Cicada Moving

Chapter 507: Disaster lasting thousands of years

Chapter 507 Harm for Thousand Years

“What, more than a hundred people died in the secret service headquarters, Xu Enzeng was almost killed, Deputy Section Chief Song, Deputy Section Chief Gu, and Wu Jingzhong were all injured, three brothers died, and Virgo stepped on a landmine.”

Shen Dongxin was stunned after hearing the introduction. As a student of Saint-Cyr Military Academy, he had seen the world. The operational level of the intelligence section personnel was very high, at least higher than that of the French regular army.

How could such elites suffer such heavy casualties despite having advantages in numbers, terrain, and intelligence? It is a bit unbelievable that the underground party is so powerful.

Especially one of the people who died was a newcomer in the same batch as him. Everyone came to the Secret Service from the police academy and finally survived the special training. When they were about to be assigned, there were no more people.

Zuo Zhong looked at Faxiao who was greatly shaken, and he understood the other person's mood at the moment very well. In this life and death business, it is a common thing. There is no one who doesn't have wet shoes when walking by the river. He nodded heavily and replied.

“Yes, this incident is shocking. More than 400 key members of the underground party were kidnapped from Jinling in broad daylight. When the Chairman learns of this, he will definitely hold them accountable. There is trouble somewhere.”

Shen Dongxin, Tongsuo and He Yijun were speechless. They were not fools. Of course they knew how important these prisoners who had been tortured for a long time without confessing were to the underground party.

Even though the Fruit Party seems to have arrested many underground parties in recent years, most of them are peripheral personnel, such as student and worker groups, not intelligence personnel or professional soldiers, and their destructive power is relatively small.

These people who were kidnapped were different. These more than 400 people were more than 400 clusters of flames. They were tempered and tested flames. Once dispersed, they would definitely ignite a raging fire in the Republic of China.

He Yijun finished bandaging the wound and said in a worried tone: "Section Chief, will this matter affect you? After all, our Intelligence Section is also on the scene. With Xu Enzeng's despicableness, he will definitely shirk responsibility."

Zuo Zhong stood up, took a clean shirt from the hanger, put it on, and sneered: "Shirking responsibility, the intelligence section chief of the dignified secret service headquarters is an underground party member, this incident alone is enough to kill him.

Also, our Secret Service worked hard to stop the underground party's attack, but this guy went to the center of the fighting to shake the morale of the army. It would not be an exaggeration to kill him on the spot. There is no need to worry about this. "

As the saying goes, Dai Chunfeng's appointment as director may suffer setbacks because of this incident, but this storm will not affect him, the hero who commanded the killing of several "underground party members."

Moreover, this case is not so much an intelligence war as a political struggle. The banker is a bald man, Er Chen and Dai Chunfeng are card players, and Xu Enzeng is at best a little brother who waits on the card game.

With the big tree of Cheap Teacher on top, the sky cannot fall down. When Lao Dai unfortunately crashes into the mountain, the pressure will fall on his shoulders, but it will take a few years, and it is too early to talk about this.

Zuo Zhong buttoned up his shirt and suddenly laughed: "Xu Enzeng thought he would be safe if he ran to Da Chen. He didn't know that the person who wants him dead the most right now is Da Chen. People's hearts are terrible."

The three people across from him quickly understood that if Xu Enzeng died this time, that would be the end of the matter. For the sake of his little cousin's "sacrifice", the Chairman had to give the Chen family some face.

Director Chen will still be Director Chen. As long as the Bureau of Statistics and Investigation is under control, the power of the CC faction will not be weakened too much. Xu Enzeng died a worthy death and made a huge contribution to the Chen Family Party.

On the other hand, Xu Enzeng is like the wick on the candle. After being lit, he himself will certainly be burned to death, and those who rely on him will also melt little by little and eventually disappear into ashes.

Thinking about all this, Tongsuo shuddered and said: "Section Chief, even one of my own people wants the person named Xu to die. Isn't he dead? How could such a big section chief just say no?" "

"Ha ha ha ha."

Zuo Zhong pointed at him with a smile and said: "Outsiders see our intelligence agency as monopolizing power and holding a high position. Let alone the division chief, even the section chief, unit chief, and even the team leader are big shots when they go out.

 But in front of the real big shots, we are nothing. With just one word or a look, from Virgo to me and you, we will die without a burial place. You must remember this sentence.

Ruo said a few words pointedly, and continued to answer Tongsuo's question: "Whether Xu Enzeng dies or not depends on whether he has chips. With enough chips, no one can or dares to touch him."

After Zuo Zhong finished speaking, he thought of the cooperation between Dai Chunfeng and Xu Enzeng. Whether Xu Enzeng can escape this time depends on whether the cooperation is really that important. This is a good opportunity.

If Xu Enzeng died by "suicide" because he was shot five times in the back, it means that this plan is at the top, at least to Er Chen, and it is nothing. He can just find out slowly later.

If Xu Enzeng escapes, the problem will be serious. There are many people who can kill this guy, but there is only one person who can make him alive - Bald. That plan must be very important.

This is easy to understand. Only if the benefits brought by not killing Xu Enzeng are greater than the benefits brought by the more than 400 underground party leaders, someone who believes that everyone can be killed will be generous.

