Cicada Moving

Chapter 497: Tiger and tiger make wind

 Chapter 497 Tiger and tiger make the wind

 “Dispose of it when you get to the meeting point.”

Meng Ting heard Ban Jun ask how to deal with the Chinese detachment, and said calmly: "Someone will testify for me, and the British will believe that we encountered an ambush, and only two people escaped successfully.

Min, when you get to Shanghai, you must tell everyone about Mr. Qin Danny's heroic deeds. Without each other's support, you and I will never be able to escape the pursuit of the Kuomintang. Am I right? "

 After saying that, he looked at the snipers of the Chinese task force. If he hadn't had one of his own lurking among the British, he would not have controlled this group so simply. This was related to the follow-up plan.

Among the people in Hong Kong City, there are both Japanese devils who regard thieves as their fathers, patriots who care about the motherland, and even more comrades who are willing to risk their lives under the red flag and give everything they have for the cause of the party.

Min in Meng Ting's mouth grinned, pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose and said: "Yes, I will definitely ask the British to award Mr. Sergeant the Medal. There are not many true warriors like him left."

 “Uh! Uh!”

Over there, Danny Qin’s mouth was gagged, and he was sitting on the ground struggling. His eyes looked at Meng Ting, his eyes full of anger. Who would have thought that this shameless villain turned out to be a member of the underground party.

This resulted in him being suddenly subdued just after he got on the boat and before he could react from the joy of escaping the danger. If it were a head-on battle, these despicable guys would definitely not be his opponents.

And Min, this **** traitor, didn't he serve the British Empire well? Why did he betray it? What is there to be loyal to a backward and ignorant country like the Republic of China? They are really a bunch of lunatics.

 Not only did he arrest himself and his men, he also seized the merchant ship of the Imperial Company. This was a **** act of war. Once London knows about it, the underground party will definitely regret what they did today.

 Ban Jun listened on the sidelines and did not ask Meng Ting about his plans. He knew it was a secret, and then looked at the shore with worry on his face. Most of the captured people had already boarded the boat, with only five or six people left.

But the problem is that most of these people have suffered severe torture and are currently in very poor physical condition. They cannot get on the ship by themselves. They need to lie on stretchers and be pulled up one by one by the crew on the ship.

It would take at least ten minutes to complete the transfer. They were afraid it would be too late. They would not be able to leave the captured comrades with the enemy. If so, there would be no need for armed rescue.

Meng Ting, as the person in charge of the scene, also realized the seriousness of the problem. He thought for a moment and issued the order: "Min, look for cover from the commanding heights, and everyone else will disembark to intercept the enemy."

With an order, except for the personnel who controlled the ship and rescued the prisoners, everyone who could hold a gun got off the ship. At this moment, there were no superiors or subordinates, only comrades who lived and died together.

 Ban Jun loaded the rifle skillfully, raised his head and said with a smile: "I haven't touched this guy for many years. I don't know how much of my marksmanship I still have back then. Comrade actors, do you dare to compare?"

Meng Ting, as cautious as ever, replied boldly: "Why don't you dare? Comrade Boatman, you are a strong general in the army, but Meng also participated in the Shanghai Uprising. Let's have a good competition today."


The two men looked at each other and smiled, each carrying a rifle and walking out of the cockpit side by side. It was their mission to rescue and protect the captured personnel, even if they died for it, even if they never came back.

 Never regret.

Sniper Min Ze climbed to the top of the cockpit without hesitation. This is the highest position around, which is enough to accurately shoot targets hundreds of yards away, suppressing the attack of the Kuomintang agents.

As for the calibration, it has just been completed in the battle on both sides of the road. As long as the opponent does not have snipers, he is confident that he can block the enemy from a safe range. This time, he is fighting ideally.

At the same time, Zuo Zhong and Dai Chunfeng ran quickly to the coal yard dock with the agents. The team of hundreds of people was fierce. Lao Dai vowed to keep all the prisoners and the underground party who came to rescue them.

 Among them, Gui Youguang's action team was at the forefront as the vanguard. Several people in the team were holding kar98b sniper rifles and moving covertly among the reeds and woods, taking aim from time to time.

· When the agents from the Secret Service Headquarters saw how elite the Secret Service staff were, their courage that had been shattered gradually returned to them. They unbuttoned their shirts one by one, and wore their felt hats crookedly to make a grin.

Zuo Chong sighed secretly. These **** forgot how much money they had as soon as they saw an advantage to be taken. Without the Chinese detachment, the rescue team of the underground party was not easy to mess with.

  Being able to eliminate 40 spies and 10 firing squads in a short period of time, and not one of them has died yet. You really think they are just paper. Since you want to die, then I will help you.

As for pensions, Section Chief Zuo's moral bottom line is still very flexible. How can things to boost morale be called bragging? Doesn't the Chairman of the General Assembly often make blank checks? This is the tradition of the party and state.

 He got slightly closer to Dai Chunfeng and said furtively: "Teacher, why don't we let people from one place be the vanguard? These underground parties are not simple, they are proficient in small-scale combat, and they even have professional snipers.

First use the waste in one place to hold the opponent back, and then when the time is right, the Intelligence Division action team will enter the scene. This way we can minimize the personnel losses of our Secret Service. "

 “Okay, you will direct the action.”

