Cicada Moving

Chapter 506: Ran

Chapter 506 Ran away

Suddenly returning from the battlefield to a peaceful environment, Zuo Zhong drove his car and looked at the pedestrians and vehicles coming and going on the road. He was filled with emotions. Sure enough, he would rather be a peace dog than a man in troubled times.

In later generations, let alone such a large firefight around the city, even if it was a bare-knuckle fight, the state machine could completely suppress it in minutes. How could it be that no one dealt with it for so long.

Gu Zhenglun and the Navy Department, one is a small-bellied chicken intestine, and the other is a wine bag and rice bag. Fortunately, the person who invited the Navy to drink was an underground party. If they were Japanese, I am afraid that the Navy of the Republic of China would be wiped out.

At this time, the car passed Dingjiaqiao, and Dai Chunfeng in the back seat said softly: "Shen Zhong, go to the Central Party Headquarters. Xu Enzeng has committed such a big crime. If you want to survive, you must find Minister Chen."

He has now recovered from his panic and figured out one thing. If Xu Enzeng was captured by the underground party, it doesn't make sense why the underground party didn't use Xu as a hostage before.

It seems that Xu Enzeng left the scene secretly, and his next whereabouts are easy to guess. There is only one person in the world who can save the other party, and that is the leader's confidant Da Chen.

"is teacher."

Hearing the words, Zuo Zhong responded and turned the steering wheel to the left, heading towards the conspicuous French gatehouse of the Central Party Headquarters. However, when he got nearby, he found that something seemed wrong with the Central Party Headquarters today.

The steel door that was supposed to be open was firmly locked. Many civil servants carrying briefcases outside the door were arguing with the guards inside. Both sides were a little excited, and a conflict almost broke out.

Since the security is so tight, something big must have happened or a big shot has arrived. Combined with the tough attitude of the guards, it is more likely that something big has happened. Xu Enzeng should be inside.

More than four hundred underground party members were robbed, and dozens or hundreds of agents died in the secret service headquarters. These two incidents were like a bolt from the blue for Da Chen, who was trying to fully grasp the Guo Party's intelligence system.

The other party must find out what happened as quickly as possible so that they can respond easily. Xu Enzeng is the best channel, and isolating internal and external contacts and exchanges is the most basic secret investigation method.

After thinking about it, he parked the car on the side of the road, turned around and asked, "Teacher, it seems you guessed it right. Do you need students to go in and inquire about the situation to prevent that guy from talking nonsense in order to shirk responsibility?"

“No need, let Da Chen worry. We have done nothing wrong and are not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door. There are all witnesses and physical evidence at the scene. The person named Xu can’t escape the responsibility even if he makes a lie.”

Dai Chunfeng glanced at the Central Party Headquarters and said slowly, with an expression of relief on his face. The situation was as he expected. Xu Enzeng, the bastard, had indeed come here to ask for help.

It’s a pity that this matter is so big that even Chen has to give an explanation to the Chairman. When he is facing a threat, who would care about the life and death of one of his subordinates? The other party is throwing themselves into a trap.

He was a little disinterested for a while. The consequences of being a dog would be to lose all the birds and hide the bow, or to be abandoned to protect the commander. Xu Enzeng's incident was a reminder that dogs don't last long.

"Let's go back to our place. Remember to check on that woman Yu Hong. I guess she has disappeared without a trace a long time ago." Dai Chunfeng frowned and snorted coldly: "What an underground party, we'll see. "

By this time, if he didn't know that he was being used, he would have been a spy chief for so many years. Although he was angry, he also felt a little lucky. A poor guy has his own benefits.

If the funds of the Secret Service were not tight, he would be the one in danger of being killed at this moment. Xu Enzeng had Chen to rely on, so he could only go to the rest house and kneel at the feet of the Chairman to beg the leader for mercy.

 “Okay, teacher.”

Zuo Zhong in front said while driving: "It is inevitable that Yu Hong will run away. The underground party is sure that we will keep this so-called traitor a secret and will not send too many surveillance personnel.

For example, the students only arranged for Shen Dongxin and Tongsuo to follow them. They were by no means Yu Hong's opponents. The other party's psychological quality was very good, there were no loopholes in his words, and there were no problems in his movements and expressions.

 In short, she was very calm in the face of questioning. I think this woman is not a provincial official, but probably a professionally trained intelligence officer. It is difficult to stop such a person from escaping. "

He asked for a favor quietly. At that time, he chose Shen Dongxin and Tongsuo to monitor Yu Hong out of reliability. In terms of intelligence technology, the two obviously couldn't compete with the experienced underground party.

 Out out out and being held accountable?

Dai Chunfeng did not express his opinion after hearing this. He sat in the car and fell asleep. When he woke up, he had arrived at the Hong Gong Temple. The secret service was full of secret agents whispering.

The intelligence agency has no secrets. They have all heard about it. The first and second offices were ambushed by the underground party outside the city. Xu Enzeng was shot several times and died heroically on the spot. Dai Chunfeng was even blown up by a landmine.

This incident was reported by the City Defense Headquarters, and the credibility is quite high. The members of the Secret Service who received the news were all worried about one thing, that is, what should they and others do after Lao Dai died.

