Cicada Moving

Chapter 501: Ban Jun’s past

Chapter 501 Ban Jun’s Past

 Ban Jun stepped on the loose coal and tried hard with his left foot to lift his right foot to step over the top of the coal pile. Suddenly, he felt as if all his strength had been drained, and he fell forward and rolled to the back.

 Having been shot.

This reminded him of the past when he was hit by bullets from the Northern Army. Because of his serious injury, he lay in bed for half a year. It was during this six months that he figured out a lot of things.

When he was studying at a young age and first joining the army, Ban Jun also firmly believed that the Chinese nation has been bullied by foreign powers since modern times because of its scientific backwardness. As long as it concentrates on development and strengthens national defense, China will be able to save it.

However, the dark reality of the collusion between the warlords and the great powers, the public betrayal of the Nationalist government, and the wanton exploitation and oppression of the Chinese people by the capitalists made him feel depressed, but he could not change it.

 While he was recovering from illness, he began to think, seek higher truths about saving the country, and start reading. From reading, he wanted to understand the old, see the new, understand the past, and infer the future.

Although the old warlords were overthrown at that time, the new Nationalist government went against the grain internally, seizing territory, ostracizing dissidents, and massacring underground party members and innocent people every day, resulting in the people being in dire straits.

They opened their markets to the outside world and acted as imperialist compradors. China was flooded with foreign goods, especially Japanese goods. The Japanese used the money they earned from China to make bullets to kill the Chinese.

Not long after, the Lucheng Massacre made him see more clearly the essence of Japanese imperialism's invasion of China, and he also saw clearly the ugly face of a certain leader who did not resist but violently suppressed the country.

 Fortunately, the patients in the same ward saw his anxiety and told him many things intentionally or unintentionally, which made him finally choose the red faith and firmly embark on the road of separation.

 Later, he abandoned his comfortable life and his favorite army, and entered the Hangzhou Police Academy according to the orders of his superiors. After graduation, he entered the Customs Anti-Smuggling Department through the relationship with the old officer.

 Ban Jun was lying on the ground reminiscing. The severe pain in his shoulder blades made him a little dizzy. He seemed to see his guide and superior, the person who seemed to be always calm and calm.

 —Zhang Anren.

When he learned the news of the other party's sacrifice, he was extremely sad, but in order not to arouse suspicion, he could only hold back his tears and laugh at Red Head's stupidity together with the laughing Fruit Party officials.

But these people can never understand that the red heads they talk about are willing to give their lives, not for glory and wealth, not for fame and fortune, but for the future of the nation.

It's just that if he sees Zhang Anren and is asked if he has won in his life, how should he answer? No, he cannot die, the captured comrades have not been transferred, and he has not won in his life.

 He must hold on and tell Zhang Anren that the career he has worked hard for all his life has been successful. There is no oppression, bullying and war, the people live and work in peace and contentment, and the country is prosperous.

 It will definitely come true, it will definitely happen.



In a blur, Ban Jun seemed to hear someone calling him, so he used all his strength to open his eyes. A man in police uniform was holding a light machine gun and looking at him anxiously.

He recognized who the person in front of him was. This was Lao Liu, who was in charge of the armed rescue. The rescue of so many comrades was all due to the manpower arranged by the other party at Laohu Bridge. Ban Jun asked with difficulty.

“Pastor, are you all on board?”

"We're all on board, we're waiting for you, comrade boatman." Old Liu said as he helped Ban Jun up, leaning him against the coal pile, and said, "I've brought a guard here to help you evacuate."

"Don't worry about me. Go to the top and build a defensive position. These agents are very powerful. We can't let them entangle the actors and comrades. The enemies in Jinling City will come to support soon. We can't delay it any longer."

 Ban Jun waved his hand and said that the previous bullet hit his left shoulder from behind and shot out of his chest, causing a large amount of blood loss. At this time, his clothes were soaked in blood.


Hearing this, Lao Liu looked at his wound, nodded and said: "Okay, I will lead someone to cover the actors and them. You have a good rest here. When it is safe, the three of us must have a drink."

Ban Jun did not answer, but just blinked, with a little smile in his eyes. How could they drink because they were intelligence officers? The other party was just making a joke because they were afraid that he would fall asleep.

Old Liu patted him **** the shoulder, got up and led his men to climb up to the third row of coal piles, and set up a light machine gun on the top. At this point, I have to thank Xu Enzeng again for his great assistance.

If this guy hadn't bought a lot of submachine guns for insurance, Meng Ting and Ban Jun wouldn't have been able to resist for such a long time. The same goes for this light machine gun, which really helped the underground party a lot.

A few dozen meters away from here, Zuo Zhong was squatting behind a pile of coal, watching Gui Youguang direct the agents to throw back the smoke grenades, but his left eyelid kept twitching, and he felt a little panicked.

