Cicada Moving

Chapter 455: foster brother

Chapter 455: Adopted Brother

Zuo Zhong frowned when he heard this. The matter really spread in Jinling. Even the Ministry of Internal Affairs got wind of it. Xu Enzeng must have taken action not far away. If it continues, ordinary people will know about it.

“Hello, did Section Chief Zuo hear this?” Section Chief Yang’s anxious voice came from the microphone. As a well-known inquirer in the Jinling Agency, he was interested in finding out any valuable information.

“I heard it, this matter has nothing to do with our Secret Service, and I don’t know the situation, so I asked you, brother, if we have time to get together and hang out among the public, we should support each other more.”

Zuo Zhong got the information he wanted, and hung up the phone after a few casual words. A look of contemplation immediately appeared on his face. It seemed that he had to keep an eye on Yu Hong, as the other party might make big moves in the near future.

Perhaps it is to contact the underground party provincial minister Wei, perhaps to contact Xu Enzeng, or perhaps to contact Dai Chunfeng. In short, the final trap must be launched, and the affairs of the official residence cannot be kept secret for too long.

 Underground party.

 Agent headquarters.

 Special Service.

These three parties will start a brutal fight around Laohuqiao Prison. He used the newspaper to light Meng Ting's cannon, hoping that this guy could last a few more days and distract Xu Enzeng's energy.

Anyway, according to Dai Chunfeng's "instructions", the intelligence department can just target the secret service headquarters. If the underground party takes advantage, there is no way. Nothing is perfect in the world.

Even at the last moment, Teacher Cheap showed his cards and decided to target the underground party, but solving the case is not about treating guests to dinner. You can invite whomever you want. It is normal to make mistakes in the operation, and it has nothing to do with you.

On the side, Song Minghao whispered something to Wu Jingzhong. King Jinju's face suddenly turned red, and his high head slowly lowered. He was really anxious in order to open up the work situation as soon as possible.

After thinking about it, Zuo Zhong glanced at the two of them, walked to the window and took over from a small agent, and used the periscope to observe the movement of a surveillance point. He wanted to see Xu Enzeng's arrangement with his own eyes.

This is when the light is at its best. People in one place drew the curtains, leaving only a few small cracks for surveillance, but this was of no use. The shining telescope lenses betrayed them.

A place will never disappoint anyone. Who can make such a low-level mistake except this bunch of idiots? Not to mention the intelligence agency, even the experienced detectives in the police station know to avoid reflection.

Looking at the thickly covered curtains, he felt that even if he didn't report it to Old K, the underground party security personnel in the mansion would definitely have discovered the abnormality. They just needed to spend more time to confirm.

 Zuo Zhong couldn't help but sneer, and moved the periscope slightly to look at the official residence. From the Central Hospital, he could clearly see the scene in the hospital, which was wider than the view of the Construction Committee.

The tall walls, heavy wooden doors, and frosted glass on the windows all show that the people living there attach great importance to safety. Ordinary thieves probably wouldn’t even be able to get in, let alone steal things.

This place was originally used for arrogant and extravagant things, but it has become a protective umbrella to protect the underground party. This can not but be said to be a kind of black humor. The owner of the mansion, Fan Shusen, has something special.

Fan Shusen, the former secretary of Zhang Renjie, the bald-headed brother-in-law, has a wide range of contacts in the Fruit Party. He has contacts with everyone from the ministers in the Fifth Academy to the low-level traffickers and lackeys.

If such a person wants to make money, he can make a lot of money without any effort. However, for the future of the country and the nation, it is really admirable to risk beheading to help the underground party.

He looked outside and asked Song Minghao and Wu Jingzhong: "Have the people in the first place approached Fan Shusen? Meng Ting investigated many people in the periphery but could not find any clues about the other party. What about here?"

Wu Jingzhong and Song Minghao looked at each other, and then Wu Jingzhong stepped forward and replied: "There is no direct contact with Fan Shusen himself. This person usually travels between Shanghai and Jinling, and he is currently in Shanghai.

The other party is very cunning. He lives in Mr. Zhang's mansion. Xu Enzeng probably can't even get in, let alone go in to search. After all, Director Chen has to show the courtesy of a junior when he sees Mr. Zhang. No one dares to act arrogantly. "

 “Yes, section chief.”

Song Minghao later added: "No matter what, Mr. Zhang is the leader's sworn brother. Although he has retired and returned to his hometown, he is still a reputable veteran in the party. Fan Shusen cannot be forcibly taken away."

 Retire old and return home.


Disdain flashed in Zuo Zhong's eyes, and he resigned and returned to his hometown. Zhang Renjie, the contemporary Lu Buwei, could only run fast, otherwise he would end up like Lu Xiangguo. Businessmen can't get involved in politics.

 Close to the government and stay away from politics.

This sentence is a wise saying. The other party thought that by helping the bald man to become the chairman of the committee, he could control national affairs behind the scenes. This was a good idea, but he had no soldiers or guns, so he could fall out with him whenever he wanted.

If the bald man was ruthless, he would not miss anyone named Zhang, let alone Fan Shusen. This sworn lover's sworn brother, except for Uncle Er Chen who died early, would be deceived by him.

