Cicada Moving

Chapter 473: true warrior

 Chapter 473 The Real Warrior

“Hey, white phosphorus is poisonous. Don’t you feel a little pain on your face? The burned substances are very corrosive. You two are really brave people who dare to stay in this environment for so long.”

Zuo Zhong was lying by the window, covering his mouth and nose with one hand and giving a thumbs up with the other hand. He said cheerfully to Xu Enzeng and Meng Ting. As soon as he said this, the people outside suddenly dispersed.

White phosphorus?

Still poisonous?

 Xu Enzeng's expression changed after hearing this. I don't know if it was a psychological effect. Director Xu suddenly felt a severe pain on his face. He didn't care why Zuo Zhong was at the scene and ran out of the house as hard as he could.

Meng Ting was stunned for a moment and did not move. Listening to what the other party said, the fire was caused by the burning of white phosphorus. This is simply nonsense. The key to solving the case is evidence, not conjecture and fabrication.

He sneered and retorted: "As I said just now, the other party must have used a wick soaked in kerosene to connect the oil lamp with the burning object in series, so as to achieve the purpose of lighting the lamp regularly and setting fire.

What white phosphorus? There is such a strong smell of kerosene in the house. Didn’t you smell it? Why did you say such sensational words? I think you are the murderer and you came here specifically to find out the news. "

At this point, Meng Ting reacted, with a trace of suspicion in his eyes: "Who are you? I have never seen you. Come here and arrest him. This person entered the scene without permission. There must be something wrong."

Zuo Zhong was still lying on the window sill, counting the time with a smile. Phosphorus pentoxide is poisonous. After long-term exposure, it can cause skin and mucous membrane damage, headache, dizziness and vomiting.

Knowledge is power. I don’t even know how to be a detective in chemistry. It’s like Formosa. The other party came to the Republic of China with so much luggage, which was full of chemical experiment equipment. This is called professionalism.

This guy wouldn't think that he would really become a detective after reading two detective novels and spending some money to create fake news. No, people who are so stupid and simple are rare among Fruit Party members.

As for Meng Ting not knowing him, it was quite normal. The two had never met each other, and Meng Ting did not have access to personnel files at his level. At most, he had heard of his name from other people.

Let’s talk about the agents from the Secret Service Headquarters next to them. When they heard Section Chief Meng asking them to capture Zuo Zhong, they were so frightened that they immediately took a few steps back. No one wanted to die. If they offended the smiling tiger, they would have to turn a blind eye when sleeping in the future.

"Are you all deaf? Why don't you arrest people? It concerns underground party members. If there are any omissions in the physical evidence at the scene, blame them. No one of us can escape. Arrest people quickly."

At this time, Meng Ting saw that no one was paying attention to him, so he emphasized that the case was related to the underground party, and said to Xu Enzeng: "Director, please arrest this suspicious person. White phosphorus is poisonous. How can I be fine?"

He shook his head as he spoke. Why did two division chiefs appear in front of him? It must be that he has been busy with external transfers these days and did not get enough rest, which caused his eyesight. In short, it has nothing to do with white phosphorus.

Xu Enzeng looked at the swaying Meng Ting with a horrified expression, and suddenly felt bad. It seemed that there was really poisonous gas in the room, otherwise why would the man named Meng talk to the air.

However, the other party's behavior should indicate that he has no collusion with the underground party. Who would go in even though they knew it was poisonous? That's all. Although this person is stupid, he is worth saving for the sake of loyalty.

He forced a smile on his face: "Xiao Meng, let me introduce to you. This is Zuo Zhong, the chief of the Intelligence Section of the Secret Service. He is a well-known intelligence expert. How about you come out first and then talk."

 Left heavy?

 Intelligence expert?

Meng Ting remembered who this person was, but he was famous. His judgment was based on the evidence found at the scene. Why did Zuo Zhong say it was caused by the burning of white phosphorus as soon as he arrived at the scene?

He was a little unconvinced and wanted to speak, but before he could open his mouth, he vomited. His whole body fell into the sewage full of vomit, and his exposed feet twitched unconsciously.

 “Hurry, save people, save people!”

 Xu Enzeng was so anxious that he could not get anything from the official residence. If there were more casualties, Director Chen and the Chairman would ask about the cause of death. How would he answer? Did he say he was drowned?


On one side is Meng Ting, who is lying there blowing bubbles.

 On one side are the subordinates who are pretending to be stupid.

Xu Enzeng's face turned pale with anger. These unsatisfactory people had completely lost their face in front of the people of the Secret Service today. If word spread, wouldn't the Secret Service Headquarters become a joke?

He suddenly thought of something and turned around to look at Zuo Zhong with an unkind expression: "Why are you two everywhere? Leave the scene immediately, otherwise don't blame me for being ruthless. Come here, send Section Chief Zuo off."

"Director Xu, please don't get me wrong. We happened to be working on a case nearby. When we saw the fire here, we wanted to come over and help. Unexpectedly, it was your case. In this case, Lao Song, please withdraw."

