Cicada Moving

Chapter 496: Meng Ting and Ban Jun

Chapter 496 Meng Ting and Ban Jun

At the coal yard wharf near Jiujiawu, Lao Liu stood on the trestle, helping the captives climb up the gangway with difficulty, while looking anxiously at the shore. The boarding speed was much slower than expected.

Although I don’t know what method the organization used to hold back the enemy, the enemy will eventually react. Once the agents chase them to the dock, these weak comrades will have no power to resist.

Thinking of this, he shouted loudly to his guards: "Go to the coal yard and keep an eye on it. If someone comes over, organize a defense immediately. Don't be reluctant to fight. The personnel have been transferred and are ready to evacuate at any time."


The guards took their guns and ran to the coal field not far from the shore. They used coal piles and buildings as bunkers. They turned on the safety guards and pointed their weapons in the direction of the execution ground, blocking the road to the dock.

After the crew of the freighter saw this, they also slipped down the cable and went to the coal yard to support them. Even though they had not known each other before, as long as they were comrades, they were willing to trust each other with their lives.

In the cockpit, Ban Jun looked at the scene in front of him, his eyes full of memories: "After staying in Guodang for so long, I have forgotten the last time I saw such a scene. How about you?"

"Me? I've seen it many times, but not from this angle. The patrol house often arrests comrades operating in the concession. I saw many people arrested with my own eyes, and finally died in front of me."

Meng Ting's face next to him was as usual, as if he was talking about something that had nothing to do with him, but his slightly twitching brows showed that he was not calm inside. This must be an extremely painful memory.

It’s just that his long-term underground work prevented him from revealing too many emotions. Even if his dearest comrade-in-arms died, and even if his comrades who shared life and death were tortured, he must maintain restraint.

 Ban Jun glanced at Meng Ting, and his eyes suddenly felt a little sore. Both of them were lurking in the heart of the enemy, but their nature was different. He couldn't imagine what the other person had gone through. It must have been very painful.

 The French are open to local political ideas. Even thieves can become representatives of anarchists, but they implement high-pressure policies against various ideological trends in the colonies and concessions.

Especially the underground party, which often prefers to kill the wrong person before letting go. Once arrested, underground party members will be executed secretly or handed over to the National Government without any investigation or trial.

This is quite ironic for France, which gave birth to the Napoleonic Civil Code and is known as the birthplace of democracy in the capitalist world. It shows that their freedom and power also depend on the target.

 Ban Jun hesitated and asked: "I read the Jinling Evening News, and it said that you relied on the help of the Caogang to solve the case, and paid newspapers in Shanghai to advocate for you. Is this true?"

He felt that such an old agent, who had been lurking for many years, could completely rely on his own ability to solve the case, and there was no need to have anything to do with gangsters like the Cao Gang, which could easily cause criticism.


Meng Ting nodded immediately and admitted happily: "The Caogang gang is very powerful. They have their presence in the urban areas of the government, the French Concession exclusively owned by the French, and the public concessions dominated by the British and Americans.

Organized criminal gangs such as bag carriers, robbers, break-ins, and burglaries will all give Caobang a fixed share. If Caobang wants to accomplish one thing, all it takes is a few phone calls.

 Such a powerful intelligence force, we must use it effectively. If we don’t use it, the enemy will use it. At that time, the party’s activities in Shanghai will be difficult to carry out.

 So the organization needs me to serve as a bridge between the Caobang and the public opinion circles, and to win the support of patriotic people. Making this kind of deal with both parties can reduce the attention of the concession and the National Government to me. "

He selectively reported the information from Shanghai, and then said: "In the future, if you take over my liaison mission with the Caobang in the concession, you must remember that the important thing is the result, not the process.

People's hearts are complicated. People are always tolerant of incompetent people and don't care too much if something happens. A shrewd detective and a liar who spends money to become famous are more popular. "

Meng Ting is not a talkative person. If Ban Jun had not taken over his job, he would not have said these words. Even so, he still did not disclose the specific situation of the liaison mission.

 Ban Jun was dumbfounded, and he was also a consequentialist. Just like his old classmate, as long as they could achieve their goals and the price was right, they didn't mind making a deal with the devil at all.

He smiled bitterly and shook his head: "After this incident, if others mention you, the Shanghai detective, they will probably describe you as someone who deceives the world and steals your reputation. I heard that someone set up a bet between you and Formosa?"

"haha, yes."

Meng Ting showed a sly smile: "In the game set up by the Jinling Cao Gang, you should buy Formosa to win. I bought a lot myself. Don't give up the free money. You can earn some activity funds."

Ban Jun couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this. He didn't expect that the other party would bet on him to lose. This was a standard secret operation. If the people in the Caobang knew about it, they would probably have the intention to kill him.

