Cicada Moving

Chapter 435: Third Ward

Chapter 435 The Third Ward

Zuo Zhong didn’t know that someone actually wanted to go to the detention center of the Secret Service. If he knew, he would have to satisfy Section Chief Bai’s wish no matter what he said. Chief Zuo was such a warm-hearted person.

Not long after, the three of them walked to a dark blue iron door. Bai Wentian pointed to the wall and introduced: "Section Chief Zuo, Deputy Chief Gu, this is the Third Ward, with a total of 242 inmates in custody.

There are 85 criminal prisoners and 132 political prisoners. The rest are military prisoners, serving terms ranging from more than one year to indefinite. There are also several underground party members awaiting execution. "

After speaking, he knocked on the small window on the iron door. Soon the window was opened, revealing a pair of alert eyes, which glanced up and down at several people without any intention of opening the door.

“MD, Mr. Liu, please open the door quickly. You are crazy, aren’t you? These two officers are here to check on the prisoner’s sentence. If you are delayed in official duties, be careful, I will take off your police uniform.”

When Bai Wentian saw this, he smashed the iron door and cursed. It was obvious that his relationship with the guard inside was not very harmonious. This kind of thing was normal. There was no intrigue in any yamen.

 “Don’t think that the warden is the same as you.”


Before he could finish cursing, the small window was slammed shut. A few seconds later, the iron door slowly opened. As the iron door turned to both sides, the scene inside appeared in the eyes of Zuo Zhong and Gu Qi.

Several rows of bungalows were seen scattered horizontally and vertically in the yard, and there was a blockade made of wooden poles and barbed wire outside. There was a five- to six-meter-high watchtower at each corner of the blockade.

From a distance, the guards on the watchtower were walking back and forth with rifles in hand. Occasionally they would stop and pick up the binoculars around their necks to look at one place, apparently monitoring the movements of a certain prisoner.

There were several guards with batons standing inside the barbed wire fence, constantly stretching their heads to look at the bungalow. They cooperated with several teams of mobile guards to form a complete control network.

Zuo Zhong glanced around quickly and kept all this in his mind. Judging from current observations, the prison area is also heavily guarded, and the success rate of prison escape has been reduced a lot.

"Chief Zuo, this is the head of the Third Ward. You can just call him Lao Liu. He has worked in Laohuqiao for more than ten years and in the Third Ward for four or five years. There is nothing in the prison that he doesn't know. thing."

After finishing speaking, Bai Wentian walked to the guard team, looked at a dark and thin middle-aged man and said, "Old Liu, have you let the prisoners out again? Let me tell you, no one can save you if something happens."

The old Liu was hunched over and did not refute Bai Wentian's objection. He just raised his head and glanced at him with his emotionless eyes, which frightened Bai Wentian and took two steps back.

Having stayed in Laohuqiao for so many years, I have been in contact with criminals who have committed heinous crimes, and I have breathed the air full of crime and terror. Such people must be good at creating fear and threats.


After scaring away Lao Bai's useless brother, the man looked at Zuo Zhong and the other two, narrowed his eyes and said, "Please show me your IDs. Many important criminals are imprisoned here. Please understand."

 “Old Liu, you know who this is.”

“Okay, let’s follow the rules.”

Zuo Zhong raised his hand to stop Bai Wentian who was trying to regain his face. Together with Gu Qi, he took out his ID from his coat pocket and handed it over. The guard named Lao Liu in front of him successfully aroused his interest.

●Public-minded Fruit Party officials are rare animals. If they want to survive in the murky waters of officialdom, it is impossible not to join in with the others. Of course, there are those who live alone and keep themselves clean.

 But either a fool or

Over there, Old Liu took the document, opened it, and looked at the document and the person carefully. He didn't find any problems. It was the words "Secret Service" on the document that made his eyebrows jump and his heart beat suddenly.

I have long heard that there is a Zuo Zhong in the Secret Service, who is the most powerful intelligence expert in the government. Is it necessary for him to come in person to check the prisoner's sentence status, and to bring his subordinates with him? I'm afraid this is just an excuse.

Thinking of this, he folded the certificates together and handed them back with both hands: "Section Chief Zuo, Deputy Chief Gu, I'm sorry. Please keep your certificates. I don't know whose situation the chief wants to know. I will fully cooperate with you."

Bai Wentian opened his mouth on the side and said to himself, "Lao Liu, you are unruly and stubborn. Why do you look like a different person when you look at the ID? It's too bullying to bully the weak and fear the strong."

Zuo Zhong put his ID back in his pocket, turned around and looked at the cell in the distance and said, "Thank you very much, Officer Liu, for your cooperation. I wonder if there are any prisoners sent by our Secret Service in the Third Ward.

  If yes, please introduce their recent mental and physical conditions. If there is any resistance to transformation, please also tell them. Don’t worry, the Secret Service will not interfere with your normal work. "

 “There is one named Gao Jiayi.”

 Lao Liu stood up straight, lowered his head and began to report: "After your office sent this person to prison, he served his sentence in the first and third prison districts respectively. His physical condition is very good, and he gained weight during the last physical examination.

