Cicada Moving

Chapter 472: put out fire

Chapter 472: Fire Fighting

 The Construction Committee is adjacent to the National Government. The fire brigade received the fire alarm call very quickly. Three fire trucks roared and drove in like flying. As soon as they stopped, the firefighters immediately started to put out the fire.

“Quickly, unload the pump, go to the moat to connect the water pipe, pressurize the water immediately and shoot the water. Be careful, don’t let anyone step on the water pipe. If this thing explodes, it can hurt people. Let’s take action immediately.”

The fire captain jumped out of the car and loudly ordered his men. He gnashed his teeth as he looked at the blaze in front of him, and then quickly buckled the copper fire helmet with its brim and tail protruding outwards onto his head.

Following his order, several tall young men picked up three bundles of water pipes, placed them on the ground, and rolled them towards the moat. Several more people unloaded the heavy mobile pumps.

Seeing that the fire brigade finally arrived, Meng Ting took a few steps forward and took out his ID: "Special Agent Headquarters, why don't you use a new high-pressure water pump fire truck? Will the water pressure of this old fire truck be insufficient?

Also, tell your people not to enter the scene and just put out the fire outside. This place is related to a case we are investigating. There may be relevant evidence inside and no one is allowed to touch it. "

The fire chief glanced at the ID, and then at the fierce-looking agents around him. He said concisely and concisely: "You are talking about imported goods, which are expensive, and the pump firetrucks from the Shanghai Machinery Factory, which are cheap.

As for not entering the scene, I can't guarantee this now. It must depend on the situation at the scene. If the fire starts deep in the house, someone must be sent in, otherwise the fire cannot be extinguished. "

He doesn't care about the secret service headquarters or **** evidence. If a fire ignites surrounding buildings and causes a large number of casualties, his role as a small fire captain will be over.

Immediately, the fire captain, accompanied by his assistant, put up a ladder and climbed up the wall, braving the billowing heat waves and thick smoke to carefully inspect the fire scene to determine whether the fire had any tendency to expand or explode.

The result was not bad. After seeing it, he felt a little more relaxed. He got down from the ladder and selected three locations outside the courtyard. The firefighters immediately pointed the three water pipes to the sky and then opened the valves forcefully.

Three water dragons spurted out, flew into the air and fell quickly. They suppressed the flames from top to bottom and were able to extinguish the fire through the courtyard wall, which amazed the onlookers.

The fire captain circled the yard again, squatting down to look at something from time to time, and finally said to Meng Ting: "This fire must be man-made. The other party was very professional and cleared the flammable materials in advance.

I have just confirmed that the land outside the courtyard has been poured with salt brine. This will ensure that no plants grow around it and reduce the possibility of the fire spreading to surrounding houses through vegetation.

At the same time, there must have been a lot of combustion-supporting materials stored in the house, otherwise the fire would not have been so fierce. After all, this was a cement house, and it seemed that the other party had only one goal, which was to completely burn down the small courtyard.

So if you want to put out the fire, my people have to enter the scene, or you have to wait until the house burns down. What to do depends on your special agent headquarters to make an idea, and we will just execute the order. "

Meng Ting listened to the other party's analysis and nodded cautiously. It was not his decision whether to let the firefighters in, so he walked to Xu Enzeng who was in a daze and reported in a low voice.

"Director, this is the situation. If we don't let them in, we may not find any evidence in the end. I think this risk is worth taking. Just keep an eye on these firefighters."

 “Okay, I’ll do as you say.”

Xu Enzeng's expression was dull, knowing in his heart that the underground party was so well prepared that it was impossible to leave any evidence. In this case, it was better to put out the fire as soon as possible and find the woman Yu Hong as soon as possible.

Meng Ting looked at the look of despair on his immediate boss's face, and he knew what was going on. He turned around and told the fire captain that he was allowed to do whatever he wanted, but he was not allowed to damage or steal any suspicious items in the room.

With this order, the fire was extinguished in less than ten minutes. This made the neighbors who were worried about the damage to the fish secretly breathed a sigh of relief and took the pots and pans home in disgrace to rest.

The fire brigade also evacuated after the body search, leaving only the Secret Service personnel to begin investigating the scene, with the goal of finding all traces of the underground party Jinling City Wei here.

Xu Enzeng walked into the yard first, but stopped in front of the main house, which was still smoking white. It had been burning for so long. God knew whether the house would collapse, so it would be safer to ask someone to take a look.

He waved his right hand, and several small agents were pushed out. They reluctantly went in and carefully inspected the inside of the house. They repeatedly confirmed that there was no danger before retreating and returning to life.

“The report states that the structure of the house is intact, no bodies or dangerous items were found, the furniture has been completely burned, and there is a pungent smell of kerosene at the scene, which may have been left by the underground party.”

 There is no body?

Xu Enzeng frowned after listening to the report. Things were different from what he thought. The underground party did not choose to die together, but ran away long ago. But when and how did they escape?

