Cicada Moving

Chapter 500: The battle heats up

Chapter 500 The battle heats up

 “Damn, your reaction is so fast.”

Gui Youguang, who was forced back by a barrage of fire with Ban Jun, lay on the ground and patted the ground angrily. The other party injured one of his men and received a flash bomb, but nothing happened.

This man is definitely a master of action, and his acting style is very decisive. He should be an elite member of the military. This group of people is really not simple. No wonder he and the section chief have been confronting each other on the highway for so long.

But if it is not to capture people alive and grenades cannot be used, the opponent will be seriously injured no matter how elite they are. He is very confident about this. The next thing they have to do is to suppress them.

"Da da da…"

 “Bang bang bang…”

At this time, fierce fighting also broke out on the other side, with gunshots ringing out. The agents formed two groups and began to attack. One group was responsible for fire suppression, and the other group tried to move to the bottom of the coal pile.

The fire suppression team consisted of six marksmen equipped with Thompsons. The two at the front continued to fire, and the other four, two on guard and two on replenishing ammunition, took turns to advance forward.

Meng Ting, who was on the top of the coal pile, did not show his head like the squadron. He directly raised his submachine gun and fired at the bottom. The purpose was not to kill or injure many people, but to disrupt the enemy's rhythm of action and delay time.

However, the elites of the Intelligence Section are not the same bunch of losers. They are used to seeing the hail of bullets. Faced with the shooting without any accuracy, they stick to their respective combat positions with a calm expression.

"Da da da."



One of the two people who were suppressing fire was scratched by a bullet, and his sleeves were instantly stained red. He calmly shouted and retreated, and his teammates behind him automatically took over to ensure that the firepower did not weaken.

 “Reload ammunition.”


"go ahead."

  The expensive 11.43mm bullet shells flowed from the ejection port to the ground like a waterfall. The agents wore gas masks and moved slowly in the thick smoke, staring at the top of the coal pile.


Meng Ting, who was on the opposite side, also put a new drum on Thomson. He was glad that during the confrontation on the road, it was not this group of people on the opposite side. Otherwise, the Chinese detachment would be hanging and he would not be able to support the arrival of the freighter.

He is worthy of being the intelligence ace of the Guo Party. His operational skills and psychological quality are definitely among the top three among the soldiers he has ever seen. He is calm, tacit, and brave, and is difficult to deal with.

He loaded the submachine gun, took out the grenade he snatched from the Chinese British army from his waist, bit off the safety bolt with his teeth and waited for three seconds, then suddenly raised his hand and threw it in the direction of the gunfire.

"Da da da."

At this time, the two agents in the front row of the fire suppression team had just fired two short bursts each. Before they could turn their guns, they saw a round thing flying towards them, and one of them shouted loudly.

 “Lie down.”

 He ​​did not shout a grenade, because others need to think time from hearing this sentence to reacting, but the grenade explosion will not wait, and everyone must avoid it as quickly as possible.

As soon as the word "lie down" came out, the agents barely paused. They immediately kicked off their feet and rushed in all directions, lying on the ground in a standard posture to resist the shock wave of the explosion.

As for using your own body to block explosions like in movies and TV shows, just think about it. The damage radius of ordinary grenades is between 5 and 10 meters, which cannot be blocked by the human body.

The only way to survive is to bet that the explosion point is not close to them. Otherwise, let alone one person, even if ten people press on it, it will be useless. The bone fragments brought up by the explosion are still lethal.

Besides, the amount of money spent on training each action team member is higher than the height. Zuo Yongjia knows that if someone dares to waste his funds like this, they will not be able to live well even if they die.


Looking at the grenade again, it suddenly exploded before it completely hit the ground. The shrapnel quickly streaked through the air in the scorching fire, and everything within a radius of five meters was riddled with holes.

"Da da da."

Meng Ting did not wait for the sound of the explosion to dissipate completely, and stretched out Thomson again to fire. The situation on the battlefield was ever-changing. If he had an advantage, he would naturally pursue the victory. He could not wait for the enemy to react.

But the other party was more decisive and calm than he thought. As soon as the gunfire rang out, they dragged each other to the bottom of the fighting coal pile to hide, and entered the attack blind spot at the top.

The agents, who were temporarily safe, were breathing heavily. Under the leadership of the team leader, they took a rest while counting the number of people and casualties. They soon discovered that the explosion had caused a slight injury to one person's leg.

The underground party was as difficult as ever. In just a few dozen seconds of exchange of fire, two operatives were injured. Fortunately, it was not an important part. After a short bandage, it did not affect subsequent actions.

Gui Youguang, who was watching the battle, felt it was time, so he waved his hand, and two sniper rifles were stretched out from the attack position. One fired slowly at the second row of coal piles, and the other aimed at the freighter. One side is to prevent close attacks.

 One side is to prevent cold shots from a distance.

At the same time, the action team he led took the opportunity to spread out and occupy the second row of coal piles. Together with the people on the other side, they conducted safety inspections to prevent several underground parties from suddenly appearing. Everything turned out to be normal.

  Confirming that his men were under control of the scene, Gui Youguang sent a signal to the rear, signaling Wu Chunyang's men to come and take over the scene. They would continue to attack and push towards the freighter.