This guy also has a unique skill. He can smell very subtle odors. He often cooperates with us in checking newly admitted prisoners and catches a lot of prisoners. We prison guards take good care of him. "

 Aha, Gao Jiayi. Zuo Zhong was delighted when he heard this. He was the prisoner when they investigated the radio case of the special working class. At that time, he used his sense of smell to find out the source of the smell of mandarin fish on the target and helped the Intelligence Division catch the Japanese spy.

With this special skill and contribution, this person was not shot in the end, but was sent to Laohuqiao to serve his sentence. Unexpectedly, he prospered in the prison, and his craft was very popular.

Zuo Zhong waved his hand: "Let someone call him over. By the way, you can tell me about the situation in the third prison area. The settings and personnel must be introduced in detail. The Secret Service must comprehensively evaluate your security measures.

These Japanese spies were captured by our brothers after all the hard work, and the conditions of their detention must comply with regulations. If the spies escape due to prison reasons, then we will be held accountable. "

“Yes, Sir Zuo, please wait a moment.”

Lao Liu immediately called a guard to pick up the person, and then promised: "Don't worry, as long as you enter our third prison area, no one can escape. I can use my uniform as a guarantee.

Looking over here, the outer wall of the prison area is six meters high and equipped with a high-voltage power grid. The cell area faces south and is about 200 meters long and wide. There are no obstructions around and the view is good.

 At the same time, in order to prevent prisoners from digging tunnels, stone slabs are buried under the barbed wire fence. The watchtower is guarded by soldiers with live ammunition 24 hours a day. Even if the spies have wings, they cannot fly out. "

 It’s really an iron wall.

Zuo Zhong couldn't help but sigh in his heart, but he kept nodding along with the other party's words. He seemed very satisfied with the arrangements of the prison, and then pointed to a two-story building next to the prison area and asked.

“Where is that place? If someone climbs onto the wall from the roof using tools such as grappling hooks, and then uses quilts and clothes to cover the high-voltage wires, can they escape smoothly?

You must note that those Japanese spies have received professional escape training. The height of the wall is nothing to them. Do not compare them with ordinary gangsters. "


 Lao Liu was stunned. He really didn't expect this, so he had to explain: "That's a water prison. The water inside is waist-deep. There are iron bars around and above the head. People's skin will ulcerate after entering it for a few days."

However, it is rarely used in normal times. We will only open it for interrogation or when someone disobeys discipline. I will arrange for regular personnel to be on duty above it today to prevent spies from taking advantage of it. "

After hearing this, Zuo Zhong had a smile on his face and walked towards the cell. He had already seen Mr. Gao Jiayi, the former senior secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and a mole in the special work class of the Japanese General Staff Headquarters.

After not seeing each other for such a long time, the other person has become white and fat, and the clothes on his body are also very neat. It seems that the people in the prison did not lie to themselves. This guy is living quite comfortably here with his nose.

 Blessings come from disasters, misfortunes come from blessings.

This man is probably the luckiest spy. Apart from being shot when he was caught, he suffered no other consequences. This is also because he was willing to cooperate. Otherwise, he would have gone to **** with the Japanese spy.

A few minutes later, Gao Jiayi, handcuffed and shackled, was brought over. He was given preferential treatment, and the proper **** procedures were indispensable. Besides, he was still a spy, and the prison authorities did not dare to be careless.

Zuo Zhong walked forward with a smile and said hello to the other party: "Mr. Gao, long time no see. You don't seem happy about my arrival. Could it be that you have some objection to Zuo?"

"Chief Zuo, long time no see." Gao Jiayi said with a wry smile: "I have cooperated with you, and you have also caught the Japanese spy. I really don't know anything else. Please trust me."

“Haha, don’t be so resistant. We are here today to see how you are serving your sentence. According to Officer Liu, you are living a good life here and have a good attitude, which is good.”

Zuo Zhong patted the other party's shoulder and stated his purpose: "There will be some big changes in Laohuqiao Prison next. You may have to be transferred to other prisons, so you have to be mentally prepared."

Going to another prison?

A flash of hope flashed across Gao Jiayi's eyes. It would be great if he could return to the prison in his hometown. The Gao family still had some strength in the local black and white circles. By then, being in prison would be no different from being at home.

He tentatively asked: "I don't know where Section Chief Zuo is going to send Gao. My parents are old and in poor health recently. Can I go home to serve my sentence as a filial piety?"

 “Well, it depends on your performance.”

Zuo Chong glanced at him with a smile, raised his right hand and rubbed his chin: "If Mr. Gao can think of clues about the Japanese spy, let alone returning to your hometown to serve a sentence, it is not impossible to let you out.

By the way, do you know any underground party members here? I am also very interested in their information, such as their true identities and meeting places. If so, it will be of great benefit to you. "

This guy is really dreaming. A spy mole can only die in a cell. He has no chance of getting out alive in this life, but he can be used to understand the situation of the underground party.

 (End of this chapter)

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