Cicada Moving

Chapter 443: cost

Chapter 443 Price

 The little guy is naturally heavy on the left.

His original plan was to put on makeup and squat in the tea shop, use the supplies in the safe house to find Old K first, and then track and confirm the opponent's true identity to see if it was a trap by the enemy.

 But the result was surprising. There was nothing going on in the safe house, but the suspicious official appeared in front of him again. The other party had not only been to the official residence of the Construction Committee, but was now wandering near the safe house.

This is by no means a coincidence. According to previous inferences and existing intelligence analysis, the official residence is the location of the underground party Jinling City Wei. The suspicious officials went there to contact or report on important tasks.

When I saw this person for the first time, perhaps because he was not familiar with the area around the official residence, he showed some flaws, which meant that this person had never been to Jinling before, at least not to Jinling City.

 Important tasks.

 Come to Ning from other places.

 Assuming that the other party is Lao K, who took over Zhang Anren's job, and was temporarily transferred to Jinling from other places, and the important task is to establish contact with Qiu Chan, then everything has a reasonable explanation.

There was only one situation that surprised Zuo Zhong. He did not expect that his contact person was an official. In official circles and agencies, unless one has a high status, one cannot move freely.

 Besides, if there are attendance records in the party organization, it is hard to imagine that the other party can stay by the radio station in the morning, noon and night, waiting for the telegram. Once or twice is fine, but if it happens more often, it will be easily exposed.

But then I thought again, Lao K’s mission is to communicate, and there is no need to obtain intelligence. There is no need to care too much about other people’s opinions. There are such people who are dawdling in any yamen.

Zuo Zhong wiped the table mechanically, feeling happy and a little annoyed at the same time. If he had confirmed the identity of the other party earlier, there would be no need to test and test like this, and he could just hand over the detailed information.

For example, the Secret Service Headquarters and the Secret Service work together to monitor Wei in Jinling City.

For example, the traitor who cooperated with Dai Chunfeng in the National Government was named Yu Hong.

For example, the reason why Yu Hong rebelled was that she misappropriated funds from the party organization.

For example, the living conditions and dangers of the underground party in Laohuqiao Prison.

However, it is not too late to report back. Detective Meng Ting is busy collecting information everywhere, and he is following the purchasing personnel of the official residence all over Jinling. The cleanup operation of Laohuqiao Prison is still on paper.

With a proper plan, not only can Dai Chunfeng and Xu Enzeng's dream be exposed, but also some captured comrades can be rescued. The details will depend on how courageous Lao K and the underground party are.

He already has a preliminary plan, but he lacks the necessary external conditions. He must wait patiently and make preliminary preparations so that he can launch it at any time when the time is right.

Zuo Zhong finished wiping the table and glanced at the residential area in the distance. If he guessed correctly, Old K should be secretly observing this place. He was indeed an old underground worker who was called upon in times of crisis.

The alley where this shop is located is considered an important traffic thoroughfare. Although other alleys can be used for walking, the width is too narrow, and pedestrians and vehicles coming and going are used to going to other places from here.

The other party understood that as long as someone controlled this location, safety could not be guaranteed, so they took the first step to identify suspicious persons in the tea shop. This kind of sensitivity and vigilance was rare.

Moreover, I just received the telegram yesterday and found out the internal situation of Zhuque Street in less than 24 hours. He is experienced and cautious. The partner sent by his superiors is indeed no ordinary person.

As for Old K's behavior in the tea shop, I'm afraid he was testing his reaction. I don't know if the other party saw the flaw. After all, the two of them had met briefly at the Central Hospital.

Zuo Zhong is very confident in his acting skills. He has practiced with Lao Dai for two years. Now it is time to see the effect of disguise and Dabolang skills. He put away the tea set with his back and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

Xu Wei Ming clearly observed the tea shop. After close observation, the boss and waiters inside looked normal. They were ordinary people, and their reactions were consistent with their status.

 But he was still a little worried. After walking more than a hundred meters away, he found a small intersection and sat down. On the surface, he was taking a rest, but in fact, he was monitoring every move of the two people to ensure safety.

A few minutes later, he frowned subconsciously as he looked at the busy young man. This man was too lively and all-rounded. He looked more like an official official than a clerk.

He has seen many such people in the agency, and they are all very successful. They will make people unconsciously feel good about them, and even rely on them, and they will stab you when you trust them the most.

The question is why a roadside stall guy gives people such a feeling. Is he thinking too much, or is he a good official who has gone astray? Xu Weiming gradually fell into deep thought.

Through the few brief conversations before, it was obvious that the guy was a foreigner, and his stiff Jinling dialect had a bit of a Ludian accent. This is a normal sign of foreigners trying to integrate into the local area.

The other party is also very skilled in making tea, and he also subconsciously picked Zhucheng Green Tea, which is a kind of tea produced in Shandong Province. He looks like an ordinary young man from the north who came to Jinling City to make a living.