More than half of the ten officially sworn brothers died at the hands of the bald ones, and quite a few were driven away. Only one or two mediocre ones managed to die a good death. Apart from that, the temporary brothers were even more miserable. It can be said that once the chairman of the committee calls you a brother, congratulations, it means that you will either be buried or go to school, such as Brother Dai, Brother Anlan, and Brother Guangting, there is no exception.

This is the opponent's consistent method. Whenever the military situation is urgent in any place, he will directly command the divisions at higher levels and treat the division commanders and students as brothers. There is no dignity of a leader who is separated from his life.

Zuo Zhong shook his head. This matter was too far gone. Xu Enzeng didn't arrest Fan Shusen just because he was afraid of causing trouble. If the old boy was cornered, Director Chen would definitely go out and ask the boss for instructions.

Since he is not planning to arrest anyone, he will naturally not let his subordinates get into trouble. With the operational level of the Intelligence Section, it is not difficult to quietly bring someone out of the Zhang Mansion, but that would be troublesome.

 “Section Chief, is there something wrong?”

Song Minghao saw the section chief suddenly shaking his head. He was afraid that there might be another problem, so he quickly came over and asked in a low voice. He cursed in his heart that Gou Ri had not been able to move for a long time, and he had to move it now.

 “It’s okay, come on, keep monitoring.”

After finishing speaking, Zuo Zhong returned the periscope to the little agent, left the window with a low profile, pulled the medical screen back to its original position, and chatted in a low voice with Song and Wu, about being more vigilant and preparing to rob people.

“You all heard it when I called before. The matter has been spread outside. Xu Enzeng will take action at any time. It may be tonight, or it may be at any time. The initiative lies with the other party.

But no matter when they take action, as long as they capture someone, I will get accurate information within one minute, control the scene within three minutes, and evacuate within five minutes. "

His tone was extremely serious: "Anyone who messes up here will be dealt with according to military law, including the two of you. I am a person who treats the situation more than the person. Don't blame me for being unkind when the time comes."


Song Minghao and Wu Jingzhong saluted nervously. It didn't matter whether they were really so scared or not. Their attitudes were correct. Besides, they were both new officials who had taken office, so the first shot had to be fired.

Zuo Zhong looked at Gui Youguang again and made a throat-cutting gesture: "Find a place for your action team to wait for orders. If anyone in one place dares to collude with the underground party, they will be killed without mercy. Be quick and quick.

 Don't leave the body behind. There are no witnesses. As long as the underground party is in hand, this lawsuit will be brought against the chairman of the committee. That's right for us. We don't have to worry too much about this operation. Do you understand? "

Gui Youguang's eyes shone brightly and he nodded: "Understood, we will not hold back when we start. We will find a place to burn the bodies. All the weapons used will be dismantled and discarded. The personnel will be temporarily put on leave and let them go home."

After hearing the order, he said what Zuo Zhong was inconvenient to say. Wu Jingzhong was shocked by his skillful appearance. Why did he feel that the returning captain did not look like a spy, but like a bandit.


Zuo Zhong snorted softly as a positive response. He couldn't let the dignified intelligence section chief discuss with his subordinates **** people and silence them. He, Zuo Zhong, had always been upright and could not do anything sneaky.

If this happened, it would be that the big bald man misunderstood his own meaning and caused accidental injuries in one or two places. It cannot be blamed on him. At worst, he would be punished with three cups of wine.

Gui Youguang reacted quickly and shut his mouth immediately. This kind of dirty work cannot be said out loud. It would be troublesome if others heard it. Not only would the section chief be unlucky, but Virgos would also be blamed by the superiors.

He looked left and right, stared at Wu Jingzhong and grinned. The fleshy face and white teeth made Wu Jingzhong feel bald, and he nodded seriously to show that he was absolutely reliable.

Zuo Zhong was too lazy to care about these two people. He looked at his watch and found that it was already past eight in the morning. The train from Shanghai to Jinling was almost arriving at the station, and it was time for the detective Formosa who came from afar to get off the train.

I don’t know if the protection personnel arranged by Gucci can find this person. As the old saying goes, it is a joy to have a friend come from afar. I hope the other party can get used to the meticulous care from the Secret Service.

 Would you like to go and see what’s going on?

Thinking of this, his heart suddenly moved, and he immediately said: "Okay, you can go to work. You can find a way to get back home when you have time. I have to go out. If there is any problem, please contact Lao Gu."

 After saying that, without waiting for what his men said, Zuo Zhong turned up the collar of his windbreaker and walked out of the room quickly. After going downstairs, he drove straight to the north of the city. If he was fast enough, he would just meet Mr. Detective.

The reason for going to see the other person is very simple. The Intelligence Section only has simple information about this person and knows nothing about other details such as appearance, height, personality, etc. This is not his style of handling cases.

Even if Formosa has nothing to do with the official residence case, the information that should be collected must still be collected. Things in the world are unclear. If the British find something, they will need this to kill and silence them.

 Be prepared and you will never make a mistake.

Zuo Zhong pressed the accelerator to the bottom, passed the cars on the road, and drove away amidst the sirens of the black men. In less than twenty minutes, the gate tower of Jinling Railway Station was in sight.

 (End of this chapter)

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