Cicada Moving

Chapter 512: Toasts and fine drinks

 Chapter 512 Toasts and Fine Drinks

 In the evening, the lanterns are lit.

 Bai Wenzhi was sitting in the lobby of Dehe Tower, looking at the spies coming and going, with a very ugly expression on his face. It was really unreasonable that he was the chief of the Jinling Police Department and no one came to greet him.

What's so great about him, he looks so arrogant all day long, but he is beaten to the point of being confused by the underground party. If it weren't for Bai Wentian, that prodigal son, why would he suffer from this cowardice.

Thinking of this, Lao Bai wanted to kick his clan brother to death. He had warned the other party not to get involved in the affairs of the secret service headquarters, but the other party insisted on finding wealth and wealth in danger, so he ran to Jiujiawei.

Now, there are only two people who have come back alive from the Secret Service Headquarters and Laohuqiao. Xu Enzeng is the director of the department and a close confidant of Mr. and Mrs. Chen. You Wentian are nothing, you are nothing.

As the saying goes, pick the weakest persimmon and pinch the blame. In this case, it is self-evident who the blinded person is. There is no way for me, the director, to fish him out.

He didn't care, but we were all brothers in the fifth server. If the news spread, the villagers would stab him in the back. My father and mother stayed in my hometown again, so I had to bite the bullet.

 Bai Wen reluctantly touched the suitcase in his arms. The surnamed Zuo was a wolf that ate meat but didn't spit out bones. If he didn't break the bones and **** out the marrow, it wouldn't be finished. He didn't know if these local products would be enough.

 Alas, my family is unlucky.

He sighed and raised his head, looked around, and found that there were more and more people at the door. The secret agents were lining up according to their official rank and military rank to greet them. It was obvious that the main officer was coming.

 “Stand at attention~”

At this time, a special agent suddenly shouted, and everyone present straightened their backs. Bai Wenzhi in the crowd stretched his head and looked outside. Good guy, seven or eight brand-new Buick cars were slowly driving over.

 “Bah, what a show of prestige.”

Lao Bai was disdainful. There were more little deputy directors in Jinling than ants. Sure enough, a villain would run rampant when he got his way. Regardless of how happy he was dancing now, if he offended a big shot, he would be dragged out for target practice.

That's what he thought, but on the surface he quietly straightened his collar, adjusted his expression a few times, showed a humble yet friendly smile, and looked straight in the direction of the door.

A good man does not suffer immediate losses. If he wants to rise to the top of his party, he must first learn from the tortoise. The most important thing is to be able to bend and stretch. When encountering things that cannot be done, shrinking the head will make people helpless.

I ca n’t catch it, I ca n’t bite, I ca n’t bite, and I will be bitten when I get closer. This is the official philosophy recently developed by the White Hall.

Zuo Zhong naturally didn’t know that Lao Bai had turned into a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. Accompanied by Gucci, he stepped out of the car. The waiting agents immediately raised their hands and applauded, scaring the pedestrians around him.

At the same time, several tall guards jumped out of other cars and began to guard the area. As a full-time secretary, He Yijun also held a briefcase and kept a close distance.

 From section chief to deputy division chief, there seems to be only one level difference, but the treatment is very different, mainly reflected in the addition of secretaries, special cars, guards, and the increase in the confidentiality level of documents issued.

Even Bing’s dormitory is equipped with a secure phone that can contact various key departments. This means that he has changed from a murder knife to a knife wielder, and has a certain ability to protect himself.

But Zuo Zhong was not at all proud. The person holding the sword was still a chess piece, relying on the appreciation and attention of the superiors. Without the support of the superiors, he would be knocked back to his original shape with a phone call or order.

Looking at the big scene in front of him, he frowned slightly, raised his hand and said, "Okay, don't delay others' business. We brothers don't need to pay so much attention. Let's all go in."

  "I respectfully welcome Deputy Director Zuo."

Song Minghao was still in the hospital. Wu Chunyang roared as a representative, then walked to Zuo Zhong and whispered: "Don't worry, the surrounding buildings have been checked, and there are no messy people."

 “Well, keep a low profile.”

 Zuo Zhong felt relieved after hearing this. He turned to his men and smiled and nodded, and walked towards the private room. On the way, he stopped from time to time to shake hands and talk nonsense with a familiar little agent.

This is his first semi-public appearance as deputy director. Even though he usually works on the same floor and never looks up or down, he still has to behave like a chief.

Just walked around like this until he saw a certain black guy. Zuo Zhong showed a smile in his eyes, and then he pretended to be confused and asked: "Huh? This guy looks familiar, what does he do?"

 Look familiar?

I bother! You are a shameless spy. Bai Wenzhi immediately became angry and thought, "I'm afraid you know better than me how much money I have. You actually have the nerve to say you don't know who I am."

Having been the director of the department for such a long time, he is also somewhat of a city official. He immediately smiled and said: "Deputy Director Zuo, you are a noble man and forget things. You don't even recognize me, an old friend. I am a novice."

"Ha ha ha ha."

Zuo Zhong laughed loudly and patted him **** the shoulder: "How could I not recognize Director Bai? The famous Bai Qingtian in Jinling City is three feet high. Do you mind if you are joking?"


