Cicada Moving

Chapter 495: Scouting the execution ground

Chapter 495 Scouting the Execution Ground

 “Ahem, cough, cough, what did you say?”

Dai Chunfeng choked on his saliva and looked at everyone in shock. Xu Enzeng had a way of saving his life. How could he be beaten to death? It couldn't have been something Shen Zhong did in anger.

As a student, I have always been very bold. He caused such a big disturbance at the Liuguo Hotel. It is not impossible to kill Xu Enzeng. If it really causes trouble, Director Chen will definitely go crazy.

He called Zuo Zhong aside and asked quietly: "Shen Zhong, what's going on? If it's you who did it, go to your old principal Zhu Jiahua and ask the old gentleman to intercede with the leader.

In case the other party is unwilling to come forward, you should go back to Ningbo first and think of a solution from the committee member's family. Money can be a magician. As long as you can make some people happy, this matter will not have much impact on you. "

Dai Chunfeng rarely said something that spoke from the bottom of his heart. The murder of the head of an intelligence agency is not a trivial matter. It is related to the distribution of power among the top leaders of the Communist Party of China. If he is not careful, his life may be in danger.

Zuo Zhong was dumbfounded by these words. He took advantage of the chaos to kill the man named Xu. Was he that kind of person? Well, it was indeed similar, but this matter really had nothing to do with him, so he could only smile bitterly.

“Teacher, this matter was done by the underground party. Meng Ting, the head of the intelligence section, colluded with the underground party in an attempt to rescue the prisoners. The intelligence section detected the incident in time and intercepted the prisoner on the north side of Zhongshan North Road.

After the exchange of fire, two groups of personnel were sent from one place to support them. Those underground gangs were all professional soldiers and were very difficult to deal with. Our brothers suffered many casualties and the two sides faced off on both sides of the highway.

We didn’t know what happened in Jiujiawei afterwards. We only heard a burst of fierce gunfire. Not long after, Xu Enzeng ran to the road and said that the students were colluding with the underground party. "

Zuo Zhong looked helpless, with a hint of laughter in his tone: "I didn't have time to save him. Everyone saw the shooting by the underground party. Not only the Second Division, but also the personnel of the First Division were present."

Dai Chunfeng was relieved when he heard this. It would be easier if there was a witness. Even if the errand failed in the end, no one could use this incident to frame the Secret Service, and the Chairman would not allow it to happen.

There are a lot of people from Zhejiang province in the party-state intelligence system, but there are very few people from Ningbo. Based on this alone, you will not be deeply criticized. At most, you will be fined for a few months. This is the so-called guessing.

There was a sneer on his face: "Xu Enzeng died well. This guy is at an advantage. The head of the intelligence department is an underground party. As the director of the department, this person cannot absolve himself of the blame. Who discovered this?"

“Reporting to the teacher, Wu Chunyang, the head of the political intelligence section, first discovered that Meng Ting’s whereabouts were somewhat suspicious. After tracking, he discovered a group of mysterious people with military backgrounds, who were analyzed to be underground parties.”

Zuo Zhong recounted Wu Chunyang’s analysis one by one, and finally concluded: “The only thing we didn’t expect was that the underground party operatives had such high military literacy, and even after careful preparation, they still suffered heavy casualties.

In addition, Xu Enzeng was indeed shot once, but we were busy chasing the suspect and we did not have time to survey and examine the body. We are not sure whether he is dead or not. Do you want the students to go back and have a look. "

Dai Chunfeng nodded slightly after listening to Wu Chunyang infer that the mysterious people were related to Min Province through their eating habits, behavioral style and targeting underground party prisoners.

This inference is well-founded. The rebellious gang has been stationed in the mountains and forests of the south. No matter how you look at it, the possibility that the mysterious man is a remnant of Min Province is very high.

He frowned again when he heard that the Intelligence Section had suffered heavy losses, but he quickly put the matter aside. To do intelligence was to put your head in your belt. It was a matter of life and death.

As for the life and death of Xu Enzeng, he is not interested. This person has lost the trust and attention of the leader. Even if he is not dead, it will have no impact on his taking over the post of Director of Investigation and Statistics.

After thinking about it, Dai Chunfeng raised his head and looked in the direction of Jiujiawei in the south. He gritted his teeth and said, "No, we'll talk about Xu Enzeng later. You can take people with me to the execution ground immediately to see the situation.

If so many repeat offenders are allowed to escape, the Secret Service Headquarters will certainly bear the responsibility, but at the same time the Secret Service cannot stay out of the matter. The freighter just now may have gone to respond, so hopefully it's not too late. "

 “Yes, Virgo.”

Zuo Zhong puffed up his chest and called Gui Youguang and Wu Chunyang who were standing aside: "Chunyang, you should organize all the personnel immediately, and integrate them into the action team regardless of one or two departments.

 Then search and advance towards the execution ground. Be careful and pay attention to the booby traps. The underground party set up several booby traps on the riverside when they escaped, killing several trash in one place. There may also be some around the execution ground.

