Cicada Moving

Chapter 434: Laohuqiao Prison

Chapter 434 Laohuqiao Prison

As the car drove on the road, Zuo Zhong coughed a few times, his voice a little hoarse: "Lao Gu, where will the military sell those people just now, and who is the buyer, a trafficker?"

He couldn't understand that the Republic of China was plagued by disasters every year, beggars were everywhere in Jinling, and people could be queued from the north to the south of the city, and children, women and children were unable to do heavy manual labor, so who would come to buy people.

 “The dealer only wants male babies.”

Gucci's face was gloomy: "Young women are sold to technical institutes, opium dens, and bachelors; children are sold to factories in various places to work as bonded workers, and to gentry as slaves. Sometimes they are also sold to brothels, regardless of gender."

 “Wang Ba Dan.”

Zuo Zhong finally couldn't help it anymore and cursed through gritted teeth. This reaction was normal. Any normal person would be angry when hearing this. Protecting children is the most basic bottom line of human society.

He calmed down for a while and said: "Go back and take a look over there, pick some children and send them to Ling Sanping. Buy as many as you can. If the money is not enough, you can put it down first, and I will lend it to you."

 Our work needs to be absolutely reliable. Recruiting people from society is not a long-term solution. Training these children may play a big role in the future. I will ask Virgo for advice on this matter. "

 “Okay, Section Chief.”

 Gu Qi smiled. Except for some beasts who gave birth to sons without buttocks, who would watch the tragedy happen, and secretly decided in his heart that he would also contribute some money and do his part.

He doesn't have much ability. He can't solve crimes as well as Wu Chunyang, make money as well as Song Minghao, and his actions are not as good as Gui Youguang. Being a major is a good thing, so this time he just wants to fulfill his vows and accumulate bad virtues.

Zuo Zhong looked at the busy street and fell into deep thought. He told himself never to forget that look. If he gets tired or slacked off in the future, he should think more about the owner of the look.

Without pushing away the mountains above, the people of the Republic of China would never have a good life, and would be trampled on like weeds. From this moment on, he seemed to understand what his mission was.

 Half an hour later.

The car slowly stopped at the entrance of Laohuqiao Prison. The guard at the door saw the military license plate in front of the car and quickly came over to inquire. Hearing that the head of the Intelligence Section of the Secret Service was here in person, he immediately ran to report.

Zuo Zhong glanced at the No. 1 Model Prison sign in Jiangsu Province hanging on the wall outside, then at the large iron gate several meters high and the electric grid on the high wall, wondering how to rescue people from inside.

A forceful attack will definitely not work. There are a large number of prison guards here, and there are army barracks nearby. Once someone is found to be robbing the prison, a large number of armed military and police personnel will come to support in a short time.

The Jinling underground party did not have the strength to go head-to-head with the regular army, even with its own help. He was just a small section chief of the Secret Service, not a big figure with real power in the National Government.

If you want to save people, you can only use smart methods, such as finding ways to weaken the security forces inside and outside the prison, waiting for opportunities to launch an explosion, or sending people to break into the prison, cooperating with the underground party, and escaping from the prison.

In short, judging from the current intelligence, rescuing people is very risky, and the success rate is not too high. We can only take it one step at a time, and first understand the security measures inside the prison later.


At this time, the small door next to the large iron gate of the prison was opened, and a middle-aged man wearing a police uniform walked out. This man trotted all the way to the car, his face full of humility and flattery.

“Welcome Section Chief Zuo, I am Bai Wentian, Deputy Section Chief of the Prison Affairs Section. I have heard of your name a long time ago, and it is indeed well-deserved when I see you today. I wonder if you have any official business to attend to when you come this time.”

The man who calls himself Bai Wentian is very polite. The deputy chief of the Prison Affairs Section, the second-in-command in the prison office, can barely be regarded as the core cadre of Laohuqiao Prison. Then the problem arises.

 Where is the Chief of the Prison Affairs Section?

Zuo Zhong looked very unhappy. The last time he accompanied Dai Chunfeng, the warden personally came to accompany him. Now it was him himself. Not to mention the warden, even a small section chief was too lazy to come out.

Thinking of this, he said with a fake smile: "It's no big deal, I just came to see how the prisoners are serving their sentences. If your model prison vacates cells for the Secret Service Headquarters, our Secret Service must support it."

Bai Wentian's heart skipped a beat. Why did this man speak so eccentrically? Everyone said he was a smiling tiger and must not be offended. Could it be that the prison warden was not here and the other party was unhappy?

He quickly bent down, put his head close to the car window and said sincerely: "Today, several prison wardens are going to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to report on their work, so I, the acting section chief, can only greet you. I'm really sorry."

Work debriefing is usually the prelude to official promotion. No wonder the warden didn't show up, but he mistakenly blamed the other party. Also, Bai Wentian was the deputy section chief and acting section chief, which was more or less the same.

 “Oh, so that’s it.”

Zuo Zhong's expression turned gloomy. He looked Bai Wentian up and down and pretended to be surprised: "Oh, I wonder what the relationship is between Section Chief Bai and Director Bai Wenzhi. The two look quite similar."