The two deputy directors of the Secret Service are both mascot-like figures, not people who can be trusted. Now it depends on how Section Chief Zuo is doing. If the other person is fine, he can be a good supporter.

 Young, capable, well-connected, with a dead teacher, a principal and a fellow villager to rely on, your future is bound to be bright, and it is a good deal to bet on this person. I heard that Section Chief Zuo is not good at anything else, but he loves souvenirs. The heavier the souvenirs, the happier he smiles. In order for the chief to be in a good mood, it is their natural duty as subordinates to do so.

Smart people began to call major banks, gold shops, and pawnshops in Jinling, asking them to collect gold bars as soon as possible. No gold bars weighing less than one kilogram were required. It was too embarrassing to give gifts with such gadgets.

While they were discussing, the agents were surprised to find Dai Chunfeng and Zuo Zhong getting out of the car and walking seriously towards the office building. Those present immediately secretly cursed the city defense gangsters for being so unreliable.

Can this kind of thing be said nonsense? It concerns the official status of countless people. Didn't you see that Deputy Director Zheng ran to the Chairman's residence as soon as he got the news? It was a lively moment. False information can cause a lot of harm.

Zuo Zhong didn't know that he almost made a fortune, nor did he know that the agents had a deep understanding of the importance of accurate intelligence. After sending Lao Dai back to his office, he walked towards his office.

As soon as he reached the Intelligence Department floor, he saw Shen Dongxin and Tongsuo standing dejectedly at the door of the office from a distance. They didn't run away now. Yu Hong must have evacuated smoothly.

In addition to the two guys who made mistakes, He Yijun was also walking anxiously in the corridor. When she heard the footsteps, she looked up sharply, and the worry in her eyes instantly turned into surprise.

However, when she saw the wound left by Zuo Zhong's shoulder during the crossfire on the highway, He Yijun frowned slightly, and then stood quietly. She knew that there were some things that she could not ask or inquire about.

"What's wrong, you three are here to stand guard for me." Zuo Zhong approached and made a little joke, then glanced at Shen Dongxin and Tongsuo, who looked guilty: "Yijun, open the door, come in if you have anything to say."

"Yes, section chief." He Yijun, who had regained his composure, took out the key and opened the door, and whispered: "People from the military and police station said that Virgo unfortunately stepped on a landmine. The source of the information cannot be determined for the time being."


 Zuo Zhong strode into the office and realized something was wrong. The report from the Secret Service to the City Defense Headquarters was confidential information. Even if it was leaked, the channel should be very easy to determine.

 Could it be that someone is fishing in troubled waters and wants to gain some benefit from this matter? Who could it be, Deputy Director Zheng Tingbing? Deputy Director Zhang Yifu? Forget it, let Lao Dai check it out.

"Section Chief, do you want me to help you treat the wound? If you have time, you'd better go to Dr. Ling for professional treatment. If the wound becomes inflamed, you'll be in trouble." He Yijun said with some worry.

When Zuo Zhong learned about the butterfly case, she had studied nursing at Renxin Hospital. She smiled bitterly and said, "Thank you Yijun. There were many casualties in our department during this operation. I will definitely go to the hospital to have a look."

He didn't say the specific situation, then walked behind the desk and sat down in a dignified manner, and asked the following duo in a deep voice: "Did Yu Hong escape from your surveillance? Tell me what happened."

 “Yes, section chief.”

Shen Dongxin, as the person in charge of the operation, took a step forward and said: "Today around 12 o'clock noon, the target returned to his residence, and around 12:10 several armed men broke into the surveillance point.

Since the alarm was set up at the door, Tongsuo and I reacted in a timely manner and immediately hid behind the pre-set bunker to confront the other party, and at the same time asked the other party to reveal their identity. "

“Wait a minute, let me guess, the other party is not someone from the secret service headquarters. Did Yu Hong tell them that someone is watching her, so these idiots blocked you in a confused way.”

Zuo Zhong gritted his back teeth and let He Yijun clean the wound on his shoulder. He expressed his guess that there were very few people who dared to openly display their guns near Meiyuan New Village, unless they were military and police officers.

Shen Dongxin looked helpless and said in a depressed tone: "Yes, later we both verified each other's IDs, and the other party said that one of their protection targets issued an early warning that someone was watching.

I immediately realized something was wrong and couldn't contact you, so I had no choice but to arrest the target without authorization. However, when we opened the door with someone from the same place, the other person had already run away and even took away his clothes. "


Zuo Zhong's wound was stimulated by the white medicine, and he almost screamed out in pain. He wiped the cold sweat on his head and said: "Forget it, this is not your fault, they have set a trap for us a long time ago."


Shen Dongxin was a little puzzled. They had been monitoring the target for such a long time and found no suspicious behavior. Their external communications were also normal. He was confused as to where the trap was.

At this point in the case, there was no need to keep it secret anymore. Zuo Zhong told the whole story of Yu Hong's fake surrender, and also reported the fighting situation in Jiujiawei and the number of casualties.

I will fly home on the 24th. I will have two days of rest and the update will be stable. I will make up for it. It’s five o’clock. Let’s go to bed.



 (End of this chapter)

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