Cicada Moving

Chapter 474: Seductive little devil

Chapter 474: The Seductive Imp

While Zuo Chong was teaching tirelessly, two mysterious men sat opposite each other in a hotel room in Jinling City. One of them lowered his voice and talked about the fire of the Construction Committee.

“Pastor, the fire has been lit on time as planned, the city is safe, the executor has successfully retreated, the secret service headquarters will focus on this matter, and the second step of the dance plan has officially begun.

 You must be prepared to go to the agreed location to collect ammunition on the day of the operation. Half of the enemies must be eliminated within one minute after the gun is fired, otherwise the next operation will be very troublesome. "

The man speaking wore a felt hat on his head and a long, coarse cloth coat that is most common in Jinling. He had a scarf wrapped around his neck, covering most of his face, and his eyes were extremely bright.

Another man in a suit nodded when he heard this: "Understood, I will drive to receive the ammunition myself on the day of the operation, but the weapons may not be enough, and there are three people without guns.

In addition, are there any of our people among the enemies? If so, what if they are injured? I know I shouldn’t ask this question, but we cannot ignore the safety of our comrades. "

When the person said the last sentence, his expression became serious and his voice became a little excited. The most painful thing about doing underground work is that you don’t know whether the person you are facing is an enemy or a friend.

What is even more painful is that the person who kills you or you kill is a comrade who shares the same belief, a person who has also sworn an oath in front of the red flag and is willing to sacrifice everything for the cause of the underground party.

This kind of thing is unavoidable. Even if arrangements are made before the mission begins, the easiest thing to change in the ever-changing intelligence activities is the plan, so even though he shouldn't ask, he still asked.

“In addition to ammunition, there are also several German-made submachine guns at the agreed location. In the past two days, the personnel involved in the operation will find opportunities to familiarize themselves with the operation of the submachine guns. No accidents must occur during the operation.”

The man in the felt hat answered the first question, then stood up and prepared to leave. However, after taking two steps, he suddenly stopped in front of the door and turned back. There was a hint of determination in his eyes and he said.

“Pastor, you are an old comrade and you should know the discipline. There are many situations that I cannot say. What I can say is that in order to obtain the final victory, all of us are ready to sacrifice ourselves.

 If one day the mission requires you to shoot me, I hope you won’t be afraid, don’t hesitate, hold the gun in your hand and point it at me. I won’t hate you, because that must be the best result. "

  After saying that, he opened the door and strode out of the room. The remaining man in the suit sat there motionless. The moonlight outside the window shone through the glass, making it look both beautiful and a little cold.

After a long time, Xu Weiming stood in the woods opposite the hotel, watching the lights in the room go out. Then he lowered the felt hat on his head, passed by a car, and quietly disappeared into the night.

 Intelligence work is complex and requires developing the habit of suspicion. This has nothing to do with trust. It is just a means to protect yourself and your companions. It is an experience gained with blood and life.

At the same time, on the speeding car, Xu Enzeng glanced at the pedestrians passing by outside the window and fell into deep thought. There must be something wrong with Zuo Zhong and the Secret Service personnel appearing in the official residence.

He didn't believe a word that the other party said he was working on a case nearby and came to help when he saw the fire. How could this little **** named Zuo be so kind? He just came to watch the fun.

But even if he came to see the excitement, he came too quickly, as if he had known something would happen to the official residence for a long time. It seemed that he had a good idea. The person who leaked the information to the Jinling Evening News was the Secret Service.

The specific process is not difficult to guess. Dai Chunfeng knew about the affairs of the official residence through some unknown means, and for the sake of his position as deputy director or even director, he brazenly disclosed the actions of the secret service headquarters.

This has put the government on fire. Unless it can be proven that Fan Shusen colluded with the underground party, he will have to bear all the responsibilities under public outrage, and he may even have to resign to apologize.

 And the situation developed in the direction expected by the other party. The chairman of the committee was furious, and Director Chen could not protect himself. All the pressure was placed on him, and as a result, another fire broke out in the official residence.

This is good, now there is no evidence. The automatic lighting and arson devices cannot prove anything. As long as there is no harvest in a short period of time, Dai Chunfeng's plan will succeed.

 A poisonous mind.

Xu Enzeng gritted his teeth and wanted to go to the Secret Service immediately and kill the **** who was fighting in the nest with one shot. The underground party city Wei was originally a bait, so he could just run away.

                                 What to do with the trap without the bait. Yu Hong has said that she is confident that she will introduce the underground party, Jiangsu Province, Wei, and even the highest-level figures into the encirclement. Now everything is over.

What a pity. Once the plan is successfully launched, it will be a huge victory for the Kuomintang Party in the southwest. The dissidents hidden in Jinling will be eliminated. The victory on the front line is just around the corner.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and he kicked the car hard. As a result, his thumb hit a raised part. The pain made Director Xu burst into tears, and he immediately screamed.


