Cicada Moving

Chapter 440: Old K’s identity

Chapter 440 Old K’s identity

Old K was really shocked now, and asked curiously: "Who did you listen to about this? I have just been transferred back from Hui Province. You know, it is better to stay in the local area to avoid being kicked out."

 “Who did you listen to? It’s all spread now.”

The middle-aged man had a sarcastic look on his face: "It is said that Xiao Chen misappropriated 500,000 yuan from the party headquarters. Our personnel expenses are too high, so Minister Chen wants to increase revenue and reduce expenditures and save labor.

MMD, the two brothers named Chen want to be Bao Qingtian and Hai Bijie. Why should they attack us? If they have the ability to catch corrupt officials, your Secretariat and my Publicity Department are the focus of adjustments. "

Speaking of this, he said viciously: "If I am pushed into a hurry, I will reveal all their bad things. I won't be able to survive, and they won't be able to stay out of it. The fish will die and the net will be broken."

"Are you crazy?" Old K quickly looked around and shouted in a low voice: "Shut up, this is the Central Party Headquarters. If others hear that you are not the Speaker, you will have enough heads."

The middle-aged man was furious just now. Hearing what Old K said, he quickly shut his mouth and shrank his head furtively. When he found that no one was paying attention to them, he spoke loudly again.

“Old Xu, you don’t know, Xiao Chen took 500,000 and gave it directly to the Secret Service, and the Secret Service transferred a group of personnel to the Secret Service Headquarters. Tell me, isn’t this a blatant attempt to enrich his own pockets?

They poured their left hand into their right hand, and five hundred thousand people's wealth and anointing were put into the account. Haha, if this thing spreads, some people will be in bad luck. Those who are innocent are not husbands, and those who are petty are not gentlemen. Whoever is..."

 Old K glanced at the middle-aged man who was gritting his teeth and understood that this matter was not that simple. Qiu Chan had said that the Camp Investigation Section had been merged into the Secret Service, and it was this group of people who wanted to be transferred to the Secret Service Headquarters.

 The Camp Investigation Section is an old rival.

They had a fierce fight with each other in the southwest in the past two years. To be precise, the Investigation Section was beaten to a disgrace by the underground party. Compared with the two intelligence agencies in Jinling, the other party was easier to deal with.

A few days ago, the Jinling Evening News published a piece of news. The photos and identity information of dozens of people in the Investigation Section were made public. What value would the intelligence have once leaked?

This is definitely a dog-eat-dog attack from the enemy.

According to intelligence, there is a huge conflict between the Secret Service Headquarters and the Secret Service. Both sides dislike each other, and the Secret Service would definitely do such an immoral thing after receiving money and then exposing it.

This makes his work easier. As long as he remembers the appearance of these people, he can carry out targeted on-site inspections in future operations, unless the secret service headquarters and Xu Enzeng do not use these people.

But the possibility that Xiao Chen spent so much money on recruiting people is very slim. Er Chen has always been very careful with his budget. Even if the waste from the Investigation Section goes to the roadside to beg for food, he still has to earn back the five hundred thousand.

Old K smiled when he thought of this, and walked into the central party headquarters office building with the middle-aged man, a French palace-style Western-style building. Office staff coming and going stopped to say hello to the two from time to time.

The two nodded slightly and walked along the corridor to a large conference room, which was already filled with officials with different expressions, discussing today's meeting in low voices, with gloomy faces.

Since ancient times, the most sensitive thing in official circles has been layoffs. Everyone is speculating on who will be stripped of their official skin. They are both afraid of themselves and hope that it will be their enemies. Human nature is more complicated than this.

 “Wei Ming, come here.”

A Mediterranean man in the crowd waved to Old K. Old K winked at the middle-aged man next to him and walked over quickly. The person who spoke was the Director of the Secretariat, his immediate boss.

This person turned out to be Da Chen's chief secretary. He had just assumed the position of director of the department and had important information about the Central Party Committee. The two of them usually got along well, at least on the surface.

“Hello, Director, I heard there are going to be layoffs?”

 Old K, or Xu Weiming, nodded to his subordinates who were sitting there neatly, sat down next to Mediterranean, asked a question, and picked up the cigarette in front of the other person.

 “Oops, take my cigarette again.”

Mediterranean couldn't laugh or cry when he saw this: "You have so much salary every month, why do you always take my cigarettes? You should pay more attention to yourself. Our secretarial department will bear the brunt of the layoffs this time."

Xu Weiming glanced at him sideways, lit up his cigarette and blew out the smoke: "Section Chief, you are Minister Chen's confidant, no matter how many cuts are made, it will never happen to you. The unlucky ones are us lonely ghosts.

But it doesn’t matter to me. If you transfer to other agencies, you will still be serving the party-state. You know me. As long as the salary is paid on time, it will be the same to me whether I am in the Ministry of Agriculture and Industry or somewhere else. "

Mediterranean was suddenly speechless, because what the other party said was right. He really didn't need to worry. His deputy was not an ordinary cadre of the Kuomintang Party. He didn't care at all whether he was promoted or not.

After a long while, he said helplessly: "No one can tell what the outcome will be until the final step is reached. Lao Xu, you are a well-known rural work expert in our ministry, so you should not be eliminated.

