Cicada Moving

Chapter 449: Smiling like a flower

Chapter 449 Smiling like a flower

Zuo Zhong was lying on a chair and glanced at the side door of the National Government with his peripheral vision. Four female staff members in fashionable clothes walked out of it with their arms clasped, looking like they were talking and laughing.

Among them, a tall woman smiled particularly happily. She was wearing a crescent-white cheongsam with a black fox fur on top. The gemstone pendants on her ears shone brightly in the sunlight.

The hair on her head is a hand-push wavy hairstyle popular in Europe and the United States. This hairstyle is an excellent hairstyle for social ladies to show off their charm. It looks both dignified and beautiful.

 (Easter eggs have pictures)

Looking at the sapphire blue Xiaokun bag hanging on the arm, it is obviously customized to match the cheongsam. Compared with the assembly-line big-name handbags of later generations, women in the Republic of China had stricter fashion requirements.

This woman is Yu Hong.

The other party is not only beautifully dressed, but also quite beautiful in appearance, with a standard oval face and a pair of watery eyes that are alluring. No wonder Yue Dawu thought Dai Chunfeng was having an affair with him.

Zuo Zhong looked away and made some calculations in his mind. He would have spent at least two to three hundred yuan to buy the clothes and jewelry on the other person's body. Sure enough, beauty must be piled up with money.

While he was looking at it, several women walked to the side of the road and stopped, looking around as if they were waiting for something. Such a group of modern girls attracted the male pedestrians who were passing by to watch secretly.

Yu Hong was not angry at being peeked at. Instead, she raised her chest higher, matching her cheongsam to highlight her charming curves, revealing her subtle sexiness, and showing off her youth and beauty.

“Section Chief, they are waiting for a taxi. Next, they will go to a restaurant to eat. After the meal, they will either go to the theater to watch a movie or go to a ballroom to dance. This happens almost every day. Should we drive first?”

Shen Dongxin reminded him in a low voice. He had been keeping watch for several days and was very familiar with the target's living habits. The target's nightlife was very rich and could even be described as singing and dancing every night.

 “Well, I’ll go first.”

Zuo Zhong stood up, straightened his collar, and took the lead in leaving the coffee shop and walking towards the car. Of course, he didn't have to worry about such a small matter as paying the bill. Anyway, it was the Fruit Party who paid the bill, and it didn't matter who paid.

 Besides, it is more conspicuous for two adult men to walk together, and it is relatively safer to walk separately. Moreover, both of them drive cars, and the two cars relay tracking, which can reduce the chance of being discovered.

 After a few minutes, there were more pedestrians on the road.

Yu Hong and others are still waiting for a taxi on the roadside. There are very few regular taxis in the Republic of China. If you want to take a taxi, you need to call in advance to make a reservation. Black taxis are not so troublesome, but there are certain dangers.

Who knows who is driving? Robbery of money and **** happens from time to time. As government workers, it is not worth the risk for such a small amount of money. Women would rather spend more time.

At this moment, more than a hundred meters away from them, a car slowly stopped, one on the left and one on the right. The speed was very slow and did not attract anyone's attention.

Zuo Zhong was sitting in the driving seat of one of the cars, watching Yu Hong and his colleagues from a distance. Since he didn't know which direction the taxi was coming from, he and Shen Dongxin could only distance themselves and squat facing each other.

After monitoring for a while, he found that the target had been talking to others and was not observing the surroundings, at least not observing the vehicle. This was not the behavior an agent should have.

Identification of danger sources and risk assessment are the instincts of all intelligence personnel. After all, it will be too late to react until the enemy rushes to the side. Does Yu Hong think that because she has become a traitor, there is no danger?

Zuo Zhong's fingers tapped on the steering wheel, and she quickly guessed the reason. She was connected to the Secret Service Headquarters and the Secret Service, so naturally she didn't have to be vigilant like other underground parties.

 This is good news. The more unscrupulous the target is, the easier their actions will be. If you are following an old agent like Old K, you may have to fight hand to hand every second, which would be tiring.

After waiting for another ten minutes, a Chevrolet finally appeared in his rearview mirror. After picking up Yu Hong and four others, the car quickly started driving on Luzhou Road and headed towards Xinjiekou.

Zuo Zhong bit the pen cap with his mouth, pulled out the pen, wrote down the license plate number in the book, and then immediately lit up the pen and followed. When passing by Shen Dongxin, he stretched out his hand to make a distance gesture.

Since Yu Hong's vigilance is not high, there is no need to follow him. He can have one car in front and one behind him. This will ensure that the target will not be lost, but it will test the tracking ability.

Shen Dongxin understood the situation and quickly passed the taxi after making a U-turn. Zuo Zhong was not far behind, but after driving for a short distance, the taxi turned left onto Taiping South Road.

Taiping South Road is a prestigious commercial district in Jinling, with a length of two kilometers. It contains many time-honored hotels such as Luliuju, as well as the Capital Theater. It is the first choice for many people in Jinling to go shopping.

Especially the Capital Grand Theater, which screens new domestic and imported movies every night. People from all walks of life, including military and political officials of the Nationalist Government, celebrities, and ordinary people, frequently visit.

