Cicada Moving

Chapter 454: Pirate dealer Xu Enzeng

Chapter 454 Pirate Dealer Xu Enzeng

Song Minghao felt a little embarrassed when he heard this and decided to tell the truth: "Section Chief, Wu Jingzhong has helped me a lot in my work. He personally led people to conduct house reconnaissance. Old Wu is a good expert in intelligence."

If it was two years ago, he would never have so grandly put the credit on others, but after working with the section chief for such a long time, he also has some experience in how to be a qualified boss.

 That means not being greedy for merit and not taking responsibility for one's faults.

Zuo Zhong on the other side gave a gentle greeting: "Write it down in the report later. By the way, why has the identity of the person who went out to purchase supplies not been confirmed yet? There is no record of this person at the police station?"

 “Yes, there is no record.”

Song Minghao took out another photo: "The official residence is not within the scope of the police station's inspection, and the people inside have not been registered. Now there is only this person's photo, which is being compared with the household registration information.

However, if the other party is an outsider, it may be difficult to achieve any results. Even for a native of Jinling, trying to find a middle-aged man in his forties among millions of people is like finding a needle in a haystack.

So I think that instead of investigating the other party's identity, it is better to keep an eye on the people who have communicated with him, because the underground party Jinling City Wei must contact the outside world, and purchasing supplies is the best time.

 “Oh? Why do you say that.”

Zuo Zhong asked casually, raised his hand to take the photo and looked at it. It showed a very ordinary middle-aged man, wearing a gray long coat and a pair of black-rimmed glasses. His body posture was very relaxed.

The photo was probably taken secretly on the street. The man was standing in front of a rickshaw and seemed to be preparing to get on. He was holding a cloth bag in his hand. It looked heavy and he didn't know what was in it.

“According to the monitoring, the phone in the official residence has never been used, and we have not detected any suspicious radio waves nearby. The other party can only make secret connections when going out.”

Song Minghao replied confidently: "It is impossible for an intelligence agency to not communicate with the lower-level personnel. The expression of orders, the arrangement of tasks, and the deployment of personnel all need to be conveyed to the lower-level personnel."

His investigation idea is very clear. Since the person's information cannot be found, he should first investigate the social network, and maybe he can find clues from it. Intelligence operations are indeed inseparable from contacts and offline.

 “Then have you checked it?”

Zuo Zhong's expression remained normal. The position of the Intelligence Section Chief seemed to be of high authority, but every move must be consistent with his status. He could not interfere with normal reconnaissance activities and reasonable reconnaissance routes at will.

Song Minghao shook his head: "According to your order, we will only do a basic investigation of the official residence and underground parties, and leave the rest to one place. No matter how useless they are, they will think of this sooner or later.

 Once the other party has found relevant clues or has the person under control, it will not be too late for us to rob the person. With the level of action at one place, it will not be too difficult whether it is to forcibly detain or silence the person. "

Zuo Zhong gave a favor.

This statement makes sense. With the quality of personnel and equipment at the Secret Service Headquarters, there is really no chance of winning when faced with a surprise attack by his subordinates. At most, he can only howl twice to show that he has blocked it.

He threw the photo on the table and asked a question: "Why did you and Lao Wu place the monitoring point next to a surveillance point? It's too risky. This is not your character. Wu Jingzhong's suggestion?"

“Yes, monitoring equipment needs to install wires and signal lines. Lao Wu believes that either we don’t do it, or we simply monitor next door. Reducing the length of the signal line can achieve the best monitoring effect.”

Song Minghao raised his head and glanced secretly when he said this, and found that Zuo Zhong was not angry, so he continued: "It just so happens that Corey has an immediate family member of a brother who works in the General Affairs Office of the Construction Committee.

 We took advantage of the other party’s relationship to place a safe with listening equipment next to a surveillance point, and assigned a person to protect the equipment. So far, it has not been discovered. "

 “Yes, but only this time.”

Zuo Zhong disapproved of their behavior. They should not develop the habit of taking risks when doing things. If they walked too much at night, they would encounter ghosts. If someone in one place discovered the monitoring equipment, they would be passive.

The current advantage of the Intelligence Section is that the enemy is overt and we are covert. Once the operation is exposed, Xu Enzeng and Director Chen will have enough reasons to target the Secret Service. The plan to intercept the enemy halfway will also be aborted.

He warned with a serious expression: "Old Song Dynasty, being good at doing things is not as good as planning a situation. Only by being good at planning and not forgetting the danger can you achieve your set goals in a complicated environment."

 “Yes, I understand.”

Song Minghao broke into a cold sweat after hearing this. At that time, he decided to listen closely. He didn't think too much. He just felt that he could accurately grasp the information in one place. He really didn't consider the consequences of being discovered.

"Okay, that's good as long as you know." Zuo Zhong suddenly chuckled: "I won't say more to Wu Jingzhong. You are responsible for your subordinates. I can't take away your job."

No matter what aspect, he would not let Lao Wu lose face in front of his subordinates. First, the other party had just taken over the military intelligence unit. Without his dignity, it would be difficult to carry out future work.

