Cicada Moving

Chapter 439: Notify safety points

Chapter 439: Notifying safety points

Zuo Zhong only talked about receiving supplies and did not mention connections or meetings. This was to reduce Old K's vigilance and give the other party enough time to check the situation near the safe house to avoid misunderstandings.

If Old K thinks this is a trap, he will definitely cut off contact between the two parties, which will be troublesome. He can't wait until the party-state and the underground party start cooperating and go directly to Meiyuan New Village to report.

Besides, an official from Huangpu has an excuse to visit the old chief. What excuse does he, a dog spy, have? The underground party will never believe that he is actually in the Cao camp and his heart is in the Han Dynasty.


 “Material list, old K.”

The sound of the cell phone interrupted Zuo Zhong's thinking. After translating the contents of the secret message, the stone in his heart finally fell to the ground. It was good news that the other party did not refuse him, but the situation of the underground party was not good.

If there are sufficient supplies there, Lao K will not use the precious contact window to inquire about the status of the supplies. The Jinling underground party may have reached the point where it is running out of fuel and is in urgent need of replenishing various supplies.

He rummaged through the code book and made a detailed list of the radio stations, guns, and information in the Tianfu safe house and sent it to him. He hoped that these things could help the underground party tide over the difficulties.

It's a pity that he didn't find the new arms warehouse of the group in the army, otherwise he would have to drive a truck to move it all. It can be regarded as a good deed for them, Zuo Zhong thought with regret.

In fact, Lao K on the other end of the radio wave was shocked when he received the message and translated it. Did Qiu Chan rob the central bank or the arsenal? Otherwise, where would he get so much cash and equipment.

The Japanese-made micro-radio station alone is definitely not something ordinary people can get, and those battery accessories are even more controlled. With them, the Jinling underground party can build a backup radio station.

There is also the MP18, a cutting-edge weapon invented by Germany during the war. It is a sharp weapon for urban close combat. It is smaller than the Czech model and is easy to hide and move. It is a good thing that money cannot buy.

The most shocking thing is the nearly 200,000 yuan in activity funds. 200,000 yuan. Many postponed and suspended plans can be started. Qiu Chan must have a high and important status within the Fruit Party.

 Old K has been working in government agencies for more than ten years, and he knows very well that only powerful people in important positions have the opportunity to amass such a large amount of property. Qiu Chan's status is higher than he thought.

The only thing that worries me is whether this is a trap. The supplies in the message are bait. As soon as he steps into No. 24, Lane A, Zhuque Road to receive supplies, he will be surrounded by enemies.

 Lao K thought about it for a long time and decided that the risk was worth taking, because Qiu Chan’s past intelligence was very accurate, and he did not avoid the most important things. It was not like a trap set by the enemy. This was one of the reasons.

 Secondly, if it was an enemy trap, the content should not be so casual. A specific handover time and connection method should have been agreed upon, but Qiu Chan's behavior clearly indicated that she did not want to meet him.

In this case, you can receive supplies at any time, and the enemy can only monitor around the house. Such long-term surveillance activities are easy to be discovered, and the enemy will not be so stupid.

 Old K made a decision in his mind, and while skillfully writing the secret code, he paid attention to the movements outside. Fortunately, he did not hear the piercing siren outside until he sent the message.

He only asked one question in this reply, that is, how to receive the supplies. Some things must be asked clearly to avoid accidents, such as whether neighbors will call the police if they see a stranger.

Even if the neighbors don't mind their own business, the materials are likely to be intercepted during transportation. The underground party's relationship within the fruit party cannot be used for this, otherwise it will be very involved if something goes wrong.

 Soon, Qiu Chan’s call back came.

“There is a key under the stone bench in front of the door. There are several certificates in the house that can be used to leave the city. You need to avoid Lu Province and Zhongshan Road checkpoints. There are also several landmines and grenades. Be careful when transporting. Over, Qiu Chan.”

 Lao K finished copying the telegram and quickly turned off the radio. After finishing the translation, he fell into deep thought. Why were there landmines? Could it be that he had guessed correctly? These things were taken from the enemy's army.

He shook his head. He really couldn't figure out what Qiu Chan did. He had access to military intelligence, military weapons, and political trends. It's not an exaggeration to say that he had great magical powers.

 It shouldn’t be someone close to the bald guy.

 Old K squinted his eyes and thought for a while, but found no useful clues, so he untied the string connected to the hidden grid on his wrist, put the radio in, and tied the string to the back of the hidden grid.

The other end of the rope is connected to a bundle of highly dangerous materials and an ignition switch. Once pulled, everything in the house will be completely destroyed. This method is necessary to carry out intelligence work in the heart of the enemy.

 Can't give the enemy evidence to trace.

 Do not give the enemy a chance to interrogate.

 Cannot reveal any party secrets.

Since starting this business, he has meditated on these three principles countless times every day. This is what he thinks and is prepared to do. For the sake of his beliefs and ideals, personal life and death have long been ignored.

After tidying up the radio station and cleaning up the plagiarism traces on the table, he glanced at the attic again to make sure there were no flaws, and then he walked down the stairs and sat down slowly on the sofa.

