Cicada Moving

Chapter 493: unexpected person

Chapter 493 The unexpected person

Zuo Zhong, who was trying to delay further, turned around and angrily shouted: "Who did it? I didn't tell you. Those who act without permission will be killed without mercy. Find the person who fired the gun. How dare you turn a deaf ear to what I said."

"no no"

 A small section chief opened his mouth wide and looked behind him with a horrified expression. He raised his finger and pointed in the direction of the river, and stammered: "Chief Zuo, there is a boat on the river. There is a boat. It was the opponent who fired the gun."

 River surface?

 Have a boat?

Zuo Zhong turned his head suspiciously and picked up the telescope to look again. He saw a small iron-shell motor boat speeding toward the scene from the center of the Yangtze River, causing waves of waves.

There is a man standing on the bow of the boat with his hands behind his back. The cold wind blows away his big back and blows the hem of his coat back. A quick look shows that I really feel like I want to ride the wind back.

This person is none other than Dai Chunfeng, the director of the Secret Service. Next to him is Gui Youguang, a big bald man holding a rifle. It turns out that this is a so-called secret mission, and Lao Dai is here to intercept Hu.

It seems that Teacher Cheap has made up his mind to take advantage of Xu Enzeng, and even hides his actions from himself, his disciple and chief of the intelligence section, in order to make a grand appearance today.


Before Zuo Zhong had time to say hello, flames kept coming out of the boat. The shooter was a sharpshooter from the Intelligence Section Action Team. After several rounds of shooting, the members of the Chinese detachment suffered heavy casualties.

 There were originally 13 people in Group A, Group B, the sniper team and Meng Ting. Three of them died in the previous breakout. The remaining 10 people all squatted on the two long sides of the U-shape to guard against the attack of the agents.

But I didn’t expect the attack to come from the river. Under the sudden blow, three more people were killed on the spot. Even Qin Danny was hit in the arm. Meng Ting was the luckiest kid, not even hurting his oily skin.

They had no choice but to enter the bottom of the U-shape to avoid shooting. They were completely blocked in the bunker. In this way, it wouldn't take long for this elite team to run rampant in South Asia to be annihilated.

Dai Chunfeng wiped his hair, feeling proud that his good students did not disappoint after all, squeezing the underground party members into such a small environment so quickly.

five minutes.

 No, in ten minutes.

The Secret Service is about to crack the first underground party case since its establishment. The leader will definitely be very happy to know that the director of the Bureau of Statistics and Investigation is within his reach, and his chance has finally come.

Dai Chunfeng gave an order to Gui Youguang in high spirits: "Get close to the shore immediately and kill all the enemies as soon as possible. Remember to leave a few alive for interrogation, and then ask your section chief to come see me."

 “Yes, Virgo.”

Gui Youguang saluted, turned around and pointed to the shore towards the helm, then raised his gun and aimed it inside the bunker to prevent the other party from jumping out and killing them, which was very likely to happen.

He has heard the stories about the underground party countless times and knows that these people will die together if they get a chance. If Virgo is hurt, he will not be able to chop off as many heads as he has.

Zuo Zhong watched the small boat with black smoke approaching suddenly, and was shocked. He could not give the Chinese detachment a chance to speak. This matter could not withstand investigation, and Lao Dai's attention must be diverted.

 “Hand grenade, throw.”

He suddenly shouted loudly and pulled out the grenade from the waist of the man beside him. He pulled out the fuse and threw it out after a few seconds. After the grenade landed, it rolled into the gap.

The other agents did not have time to think, so they subconsciously followed the instructions. For a while, there was a constant roar and fire, and from time to time, human body fragments and broken guns flew high and fell together with sand.

Wu Chunyang was a little confused, but the great achievement was right in front of him, so he couldn't help but join in. The grenades were thrown towards the target as if they were free. Some people even made cluster grenades.

The effect of this powerful dangerous product was very obvious after it was put into battle. A large piece of soil was blown away at one time, exposing the bunker. After all, this was not a real fortification built with concrete.

It's a pity that the number of grenades carried by the agents was not large, and they stopped after a while. However, at least five or six enemies were killed, as evidenced by the stumps thrown everywhere.

Under such brutal firepower, Qin Danny's eyes showed a fierce look. The Chinese have gone too far and did not even give them a chance to surrender, so let's give it a try. They are not vegetarians either.

“Everyone, shoot out all the bullets. If anyone can return to the port city alive, please take care of my wife and children at home. If we can’t escape, let’s go to the underworld together.”

He gave the final order to the few remaining men and Meng Ting, then put Thomson on the last drum, pulled the gun bolt hard, and prepared to get up and make the last breakout attempt.

"Woo~Woo~" Just at this moment, several deafening whistles sounded, drowning out all the sounds. Everyone followed the sound and saw that a cargo ship was approaching the crossfire and aimed at the boat where Lao Dai was.

