Cicada Moving

Chapter 502: After the break

Chapter 502 Ending

 “I will obey your orders.”

Zuo Zhong saluted, turned to look at Wu Chunyang on top of the coal pile and Gui Youguang, who was leading the team standing aside. He raised his head and stretched out three fingers to start counting down. The operators raised their guns.





"Da da da…"

As Zuo Zhong's hand clenched into a fist, Wu Chunyang at the top moved first. He and his agents stood up suddenly and fired fiercely at the third pile of coal, sending pieces of coal flying everywhere.

Taking this opportunity, Zuo Zhong and Gui Youguang led their elite action team members to break out of the bunker and rush towards the underground party's last line of defense. At this time, speed determines life and death.

The reason why smoke bombs are not used is that they have been used up and only a few are left as spares. Second, Lao Dai is supervising the battle behind him. It will definitely not work to use this method to delay time again.

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 Zuo Zhong, who was running at the front, opened his mouth wide and swung his arms vigorously, trying to maintain his balance on the bumpy road. He said to himself, Laoban, Laoban, this time my brother has worked hard for you.

The snowflakes flying all over the sky hit his face with a slight pain, making him want to close his eyes, but at this time, even if he stopped for a moment, he might be hit, and he didn't want to risk his life.

His mind slowly emptied, and he focused all his attention on a large piece of coal about ten meters away. It would be safe if he ran there. If he couldn't run, being beaten into a hornet's nest would be the only outcome.

  Gui Youguang and the agents who participated in the operation also understood this. They all ran towards the target point with ferocious faces, and soon ran to the center of the open space between the two coal piles.

This is the most dangerous position. In case of an attack, they cannot advance or retreat. There is no place to hide around. They can only stand where they are and be used as live targets.

 “Bang bang bang bang.”

As expected, the underground party began to fight back, and it was heavy firepower. The unique Czech-style gunshots startled the Secret Service. Where did the light machine guns come from?

However, this time the Intelligence Section was very well prepared and also brought three Czech guns with sufficient ammunition. The machine gunner immediately aimed at the opposite side and pulled the trigger, and the bullets shot out like water.

However, the height of the third coal pile was much higher than that of the second coal pile. The secret agents' shooting could not threaten the underground party at all. The other party still kept firing at the operatives, and the situation on the scene was critical.

 “Get out of here!”

Wu Chunyang looked at the flying dust around the section chief, his eyes were bloodshot, he kicked one of the machine gunners away, held the handle above the machine gun and stood at the highest point and fired wildly.

It is only in times of crisis that people's hearts are revealed. Slowly, more intelligence agents stood up straight and blocked the underground party's shooting angle. Dai Chunfeng, who was watching the battle, was moved to tears and said that the military's morale was available.

Relying on the desperate cover of his men, Zuo Zhong and others successfully approached the third coal pile at the cost of one person being seriously injured. Everyone was sitting on the ground sweating like rain, feeling their legs were weak.

 “To give smoke to an injured brother.”


With no time to rest, Zuo Zhong asked someone to throw a smoke bomb at his men who fell on the road. They couldn't control each other now. Whether they lived or died depended on each other's destiny, and he and his men moved again.

"Everyone is divided into two teams. I will lead one team, and if there is light, you will lead another team. Attack from the left and right sides of the coal pile. Based on the explosion sound from my side, try to capture as many people as possible alive. Do not kill prisoners at will."

Zuo Zhong quickly assigned the task and led people to touch the top. When he was still two or three meters away, he seemed to have slipped and kicked a piece of coal down, making a crisp collision sound.

 “No good, throw it away.”

He was suddenly shocked and immediately threw the flash bomb in his hand. The other agents followed suit and threw the flash bomb. A few seconds later, several explosions sounded, and the battle entered the high nest in an instant.

The agents stood on a high place and fired, and the underground party relied on the shipping wooden boxes on the dock as a bunker to fight back. This was the final battle. Both sides opened fire with no intention of saving ammunition.

Various types of guns, including MP18, Zilaide, Thomson, Browning, Czech, and PPK, fired various types of bullets and passed by the intelligence section and underground party personnel at high speed.

The hot warhead melted and vaporized the snowflakes, forming white traces in the air, or smashed a piece of coal into pieces, or penetrated the wooden box and embedded it in the dock.

Zuo Zhong straddled the top of the coal pile, listening to a whooshing sound in his ears. His hand holding the gun remained motionless, and he fired a shot at a young man in police uniform holding a submachine gun, accurately hitting the opponent's arm.

Not firing at this time would be a clear indication of his connection with the underground party. All he could do was aim at non-vital parts and give the opponent a chance to retreat. It was better to be injured than to be caught by the Secret Service.

Seeing how brave the section chief was, Gui Youguang was not to be outdone. He fired a beautiful shot from the Thomson in his hand, injuring an underground party member who was trying to fight back and driving him back to the bunker.

Slowly, the Intelligence Section gained the upper hand. Under the fierce firepower, the wooden boxes became full of holes, and the exploding sawdust hit the underground party members from time to time, and more and more people were injured.

