director Chen, Director Xu’s arrival was a matter of course. Only with the company of his eldest cousin could this courageous coward dare to step into the second door. Zuo Zhong’s words were partly credible.

 Then the question arises.

Why don't they come and take a look? Even if they can't save him for the time being, they should come out to comfort him, unless they have given up the rescue, or they are trying their best to distance themselves from the previous relationship between the two parties.

There was resentment in his eyes. He had worked at the secret service headquarters for so many years, with no merit but hard work, and yet he was ruthlessly abandoned. Xu Enzeng, you are such a ruthless and unjust bastard.

 You are unkind, so don’t blame me for being unjust.

Liu Gui threw the cigarette **** to the ground, looked up at Zuo Zhong and said: "It was Xu Enzeng, the director of the Secret Service Headquarters, who colluded with the Japanese. His ultimate goal was to assassinate the leader and mutiny.

He once said that the party and the country are now deaf and mute in the face of Japanese provocations, the people's lives are difficult, and the country's affairs are in all kinds of difficulties. This is all because of the Chairman, who wants to use Japanese spies to carry out assassinations.

The on-site guard handed over the weapon to the spy under his order. Who knew that the spy suddenly turned his back and killed him? My poor brothers all died inexplicably. "

As he spoke, he beat his chest and started crying: "It's all my fault for being deceived by Xu Enzeng's words. Blame me. I only thought about saving the country from danger. Who knew it would be like this." pretty.

Zuo Zhong looked very serious and raised a key question: "You said that Xu Enzeng wanted to murder the Chairman, but why was Dean Wang the one who was shot in the end? You must explain this question clearly."

Fabricating a confession is a technical job. First of all, it must be logical and must not conflict with the evidence at the scene. The bullet from Dean Wang’s body has not been removed yet, which is a very big loophole.

Liu Gui was startled for a moment, and then immediately responded: "Xu Enzeng has given instructions. If there is no chance to kill the main target, then kill Dean Wang and then frame it to the Chairman. Is this an acceptable reason?"

"How do I know if it works? You have to tell the truth truthfully. Don't ask me. Old Liu, you have to seize the opportunity and cooperate with us to solve this important case." Zuo Zhong was unhappy after hearing this.

 “Look at my mouth, I will definitely cooperate.”

Liu Gui slapped himself: "What I said is true. Because you, Section Chief Zuo, left to protect the chairman of the committee, the Japanese spies lost the opportunity to assassinate him, so they attacked Dean Wang.

Without your vigilance, there might really be a big trouble. Chief Zuo, you must catch this **** Xu Enzeng. He is the biggest cancer hidden in the government. "

"I see."

Zuo Zhong muttered to himself and continued to help the other party "recall" the case: "But Xu Enzeng is just the director of the secret service headquarters. Even if he did something unspeakable, it is not his turn to be in charge.

 So there must be someone behind him, a name. You have to tell me a name, otherwise the big shots above will only think that you are framing Director Xu to survive. Do you understand what I mean? "

"Yes, yes, Director Chen. Xu Enzeng is responsible for taking action, and Director Chen is responsible for cleaning up the mess. Director Chen and his brother are quite powerful in the party. Once the leader dies, the position of chairman is easily available."


Zuo Zhong couldn't help but applaud, and complained at the same time: "Old Liu, if you had said this earlier, it would have been fine, and you would have avoided so much suffering. Okay, this matter is over. Come and record a confession with me."

Liu Gui's heart returned to his stomach. No matter what, he finally had hope of survival. But Zuo thought he could bring down Director Chen with this confession. He was so naive.

He walked out of the cell uncertainly, not realizing that the usually heavily guarded corridor was empty, not a single guard. He and the smiling Zuo Zhong were the only ones in the long corridor.

 “Old Liu, please.”

Under the dim light, Zuo Zhong stretched out his right hand to let Liu Gui go first, while he slowly followed behind him. Step by step, the distance between the two slowly widened, and the shadows were swaying.

Liu Gui was an old intelligence officer after all. He noticed abnormalities around him while walking, but he thought it was for the convenience of recording a confession, so he didn't take it too seriously and turned around to ask where he was going.

“Bang~buzz, bang~buzz.”

The moment he turned back, two gunshots suddenly rang out, passing back and forth in the narrow prison area. The echo lingered in Liu Gui's ears over and over again. He lowered his head and looked at the blood on his chest.

Liu Gui didn't understand why the Secret Service killed people and silenced him at this time when he hadn't recorded a confession or signed a bond. As soon as this thought crossed his mind, he fell down heavily.

 “Come quickly, someone is trying to escape from prison.”

Zuo Zhong, who was a few meters away, put down the pistol in his hand, and shouted loudly at the top of his lungs, but there was no trace of panic on his face, and he walked to Liu Gui's side while shouting.

"why why."

Liu Gui lay prone on the ground and murmured, with pink blood foam coming out of his mouth. He knew that his chest had been penetrated, his internal organs were bleeding rapidly, and his time was running out.

Zuo Zhong squatted down with the gun, tilted his head and looked at Liu Gui, then smiled, put the smoking muzzle of the gun on the other's head, and whispered a few words.

 “Xie Jiuwen, Gu Lan.”


 “Bang ~ buzzing.”

A trace of blood splashed on Zuo Zhong's face, which came from Liu Gui who was shot in the middle of his eyebrow. A breeze blew by, and the electric light kept shaking. In the interplay of light and dark, he straightened up and put away his gun with no expression.

At this point, Xu Enzeng is the only culprit responsible for the sacrifice of Xie and Gu, but it doesn't matter. The recording on the phone will kill the other person at the right time. Zuo Zhong is waiting for that day.

 “Section Chief! Section Chief!”

A few seconds later, a nervous Gui Youguang rushed in with a gun. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the section chief was safe and sound. He would have been in trouble if something happened to the section chief, but what happened here?

Looking at Liu Gui, who was still dead, and the section chief whose face was covered with blood, the bald man hesitated for a moment, and finally did not speak. In this business, you have to learn to put secrets and questions into your mouth, and then swallow them.

 (End of this chapter)

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