Cicada Moving

Chapter 499: Wu Chunyang in white flowers

Chapter 499 The white-flowered Wu Chunyang

Wu Chunyang squatted in the bunker and watched the smoke being blown away by the wind and snow. He was a little worried. Why did the first batch of personnel enter the smoke for so long without responding, and they didn't even hear the sound of gunshots.

He understood that the most important thing now was to break through the interception as soon as possible. The gunmen who blocked them were just small fishes. The underground party prisoners on the freighter must be captured, otherwise the operation will fail.

Just as I was thinking about it, a small agent came out of the smoke and ran into the bunker to report: "Report to the unit chief, the underground party members have set fire to the coal pile, and the brothers cannot approach. Do you want to launch an attack from both wings?"

 Lighted the coal pile?

  MD, I’m in trouble.

Wu Chunyang looked at the coal yard attentively, and sure enough he saw a black smoke column. It was troublesome. It was almost impossible to put out so much coal on fire. By the time it burned down, the underground party would have arrived in Moscow.

 Attacking from two flanks without cover is asking for death. People are eager for them to do this. As long as they arrange a few submachine guns at the commanding heights to block the road, no matter how many people they send, they will die.

 The section chief is waiting for news at the rear and is ready to lead follow-up personnel into the scene at any time. Do you want to ask the section chief what to do, such as changing the action plan and opening a gap in another direction?

 But he quickly gave up this idea. They were soldiers, and military orders were like mountains. Even if a real soldier knew that there was a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire ahead, he would not hesitate to carry out the order once it was given.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Wu Chunyang looked up at the small pond not far away and gritted his teeth and said, "Wet all the operatives' clothes and use their clothes to build an attack channel for me. I'll start."

 After saying that, he jumped directly into the pond. The bitingly cold water made his scalp tighten, followed by a pain in his heart. This was vasoconstriction induced by the cold, and it was also an early warning from the body.

He couldn't care too much at the moment. He took a deep breath and buried his head in the water. When his head came out of the water again, his face had turned pale, and then he walked out of the pond with his arms folded.

  The wet clothes were blown by the cold wind, and the body temperature dropped a few points. Wu Chunyang shivered involuntarily. He opened his black lips and ordered his men: "Quick, prepare to attack."

The agents of the Political Intelligence Unit saw the unit chief leading by example. The strictness of military law and the honor of the military finally overcame their timidity. They walked into the pond one by one with their eyes closed and passed through the water.

Two minutes later, a group of people with faces turning blue from the cold rushed into the smoke, fired a few smoke bombs, and moved quickly towards the target, striving to end the battle as quickly as possible.

As soon as they arrived around the coal pile, the agents immediately felt the hot air coming in one after another. Their frozen bodies finally felt a little warmer, and the hands holding the weapons no longer trembled.

Everyone looked up at the coal pile and observed the fire. They found that the fire was not as serious as they thought. At least they were so close to the coal pile now, but not even their hair was scorched.

Hand out again to feel it, the temperature is much lower than that of the coal stove. Damn it. Could it be that there are too many impurities in these coals, or that the snow water has wetted the coals, causing the combustion temperature to drop?

Wu Chunyang had no time to dwell on this issue. He pointed to the coal pile and said, "Take off your clothes and spread them one by one on top. Everyone takes turns. If you can't bear the high temperature, come down. Don't be brave."

As he spoke, he put the wet clothes on the pile of coals. A surprising thing happened. The clothes were not burned and successfully covered the flames. This method worked.

The agents were refreshed and immediately laid a passage to the top of the coal pile in the same way, and then extended it to the left and right to build two attack positions. In fact, they spread several square meters of wet clothes.

As long as you have a foothold at a high place, you will not be beaten down by others. You can attack the people on the opposite side from here to cover the operators on both sides to attack the second row of coal piles and advance one by one.

Because of this, everyone from Wu Chunyang to ordinary people took off their shirts. A group of shirtless old men kept stomping their feet in the cold wind. Those who didn't know it thought they were tap dancing.

 The tunnel was built, and a few agents climbed up first. They still felt a little hot under their feet, but within the acceptable range, there was no big problem in shooting from standing and crouching positions in a short period of time.

At this time, the follow-up team also arrived. As soon as Gui Youguang and the action team emerged from the smoke, they ran into a large group of shivering fruit men. The bald man was so frightened that he almost fired.

Fortunately, he was stopped by Zuo Zhong, who had quick hands and quick eyes. Section Chief Zuo looked at Bai Huahua's men, the ingenious roads and the still flaming coal piles, and quickly figured out what was going on.

He called Wu Chunyang, looked at this guy with thin skin and tender flesh with satisfaction, and said with a smile: "I didn't see it, your kid is so fair, I'll leave the rest to Gui Youguang.

Once the action team captures the underground party's defense line, you and your people will go forward to occupy it, advance to both wings, block the roads on both sides, and ensure that operators entering and exiting the site will not be harassed.