Zuo Zhong said a few random words and prepared to leave. He had no intention of joining in the fun. Song Minghao and Wu Jingzhong on the side didn't even say hello. They turned around and walked towards the gate of the official residence. They were so happy that Xu Enzeng was a little bit at a loss. Sometimes people are so mean, and they won't go away or retreat when they are being held. Huahua Taisui quickly stretched out his hand and shouted.

"Wait a minute, stop here. You said the fire was caused by white phosphorus. What evidence do you have? If you can't explain why, your secret service and the underground party set this fire."

The dignified director actually acted like a gangster on the street. The people in the first department wanted to put their heads in their crotches, thinking that they would never raise their heads in front of the Secret Service in the future.

Zuo Zhong laughed angrily, glanced sideways and said angrily: "Isn't it obvious? Whether it was the fire set by the underground party or not, if the other party used a wick to start the fire, then we will face a problem.

 That is whether the wick will burn out. Director Xu, you are delicate and expensive. You may not have used an oil lamp, but you can ask your subordinates. The quality of this kind of wick is difficult to control, and burning out is normal.

Besides, Section Chief Meng said that the other party also needs to achieve the purpose of lighting the lamps at regular intervals, but even if the wicks are in the same batch, the burning speed of each wick is different. How can the other party ensure accuracy.

 Could it be that they bought a military fuse? It is a Class 1 controlled item. Let alone buying it, even if someone goes to the market to ask about it, it will lead to investigations by the police station and our two departments.

Only chemicals can control the ignition time stably and accurately, so what is more suitable for igniting fire than flammable white phosphorus? This thing is not difficult to get in Jinling, so it is difficult to guess. "

Xu Enzeng's head was a little dizzy. What on earth was Zuo Zhong talking about, what about precise control, what about cutting off the ignition, didn't the oil lamp turn on at one o'clock? This **** wouldn't have guessed it as soon as he arrived at the scene.

He rubbed his temples, pointed to the main room and said: "I understand chemistry, don't deceive me. My people only saw the light of the fire once. The white phosphorus was burning fiercely. It would be difficult to block it."

  Xu Enzeng is also an international student who returned from the United States. Although he has forgotten most of what he learned, after calming down, he still remembered this simple chemistry knowledge.

“There is no need to block the light of the white phosphorus burning fire. It is too complicated. The more complicated the mechanism, the more likely it is to make mistakes. An oil lamp, a small iron box, a portion of white phosphorus and a container are enough."

After speaking, Zuo Zhong lowered his head and picked up a burnt wooden stick and started drawing on the ground: "First, punch two holes of different sizes at the bottom of the iron box. Put the wick in the big one, and put nothing in the small one.

Place the iron box flat on the container, and finally put kerosene and white phosphorus into the iron box. If the air pressure remains unchanged, the speed at which the kerosene drips through the holes is controllable and calculable, right? "

 He ​​raised his head and looked at Xu Enzeng. The guy nodded with an expression as if he knew everything. The dripping speed did have a very small change. This is the principle used by the copper kettle drip timer.

“Okay, the next step is simple. Paint the top and bottom of the oil lamp with black paint, light it and place it next to the iron box. What will happen when the kerosene leaks and the white phosphorus in the box comes into contact with oxygen and high temperature.”

Zuo Zhong asked another question, and then without waiting for Xu Enzeng's answer, he directly announced the answer: "It must be burning, very violent burning. This is the so-called light seen by Director Xu's men.

 This process can be controlled to seconds, and the lighting time can be accurately predicted. Just try it several times and calculate the time from when the kerosene starts to drip to when the white phosphorus comes into contact with the air.

 The burning of white phosphorus ignites the remaining kerosene and the wick in the iron box. Don’t forget, the dripping kerosene plus the container is another form of kerosene lamp, and this is a double insurance.

 No matter whether the wick is lit or not, the burning of the iron box will not stop. Hanging some combustible objects above the flame can easily cause a fire. Don’t forget that burning takes time.

In other words, it doesn’t matter even if white phosphorus and combustibles burn at the same time. Anyway, the house will look bright from the outside. As time goes by, the house will be completely ignited. "

Xu Enzeng understood. They made things more complicated. In this case, the underground party only had to control the time between the sound of the door closing and the turning on of the lights to confuse the surveillance personnel.

After solving this crucial step, time was enough for the rest. Indeed, not long after he arrived at the surveillance point, the mansion completely burned down, which showed that the fire had started burning long ago.

 There is no idle person under the great reputation.

 The person named Zuo is really powerful.

Xu Enzeng was convinced in his heart, but sneered on the surface: "These are just guesses without any evidence. I think Meng Ting's guess is more reasonable, unless you can prove it with corresponding evidence."

Zuo Zhong looked at him with a half-smile but said, "Director Xu, just tell me if you want to ask for evidence. Why beat around the bush? Let your people take a look at the black thing that Meng Ting found, which is a kerosene lamp.

This thing has been burned by a fire. In addition to the black ash after burning, there must be paint on it. The other party used it to ignite the white phosphorus in the iron box. The burn marks on it must be serious. "

Those who guess correctly join the group and receive rewards.



 (End of this chapter)

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