Cicada Moving

Chapter 492: decent

Chapter 492: Decent

"Chief Zuo, the brothers in front have caught up with each other, and there is another group of people blocking them. I don't know if they are people from your place. We have surrounded the underground party on several slopes. I am here to report."

An agent from the Secret Service Headquarters rushed from the direction of Xiaguan Pier and reported the good news with a smile on his face. He said that it was dangerous to go out in the field with the smiling tiger, but the credit was also great.

There are at least ten underground gangs, and one is a mole who has infiltrated them. If rewards are based on merit, rewards and credit are indispensable. Not to mention, everyone's luck will become better after the death of the director.

well? If you say so.

This kid was thinking wildly when he felt his head being slapped. When he looked up, he saw Zuo Zhong retracting his right hand, frowning and saying: "What's wrong with everyone here, hurry up and lead the way."

"Yes Yes."

Being stared at by the Smiling Tiger, one of the secret agents felt a chill in his back. He bowed and responded twice. He bent over and stuck out his buttocks and shuttled through various bunkers. He quickly led Zuo Zhong to the vicinity of the siege.

Zuo Zhong didn’t mind being dirty, so he lay down on a piece of dirt and looked across the way, wanting to see the terrain where the Chinese detachment was hiding and whether there were people from the Intelligence Section on the other side, so as not to bring out another force.

Today's Jinling City is the alchemy furnace of Taishang Laojun. Who knows what will pop out of it. He shook his head with a wry smile, and then reached out and said something to the agents around him.


 “Chief Zuo, use mine.”

 “Use mine, German stuff.”

Zuo Zhong glanced at a piece of waste that was scrambling for the first place. He thought to himself that he really had a lot of pens, so he took one of the seven or eight telescopes at random, pointed his eyes at the eyepiece, and adjusted the magnification.

He immediately saw the agents of the Political Intelligence Unit in the binoculars. Because the intelligence involved was sensitive, most of the members of the Political Intelligence Unit were old people from the Jige Alley era. As the section chief, he was naturally familiar with them.

As long as it is not a new force, it will be fine. Otherwise, if you lead a group of useless people who only know how to flatter others, they might be followed by a mantis stalking the cicadas, and then the people of the Secret Service will be greatly embarrassed.

Suddenly, behind a small **** near the Political Intelligence Unit personnel, there was also someone holding a telescope and looking this way. Zuo Zhong smiled and waved his hand, and the other side also waved his hand to express receipt.

Wu Chunyang was cautious and knew to reveal his identity first to avoid being accidentally injured. Now that it was confirmed that the interceptor was not an enemy, there was only one thing left, which was to clear out the people in the bunker.

But after looking at the bunker where the Chinese detachment was hiding, Zuo Zhong sucked the teeth. It was too small. A winding crack extended from the river to the land, and then circled back to the river.

 The overall shape is U-shaped.

 The length is almost twenty meters, and it should be a natural landscape formed by river erosion. But on the other hand, this is simply a natural infantry trench, and it is a standard version.

Different from the horizontal and vertical trenches in the TV series, real trenches have corners set up at regular intervals to reduce shock wave damage from grenades and artillery shells.

 What Zuo Zhong and the others now have in front of them is such a trench, or even a circular fortification. Unless they launch an attack from the Yangtze River, they have nothing to do against the opponent.

The number of grenades carried by the agents is not large. In this case, throwing them out will not have any effect on the bunker. It cannot be just to make a sound. The purchase price of this thing is not cheap.

 In addition, the terrain near the gap is very low, and smoke bombs cannot be used. Once the smoke bomb lands, it will roll down the **** into the gap, and the opponent can easily throw it into the Yangtze River.


Zuo Zhong muttered something to himself, wondering if it was true that Xu Enzeng was still there with his eyes open and still haunted him. It would be better if he didn't think about it. When he thought about it, he always felt that the sinister laughter of that **** Xu Enzeng was everywhere.

"What should I do, Section Chief Zuo? How about we find a few teams of people to attack? I think the other party doesn't have much ammunition. If they use up all their ammunition, these underground parties will have no choice but to be captured."

At this time, a section chief from the Secret Service Headquarters came over and whispered a suggestion, which was almost written on his face. But this time, if there is no pension for the top, it will be someone from his left who will get the money.

Zuo Zhong's face darkened, and he glanced at this **** who was trying to trick people: "Okay, I'll let you lead the team yourself, okay? Die for the party and country, die gloriously, die great, I'm optimistic about you."

 The little girl’s calves were spinning. The person with the surname Zuo really turned his back whenever he wanted. He was just trying to flatter him, but he would die at every turn. Is the risk of flattering your superior so high now?

Seeing that the man was silent, Section Chief Zuo snorted coldly and rolled his eyes again and again, but found nothing. If the car was still there, he could use gasoline to ignite the car and force him out.

Just for the purpose of concealing the operation, the Intelligence Division's cars were parked on the other side of the river, while the Secret Service's cars were on this side. However, hearing the crackling gunshots at Jiujiawei before, no one dared to go there.

It seems that he can only think of a countermeasure that can take advantage of the terrain. Zuo Zhong thought about it for a while, looked down at the stones washed up by the river under his feet, and a good idea flashed in his mind.