Send a few more people to find ways to get some containers and get some water. The coals are smoldering, so the surface temperature is not high, but the clothes won't last long, so they must be kept wet at all times. "

 “Yes, section chief.”

Wu Chunyang knew that combat was not what they were good at, and he had no objections to the order, nor did he feel that he was being ripped off. This operation had already resulted in many casualties, and no more people could be lost.

 “To return to the light.”


Zuo Zhong assigned a task to one side and named the big bald man again: "Attack the underground party from the top of the coal pile, cover the advance on both wings, and do not pursue without permission. The other party likes to ambush, so be careful.

It's best to catch someone alive when you start. The water behind the prison robbery case is very deep. If you want to get benefits, you must have sufficient evidence. This affects everyone and the future of all of us. Do you understand? "

"Report to Section Chief, I understand." Gui Youguang returned a military salute and made a separation gesture to his men. The members of the action team automatically divided into three teams, one to the left, one to the right, and one to the right. stand still.

The two teams on the left and right were responsible for advancing on both sides. He led the remaining teams to rush to the top of the coal pile. The agents did not look outside and each took out smoke bombs and threw them over.

Several smoke bombs drew a perfect parabola and landed on the north side of the coal pile opposite. They rolled down, emitting white smoke, and then the smoke enveloped the entire coal pile in the direction of the wind.

As excellent operators, Gui Youguang and Qin Danny came up with the same idea, which was to use the north wind in winter to blow the smoke towards the enemy, giving their side an advantage in their actions.

Meng Ting over there saw this scene and was shocked. Why did the Guo Party agents put out the fire so quickly? It was not easy to put out so much coal when it burned. It took a lot of time.

As a result, before this issue could be figured out, the situation changed again. Smoke suddenly rose from both sides of the coal pile where the underground party was located. The enemy was obviously preparing to attack. What a cunning opponent.

His brain was working rapidly, trying to find a way to deal with it. After a few seconds, he lowered his voice and called Ban Jun: "Boatman, you go to the left, and I will go to the right and ambush on the opposite **** of the coal pile.

 Remember one sentence, when the enemy moves, we move, and when the enemy does not move, we stay still. When counterattacking, try to use submachine guns to shoot. It doesn't matter if you are not accurate. Just make them unable to attack with peace of mind. "

Ban Jun nodded seriously, holding a handful of Thomson and crawling to the left side. He turned his head and listened to the movement outside. It didn't take much effort to hear the rustling footsteps, the sound was very small.

The enemy is coming, so fast. The opposing commander is very experienced. He knows that he and others are stalling for time, so he wants to use this method of fast and slow to shake his own defense line.

He sneered and said to himself that when grandpa was fighting, you bunch of spies were still wearing crotchless pants to drink milk. Then without raising his head, he fiercely raised the Thompson submachine gun above his head and fired.

This shooting method seems to have low accuracy, but it depends on who is shooting. As a veteran on the battlefield, he made a fan based on the position of his footsteps, and someone in the smoke immediately let out a muffled groan.

 Someone was shot.

not good!

 Ban Jun was not happy and reacted, and immediately made a few rolling movements and left the position he had just been in. He lay on the ground and supported the ground with his elbows. He protected the back of his head with both hands and kept it in the air.

This is a standard anti-shelling and anti-bombing defense method. The purpose is to prevent the shock wave of the explosion from passing along the ground to the human body and causing damage to internal organs. Only veterans can use it flexibly.

The reason why he did this is very simple. Normal people will inevitably cry out in pain when they are shot. Of course, there are exceptions, such as senior military personnel who have undergone rigorous training and cruel actual combat.

The man just held back his scream when he was shot. This shows that the worst case scenario has happened. The enemy has sent out the most elite personnel, not the previous group of automatic running targets.

The Ban Army knew better that their firing had exposed their position. Given the level of their opponents, they would definitely counterattack in a very short time. The most effective method against anti-slope personnel was grenades.


Just as he took defensive action, a sound of metal collision rang in his ears, which made his hair stand on end and he opened his mouth desperately to prevent damage to his eardrums caused by excessive pressure immediately after the explosion.

Being deaf on the battlefield is equal to death, especially in such close combat situations. Moreover, once the ears are severely damaged, a person's balance ability and judgment ability will be affected.


Something did explode, but it was not a grenade. Ban Jun, who closed his eyes, felt a violent white light flash before his eyes, a sharp roar sounded in his ears, and his head felt dizzy.

 Flash bomb.

 The unique weapon of the Secret Service.

He immediately thought of the information Meng Ting had introduced. Once this weapon was used, it meant that the agents were about to attack. He endured the discomfort and opened his eyes, aiming his gun at the top of the coal pile.


 It is the sound of cracking coal.

 “Da da da da~”

Someone came from the back of the coal pile. Ban Jun did not hesitate and started firing wildly along the ridge line at the top. Bullets hit the coal one after another, and black coal dust slowly fell in all directions.

It seems that the plot will end completely tomorrow. It is now 3:44. I have finished my sleep and went to bed. I drank very little last night. I only drank two bottles of, well, Mongolian wine.



 (End of this chapter)

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