Such a person will inevitably become slick after being around for a long time, but to be on the safe side it is best to observe them for a few more days. If necessary, you can follow up and investigate and get to know the other person's background.

Xu Weiming thought for a while and then turned his attention to the shopkeeper. The broker specifically introduced the tea shop, indicating that he was familiar with the shop. The tea shop had obviously been open for a long time, and the boss was unlikely to be a spy.

With a judgment in his mind, he slowly stood up and walked into the alley, deciding to go to the material receiving point to have a look. He walked around for a long time. Passing by once was not conspicuous, so deliberately bypassing it would not cause trouble.

 Holding a notebook in his hand and looking at the number plate on the wall, he walked around and walked to No. 24 Zhuque Street. Everything seemed normal around him, and there was no suspicious person within sight. Of course, this does not mean that this place is safe. The agent may be hiding in the house to monitor, or observing from a distance from a commanding height. He still has a lot of work to do, and he must not act rashly.

 Mistakes can only be made once.

He already knew that he had taken the wrong road when he went to Jinling City for the first time. A fruit party official should not have taken that muddy charcoal road. This was a small oversight, but the consequences could be very serious.

An old comrade of Xu Weiming was responsible for grassroots intelligence work in the White Zone. He hid his identity very well and was always safe. Later, Kang Ze's Rangers discovered the flaw because of a leak of urine.

Just because there is a local custom, to untie the big hands is to go to the backyard, and to untie the small hands depends on the gender. Men can do it on the street or directly in the courtyard, while women can go to the woodshed. This is the problem.

The Rangers entered the village to search, but initially found nothing. They robbed a bunch of things and prepared to retreat. However, when the agent saw urine stains high on the wall of the woodshed, his old comrade was exposed.

This is a convenient place for women. How could there be such a high mark? There is only one explanation for this matter, and that is that a man went to the toilet in the house, but why didn't the man go to the yard to urinate?

  Definitely not allowed to see people.

 Who would do this.

 Only underground party members.

So the enemy ambushed outside the village. A dozen comrades stepped into the encirclement without realizing it. After a fierce battle, they all died heroically. Their bodies were hanged inhumanely at the entrance of the village for public display.

The whole family of the villagers who took them in were also killed by these beasts, and their neighbors were also implicated. Dozens of people from more than a dozen families lost their lives, and even their infant children were not spared.

 A small mistake resulted in the destruction of a regional intelligence network. Villagers became disloyal when they heard about the underground party, and the mass work that was finally carried out was paralyzed. The lessons were painful.

Thinking of this, Xu Weiming's heart suddenly tightened. He walked through the door of No. 24 calmly on the surface, without looking for possible surveillance personnel, but continued walking towards the south.

There is a viewing platform built in front of the building. Although the height is not as high as that of the new building, there are many citizens visiting it, so there is no need to register, so it is very suitable for surveillance work.

He walked through the quiet streets, stopping from time to time to check if the area behind him was clean. Finally, he walked into the building calmly and followed the stairs to the top floor, where he began to observe the situation on No. 24.

It was the afternoon, and people working outside had not returned yet. Many houses had their doors closed. Occasionally, there were figures walking around, including women holding children in their arms. There were no adult men.

The gate of No. 24 was closed, and there was no one in the yard. The main room facing north and south had several glass windows. Since there were no curtains, the scene inside was unobstructed, and it didn't look like there was a spy.

 Unfortunately, the kitchen on the east side cannot be seen.

 Xu Weiming took a quick glance, then turned around and pretended to enjoy the scenery. He had to find other vantage points, especially the building to the west of No. 24. Only then could he see the inside of the kitchen.

 Soon, he locked in three positions.

 Central bank.

  Telegraph office.

 Jinling Party Headquarters.

For him, the most convenient surveillance point is the party headquarters. He can observe the target while sitting in the office. Not only that, the tea shop is also within his sight, which is good.

 Xu Weiming touched his chin. There are certain risks in performing surveillance tasks in his office, but as long as professional tools such as binoculars are not used, this behavior is difficult to be caught.

 There is no law in the government that prohibits standing in front of the window and looking into the distance. Besides, surveillance is to determine whether there are enemies, not to identify suspicious persons. Observation with the naked eye is enough.

He held on to the fence with a smile on his face and looked at the tea shop from a distance. He saw a few customers chatting and spitting melon seed shells on the ground. The boy was sweeping the shop with a broom.

This matter aroused his interest. He wanted to see how the other party would deal with it. Normal people would be angry when encountering this kind of situation. The key lies in the way the problem is handled, which can explain a lot of things.

Given the way party agents behave, if they are teased like this, they are likely to take action. Even if they don't take action, verbal provocation must be inevitable. After all, they have always been so arrogant and domineering.

But after a long time, the boy was still sweeping the floor diligently, but his movements became louder and louder, causing dust in the tea shed. The guests had no choice but to push the melon seed plate aside.

 “Haha, interesting.”

Xu Weiming’s eyes lit up.

 (End of this chapter)

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