So it’s not surprising that Yu Hong and her colleagues come here to eat. What’s interesting is that further south on Taiping South Road is Zhuque Street. Will Yu Hong run into Old K? It would be interesting if she did.

  When mentioning Old K, Zuo Zhong thought of a problem at the same time. He had informed Old K that there was a female traitor in the National Government cooperating with the Secret Service, and the underground party should take action.

Although he did not explicitly name Yu Hong, this kind of thing is not difficult to investigate. First, he is lurking in the National Government, and second, he is a woman. There must not be too many people who meet these two conditions.

But he didn't find any other surveillance personnel around the target. What was the organization's consideration? Was it because he was afraid of spy fishing, or was it because the provincial and city Wei were busy evacuating and had no time to take care of Yu Hong.

 This matter is difficult to say.

Perhaps the underground party has other considerations. Later, they can reveal the details of the case to Old K. By the way, I would like to ask if I need to help myself. It is necessary to help with this kind of thing. At this time, the taxi carrying Yu Hong and others stopped. Zuo Zhong drove over without slowing down. There was only a Western restaurant on the roadside. That was the destination of the target, so there was no need to follow too closely.

By the time he and Shen Dongxin reunited, Yu Hong was already sitting in the restaurant. She was skillfully ordering the menu while the waiter standing next to her kept nodding with a smile on her face.

As for the other three women, one opened her bag and started touching up her makeup, one was reading a magazine on the table, and one was leaning on her chin in a daze. Anyway, they had no intention of ordering, so whoever ordered would pay.

 Heh, standard plastic sisters.

 “Section Chief, let’s have something to eat.”

Shen Dongxin also picked up the menu and explained: "The other party's meal will take at least an hour. I'm used to it. How about a steak? This restaurant is very famous in Jinling."

Zuo Zhong turned around and looked at the customers in the store. The men were in suits and leather shoes, and the women were wearing gold and silver. Also, this location and decoration were indeed beyond the reach of ordinary people.

He nodded casually: "Just take your time, have a bottle of champagne, don't serve the red wine, we have to work later, the consumption level here is not low, you said the target often brings people over for dinner?"

Shen Dongxin waved to the waiter and said in a low voice: "Yes, the average consumption is fifty to one hundred. She is the one who treats the guests. The guests she invites are different each time. There are photos in the surveillance records.

I did a side check and found that these people are just ordinary staff and have no access to any sensitive information. Except for some financial doubts, the target behaves normally and does not seem to have any problems. "

He really didn’t understand why he was keeping an eye on a small employee. Even if the employee was corrupt and bribed, what did that have to do with the Secret Service? The Oversight Yuan had its own powers to exercise impeachment, corrections, and audits.

 Of course, whether it works or not is another matter.

What is even more strange is the arrangement of the task. If you want to say it is not taken seriously, he, the deputy chief of the unit, personally leads the team. But if it is said that it is taken seriously, he and Tongsuo are the only two people to carry out the task. This is too contradictory.

Zuo Zhong smiled after hearing this and asked him a question: "Why do you think Target wants to take advantage of her and invite people to such high-consumption places? Is she stupid, or does she have nothing to spend her money on?"

Shen Dongxin did not answer immediately. While recalling the surveillance process these days, he casually ordered the food. After confirming that the waiter had gone away, he expressed his opinion.

“It’s really strange. She seems to like the feeling of being surrounded by people. According to psychology, this is a sign of lack of security. She only doesn’t feel lonely in places with many people.

What is puzzling is that I have investigated her previous behavior and found that her life was as luxurious as now, but she was used to living alone. She rarely attended banquets with colleagues, let alone inviting others to dinner. "

As he spoke, there was a trace of uncertainty in his eyes: "From this point of view, the target may have experienced some drastic changes recently. This drastic change has left her at a loss and in urgent need of the company of others."

 “Okay, Dongxin.”

Zuo Zhong smiled and said to him: "It seems that the level of the French military academy is not bad. They have even started psychological research. But why is that guy Meng Ting so amateur? Maybe he went to a fake police academy."

Shen Dongxin was not interested in explaining the difference between the French military academy and the police academy, and asked the question he was most concerned about: "Section Chief, what kind of thing caused such a big change in the goal."

"Do not ask."

 Zuo Zhong raised his hand to stop his question: "You only need to know one thing. She is very important. You must not only monitor her every move, but also use your life to protect her safety when necessary."


Shen Dongxin stopped asking questions and began to make wild guesses about the true identity of the target. This matter might have something to do with the higher-ups. Could it be that she was the illegitimate daughter of a big shot? Hey, it was really possible.

24 years old.

 Born one year before the founding of the Republic of China.

 The Chairman will be in Japan, right?

Zuo Zhong didn't know that he was having dangerous thoughts. He focused his attention on Yu Hong. There was a little commotion over there. The scene was a bit chaotic, and even the guards ran over.

  A little flower seller ran into the restaurant out of nowhere. The waiter wanted to drive her out. The traitor stood up to block the waiter and blocked the ragged flower girl behind him.

Under the yellowish light, I saw her slowly turning around, half-crouching and placing a banknote in the little girl's hand. Then she took out a flower from the bouquet and sniffed it gently, with a warm smile on her face.

 For a time, his smile was as bright as a flower.

 (End of this chapter)

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