Second, after all, the other party is not an old member of the Intelligence Department. Things have priorities, and people are distant and distant. This principle holds true everywhere. The closer you are in the officialdom, the more casual your attitude will be. He doesn't have to worry too much when facing Song Minghao and just criticizes. That's because the relationship between the two is good, and Song Minghao won't bear any grudge against him. Instead, he will feel that this is because he doesn't care about others and is happy in his heart.

Wu Jingzhong's situation is different. Before he is completely familiar with the person, some words are best conveyed through others to prevent the guy from thinking wildly. People who have been abandoned once are often more sensitive.

As expected, Song Minghao breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the criticism, and said with a cheeky smile: "Old Wu and I are both your subordinates. I will tell him what you mean and this kind of thing will never happen again."

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At this time, someone knocked on the door rhythmically, and then a person dressed as a cleaner walked in. The other person was stunned when he saw Zuo Zhong in the room, and quickly stood at attention and saluted: "Section Chief, you are here."

“Well, come and take a look, you guys have done a good job. Just now, Lao Song praised you, Lao Wu, for working so carefully. How about you? Are you having any difficulties in recycling the tapes?”

Zuo Zhong seemed to have forgotten what he had said before. He walked up to Wu Jingzhong with a smile and patted his shoulder affectionately. To be an officer, you must first be able to act. This is the same in all eras.

Wu Jingzhong held his head high and replied: "I reported to the section chief that there was no difficulty and the recording has been successfully retrieved. New tapes have also been installed. They are all imported from the United States and the recording effect is very good."

He didn't know that his immediate superior had been reprimanded for his suggestion, otherwise he wouldn't be so optimistic. Song Minghao's eyes were almost on fire and he wanted to kick him on the spot.


Zuo Zhong smiled after hearing this. American products were just like that. They had nothing to do with quality. In the early 20th century, they were synonymous with shoddy products. He turned to ask about other things.

“Old Wu, how many personnel are there at a surveillance point, how often do shifts change, how are weapons equipped, how are meals and toilets provided, and have their actions been leaked.”

When it comes to serious matters, Wu Jingzhong also becomes serious: “After our observation, we found that there are 9 observers and 30 operators at one surveillance point, who are on duty 24 hours a day in three shifts.

There are 13 people in each shift. The shift agents used the commuting time to mix in and out of the crowd. The staff of the construction committee were aware of the existence of this group of people, and the relevant information may have been leaked.

 Operation personnel are equipped with a Thompson submachine gun, a Browning M1910, and 2 grenades. The number of ammunition is currently unknown. The surveillance personnel are only equipped with a few pistols and telescopes.

Meals are purchased and delivered to the surveillance point by specialized personnel. The restaurants we go to are different and irregular every time. Going to the bathroom is handled internally. The group set up a small tent with cloth in the corner. "

 Good guy, you have learned thoroughly.

As soon as Zuo Zhong heard this, he knew that he was studying in the intelligence department. The other party must have obtained the action report of the Secret Service and copied it. He dared to plagiarize it so blatantly without paying the copyright fee. Bah!

However, this arrangement is indeed very safe. Even if a surveillance point is exposed, they will have enough power to conduct an emergency raid on the official residence at any time. I have to say that Xu Enzeng has a beautiful idea.

However, so many strangers entering and leaving the construction committee will inevitably arouse suspicion from others. When the Intelligence Division was looking for Tianfu, they used an excuse to track down the assassin and pretended to be a meeting during the operation, thus hiding it from the outside world.

In a place like this, the news may have spread all over the sky. You can find someone to ask about the situation. If even the other party knows about it, I am afraid that it will become known to everyone in a few days.

Zuo Zhong turned to look at the temporary line set up on the table, then shook the handle, picked up the microphone and said to the internal operator: "Help me get through to Section Chief Yang Wei of the General Affairs Department of the Ministry of the Interior immediately, hurry up."

Since the Butterfly Case, he and Section Chief Yang only talked on the phone occasionally and had no time to hang out. Later, Lao Yang probably heard rumors about local specialties, so he rarely even called.

This is unreasonable. When did he forcefully ask for property? It was clearly Lao Bai who took the initiative to send it. Zuo Zhong just sighed and said something terrible, and a voice rang on the other side of the phone.

 “Hello, who are you?”

 Section Chief Yang's tone was a little confused. There were many internal calls in the General Affairs Office during working hours, but few outside calls. After all, he controlled the purse strings of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so he had to avoid suspicion as much as possible.

 “Lao Yang, I’m so focused on the left.”

Zuo Chong replied with a smile, and then went straight to the topic: "I don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything. I have something to ask you. Do you know if there has been any movement in the Construction Committee recently?"

 Trouble, it turns out to be someone with the surname Zuo.

Section Chief Yang was startled, rolled his eyes and said tentatively: "Chief Zuo, you are so well-informed, why are you asking me? I did hear that there is a group of people hanging out in the Construction Committee.

  What, is this matter related to the Secret Service? If necessary, I will ask my friends to ask. They are all my brothers. I promise not to leak your secrets. They are all doing things for the party and the country. "

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 (End of this chapter)

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