Over there, Meng Ting looked at the comrades climbing onto the deck one by one, turned around and said: "As for other people's evaluations, my personal reputation is not as important as those comrades who even sacrificed their lives." Yes, compared to those who sacrificed their lives. people.

 Ban Jun understood what the other party meant. Underground party members do not care about selfishness. In the face of tasks assigned by the organization, personal honor and disgrace are not within their scope of consideration. This is both a principle and a requirement.

Just like myself, the Customs Anti-Smuggling Division is a place that many people dream of going to. What’s more, under the operation of his old classmates, he even got a lucrative job. Such a position is hard to buy.

 But without everyone, how can we have a small family? If we don’t overthrow the mountains above our heads and drive away imperialism, what’s the point of enjoying the best material conditions for individuals? They will be nothing more than a skeleton after death.

 Ban Jun sighed: "You won't arouse suspicion by doing this. It's a pity that we finally broke into the secret service headquarters. You shouldn't have participated in this operation. You could have played a greater role there.

   The Chief of the Intelligence Section has access to a lot of confidential information. The party's plans against our party will be distributed to the operatives at the Secret Service Headquarters through you. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. "

He is very clear about the importance of the position of Chief of the Intelligence Section of the Secret Service Headquarters. For example, if Zuo Zhong is one of his own, any action of the Secret Service cannot be hidden from the underground party. This is an extremely important position.

If there is a capture or a traitor appears, the organization can know the situation before the enemy so that it can respond accordingly. This can save a lot of time and save the lives of countless comrades.


Meng Ting laughed out loud after hearing this, and then said with a smile: "You don't think that Xu Enzeng will always let me be the intelligence section chief, do you? You underestimate this old spy too much, things are not that simple.

It was purely a coincidence that I entered the secret service headquarters. If I were not afraid of arousing suspicion, I would rather continue to lurk in Shanghai. This kind of sudden opportunity is not a good thing, it means that the situation is out of control.

Xu Enzeng brought me from Shanghai to the secret service headquarters to serve as the intelligence section chief. He seemed to take me seriously, but he did not report my information to the branch to which I belonged. In other words, the people below did not know about me.

 He ​​was treating me as a tool. The success of the plan was due to his good leadership. The failure was due to my lack of experience. Otherwise, why would he choose a pure layman to be the chief of the intelligence section?

Even if I can stand firm in this situation, I am just a puppet. You have been in the government agencies and you know what people without real power are like, just wasting their time. "

 Ban Jun recalled that this seemed to be the case. In such a big operation as an ambush at the execution ground, Xu Enzeng just placed Meng Ting on the north side of the highway, which was obviously not a sign of seriousness.

The other party may need a scapegoat to take the blame when the operation fails, so they find an outsider from Shanghai with no backing, so as not to offend the higher-ups by pushing someone out to die.

Meng Ting continued to sneer: "Instead of becoming a scapegoat, it is better to strike first and rescue these captured comrades while the enemy trusts them. The superior leaders also have the same idea.

Being lurking in the intelligence system is different from lurking elsewhere. All experiences must be flawless. It can be said that the history of studying in France alone determines that I will not go far.

During the few months that I have been the section chief, the Secret Service Headquarters and the Secret Service have sent no fewer than five or six groups of personnel to investigate my details. If I don’t leave, I may appear in prison before long. "

 Ban Jun understood that Zuo Zhong was a child of a large family in Ningbo. He had a clean family relationship and had a very clear experience from birth to Zhejiang Police School. Only then was he reused by Dai Chunfeng and Guodang.

He said with regret: "Even so, it's a pity. Before receiving the order, I really didn't expect you to be one of my own. No wonder you can lurk around an old spy like Xu Enzeng."

“It’s no pity. As someone who has experience in this industry, I want to tell you that when you feel that you are in danger, the danger must have already come. You must not take any chances, otherwise you will only be exposed.

 To retreat decisively, you must learn to resist temptation, not only of wine, sex, and wealth, but also of greed in your heart. Qualified intelligence personnel should not be controlled by emotions, but must control emotions. "

Meng Ting said seriously, paused and added: "Before taking action, you should go see Zuo Zhong. I am opposed to it. This person is an intelligence expert of the Kuomintang Party and has rich counter-espionage experience.

Your family's sudden departure from Jinling is a very abnormal behavior. Fortunately, Zuo Zhong trusts you and did not send anyone to the countryside. Otherwise, if you make a little inquiry, you will be exposed.

 In short, if you say the wrong word or make the wrong move, endless torture will be waiting for you. Don’t think that you are old classmates, and the spy will be lenient to you.

When lurking, the first thing you have to do is to deceive yourself and think about the problem from the enemy's perspective. Only in this way can you deceive those cunning opponents. I wish you good luck in your new job. "


Ban Jun responded with a smile, then looked at the Chinese detachment members who were **** in twists in the corner and asked: "What should we do with these traitors? Will killing them affect the next plan?"

 (End of this chapter)

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