Zuo Zhong understood that this was a British ship to meet the Chinese detachment, so he shouted with the loudest voice: "Teacher, jump quickly, the other party is an underground party's ship. If you don't jump, it will be too late."

Dai Chunfeng, who had not yet woken up from his joy, looked at the menacing freighter not far away, his head buzzing. Now he was in trouble. His ship was not even one-tenth the size of others.

If it collided, no one on the boat would survive. They wanted to jump out of the boat, but their feet seemed to be growing on the deck, and they couldn't move no matter how hard they tried.

It was not that he was frightened, but that his feet were numb due to the wind when he was arranging the score. Looking at the ship getting closer and closer, Dai Chunfeng closed his eyes in extreme regret and secretly said, "I am going to die."

 “Jump ship.”


 Gui Youguang said hello, held Dai Chunfeng under his arm, jumped into the cold river water with a running start, and swam desperately to both sides of the boat, trying to stay away from the ship's route.

Behind him, the well-trained action team members abandoned the ship one by one, took a deep breath and dived into the water. A string of bubbles floated on the surface, but they could not see where the people went.

Not long after Dai Chunfeng and others jumped into the water, a clever right full rudder of the freighter rowed past the boat, and the waves it brought easily pushed the boat to the shore and ran aground on the shoal.

“Well done, you are worthy of being the best helmsman in the empire.” Qin Danny, who was about to wait for death, turned red with excitement, as if he saw the hope of survival. Who would want to die if he could live.

Meng Ting nodded slightly. The helmsman was indeed very powerful. The draft of the freighter determined that it could not get close to the shore. It would be easy to destroy it by the force of the current. This was easy to do but difficult to do.

  If something goes wrong, the ship will run ashore or run aground, or it will directly collide with a small boat. Only those who are familiar with steering and the nearby hydrology can do it. The British have a way of doing it.

  Qin Danny saw his expression and showed a look of pride. He took out a flare gun and pointed it in the air and pulled the trigger. Three bright red flares shot straight into the sky.

Soon, the freighter began to circle around Dai Chunfeng and Gui Youguang who fell into the water. The meaning was very clear that they were taking the bald man and Lao Dai as hostages. Zuo Zhong's face gradually became gloomy.

After hesitating for a few seconds, he narrowed his eyes and ordered: "Pass my order to let these underground gangs leave. No one can stop them. All responsibility lies with me and has nothing to do with you. Just execute it."

Lao Dai was very important to his lurking. Without this teacher, his development in the Kuomintang intelligence system would not have been so smooth. If he wanted to get in touch with higher-level strategic intelligence, he would be indispensable.

As for Gui Youguang, he was a brother who lived and died together. We couldn't just watch this guy become the son-in-law of the Sea Dragon King, not to mention that Zuo Zhong had always been a person who valued friendship and feelings.

After listening to Zuo Zhong's words, neither the agents from the First Division nor the Second Division had any objections. Everyone was doing the job of licking blood on the tip of a knife. No one wanted to meet a colleague or superior who refused to save anyone.

Immediately, a special agent shouted something to the people in the gap, indicating that they were willing to accept the terms of exchange and allowed them to leave freely. Our own side would not take the opportunity to attack and use the people in the water as hostages.

Qin Danny was naturally willing, but to be on the safe side, he first asked one of his men to swim to the side of the freighter, rowed a lifeboat, and then evacuated with the remaining people.

Zuo Zhong stood on the shore with a telescope, observing every move of the other party. Everything seemed to be normal, until a familiar figure wearing a peaked cap appeared on the deck of the freighter.

The other party stood on the side of the ship and reached out to pull up the members of the Chinese detachment one by one, with a warm smile on his face. Finally, he hugged Qin Danny and Meng Ting, looking very happy.

This person is none other than Ban Jun, his old classmate and friend from the Zhejiang Police School. His hands trembled slightly and returned to normal in an instant. He could not show any abnormality in front of so many spies.

Yesterday when having breakfast, the other person said that you will only know if it suits you after trying it. Could this be what he was talking about? But what kind of person is Laoban, British or something else?

 Ban Jun is a retired officer in the army. He was later placed in the police academy. During this period, he behaved very normally. He never cared about parties and politics. When encountering relevant discussions, he would hide and avoid them.

 But at his core, Lao Ban is a standard patriot. When faced with the British-led customs involvement in smuggling tobacco and soil, the other party showed great resistance and did not choose to join in the smugglers.

Zuo Zhong recalled the memories related to Ban Jun in his mind, especially the scene where the two discussed cigarettes while drinking. The pain and hatred in his eyes at that time could not be deceived.

Would such a person become a slave to the British? It may be very small. Without external stimulation, it is difficult for an adult's outlook to change so drastically.

 Could it be that what Ban Jun showed in the police academy was just a disguise? There must be some unknown secret in him, for example, his true belief.

 (End of this chapter)

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