At this time, there was the sound of cars outside. Zuo Zhong walked to the window and saw Lao Dai's special car hurriedly leaving the Secret Service compound and heading towards the bald man's official residence. Apparently Lao Dai was also in a hurry.      Alas, the storm is getting worse.

He stood there thinking for a long time, then suddenly turned his head and said with a smile: "Yijun, go make arrangements. I will be hospitalized from today on. When others ask, just say it is due to excessive blood loss."

If I can't afford to provoke him, I can't afford to hide. You can fight if you want. The positions of director and director have nothing to do with you. If you interfere too much, Dai Chunfeng may think that he has ulterior motives.

Just as he had thought before, when Dai Chunfeng became director or deputy director, he would inevitably promote a director or deputy director in charge of the work of the Secret Service. This was not an easy journey through troubled waters.

So Zuo Chong had an idea, why not take the opportunity to pretend to be sick and hide. It was a rare and good way to show off his skills in front of the peak and dispel the fear of cheap teachers.

 Chinese civilization has thousands of years, and people have fought with each other for thousands of years. Pretending to be sick is a tried and tested trick. Whether others believe it or not is not important. What is important is the attitude expressed.

After understanding this, he felt relaxed all over and waved his hand happily: "Dongxin, you and Tongsuo go get some copper hot pot. We old brothers will gather at Renxin Hospital tonight.

It's snowing, isn't it? If you want to have a hot pot in such a cold weather, I won't change it even if you're the chairman of the committee. I'll go to the general affairs office to get some more meat and vegetables, and I'll tell you what I want. "


The most excited person is Tongsuo. This kid has been fantasizing about the life of a hero in the storybook, where he drinks from a big bowl, eats a lot of meat, and divides the money on a big scale. This time he finally got what he wanted and behaved very positively.

Shen Dongxin and He Yijun also laughed. They didn't know when danger would befall them. It was a good thing to have the opportunity to get together more. They immediately went about their work according to the orders.

Zuo Zhong smiled happily, but Xu Enzeng was very unhappy. At this time, he was holding Minister Chen's thigh and crying like a pear blossom. While crying, he told what happened today.

“Minister, before we reached the execution ground, we were stopped by Zuo Zhong from the Secret Service. This little **** threatened me that if I didn’t share his share of the pie, he would ruin our fishing plan.

I had no choice but to endure the humiliation and agreed to allow them to station at Zhongshan North Road and Xiaoqiao to be responsible for the containment. When I took people to Jiujiawei, the small bridge exploded for no reason. "

He said that he wiped his nose and hesitated for a moment before wiping it on Da Chen's trouser legs. He was afraid that the germaphobic boss would shoot him on the spot, so he wiped it on his chest and cried again.

“How can there be such a coincidence in the world? This must be Dai Chunfeng, no, there is also Zuo Zhong’s trick. They couldn’t see that the secret service headquarters had made such a great contribution, so they wanted to alert the underground party with an explosion.

It's all my fault that I have a soft heart. After the explosion, there was a firefight at the small bridge. I was afraid that the people in the Secret Service would suffer, so I immediately sent a group of people to provide support. Who knows, they will never come back.

At that time, there was a man named Lao Liu in Laohuqiao Prison who deceived Beizhi, saying that the Secret Service had suffered a loss from the sound of gunfire. Naturally, Beizhi would not stand idly by, so he sent people to support again. "

Xu Enzeng tried his best to confuse right and wrong. He suddenly called the grab for credit as support, and glanced up secretly. He saw the indifference on Minister Chen's face, which made him feel a thump in his heart and shut his mouth.

 “Say, why don’t you say it?”

Minister Chen stopped howling when he heard him, lowered his head and smiled with his white teeth exposed: "Are you still going to say that Dai Chunfeng colluded with the underground party? Well, I want to see how thick-skinned you are.

You were clearly stupid enough to be deceived into taking away all the guards at the execution ground, and in turn blamed the Secret Service. If no one had tried their best to stop your Intelligence Section Chief, you would have been beaten to death long ago!

Hahaha, the intelligence section chief of the secret service headquarters that specializes in arresting underground parties is an underground party. Do you know that when I learned about this just now, I even thought there was something wrong with my ears.

Is this how you become the director? Even if I sent a pig over, it wouldn't be as bad as it is today. Didn't you escape by pretending to be dead? I don't think you need to pretend anymore, so just go die! "

At the end of the sentence, the thin old Chen pulled out his thigh with force and kicked Xu Enzeng in the face. Several teeth were suddenly missing from Old Xu's mouth, which shows how angry Minister Chen was.

But before Minister Chen's feet landed, Xu Enzeng rolled and crawled at his feet, kissing Da Chen's leather shoes desperately, crying and begging for mercy to the important person who could decide his life or death.

"Minister Chen, you can't do this. If the cigarette box on your chest hadn't blocked the bullet, I would never see you again. I'm still useful. The white blood cell project can't do it without me. Please."

Minister Chen stood there, panting heavily with his hands on his hips, but when he heard the word white blood cells, his pupils shrank slightly, a bright light flashed in his eyes, and he watched Xu Enzeng fall into thinking.

 (End of this chapter)

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