When the follow-up team came up, he looked at the leader Zuo Zhong with a bitter look on his face: "Section Chief, why are you here? You'd better go back. If something happens, we can't explain it to you.

This gang of underground gangs is very fierce. My men were shot as soon as they got close. If it weren't for the brothers' quick reaction, there would have been more injured. They are already the turtles in the jar. Don't worry. "

Zuo Zhong shook his head: "With people suppressing the attack position, the underground party cannot shoot at us from over the top of the coal pile. It is very safe here. What you have to do is to stabilize your position and not rush in rashly."

 Now summarize the intelligence, what are the casualties of your action team, what is the situation on the opposite side, how many people there are, what weapons are used, and why the flash grenade attack just now did not work. "

These words are of course an excuse. They are related to the rescue operation of the underground party and the life safety of the big brother Ban Jun. He must be 100% in control of the progress of the operation and cannot let things get out of control.

There are also the subordinates in the Intelligence Department, who are all old brothers who follow him to fight against Japanese spies. If both sides get jealous, a large number of casualties will be caused, and the final loss will be the national spirit.

Gui Youguang didn't know this, so he squatted aside and answered honestly: "I have a leg injury here, which must be sent to the rear for treatment. There are two lightly wounded people on the other side, which will not affect the battle.

 Judging from the current situation, the underground party's defense manpower is not too many. There is only one gunman holding a Thomson on each side to block the attack. The opponent's action skills are good and he is definitely a master.

It's hard to tell for sure that the flash bomb didn't work. Maybe the other party happened to be hiding outside the strong light area, or maybe the other party just closed their eyes at the time, which would cause the flash bomb to be ineffective. "

“Well, as long as the casualties are not serious,” Zuo Zhong seemed relieved after hearing this. He looked up at the pile of coal in front of him: “Throw smoke bombs at close range to block the underground party’s shooting field of view. Let’s take action.”


Gui Youguang hesitated for a moment, and then realized that the underground party was so poor that there was no benefit in catching them. There was no need to use human lives to fill the gap. It was enough to suppress the opponent's scope of activities step by step.

Thinking he had figured it out, he touched his bald head and said, "I understand, Section Chief, I will ask everyone to pay attention to safety and not to fight to the death. Anyway, Xu Enzeng is dead, and no one will take credit from us."

Oh, I have learned how to answer quickly.

Zuo Zhong glanced at him. He was really impressed after three days apart. This guy was on to something. Regardless of the situation on the scene or the departmental struggle, this action should not be too fast.

Furthermore, why are intelligence department agents not afraid of death or fatigue? Is it really because of the Three Principles? Don't be stupid, it's for fame and fortune, but they can't get anything out of the underground party.

 So don't say that you ask for it slower. Even if you don't ask for it, the spies will not do their job well. For example, when catching Japanese spies, all the units are trying their best to get the task, but this time, it is too late to hide.

At this time, Gui Youguang and several small agents had followed the order and gently threw the smoke bomb to the opposite side. The smoke bomb made a hissing sound and rolled down the slope, laying a layer of thick smoke along the way.

This made Ban Jun, who was on alert, frown. He looked at the rising smoke and then at the blurry top of the coal pile, and immediately understood the sinister intentions of these spies.

 When our own side is shrouded in smoke and unable to shoot, the enemy can easily occupy the top of the coal pile, conduct a blockade from above, and drive them towards the dock and freighter.

 “Cunning beast.”

 Ban Jun greeted the secret agent who had come up with the plan from the air, and was about to lean up to the top, where the smoke was lighter and there were sufficient observation conditions, but he was stopped after just two steps.

“Boatman, retreat to the last row of coal piles immediately. The Secret Service is indeed powerful, but as long as we persist for a few more minutes, victory will definitely belong to us. Before that, return those things to the other side.”

Meng Ting walked out of the smoke with his back bent, pointed to the smoke bomb not far away and whispered that it would take a certain amount of time for the Party's agents to squeeze their own activity space, which was in line with their plan.

 Ban Jun understood what he meant, slid down sideways against the coal, picked up the smoke bomb and threw it to the opposite side, and then quickly rushed to the top of the third row of coal piles to climb over to the back.



At this moment, in the Intelligence Division attack position on the first row of coal piles, a sniper saw a figure flashing past and subconsciously fired a shot. Just as he was about to take a second shot, he was hit in the arm.

The person who wounded this man was Min on the freighter. After he saw that the top of the coal pile was occupied by the enemy, he changed his shooting position. Unfortunately, the angle was not ideal and he could only see part of the enemy's body.

With an annoyed look on his face, he pulled the handle to eject the cartridge case, and then crawled backwards to leave this position. It was no longer safe to shoot here, and he had to find a new place. Fortunately, the freighter was big enough.

I originally wanted to end it today, but I came back at 9pm and wrote for a long time. As a result, I wrote more and more, especially the next chapter about Ban Jun’s past. I felt it was necessary to write about it. There was also an old friend who appeared in memories. I should maybe be able to write about it tomorrow. The ending is not procrastination and watery, I wrote it with true feelings.

  At 4:42 am



 (End of this chapter)

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