What's going on? Did something happen? Even if he had always scorned this kind of feudal superstition, he had to think more about it now. After all, Ban Jun was right opposite him. A few years ago, Zuo Chong was admitted to the police academy. He left his hometown and went to Hangzhou to study. However, he was excluded by other students in school because of his personality. Thanks to the other students' care and enlightenment.

  Ban Jun usually went to plead with the district captain when he couldn't complete his studies at the police academy. If it weren't for this big brother's constant help, Zuo Zhong wouldn't have been able to complete his studies at all, and where would he be in his current glory?

 A drink and a peck are all predestined.

Both the original Zuo Zhong and the new Zuo Zhong have to accept this kind of care. No one in this world has to be kind to anyone. A drop of kindness should be repaid by a spring. Today, I must save the life of the squadron.

While he was thinking about it, a small spy sent by Wu Chunyang came over and reported: "Section Chief, the brother who attacked the position hit an underground party member, but he was also injured by the opponent."

 Hit the underground party?

Zuo Zhong stood up slowly, feeling dizzy. There had indeed been gunfire before. He thought it was his men suppressing the shooting, but he didn't expect that it hit someone from the underground party.

His temples were pounding, and he asked in an unusually calm tone: "Oh? Who was hit, and whether they were killed or not. Immediately send the injured brothers to the rear to stop the bleeding and bandage them first."

“The report is that it was a middle-aged man wearing a sailor suit. Our men should have hit this man in the back or the back of the head. The man fell to the back of the coal pile after being shot. It is impossible to determine and record the result.”

The little agent answered honestly, and then continued to ask for instructions: "Section Chief, Chief Wu also asked if we would like to ask people over there to help. All the arrested prisoners have been boarded the ship, and there is smoke coming from the chimney of the freighter."

 Zuo Zhong almost fainted after hearing this. In the telescope before, Ban Jun was wearing a sailor uniform. The back and back of the head are the fatal parts. Once hit, there is almost no possibility of treatment.

 Be calm when facing big events.

He recited a few concentrated sentences silently. Maybe things were not that bad. Not to mention that the person who was shot was not necessarily Ban Jun. Even if he was Ban Jun, he still couldn't be sure whether the other person was really dead.

 “Section chief?”

The little agent asked cautiously. Chief Wu was still waiting for his reply. If he delayed the action, it would be a crime of beheading. He ignored his fear and interrupted the section chief's thinking.

Zuo Zhong shook his head, temporarily forgetting the uneasiness and fear in his heart, and said: "Tell you the section chief, I agree with his opinion, but you must ensure the safety of Virgo, do you hear me?"


The little agent stood at attention, turned around and ran away quickly, thinking that the fight should be over as soon as possible. These underground gangs are really smelly and hard rocks in the pit, and they are still dealing with Japanese spies.

Looking at the other party's disappearing back, Zuo Zhong raised his head and asked Gui Youguang: "How is the situation? Have you seen the underground party? Speed ​​up. The freighter has started and will leave at any time."

"The other party has withdrawn. It seems that they have established a defense line at the third row of coal piles. Section Chief, something is wrong. Do you want to send someone over to conduct reconnaissance to prevent this underground party from committing an empty city plan?"

 Gui Youguang reported in a low voice while sliding down from the top, and loaded the Thompson submachine gun smoothly, looking like he was gearing up, obviously thinking that it was time for a showdown.

Zuo bit his lip hard, and it became obvious if he dragged on longer. The captured underground party had been moved. It should be easier for a few operatives to evacuate. At worst, they would not be released until then.

He took out the PPK, flipped the sleeve on it and loaded it, and ordered: "Immediately ask Wu Chunyang to lead the people to move forward to the second coal pile and cover the attack from a high place. You and I will lead the people to attack the third coal pile. "

 Gui Youguang perked up after hearing the order, and immediately followed the order. The effect of the long-term training finally appeared. The combatants were in place in less than two minutes, and all personnel were in place in three minutes.

Zuo Zhong encountered the same problem as the big bald man. The cheap teacher Dai Chunfeng went crazy and came in person with support, pretending to hold up a brand new PPK.

"Hahahaha, Shen Zhi, you did a great job. You were able to break through the underground party's defense line at such a fast speed. Even the arrogant and powerful generals in the southwest couldn't do it. The Secret Service is going to be famous this time."

Dai Chunfeng didn't give Zuo Zhong a chance to persuade him. He laughed loudly and praised him as soon as he came. With the red light on his face, people couldn't help but think of an old friend of the Secret Service, Director Xu Enzeng.

Zuo Zhong was worried in his heart, and said respectfully on the surface: "Teacher, thank you for your good leadership. The students are just following the orders. What should I do next? Please give me your instructions."

"Hey, you don't have to be modest. I heard that another underground gang member was killed at the scene. After the operation is over, remember to take the bodies here and by the river back to the office. These are important evidences and cannot be careless."

Dai Chunfeng looked at his watch again: "I'll give you five minutes to clear out the underground party members here. Be careful, this is related to the fate and future of the Secret Service and even you and me. Take action."

 (End of this chapter)

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