“Hehe, Section Chief Zuo has good eyesight. Chief Bai is Bai’s clan brother. I often hear my brother mention you and know that you are the kindest person and very loyal. I am truly lucky to know you.”

Bai Wentian was flattering and murmuring that this person was really a smiling tiger. He didn't believe that the other person didn't see it just now. After all, he and his clan brother were cut out of the same mold. I must have vented my anger on the warden when he saw that he didn't come to greet him. NND, as a young official, you are bullied. Next time, let my elder brother deal with you well and let you know how powerful you are.



 How lucky will you be in three lifetimes?

Zuo Zhong always felt a little harsh and offended when he heard these words, but he said so many beautiful words, and if he looked at her again, he would really be a bit rude.

So he smiled and said: "Okay, let's do some business first. If we have a chance, I'll invite Section Chief Bai and Director Bai to dinner and we'll chat. Next to me is Gu Qi, the deputy section chief of the Intelligence Department. We both know each other."

 “Hello, Gucci.”

 “Hello, hello, Bai Wentian.”

 Gu Qi opened the door and got out of the car and shook hands with Bai Wentian. They got to know each other. Although they were both deputy section chiefs, their powers were very different. Lao Bai had to be polite when facing Gu Qi.

Seeing this, Zuo Zhong also got out of the car. He raised his hand and looked at his watch: "Section Chief Bai, please take us around each prison area. I have a meeting later. I have to leave after watching. Which one do you want to start from?" District begins.”

 “Okay, okay.”

Bai Wentian nodded hurriedly, thought for a while and said, "Let's talk about the third district. Districts 1 and 2 all hold prisoners with short-term sentences of less than one year. The prisoners sent by the Secret Service are all in districts 3 to 5.

Chief Zuo and Deputy Chief Gu, please follow me. Please leave your weapons to the guards at the door for safekeeping. Don’t worry, the weapons are locked in the gun cabinet, and the two officers can keep the keys themselves. "

Zuo Zhong knew this was a rule, so he followed the other person into the guard room, unloaded the bullets and put them into the gun cabinet. He registered the number of bullets and their numbers to prevent them from being stolen.

This is no joke, if someone drops his bullet in an underground party stronghold or other crime scene, even if Lao Dai knows that he is unjustly accused, he must be suspended and investigated.

After doing all this, Bai Wentian stood at the small door with a smile and said: "I won't say please come in. It's unlucky. I will lead the way. If you have any questions, you two officers, just ask."

After saying that, he turned around and walked in without waiting. This is the rule here. Otherwise, a prison guard standing at the door of the prison would feel weird no matter how polite he is. This person is very particular.

Zuo Zhong and Gu Qi smiled at each other and stepped into Laohuqiao Prison together. This man-eating den in the eyes of countless democrats, patriotic youths, and underground parties was, of course, only the outermost part.

As soon as the two people came in from the small iron door, someone locked the door, and then the second door inside was opened. One side of the two doors must be closed and must not be opened at the same time.

Behind the second door is the real inside of the prison. Zuo Zhong always followed Dai Chunfeng when he came here before, so the inspection and procedures of the prison were not strict. This time, he was more knowledgeable.

Starting from the entrance, the prison is divided into independent prison areas by high walls. Each prison area has its own gatekeepers, including prison guards, who require special passes and identification for entry and exit.

The so-called identification is to compare the photo on the pass with the photo in the guard room. Only the person, pass, and background photo are the same before you can go out. It is impossible to impersonate someone.

In other words, the kind of thing in movies and TV shows where you can just change into the clothes of a guard and show off will not happen in Tiger Bridge. Well, compared with the patrol police in Jinling, these gangsters are very professional.

Zuo Zhong seemed to be walking with a smile, but in fact his heart slowly sank. It was indeed the legendary No. 1 prison in the Republic of China. The management of prisoners was extremely strict, and it was basically impossible to escape from here.

With his peripheral vision, he glanced at three prisoners holding beddings, who were being led by prison guards to walk from the sub-district to the main road where they were. When they passed the gate of the prison area, they were stripped naked.

Bedding, clothes, shoes, and hair were all checked one by one. If a person resisted even slightly, he would be punched and kicked. The prison guard's stick should be solid, and the sound would be muffled when it hits the person's head.

The prisoner was beaten several times on the head with a stick and immediately vomited a mouthful of blood and started convulsing while lying on the ground. The remaining two prisoners were so frightened that they fell to their knees and shouted for mercy at the prison guards.

 “MD, drag it aside and fight.”

Bai Wentian heard the shouting over there and yelled at the guard, then explained with a smile: "These prisoners are all scum. If we are not cruel, we will definitely cause trouble."

Zuo Zhong frowned when he heard this: "For those die-hards who disobey discipline, we should kill a few as a warning. You are still too soft-hearted. Go and see the prisoners quickly. We are in a hurry."

"Yes Yes."

Bai Wentian smacked his tongue. This is called soft-hearted. He didn't know what it was like in the detention center of the Secret Service. If he had the opportunity to let his elder brother take him to see it, he unconsciously walked a little faster.

 (End of this chapter)

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