Cicada Moving

Chapter 448: fog

Chapter 448 Mist

Zuo Zhong was thinking about the relationship between Yu Hong and the secret service headquarters, when Gui Youguang barged in. After not seeing each other for a few days, this guy's head was getting brighter and brighter, and he felt like he could be placed on the roadside as a traffic light.

 “Section Chief, are you looking for me?”

Gui Youguang followed Zuo Zhong's eyes and touched his bald head, with a bit of displeasure in his tone. He also has a temper, okay? It's not his fault that he can't grow hair. The chairman of the committee is also bald.

That is to say, the system does not have the ability to read minds, otherwise Section Chief Zuo would definitely ask him, what kind of onion do you think you are, and you dare to be compared with someone? They can kill people and set fires and do all kinds of evil. Can you do it?

“Have you captured the tongue in one place? Why haven’t I heard your report for so many days? This matter cannot be delayed. Once the official residence takes action, it will be meaningless for you to arrest people again.”

Zuo Zhong withdrew his gaze from a certain reflective object and knocked on the table in front of him. It was just a matter of catching a few spies. How difficult could it be? He couldn't help but wonder if this guy was slacking off in his work.

Gui Youguang said with aggrieved face: "We arrested them yesterday. Deputy Section Chief Gu said that you were performing a mission. I have no channel to inform you. I arrested two people and returned them. One of them could not survive the torture."

Zuo Zhong then nodded. It turns out that was the case, but the people at the secret service headquarters couldn't stand the torture. They were beaten to death. They were indeed useless. He then asked two questions.

 “Who are you arresting?”

 “Is there anything gained from the interrogation?”

“The two people captured, one is operational and the other is technical. According to their accounts, everything was normal in one place some time ago, and there were no abnormal transfers of personnel or equipment.”

Gui Youguang stood up straight and continued to report on the interrogation process: "In addition to the torture, I also sent someone to conduct a side verification of the information they provided. I can confirm that there is nothing suspicious about the confession."

He is very confident in his interrogation skills. Besides, those two cowards peed their pants as soon as they entered the interrogation room. If he can't even pry open the mouths of such cowards, his two years of work will be in vain.

As for the authenticity of the intelligence, it is easy to determine the authenticity of the information. Compare the interrogation records after multiple interrogations. If they are exactly the same or are very different, they are fabricated. Although this method is old-fashioned, it is very practical.

 “Well, that’s good, sit down.”

Zuo Zhong looked better, pointed to the stool and said, "You must be careful when doing your work. You and Wu Chunyang graduated from Hangzhou together. They are already able to stand alone. Let's look at you again."

"I'm different from Chunyang. He has a very smart mind. I'd better work **** my action skills, otherwise I won't be able to match him for the rest of my life. Is there any specialization in the art?" Gui Youguang replied confidently.

 “You are sober.”

Zuo Zhong was happy when he heard this, and then played with the pen in his hand. Judging from the results of the interrogation, Xu Enzeng's intelligence channel was not Dai Chunfeng. He should have learned the information about the official residence through Yu Hong.

Yu Hong is not a simple woman. She is an underground party traitor. She has tricked the heads of the two major intelligence agencies of the Fruit Party, making these two old foxes think that they have mastered top-secret information.

As for the final trap, the other party may have escaped in advance, or it may depend on who bids higher, Dai Chunfeng or Xu Enzeng. If one person can be a traitor, there will be no such thing as a moral bottom line.

Zuo Zhong could imagine the way Dai and Xu stared with big eyes when they found out they had been deceived. He walked to the safe with a sneer, took out a document from it and threw it directly to Gui Youguang.

"Catch all the people in the document, be smart and don't make a big fuss. It is said that these people have connections with the underground party. Once they are caught, they will immediately implement the evidence and shoot them on the spot."

 “Underground party?”

Gui Youguang was a little confused, thinking that the section chief was very murderous, so he immediately opened the file and looked at it, and then he was dumbfounded. Isn't this a cigarette dealer? When did he become an underground party?

The pile of criminal records on this group of people is higher than their height, and they have more than one or two lives on their hands. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are scum. Even a fool would not believe that they are underground party members.

Leaving aside other things, even the Secret Service Headquarters has to admit that the character and morality of the underground party is completely superior to that of the fruit party. Tobacco dealers who want to join the underground party must be reincarnated.

His mind was racing, and he realized that the section chief's words had a deeper meaning. These three words, "reportedly, evidence was implemented, and shot were executed" looked at alone, and there was no problem, but when put together, the meaning was very obvious.

Gui Youguang saluted with a ferocious smile on his face: "Don't worry, section chief, I promise to arrange the evidence clearly and clear it all before tomorrow. There will never be any clues left."

Zuo Zhong smiled and nodded. Some words don't need to be said too clearly. The important thing is to understand them yourself. Dai Chunfeng had also spoken half-heartedly before. The bald man had a good understanding and was worth cultivating.

He patted the other party on the shoulder: "Act now. You don't want to take the credit. Leave it to Corey's old brothers. Their academic qualifications are too low. If they don't move up, their lives will be over."

