Cicada Moving

Chapter 442: tea shop

Chapter 442 Tea Shop

  Xu Weiming negotiated the details with the broker, and the two started shopping along Zhuque Street. As they walked, the broker introduced the nearby municipal facilities and advantages, obviously eager to complete the deal.

“Mr. Xu, because Zhuque Street is close to the newly built power station, there are rarely power outages. This is unique in Jinling. Other places, even the National Government, do not have power supply all day long.

 And life is quite convenient. If you want to buy anything, there are shops right outside your door. If you want to eat, just go out from the alley and turn right. There are all kinds of restaurants including Huaiyang cuisine, Shandong cuisine, Sichuan cuisine, and Cantonese cuisine.

In addition, there is a police station and a fire station not far from here. Chaotic people dare not let loose here. Except for the area around the Secret Service and the Central Military Academy, the security here is the best in the city. "

The broker pointed to a large area of ​​private houses with great confidence and said: "The courtyard I am taking you to see now will be kept to your satisfaction. The landlord is an officer of Jinling City Hall, who can be regarded as your colleague.

 The yard is about 50 square feet. There are roads in the front and back leading to other streets. The traffic is very convenient. The road in front of the yard is wide enough for cars. If you have a car, you can park on the roadside. "

Xu Weiming did not express his position with his hands behind his back, but he was very satisfied with what the other party said about this house and its good public order. Just listen to it as a story, which cannot be true. The important thing is that there are few power outages.

 Because he uses the radio every day, the battery is used very frequently. If it cannot be charged and the communication is interrupted, and Qiu Chan's information is missed, it will be fatal.

At the same time, the stable power supply will make residents more enthusiastic about using electrical appliances, which can cover up his abnormal power consumption. It is unlikely that the spies will use this clue to find someone.

Besides, the landlord is a government official, and the daily inspections of the police station are not too strict. He does not want to have the police break down the door and search the house at every turn, which will not only delay the matter, but also easily reveal his identity.

Having roads in front of and behind the house is a basic requirement for an intelligence stronghold. The reason is simple. It makes it easier for personnel to evacuate. According to his experience, the more roads there are, the greater the chance of escape.

Xu Weiming thought about it for a moment, then asked slowly: "What do neighbors do? They say that distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. Having a good neighbor is more important than anything else. Mr. Yan, are you right?"

 “That’s right, what you said makes sense.”

The broker gave a thumbs up and introduced everything: "The couple on the left side of the yard both work in the factory, the man on the right teaches in a middle school, and the woman takes care of the children at home.

These two families are the original residents, and their social relations are very clean. They have never been embarrassed by anyone. If you don’t believe me, you can ask around. If you tell a lie, I won’t charge a penny for the commission on this house. "

He said this categorically. It seems that there is indeed nothing wrong with the neighbor. This business relies on credibility. Without credibility, it is difficult to move forward. And who would deceive an official for such a small amount of money.

Xu Weiming made a decision in his heart and raised his hand to signal the other party to lead the way. He wanted to see it on the ground. Just listening to what others said was not intuitive enough. He had to determine the real condition of the house himself.

The broker surnamed Yan knew that the business was stable. He walked into an alley with a smile and kept talking, giving a general explanation of the situation around the house, such as where to buy daily necessities.

“Mr. Xu, look, this rice shop has been open on Zhuque Street for more than ten years. The rice is genuine. If you want to buy rice in the future, you can come here. You will never be short of rice. There will be a boy delivering it to your home.”

He suggested thoughtfully: "If you have nothing to do, this tavern and the tea shop in the distance can both pass the time, but the tea shop usually doesn't open until the afternoon."

Xu Weiming looked over at the other party's finger, and his heart moved. This tea shop is a good surveillance position, and he can just see the flow of people in several surrounding alleys.

If the enemy sets up an observation post here, their whereabouts will be easily locked. It seems that if they have to find out the details of the personnel there, if there are any problems, no matter how suitable the house is, they will have to abandon it.

He glanced quickly with his peripheral vision, firmly remembering the location of the tea shop, and then followed the broker into the path. A few minutes later, the two of them stopped in front of a small courtyard with exquisite green bricks and gray tiles.

 The courtyard wall is very high.

 Houses are made of cement.

 There is no problem with the front and rear roads.

 The neighbor’s house is very quiet.

Xu Weiming walked around briefly and determined that the condition of the house was similar to what the broker introduced. The interior decoration was carefully thought out, the furniture was also very complete, and the phone line could be connected at any time.

Compared to the old building where he lives now, the environment here is better and more convenient for intelligence work. First of all, being in a private courtyard is the biggest advantage. You don't have to worry about being noticed by other residents when you go in and out.

As the contact with Qiu Chan increases, he may go out frequently when encountering special circumstances. If it arouses the suspicion of neighbors, it is only a matter of time before he is exposed. Intelligence work does not allow for any luck.

Finally, he walked to the door and touched the thick door panel. He was very satisfied with this small courtyard. This kind of hard wood could not be penetrated by ordinary pistols and submachine guns, and even rifles were choked.