Some of the agents couldn't hold back their laughter. Not only was the sky three feet high, but who didn't know that Director White was a standard goose plucker, and water would come out of his hands even if a stone was passed through his hands. "I don't mind, I don't mind. It's my blessing to be laughed at by Deputy Director Zuo. How many people want to do this but there is no way." Bai Wenzhi said seriously as if he didn't hear the ridicule.

It is said that people are shameless and invincible, but the other party's behavior shocked everyone. They made it clear that they wanted to be a two-skinned person. Besides, if you don't hit the smiling person, what can they say?

Zuo Zhong looked at him deeply, gave him a thumbs up and said, "Old Bai, you can achieve great things. Well, we are friends so don't be polite. Please sit down with me."

 “Thank you, thank you very much.”

 Bai Wenzhi was filled with pride. So what about the Secret Service and what about Zuo Zhong? As long as he acted like a coward, the other party would have no reason to get angry. He couldn't break his face in person.

He walked among the team in a low-key manner, and greeted the little spies without any rank with a smile. He carried out his sincerity to the extreme, and it was indeed a bit reborn.

It's a pity that I realized it too late. If it had been ten years earlier, maybe it would have had a place in the National Government. Speaking of shamelessness, everyone in the front row of the party's high-level meeting was an expert.

Arrived at the box, Zuo Zhong and Lao Bai sat together with officials such as Gu Qi, Wu Chunyang, Gui Youguang, Wu Jingzhong, and Shen Dongxin. The table had already been filled with fine wine and delicacies, and the aroma was fragrant.

 Seeing the officers sit down, other agents sat down one after another and smacked their lips secretly. Today, what is on the table are all delicacies from the mountains and seas, including hairtail from Lu Province, wild boars and pheasants from Hui Province, white fish from the Yangtze River, etc.

Someone has roughly calculated that the vegetable money alone will cost twenty or thirty oceans. This does not include the aging wine from Tanggou Winery in northern Jiangsu. Everyone secretly said that Section Chief Gu really spent a lot of money to thank the Director.

Over there, Wu Chunyang glanced at the time, then leaned into Zuo Chong's ear and said, "Deputy Director, it's almost time. Why don't we start? There's no wine on the duty officer's table. After eating, we'll go back to change shifts."

There are a lot of confidential documents in the Intelligence Section. It is impossible for everyone to come to Dehe Tower to eat. Someone must be responsible for internal security. In this way, some people will only be hungry for a while while waiting for replacement.

Zuo Zhong nodded happily and looked at Gu Qi. The officers picked up their wine glasses and stood up together. The agents present stood up in a hurry, and the huge private room fell silent instantly.

The waiter next to him swallowed his saliva when he saw this scene. Finally, under the command of the foreman, he stepped on tiptoes on the thick carpet and retreated quietly. In this business, you need to be discerning.

As soon as he went out, the foreman, who had been calm just now, lost his legs and almost fell down. He quickly supported the wall and wiped the cold sweat from his head. The eyes of the people inside were so cold, it was so scary.

In the box, Zuo Zhong held up his wine glass and said, "Brothers, Director Dai was also planning to come. Unfortunately, he had urgent official business and needed to report to the Chairman, so he entrusted me to say a few words.

The Director hopes that we will continue to maintain and carry forward the brave fighting style of the Secret Service in the next work and make new contributions to the party and the country. Come, let’s drink this cup together and thank the Director for his concern. "

 “Thank you, Director.”

The agents roared loudly, raised their heads and poured the wine into their mouths. Now that Virgo has become the director, their future will be even brighter, but this glass of wine is sweeter than honey.

Zuo Zhong drank the glass with a smile, signaled Wu Chunyang to refill the wine, and continued: "From now on, you will work under Lao Gu. I think everyone knows who Lao Gu is.

His personality is not like mine, and he is more amiable in his behavior and work. I only have one requirement for him, and that is to obey orders and obey orders. Anyone who dares to violate the rules will be dealt with directly by military law. "

  His tone was cold at the end, with a sneer on his face, which made the secret agents tremble inwardly. The reputation of the Smiling Tiger was not only known to outsiders, but the other party would kill someone if he got angry.

Zuo Zhong finished ringing the alarm and his face became gentle again: "As long as everyone cooperates with Lao Gu's work, Lao Gu will not treat you badly. You will get all the credit and bonuses. Come on, have another drink."

 “Drink again.”

This time some people looked at Gucci no longer carelessly, and even the posture of standing at attention was standardized. After everyone carefully drank the fine wine, they began to take turns to go to the main table to pay homage to the dock.

Bai Wenzhi watched the toasting and fine-drinking drama, and he was very happy. Then he took the initiative to ask Zuo Zhong to have a drink. He kicked the suitcase under the table and talked about his brother.

“Director Zuo, please let Bai Wentian go. That guy is incompetent in literature and martial arts. How could he be an underground party? He was just eager to make meritorious deeds and got into the mess in Jiujiawei.

I have some gadgets from my hometown for you to play with. Now that this is over, Bai Wentian’s family will give you a big gift. I guarantee you will be satisfied. Bai will definitely follow your lead in the future. "

  Something happened at night.

There is something wrong with a mutual friend of my partner. He suddenly stops answering phone calls, voice calls, and videos, and only communicates through text messages.

I sent a text message inviting her to see another friend’s dog, but the dog was already dead.

   She didn’t reply.

I sent another text message asking her if she was going or not, but she replied: Go.

The girl lived alone and was afraid of something happening, so she kept in touch with the police for a long time.



 (End of this chapter)

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