The shrill shouting frightened the driver, who quickly stepped on the brakes and stopped the car on the side of the road. As a result, something was thrown out of the back seat and hit the front seat hard.


Meng Tinggulu, who was woken up, sat up immediately and touched the big bag on his forehead. He was a little confused. Wasn't he at the scene? How could he be in the car so quickly? What happened. By the way, I remember that Zuo Zhong said that the fire was caused by white phosphorus. He was just about to retort when he spat it out. The next memory was gone, and only darkness remained in front of his eyes.

The scene is really toxic.

Meng Ting was not a fool. When he thought about the symptoms of dizziness and vomiting before his memory disappeared, and the two identical division chiefs, he knew that he had really been poisoned before, and Zuo Zhong did not lie to them.

 Oops, this car is not going to the underworld, right? Thinking of this, his nerves tightened. He heard that there are underworld guides after death, and they are sent to reincarnation or to the eighteenth level of **** according to the performance of the human world.

It's over now. Considering the immoral things done by the Secret Service Headquarters, he, as one of them, has no chance of reincarnation. He will most likely have to go to the 18th floor and stay for hundreds of years to wash away his sins.

Just at this time, Xu Enzeng, who was in the front row, slowly stretched his head over. The severe pain in his feet made Director Xu look a little ferocious, looking like a little devil with a green face and fangs.

 “Meng Ting~Meng Ting~”

Under the dim light, he faintly called Meng Ting's name, wanting to see if this subordinate was okay. Seeing that Yu Hong had to keep it secret, he had to find a reliable person to accompany him, and Meng Ting was the most suitable person.

In today's secret service headquarters, the only person he can trust is the other party. Although he is not as good at solving crimes as rumored, it doesn't matter. It's good to have multiple people blocking bullets.

Moreover, the surname Zuo said that the residual substance of Bai Phosphorus would not be left after the fire was burned. Meng Ting could not be sober after a long time, and did not affect the execution task.

Xu Enzeng shouted a few times. When he saw Meng Ting's eyes widened but did not speak, his tone became more severe: "Meng Ting, why don't you speak? Don't act stupid. I know that poisonous gas can't damage your brain."


Meng Ting was overjoyed when he heard this and said: "I didn't realize it was you just now. We are going somewhere, maybe to the hospital. I didn't expect you to go to the hospital in person despite your busy schedule."

He couldn't help choking as he spoke, and his eyes were full of tears. To be honest, seeing Xu Enzeng's concern, he felt a little regretful. He would have ignored Formosa if he had known it.

"What hospital? I told you when I was at the scene that you accompany me to see Yu Hong. If this woman is no longer of use, you will control her and arrest her as a suspect in the official residence."

Xu Enzeng interrupted him and whispered: "Remember to look at my eyes before acting. That woman may have received special training. Be careful of resistance when she strikes. You'll be fine, right?"

 “No problem.”

Meng Ting woke up from the emotion and held back his tears, thinking that it was like this. It was really bad luck for eight lifetimes to have such a boss. It was indeed right for him to choose to cooperate with the British.

He was thinking viciously, since the matter at the official residence had become dirty, he would make trouble for the secret service headquarters in other ways. He couldn't make this **** easy, so where to start.

 The result was an unexpected idea.

Xu Enzeng said again: "There are clothes on the seat, so change them quickly. You are so smelly. You have already made the Second Office a joke today. Don't be embarrassed in front of the underground party."


Meng Ting looked at the front row with an expressionless face. He resisted the urge to shoot the other person's head and quickly changed into a new set of clothes. He looked out the window and discovered that they had arrived at Meiyuan New Village.

Houses around here are ridiculously expensive whether to rent or buy. Obviously, Yu Hong lived a good life after embezzling funds. However, some money cannot be taken carelessly. If you take it, you will have to pay a price.

Seeing that Xu Enzeng was about to arrive, he began to assign specific tasks: "Yu Hong lives alone. The driver will be waiting downstairs later. When they open the door, I will meet you at the door. You go in and check if there is any danger."

Remember to load the weapon. You can shoot if necessary, but do not shoot at the fatal part. This female underground party has a lot of information. Try to get the information and then dispose of it. "

Meng Ting's face turned even darker after hearing this. This was because he wanted to ask for directions. If he encountered danger, he would definitely be dead or alive in the room, while the other party could use the cover of the corridor to escape.

The party has some cowardly officers and some shameless officers, but such cowardly and shameless officers are rare. They gamble with the lives of their subordinates. It’s a shame that the Secret Service Headquarters has never been able to defeat the Secret Service.

At this time, the car slowly stopped and Xu Enzeng walked towards a new residential building. Meng Ting could only draw his pistol and follow behind. The two of them followed the stairs and quickly reached the door of a room on the third floor.

Life is impermanent



 (End of this chapter)

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