Coupled with the cement walls that can be seen everywhere in the house, even if the enemy wants to rush in, he will have enough time to destroy the radio station and other important items with the advantages of terrain and bunkers.

After careful consideration, Xu Weiming raised his head and looked at the broker with an expectant look on his face: "Mr. Yan, please allow Xu to think about it. I will send you a letter in two days. Please also leave a contact information. Is this okay for you?"

"no problem."

The agent smiled broadly: "Renting a house is indeed a big deal. You should give it more thought. Yan is waiting for your news at the teahouse. Don't worry, I will negotiate the cheapest price for you." Xu Weiming responded with a smile. You probably won’t believe it. People like this make a living from smoking. The so-called cheapest price is, at best, rounding up the total price, but that’s not important.

Anyway, if the party's wool is not plucked, he is the deputy director of the ancestral weaving department, and he does not have to pay for the rent himself. The Jinling Party Headquarters will not embarrass him in this matter, otherwise it will be a bad rule.

The two chatted casually for a few words, and then separated in front of the small courtyard door.

Xu Weiming did not return to the office, but took a stroll nearby. The first thing a qualified intelligence officer has to do when arriving in a strange environment is to become familiar with the terrain and plan an retreat route.

 Where to hide.

 Where can I climb over the wall?

 Where to fight back.

Memory these situations over and over again, deepening them over and over again. The ultimate goal is to be able to find the correct route to retreat by relying on memories without thinking in the dark night.

As an old underground worker, this job was very simple. He walked around with his hands behind his back, collected countless information, and slowly formed a complete map in his mind.

In just two or three hours, he was able to navigate the remote routes that many old residents of Zhuque Street didn't know about. This is the ability of a professional intelligence officer.

 In the process, Xu Weiming wrote down the rental information in his notebook. After all, there was no reasonable reason. An adult male walking around in a residential area seemed suspicious.

After getting familiar with the terrain, he raised his hand and looked at his watch. It was already afternoon, and it was time to go and see the tea shop. As long as there were no problems there, the small courtyard could be settled.

He shook his head pretending to be helpless, as if he was not very satisfied with the house in the revelation, and then walked into the alley. Several curious residents glanced here and quickly forgot about this scene.

Passing through a group of private houses, Xu Weiming reappeared on the path he had just entered. He briefly observed the surroundings and walked towards the tea stall where tables, chairs and benches were being placed.

“Hello sir, what kind of tea would you like to drink? We have West Lake Longjing, Dongting Biluochun, Huangshan Maofeng, Lushan Yunwu, Lu’an Guapian, Junshan Yinzhen, Xinyang Maojian and some small tea varieties.”

A tea stall waiter saw a customer coming and hurriedly greeted him. He wiped the shiny wooden bench. Although his clothes looked a little shabby, the warm smile on his face made people feel comfortable.

The owner of the tea shop next to him smiled and stroked his beard when he saw this. He didn't expect the young man who had just arrived to be so smart, but he couldn't rush the recruitment. He still had to see how good his tea making skills were.

This man said when he came to apply for the job yesterday that he would try to work for a month, and if he was not satisfied, he would not be paid a penny. Even if the tea shop is not short of people, he must agree to such a good thing. In short, he will not suffer any loss.

 “Have a cup of green tea.

  It doesn’t have to be too expensive, the snacks are good. "

Xu Weiming walked into the tea shed and found a seat to sit down. He said a few words indifferently, then took out the book in his bag and started reading. He didn't care at all about the waiter's attentiveness, which made people feel that it was difficult to get close to him.

 “Okay sir, please wait a moment.”

The young man smiled and didn't care. He quickly heated the tea set with hot water and took out a jar of tea leaves from the tea cabinet. After opening it, he pinched a handful of tea leaves with a wooden tong and put it into the teapot.

Under the secret gaze of the boss, he brought another pot of half-boiled hot water, tilted it down and lifted it up three times and poured the water into the teapot. As a burst of hot steam came out, the faint fragrance of tea wafted in the tea shop.

The boy held the wooden plate with both hands, walked to the table in a few steps, and whispered: "Sir, the Zhucheng green tea you requested is here. The store is in poor condition. Please be patient. The snacks will be here in a moment."


Xu Weiming lowered his head and waved his hands, concentrating on studying the records in the notebook. He seemed to have no interest in communicating with others. When the snacks came, he ate a few mouthfuls of tea and left.

The same rice feeds all kinds of people. The tea shop owner was not surprised by such indifferent customers. He just asked the young man to ask more about the customers in the future. He should not stop asking for his needs just because the other party was indifferent.

 “I got it, shopkeeper.”

Hearing this, the boy nodded repeatedly, turned around and packed up the tea sets left by Xu Weiming. He couldn't hide the smile in his eyes. At this time, he only had one thought in his mind, it turns out that you are Old K.

Automatically updated. After the infusion, I went to bed directly. Good night.



 (End of this chapter)

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