We brothers haven’t cooperated for a long time, but we get along very happily. Let’s talk whenever it’s useful. I’m still a bit mean-spirited to the minister, and I can’t let you go back to the countryside of Hui Province. "

 “Thank you, thank you very much.”

Xu Weiming didn't bother to think about how much of this was true and how much was false. Anyway, his mission was to establish contact with Qiu Chan. As long as he didn't leave Jinling City, it would be the same if he went to any agency.

   “Minister Chen is here.”     “Wow~wow~”

Following the announcement, Minister Chen, the number one figure in the Central Party Committee, walked in amidst warm applause. This man had a stern face and looked more like an intelligence agent than his younger brother, Director Chen.

He walked to the rostrum, raised his hands and pressed them down. As the minister of the Central Organization Department and the actual controller of the Central Party Department, the officials below him immediately stood at attention in silence.

 Minister Chen then showed a smile on his face, asked everyone to sit down, and then talked about the topic of this meeting - he planned to save money and streamline manpower when the party and the country were in crisis.

“From what I know, the ministries are overstaffed and have numerous agencies. Some departments have no need to exist at all. For example, the Secretariat can be changed to a Secretariat or Secretarial Section.

Comrades who have been laid off should not blame others. Although the ministry cannot accommodate so many people, local and dispatched agencies need many people to perform specific tasks, and everyone will be diverted there. "

The scene was in an uproar.

The boots have finally landed, and the rumors have been confirmed. With just one simple and simple sentence, your surname is Chen, they will leave the Central Party Committee where they have worked for many years. The officials are unconvinced.

Listening to the chaotic discussion, Xu Weiming covered his mouth and yawned, looking careless, but secretly thinking that Minister Chen's words were better than his singing, and he really made so many people think they were fools.

The purpose of saving money is obviously to take the opportunity to disrupt the high-level structure of each department to facilitate the deployment of its own manpower. This has happened several times before, and everyone present is well aware of it.

Sure enough, Minister Chen directly announced the personnel appointments. This was not a discussion, but a notice. The party-state elites, large and small, sat there dejectedly, not daring to make a fart.

Seeing this scene, Xu Weiming suddenly wanted to laugh. When these people showed off their power in front of the people, they never thought that this would happen. It seems that Minister Chen has done a good thing.

 “Someone is transferred.”

 “To retire someone.”

The resettlement plan was read on the stage. Some of the people below were smiling, some were livid, and of course there were some who were calm. Their arms couldn't hold their thighs. If you can't resist, just enjoy it.

“Xu Weiming, deputy director of the Secretariat of the Ministry of Agriculture and Industry, was transferred to the Jinling Party Headquarters and served as deputy director of the Ancestral Weaving Department.”

The meeting was even more lively now. Unexpectedly, Xu Weiming, who usually kept quiet, was transferred to the party affairs system and became the deputy director of the Organization Department with the power to appoint and remove personnel.

It seems that they are both deputy directors, but the Secretariat obviously cannot be compared with the Zuori Department. One is the back-office department that serves the chief, and the other is the key to determining the official title. There is a big difference.

Mediterranean was dumbfounded. His former secretary had begged Minister Chen several times to be transferred to the party headquarters, but he was never able to do so. His deputy took the lead. What was going on?

Even though it is only a municipal-level party headquarters, this is Jinling, at the foot of the emperor, the important place in the capital. The party headquarters holds great power in political affairs. Not to mention the division chief, even a section chief can make a lot of money.

Xu Weiming himself was stunned. He quickly thought about the pros and cons of this matter, as well as whether there would be any problems in it, why Minister Chen did this, and whether this person had discovered something.

If the other party discovers his identity, is it necessary to use such a large-scale personnel adjustment to cover up the purpose? It is unlikely, and what is the use of transferring himself to the Jinling Party Headquarters?

He doesn't need to steal information, nor does he need to climb up, nor does he want to be strictly scrutinized for promotion. He has already done his job in such a perfunctory way, why can't this group of reactionaries get along with him.

However, the material handover point reported by Qiu Chan is at Zhuque Street, which is very close to the Jinling Party Headquarters. Is all this a coincidence? Xu Weiming, an old intelligence officer, is also in a dilemma and doesn't know how to deal with it.

 “Old Xu, please take good care of me in the future.”

 “Director Xu, I wish you great success.”

 “Brother Wei Ming, good luck.”

While the meeting was still open, people around him came together, and the many unfamiliar faces suddenly became enthusiastic. Those who didn't know it thought these people were all old K's long-lost brothers.

Xu Weiming smiled, ignoring the ugly Mediterranean Sea beside him, and immediately started chatting with his colleagues who sympathized with him. Intelligence officers must learn to talk to people and talk to ghosts.

Minister Chen on the stage just smiled when he saw the chaos here. He naturally knew Xu Weiming's work attitude, and because of this, he had to use this person to buy horse bones with thousands of gold.

He wants everyone to know that as long as you are loyal enough, regardless of whether you have work ability or work attitude, I, Da Chen, dare to use you to get whatever you want in terms of status, money, and beauty.

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 (End of this chapter)

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