There is light, and there is no extra dry clothes now. The action team can only work hard and wear wet clothes to cooperate with the operation. You have received low-temperature training, and this time you should treat it as training for combat. "

 “Yes, section chief.”

Wu Chunyang and Gui Youguang responded, and the bald head nodded nonchalantly. At this time, other members of the action team happened to climb out of the water, with waves of heat rising from their bodies.

These elites who were born in the military and have received complete intelligence training seemed not to know what cold was. Their iron tower-like bodies remained motionless in the cold wind, making everyone gasp in surprise.

In intelligence work, enemies often use rivers to hide and carry out activities, just like Tianfu in the assassination case of the government, which requires intelligence personnel to adapt to various environments and climates.

 Among them, cold is a very important training content. After all, spies do not choose seasons to operate. The purpose of low-temperature training is to gradually improve the body's cold tolerance and reduce the body's reaction. After receiving the order, the members of the action team, led by Gui Youguang, took the first step and were responsible for intelligence reconnaissance to prevent large troops from walking directly into the underground party's ambush circle, which would cause things to get serious.

Of course, Zuo Zhong’s instructions to the two of them were still to delay time and create a retreat window for the underground party. This was a conspiracy. No one could guarantee that the underground party did not make arrangements at the execution ground.

Wu Chunyang made great progress after two years of training, and soon divided the personnel into two groups according to weapons, one was the assault group carrying submachine guns, and the other was the support group carrying hand rifles.

The assault team walked in front, and the support team was scattered around. Under the guidance of the action team, a group of agents crossed Zhongshan North Road and walked hard and slowly in the mud to Jiujiawei.

Everyone stood on the **** and looked down.


Several agents from the Secret Service Headquarters vomited immediately after just one glance. The scene was really miserable. Dozens of men wearing Chinese tunic suits and police uniforms were lying on the ground in a **** state.

Blood flowed out bit by bit from the bodies of these people, forming a **** pool in the low-lying area. The bright red color made everyone present feel dizzy, and Dai Chunfeng almost fainted.

He covered his head and asked: "What's going on? Where are the prisoners? They are more than 400 old underground gangs. Go and see if there are any corpses of underground gangs inside. They must be found."

Zuo Zhong supported Teacher Jianyang and winked quietly at Wu Chunyang. Then two agents from the first branch and two agents from the second branch jumped off the dam together and jointly identified the source of the body.

 “No, they are all our people.”

 “Report, it’s a firing squad.”

After just watching for a while, the four people shouted together. None of the corpses in the execution ground were from the underground party. They were all secret agents and members of the firing squad of Laohuqiao Prison. The underground party had escaped.

Dai Chunfeng only felt his scalp numb. This **** Xu Enzeng is really a pest. He dragged the prisoner to such a remote place because he was afraid that it would be inconvenient for others to rob him. He was a complete idiot.

But how did the underground party do it? Why couldn't even a single underground party be left in the secret service headquarters and the prison? Even if they were all blind and deaf, they wouldn't be able to miss a single shot.

Zuo Zhong's eyes wandered around the corpse and found that someone seemed to be missing. By the way, the ward chief named Lao Liu was there. When he crossed the bridge, there were many strong guards sitting around him.

These people are all gone now. Could this be the real rescue plan of the underground party? They would ambush the people in the **** convoy in advance and launch a surprise attack from behind at the right time.

 But there is a problem. If the British do not interfere and attract some personnel from the secret service headquarters, and there are a lot of secret agents on the execution ground, how can the underground party guarantee that the operation will go smoothly?

Zuo Zhong thought for a while, and then looked at Dai Chunfeng, who looked gloomy beside him, and seemed to understand that without the British and the Secret Service, Meng Ting could take advantage of the contradiction between the first and second offices.

If he guessed correctly, Meng Ting's original plan was to jump back at the right time and help Lao Dai capture the non-existent underground party rescue personnel, which triggered conflicts between the two places during this period.

In this way, the personnel from the secret service headquarters at the execution ground will still be transferred, and the outcome will not change much. Even if the roles played by the first and second divisions in the case are changed, the plan will still be successful.

 Because conflicts of interest are never transferred by will, unless the two parties can sincerely unite, is this possible in an environment where the fruit parties are at odds with each other? It is naturally impossible.

From this point of view, Lao K has a very deep understanding of the internal affairs of the National Government and the people's hearts. This is the real way to make plans and win the battle thousands of miles away.

Zuo Zhong smiled inwardly and seriously explained to Dai Chunfeng the suspicion that there was a mole in the **** team. This was no secret. The forensic doctor and on-site investigation would definitely find something out.

Dai Chunfeng woke up from a dream after hearing this. What the underground party is best at is recruiting and instigating rebellion, making people unable to guard against it. A group of prison guards are indeed capable of killing so many agents in a sneak attack.

At this moment, the special agent who had gone to track the freighter came back and saluted: "Reporting to the Section Chief, Section Chief, the ship is parked at the coal yard dock. There are many prisoners in ragged clothes at the dock."

 “What, be careful and leave quickly.”

 Dai Chunfeng came to life and shouted loudly.

 (End of this chapter)

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