Sniper Min on the freighter was also targeted by the sharpshooters of the action team. He was beaten to the point of sparks and was unable to provide support. He saw that the interceptors of the underground party were about to be wiped out.

“Actor, priest, leave quickly and leave me a weapon to break. My injuries are too serious. Evacuation will only increase the burden. Please rest assured that I am ready to dedicate everything to the cause of the party.”

 Ban Jun leaned weakly behind a large wooden box and said something to Meng Ting and Lao Liu next to him. There was no trace of fear or fear on his pale face, but a faint smile.     "Let's go together."

With a calm look on his face, Lao Liu shot an agent coldly, but unfortunately the distance was too far. The agent covered the wound and retreated. Obviously, the vital part was not hit, and they were still entangled by the enemy.

 “Pastor, go quickly”

 “Okay, let’s retreat.”

Ban Jun wanted to speak again, but Meng Ting suddenly interrupted, then squatted down and put a loaded Thompson submachine gun into Ban Jun's hand, and spoke in a low tone.

"Boatman, it is my honor to fight alongside you, but we must complete the mission. When necessary, as the person in charge of this operation, I allow you to flexibly carry out self-rescue."

 Ban Jun knows what it means to be flexible and self-rescuing. As long as he pretends to surrender to the enemy, his life is not in danger. The enemy may even send him to the hospital for treatment. But should he really do this?

He tried his best to support himself, endured the pain of the wound, and said with a smile: "Comrades, this is a tortuous but bright journey. I am willing to turn into stone and pave the road."

 So don’t feel sad for me, hurry up and leave. The police and the army will appear in the city at any time, so no one can leave. Actor, it seems that I lost our game. "

 “No, you won.”

Meng Ting held his cold hand tightly and said with a serious expression: "We will definitely send our comrades away safely, and we will definitely complete this tortuous road until complete victory."

Lao Liu on the side had tears in his eyes and opened his mouth without speaking, because he would have done the same thing. He could only shoot the agent a few times angrily, and then turned to look at Ban Jun.


Meng Ting gritted his teeth and let go of Ban Jun's hand. He raised his head and shouted loudly: "Send a signal to the freighter and cover each other's retreat. The boatman is behind and the priest leads the team. I am at the end. No one is allowed to stay."



The sniper team members who were covered in blood replied in unison, without a trace of joy in their voices. After this situation, everyone knew that the boatman was going to use his own life to open a gap.

Faced with the mission, they had no time to grieve and love their children, and the self-defense force on the ship was too weak. They needed to protect the captured personnel and evacuate them to a safe location for evacuation.


At this time, Ban Jun, who had accumulated strength for a long time, shouted, turned around and put Thomson on the wooden box, controlled the submachine gun with one hand and fired left and right. The agents were caught off guard and fled.


 Lao Liu shouted when he saw this, and then ran towards the freighter with a low body. Some team members either supported or carried the injured comrade on their backs, while other team members kept turning around and shooting to suppress the enemies behind them.

Everyone retreated while fighting, and soon they were on the trestle, only one step away from the gangway. However, the gangway was in the spy's shooting range, and bullets hit the ship from time to time, making a clanging sound.

Old Liu tried to climb up several times but was forced back. Just when he was sweating profusely, a voice sounded again: "Pastor, jump into the water and hold on to the rope. Stay away from the firefight and get on the boat."

 Meng Ting knelt on one knee behind the trestle fence, fired with his right hand, and pointed to a cable hanging from the deck into the water with his left hand. He said, "This is a backup plan. The purpose is to get people on board quickly."

"how about you?"

Old Liu frowned, always feeling that there was something else in his words. Why did he say you two words? Besides, as the person in charge of the operation, the other party should leave first. This is related to the follow-up of the plan.

 “I leave last.”

Meng Ting added as he spoke: "There is no time. Don't let the boatman die in vain. There are buckles on the cables. Tie up the injured comrades. The freighter will go towards Huizhou Province and someone will be there to support it."

Lao Liu still wanted to ask more questions, but the freighter had slowly begun to leave the pier. Looking at the injured team members, he had no choice but to jump into the water with everyone and place the wounded properly.

After making preparations, he suddenly realized that the boat was about to leave the trestle, but the actor still hadn't gotten off. This made him worried about an accident, and he called loudly, but there was no response.

 Lao Liu immediately wanted to untie the rope, but found that the knot tied to his body was actually a dead knot. It was not good. The actor had to stay and tie it. An idea flashed through his mind, but it was already too late.


 The freighter blew a whistle, which seemed to cheer for the success of the plan and to see off a dear comrade. The water at the stern of the ship was surging, pushing it to the other side of victory and freedom.

Meng Ting listened to the sound of the whistle behind him, and a smile appeared on his lips. He had been living under a mask for so many years, and all he could think about were those dirty calculations. Today, let him be willful and be himself.

 Underground party members.

Meng Ting.

 Code name actor.

 (End of this chapter)

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