He waved to the small unit chief and whispered a few instructions. The other person's eyes became brighter and brighter as he listened, and finally he ran away. Not long after, he brought back a group of fat and strong agents from the Secret Service Headquarters.

 “Smash it for me.”

Zuo Zhong was too lazy to talk nonsense, and waved his right hand down to signal these guys to take action. Since the grenade couldn't kill them, it would be nice to use physical methods to solve the problem and directly bury the bunker.

The fat and strong people didn't understand what "Smiling Tiger" meant. They looked at each other, and their eyes showed doubts. It was really true that the saying that you can only grow muscles but not a brain is in vain.

"Idiot, look at me." He sighed angrily and bent down to pick up a stone as big as an egg, and threw it in the direction of the gap. Then the stone fell thousands of miles away. He coughed lightly and said .

"I'm just giving you an example. According to Section Chief Zuo's order, all the rocks will be thrown in. If the target is killed, the reward will be the same as the capture. Do you idiots understand?"



The strong men heaved a sigh of relief and became energetic at the same time. They originally thought they were going to be the scapegoats, but they didn't expect they were just throwing stones. It was so simple. They all eagerly chose to throw stones.

These people were afraid that they would make Section Chief Zuo unhappy if they chose something too small, so they all found the largest stone that they could bear. They stood firmly on the ground with their feet firmly on the ground, and they used strong force with their thick arms to walk away.




Out of a dozen rocks, only two or three flew into the gap, so that they could all be hit. You can imagine how unlucky the person who was hit was, and there was a loud bang. I wonder if he died.

 Zuo Zhong raised the corner of his mouth slightly. It was impossible for this group of people to bring the British Brody helmets to Jinling to cause trouble. Even if they did, they would at least have a concussion, which would reduce their combat effectiveness by one.

When Wu Chunyang saw this, he started throwing stones in the same manner. After all, stones cost nothing. If the other party was stupid enough to throw stones from a low place to a high place, then his own gunmen would not be vegetarians.

But after smashing for a while, the Chinese detachment not only stopped making any movement, but also had the energy to throw the stones to the bunker. It was obvious that they had thought of a way to deal with it. This was a bit unexpected, and the reaction was too quick.

Qin Danny in the gap held a military backpack on his head and said proudly to Meng Ting: "The despicable people of the Republic of China would never have thought that we could solve this problem by putting soil in the bag."

"haha, yes."

Meng Ting was very interested in making a joke, but he didn't think the problem was solved. They were still entangled, and there was no point in taking advantage temporarily. Of course, Qin Danny also knew this.

But he needs to boost the morale of the troops. If the commander collapses first, the condition of the people below will be worse. The man named Qin is so scared that he wets his pants now, and he has to pretend to be calm on the surface.

Not far away, Zuo Zhong looked at the rocks being thrown out of the gap and sneered. At this time, he didn't think about how to escape. Instead, he was fighting on it. The other party was desperate.

Thinking of this, he glanced in the direction of Jiujiawei with his peripheral vision. Judging from the situation of Xu Enzeng running towards the highway in panic, those gunshots were probably fired by the underground party. He hoped that everything goes well for the comrades.

 According to the data, those prisoners were all Lao Geming with extremely firm beliefs. They did not reveal any secrets during torture and forced confessions. They were valuable assets of the party and were worth the risk of rescue.

 All he can do is give them enough time to retreat. The explosion of the small bridge should also be caused by the other party. If so, the underground party must have a way to leave here.

 So the longer the delay is, the better. He hopes that the confrontation will last until tomorrow. By then, the prisoners may have gone to Shanghai or Huizhou. The first person to thank when talking about this is Xu Enzeng.

This person is a great hero. Without his help, how could the underground party rescue so many important captured personnel from the heavily guarded prison? Zuo Zhong touched his chin and wondered how many free bags he should give. He must let the other party go. Body and face.

Just as he was thinking about it, a man's voice sounded from behind the bunker: "Friends outside, you can't rush out, and we can't rush out, so why don't we all take a step back to avoid both sides being hurt in the end.

Furthermore, our identities are far more complicated than you think. We meet each other in the mountains and rivers, and there may be opportunities for cooperation in the future. If you make a way, I guarantee that my people will leave Jinling immediately. "


Zuo Zhong immediately flew into a rage: "The undergraduate and the underground party are inseparable. I am without you, you are without me. Come on, keep throwing me away. Don't listen to this bastard's nonsense. Anyone who shakes the morale of the army will be killed."

 Danny Qin was confused. When did they become underground gangs? Although this identity was very helpful for keeping secrets, now was not the time to talk about it, so he immediately started to explain.

"we are not."


Unfortunately, before the words were finished, a sudden gunshot broke the calm. Both parties immediately retracted their heads and looked around nervously, trying to find out who broke the rules of the negotiation.

I still can’t help but stay up late, Virgo. I want to finish coding after I’ve started coding. Obsessive-compulsive disorder can kill people.

Recently, the update time at the subject’s home is not fixed. I can update steadily when I get home. Everyone understands.



 (End of this chapter)

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