There are also those **** at the surveillance point who swore that the material purchaser was in the house and never left. There is no body now, and the other party cannot be burned to ashes. There is not enough time.

The human body contains a lot of water. In an open environment, it would take at least two or three hours for an adult of normal size to turn into ashes even if his body is covered with kerosene.

The Secret Service Headquarters has dealt with the bodies of prisoners in this way before. It was still in the summer. In early winter weather like today, it may take longer. This is contradictory to the surveillance results.

He looked at the leading agent at the surveillance point fiercely: "What's going on? Didn't you say that the other party is in the house? Where are the people? I'm asking you where are the people? Go in and look for them now. If you can't find them, kill yourself. I know you guys If you can't stand up to the underground party, they will let you monitor them from the outside. I didn't expect that you can't even watch a living person. If a living person just disappears, what use does the party-state have for you?"


The leading agent knelt on the ground and cried loudly: "Director, please let me go. I couldn't see anything going on in the mansion at that time, but I did hear the door close and see the lights turn on.

In the past, this person was responsible for turning on the lights. From the time we started monitoring, as soon as the other person entered the room, the lights would turn on soon. I don’t know why this person is not in the room. This must be a conspiracy. "

Xu Enzeng secretly said: "Conspiracy, what kind of conspiracy? Could it be that the underground party knows the magic of cloning and can't see the official residence? Why don't they send people to investigate closely? Tell me, are you colluding with the other party?"

The secret agent kneeling on the ground was crying without tears. It was obviously your old man's order not to let us act rashly, so as not to alarm the underground party. If something went wrong, it would be our fault.

“Director, please calm down, it’s not worth getting angry over these bastards. I think we should first find out what happened today. People can’t disappear for no reason. There must be something fishy about this matter.”

Meng Ting on the side stood up and expressed his opinion. After he finished speaking, he carefully raised his eyes and observed that Xu Enzeng had a fierce look in his eyes but finally stopped cursing, and then continued.

“Furthermore, as far as I know, whether it is an oil lamp or an electric lamp, it is not difficult to use some small mechanisms to set up scheduled lights, so the underground party can completely use this method to confuse the surveillance personnel.

The passing geese leave their voices, and the passing people leave their names. The underground party will always leave some clues. Director, you are sharp-eyed, and some ghostly tricks must be invisible in front of you. Why not take a look at the scene first. "

After hearing this, Xu Enzeng glanced at his frightened subordinates, snorted and walked into the main room, throwing down his sleeves. He wanted to see what tricks the underground party played to make a living person disappear.

 Just like what Meng Ting said just now, he has been in charge of the secret service headquarters for such a long time, and he still has some experience in solving crimes. It is easy for the underground party to deceive these idiots, but they will never be able to deceive him.

Due to fire fighting, there was a layer of water on the ground of the main house that was level with the feet. Xu Enzeng had just taken two steps, and his shiny leather shoes were soaked through, and they kept making a squeaking sound.

He stood in the water and looked around the room with his hands behind his back. The walls were surrounded by black ashes after burning, all the furniture was burned away, and there was nothing in the room. The scene was unobstructed.

who I am?

where am I?

 What do I want to do.

Xu Enzeng, who was about to show off his skills, was dumbfounded and his mind was a little confused. How to find evidence in this situation? Even if there was evidence, it would have been washed away by the flood.

 “Meng Ting, come in.”

After thinking for a long time, he coughed lightly and shouted outside, thinking that the other party was a famous detective and should be able to find evidence. What the newspaper said couldn't be false.

Meng Ting heard the sound and stepped in the water. Looking at Xu Enzeng with a serious face, he started to survey the scene with a roll of his eyes, and soon bent down right under a ceiling that was burned black.

He didn't mind being dirty, so he rolled up his sleeves and groped slowly in the sewage. He found a lot of broken iron pieces, broken glass and rags, and finally fished out a dark thing.

"I see."

Meng Ting carefully looked at the items in his hands, with a confident smile on his face. He knew how the underground party made the lights light up automatically. The two years at the French police academy were indeed not in vain.

The other party should light an extended wick soaked in kerosene, and put an oil lamp and flammable objects on the other end of the wick. Calculate the burning time, and then you can light the lamp and set the fire.

As for why the surveillance personnel did not see the light of the burning wick, this is easy to solve. They can block it with a shield. When the oil lamp is lit, it will not be possible to distinguish between light and fire.

"What's this."

 Xu Enzeng hesitated for a long time, and finally couldn't hold back his curiosity and asked. On the surface, he pretended to be confident. Those who didn't know the situation must have thought that he was testing Meng Ting.

Meng Ting stood up, respectfully stated his guess, and waited for the praise from his immediate superior. However, instead of receiving the praise, he received a gloating laugh.

   The elder is undergoing surgery, so he went back to correct the typo.



 (End of this chapter)

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