Dai Chunfeng is still self-aware and understands that he is not good at business, so it is better to leave professional matters to professionals. He only needs to wait for the underground party to be arrested.

Perhaps the underground party has now become a lost dog. Faced with the pursuit of so many people, it may only need a charge to solve such a small matter, and there is no need for him to take action personally.

"is teacher."

Zuo Zhong waved and called a small agent, asking the other party to notify the people in the first branch and his subordinates respectively. The personnel from the first branch will be responsible for the operation, and the intelligence department can just wait for the wonderful performance of the first branch.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the intelligence department personnel to slow down and prepare to watch how the underground party was attacked. It was really a profit to see such a big show without spending money. An agent was on the verge of death, but he didn't know it. Walking briskly as if he were out for an outing, a group of people lined up in a long formation towards the pier, chatting with playful smiles.

They felt more and more that Director Xu was the reason why the place was so unsatisfactory. As soon as Director Xu ascended to heaven, the place's luck would come. They were familiar with the terrain near the coal yard, so they were sure of it.

Soon, the group of people noisily walked to a large open area. Further on, there were piles of coal. There were almost two to three hundred meters between them, and there was almost no shelter.

The target of this trip, the freighter, was just behind the coal pile. From a distance, someone could be seen transporting escaped prisoners to the ship. It was so arrogant that one of the agents' noses almost became angry.

However, no matter how useless they are, they are still serious members of the intelligence agency, and they still have a sense of vigilance. Naturally, they will not go directly through the open area. Immediately, the superiors at all levels shouted.

 “Occupy the commanding heights.”

 “Block the road.”

 “Prepare to attack.”

 “A team of three, approaching in a concealed manner.”

Xu Enzeng had previously sent people to conduct a detailed survey of the surrounding area. Open areas were the key point. There were almost no bunkers, which did not mean there were no bunkers at all. The personnel in one area knew very well where they could avoid shooting.

 A three-person team immediately jumped out from the starting point, ran for twenty or thirty meters with their bodies low, ran to a small gentle **** and lay down, then stretched out their three heads and looked in the direction of the coal pile.

no problem.

The edge of the coal pile was very natural, and it didn't look like someone was lying on it. They didn't see any moving figures. Maybe the underground party was anxious to evacuate and didn't send anyone to stop them here.

The three of them discussed in a low voice after reading, turned around and made a gesture behind them, then stood up and continued to move forward quickly, and after running for several dozen meters, they hid in a hidden pit.

There was a joke in the end. One of the people may have run too fast and fell directly into it, but no matter what, he finally got close to the coal pile without any danger, which is worth celebrating.

As soon as they stopped here, the starting point sent follow-up personnel to the small slope. They tried to use multiple teams to establish stable support points during the march, which looked quite professional.

Dai Chunfeng hid in a forest, held up a telescope, and said: "Shen Zhong, no one should be underestimated. This set of actions was performed very beautifully. It is comparable to our actions."

 “Yes, teacher.”

Zuo Zhong wanted to laugh a little. Things were not that simple. He would fall down without pressure. Then how far would these simple movements deform in a firefight?

And the underground party is best at ambushes. On the southwest battlefield, the Fruit Party was wiped out several divisions. Don't these idiots read the newspapers? When the large troops enter the encirclement, they should take action.

Just as he was thinking about it, the first three-person team arrived at the coal pile. After climbing up and down to inspect it, they waved excitedly, indicating that there was no danger here and that the remaining personnel could move safely.

  Seeing this signal, one of the spies at the starting point almost burst into laughter. The people in the Secret Service were greedy for life and feared death. Unexpectedly, the underground party was not prepared at all. It was their turn to make a contribution this time.

 “Brothers, charge!”

Someone from the middle level gave a low shout and ran out. The man who was several dozen years old just ran out of the feeling of being in a hurry and ran to the vicinity of the coal pile in a flash. Behind him were all the smiling secret agents.

 It’s over.

Zuo Zhong sneered, these living targets only had target paper on their heads. With such a dense formation and such a close distance, if the underground party didn't take the opportunity to come over, he would be named Xu Enzeng.


At this time, a flash of fire suddenly flashed on the top of the freighter, and then gunfire rang out. One by one, the agents covered their necks and collapsed. Blood splattered everywhere. The surrounding agents were so scared that they peed.

 “Get down, there’s a sharpshooter!”

The smart people shouted loudly that they would be safe as long as they lay down, so that the gunmen on the freighter could not shoot at them. Once they moved to a safe position, a mere marksman would not be afraid.

So dozens of special agents instantly turned into little turtles, crawling slowly on the ground, with pride written all over their faces. This good mood did not end until someone pulled out a raincloth from the coal.

The important thing is not the raincloth, but the cold MP18 gun barrel under the raincloth and the eyes that are colder than the gun barrel. The underground party is hiding in the coal, and the frightened agents reveal despair in their eyes.

There will be one chapter tomorrow and this plot will end. For reasons known to all, the plot of the underground party will not be written in long form in the future, but will be interspersed with descriptions.

The next plot will unfold in other maps. The updates have not been on time in the past two days. I'm sorry. I really have to drink well with the elders when I come to my partner's house. You don't want me to be like the big bald man. I will be stable after I get home. Make up for it, I swear.

It’s now 5:32 in the morning. I go to bed. I get up at noon to code, and then continue drinking at night.



 (End of this chapter)

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