Gui Youguang immediately said that there was no problem, and then left happily. He was more interested in arresting and interrogating people than in fame and official titles. There were so many cigarette dealers, which was enough for him to entertain for a while.

After arranging the scapegoat, Zuo Zhong did not stay in the office for long. He put on a slight disguise and drove to the National Government. It was working time now, and Shen Dongxin should monitor Yu Hong nearby.

The purpose of his trip is very clear, that is, to learn more about this traitor and see why this person betrayed the organization. The reason for embezzling office funds is not very sufficient.

 Corruption does not necessarily lead to death. If you rebel, you will definitely die.

 It is not easy to train a qualified intelligence officer, and Yu Hong's lurking position is very critical. If it is just a matter of money, the underground party will not easily carry out executions even if they do not save the other party.

It is impossible for her not to understand this truth, but in the end she chose a path of death. This does not make sense logically. This issue must be clarified, otherwise some plans will not be carried out.

Zuo Zhong drove around in the car and soon saw Shen Dongxin at the door of a coffee shop. He was sitting leisurely at the table, holding a newspaper in his hand and facing the side entrance of the National Government.

He parked the car in the alley far away, walked lazily to Fa Xiao, picked up the sandwich on the table and took a big bite, and asked vaguely: "How is the situation?"

“Yu Hong, female, 24 years old, is from Hangcheng, Zhejiang Province. She stayed in Shanghai for three months after graduating from a girls’ school in the 18th year of the Republic of China. Files show that she studied in a secretarial training class run by an American.

Having said this, Shen Dongxin gestured to the waiter to bring another cup of coffee, and continued to introduce: "After the training class, she came to Jinling and soon joined the National Government as a clerk. The channel was open application.

 In addition, the Yu family is a wealthy family in Hangzhou. They opened the first local silk factory in the early years. In recent years, they have engaged in stock and futures speculation. They suffered heavy losses in the last Shanghai stock market crash and are now bankrupt.

However, Yu Hong’s consumption level is not low. She rents a new-style house, and the only time she comes in and out is by rickshaw and occasionally calls a taxi. These days, she either goes to a restaurant or calls to order food.

The clothes and shoes on her body are the most fashionable styles in Shanghai. Tongsuo went into the house to investigate and found that there were seventeen silk cheongsams in the closet alone, and two shoe cabinets were filled with high heels.

I have checked Yu Hong’s financial situation. Her monthly salary is only thirty or forty yuan. That dead salary alone cannot support this kind of spending speed. She must have other sources of income. "

 “Your coffee, sir.”

 At this time the waiter came over.


Shen Dongxin gave the other party a tip and pushed the cup to the opposite side. He squatted here and watched every day. He drank coffee until he vomited. When he was studying in France, he rarely drank this stuff.

Zuo Zhong over there ate a few mouthfuls of food, picked up the newly served coffee and smelled it, with a thoughtful look on his face. It seemed that Yu Hong was similar to what Dai Chunfeng introduced, and he was really a big spender.

But the bankruptcy of the Yu family is not a secret. This kind of thing spreads quickly in the agency. If she continues to maintain such a luxurious life, isn't she afraid of arousing others' suspicion? This doesn't make sense.

Furthermore, Yu Hong is an underground party lurker. Acting in such a high-profile manner is seeking death. The nose of a dog is still very good in this regard, so it is easy to be investigated due to abnormal economic conditions.

He lowered his head and took a sip of the steaming coffee, and asked in a voice that only two people could hear: "How is the performance of the target job? Have you ever come into contact with documents with higher confidentiality levels?"

“Generally speaking, I am not particularly enthusiastic about a certain aspect of work, and I am not particularly opposed to it. I complete it step by step according to the orders of my superiors, neither taking the lead nor holding back.”

Shen Dongxin recalled the information and recounted the collected information: "The General Affairs Department where she works does not involve confidential documents, and I have not heard that she has been borrowed by other departments. That's the current situation."

After all, it is a secret investigation, and it is not easy for him and Tongsuo to find out these things. Without the advantage of the state machine, many tasks require more effort.

Zuo Zhong kept stirring the coffee, and the spoon made a soft sound when it hit the wall of the cup. To be honest, Yu Hong's behavior in the agency was very extreme. Her work was just paddling, and her life was very flamboyant.

What is the reason for this? She seems to be deliberately showing something, a young lady who does not care about the world. Such character characteristics can indeed confuse some people's perceptions.

 It’s too polarizing.

 To describe it in easy-to-understand terms, it’s fine. Yu Hong can clearly keep a low profile in life. In this way, his identity will be safer than it is now, and he won’t have to worry about being targeted by Fruit Party agents.

The underground party will not let her do this. The organizational disciplines and regulations in Southwest China are very strict. Such an exaggerated lifestyle is never allowed unless it is required by work.

Work required.

 They were still ready to rebel.

Zuo Zhong raised his head and drank the coffee. He felt that he had come to the right place this time. Finding out the reason for Yu Hong's rebellion was the most urgent task at the moment. The fog on this case had not completely dissipated.

 “Section chief, Yu Hong.”

 At this time, Shen Dongxin shouted softly.

 (End of this chapter)

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