 Old K closed his eyes and began to recall the topography of Zhuque Street. He was no stranger to this place, and was even very familiar with it. However, the more familiar he became, the less he could be careless. Mistakes often occur in the most unlikely places.

Besides, there were many people who knew him there, and he would be exposed if he felt slightly uncomfortable. He had to be careful and careful. There was no chance to do the intelligence work again. At this time, the phone next to him suddenly rang.

 “Ding-a-ling-ring, jingle-ding-a-ling.”

He frowned and opened his eyes. Only the government knew about this phone number, but he was an idle worker. Who would call him? After the ring rang several times, he picked up the phone and spoke in a very lazy tone. “Hello, who are you?”

“Deputy Director Xu, we have a meeting tomorrow.”

"okay, I get it."

The person on the other end of the phone was very respectful and hung up the phone after explaining the purpose of the call. Old K tapped his knees with his fingers, wondering when it was his turn to get involved in the ministry's affairs.

 When something goes wrong, there must be a monster.

He thought about his recent words and deeds and confirmed that there were no omissions. He did not have many contacts with local party organizations, and the exposure of his official residence would not affect him. He will see what happens tomorrow.

 Early the next morning.

 Old K got up at the same time as usual to wash up. After breakfast, he walked to the clothes rack, put on a half-worn Chinese tunic suit, took off his briefcase and carried it in his hand, opened the door and walked out of the room.

He lives in a building, and there is a long corridor right out the door. The faded floor is full of scratches, and the old decoration and black walls indicate that the building has existed for many years.

 “Mr. Xu, go out and pull?”

 “Hello, Chief Xu.”

At this time, several women in the corridor were sitting on small stools, looking at the fire and chatting. When they saw him going out, they greeted him enthusiastically. Apparently they wanted to build a good relationship with the deputy director.

 “Yeah, let’s go out and do some errands.”

 Old K did not act like a party-state official. He stood there with a smile and chatted with the female neighbors. After confirming that there were no special circumstances in the past two days, he walked down the stairs.

Sometimes the information is hidden in the family's personal information, such as whether there are any sneaky strangers nearby or whether there are police officers. In a sense, these people are his spies.

Through the recent inquiring, he judged that it was unlikely that he would be exposed. After all, his mission was to contact Qiu Chan, and he rarely obtained information, and he avoided official duties whenever possible.

His behavior is known to everyone in the ministry, and no one will suspect that such a person is a spy. How can a person who is not even willing to do his job get intelligence? He cannot rely on drinking tea and reading newspapers.

Old K strode to the side of the road and stopped a rickshaw, reported an address, got into the car and leaned on the back seat with his legs crossed. After setting off, he kept scanning the passers-by with his eyes.

No matter whether it is safe or not, there is no harm in taking a closer look. Facing the enemy's arrest, whether you are prepared or not makes a big difference. Sometimes an extra second of reaction time can determine life or death.

He escaped from traps several times, relying on caution and caution. Back then, the traitor surnamed Gu provided the contact point to the secret service headquarters. If he had not made preparations in advance, he would have died in Shanghai.

What a pity for those comrades in Teko.

They are all old comrades who have experienced the Great apartheid period. They did not fall under the hail of bullets, but were arrested because of the betrayal of traitors. The intelligence work of the party organization in Shanghai also suffered heavy losses.

 Lao K thought about the information reported by Qiu Chan and felt a little worried. If there was a problem at the official residence, the situation faced by Wei in Jinling City and even Wei in Su Province would be even more difficult.

The struggle situation is becoming more and more complex. Neither the Secret Service Headquarters nor the Secret Service Office are efficient. The enemy's power in Jinling is too strong, so you must be more careful in your actions.

 “It’s unfair, it’s unfair.”

 “Get out of the way and make way for the officer.”

Suddenly someone was shouting in front, and a group of refugees from other places stopped in front of a car. The leading old man knelt on the ground and held up the paper with both hands. The black men held batons and began to curse and arrest people.

As if the car with the party license plate didn't see this scene, it ran directly over the vegetable stalls on both sides of the road. The red and green car suddenly shattered on the ground, and then sped away.

Looking at the arrogant military and police, the tearful vendors, the high-end cars running rampant, and the poor people splashed with mud and water, he sighed lightly.

Through this chaotic street, the rickshaw stopped in front of an imposing French-style gatehouse. Through the armed guards on both sides of the door, the large characters "KMT Central Party Headquarters" on the sign were particularly eye-catching.

Seeing him arriving, a middle-aged man walked over quickly and said anxiously: "Old Xu, hurry up to the conference room. Minister Chen will be here soon. He will be angry again when he sees you like this."

 “Why are you in such a hurry?”

On the other hand, Old K calmly paid the driver and said jokingly: "Don't scare me. Director Chen has so many things to do. How could he remember me, the deputy director of the Secretariat of the Ministry of Agriculture and Industry?"

The visitor became even more anxious after hearing this, and pulled him towards the gate: "Ah, my Director Xu, this meeting is about our Ministry of Agriculture and Industry. It is said that a group of older cadres will be dismissed."

 (End of this chapter)

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