Cicada Moving

Chapter 513: Nine out and thirteen back

Chapter 513 Nine departures and thirteen returns

Zuo Zhong listened to Lao Bai's beautiful words and glanced at his feet. The smile on his face became warmer. That's right. He couldn't remind himself every time. Wouldn't it become blackmail?

When the outside world mentions his Zuo's character, everyone praises him. In the filthy officialdom, he can be called a white lotus in the mud. How can it be related to activities that violate national laws.

Even if something is not so legal, it is still for the sake of friends. No one is born from a stone egg. There are always a few loved ones, relatives and friends, life and death friends. This is the way of the world.

 After being intoxicated with himself for a while, he naturally touched the suitcase with his thigh. After two seconds, his bright smile faded, he picked up a piece of sea cucumber and put it in his mouth, and spoke lazily to Bai Wenzhi.

“Old Bai, it’s not that my brother doesn’t give you face, you are an old policeman. Only two people survived out of more than a hundred people. Do you think we should restrict your brother’s freedom, and should we conduct an in-depth investigation?

This matter is of great significance. People in the Navy shot five or six lieutenants for delaying the battle, and demoted countless lieutenant colonels and majors. Now you ask me to release them, is this appropriate? "


Bai Wenzhi knew the seriousness of this matter, otherwise he would not have sued Zuo. The other person was indeed very efficient in doing things, but it was so **** dark that he went out with nothing but his pockets every time.

If the uniforms of the Jinling Police Station were not worth a few bucks, this special agent could have stripped off his clothes and trousers. If he was three feet high in the sky, then this person would be three hundred or three thousand feet high in the sky.

After hesitating for a moment, he asked tentatively: "Director Zuo, actually, I can't wait. After the case is over and the facts are found out, will you release my brother?"

"Of course, you go and find out when Zuo has been unjustly, falsely and wrongly convicted. As long as Bai Wentian has not colluded with the underground party, I will definitely return you a complete clan brother, and I will never break my promise."

Zuo Zhong frowned and said very rudely, how dare he question his noble sentiments and whether there is any trust between people. If he said it completely, it must be complete.

  It’s just that dead people can be intact. Bai Wentian took the initiative to supervise the execution of underground party members. He looked like a deer with a head and a rat’s eyes. It was not a good thing at first glance.

For this shameful scum, we must clear out the cadres of the party and state, and we must not let a mouse drop spoil the pot of porridge. This is not retaliation, he is hoeing traitors for the country, which is glorious~

Bai Wenzhi smiled coquettishly when he heard the words, and said to himself: I know very well what kind of person you are, you do not commit unjust, false or wrongful cases, but you are ruthless and ruthless, which is even more frightening.

The more he thought about it, the more uneasy he became. Thinking of the miserable state of the corpses of the Japanese spies on the city gate building, he couldn't help but shudder a few times. They didn't even have the appearance of a human being. Finally, he gritted his teeth and stamped his feet and said.

“Otherwise, I’ll invite Director Zuo to have tea with the twenty gadgets in the box, and when they are released, I’ll find a way to find thirty more and give them to you. This is already Bai’s entire possessions.

If it still doesn't work, forget it. To be honest, he and I are just brothers in the clan, and our relationship is very ordinary. There is no need for me to sell iron, cars, and houses for a distant relative. "

Bai Wenzhi stretched out three thick fingers to indicate an increase in remuneration, and at the same time gave a bottom line. It seemed that he would stop serving me if he disagreed with me. The director also had a temper.

“Oh, Lao Bai, what are you doing? We are all brothers. They don’t have money. Zuo has no interest in money at all. You have to believe in the party-state and our Secret Service.”

Zuo Zhong pressed his finger back directly with a very unhappy expression. He was really shameless. As soon as he touched the box, he knew that there were almost twenty large yellow croakers in it.

This is to send a beggar away, Lao Bai is very capable. If it weren't for the good relationship in the past, this **** would have been sent to the Regret Chair of the Supervisory Yuan to explain the problem.

 Others are tough because they have clean butts. It is really rare for someone like him to speak arrogantly even though there is a pile of rocks under his butt. I don’t know how much he drank to be bold before coming here, and his tone is loud enough.

Pressing Bai Wenzhi tightly, Zuo Zhong sighed: "Old Bai, I have been holding some words in my brother's heart for a long time. The Bai family is a famous big landowner in Lu Province. Logically speaking, you should not be short of money.

But why do you value money so seriously? Someone reported to us that you and the tobacco dealer were close friends, and that the other person had a blue dragon tattoo on his neck. This person was imprisoned in the Secret Service.

  (verse 449)

Of course, I don’t believe these rumors, and I have never interrogated that person, but the rules are the rules, and you will be interrogated sooner or later. If the offender reveals something, you must be prepared. "

 He gave Ban Jun's words to Lao Bai intact, which was so heart-felt that he could barely express his gratitude. If others heard it, they would definitely be moved by this friendship.

But Bai Wenzhi was not moved. Instead, he was furious. This special girl was a threat. This spy was threatening him. He wanted to take out his gun and die with this **** right away.

It was just the fat and strong guard at the side that made him quickly give up the idea. He couldn't beat him again and again, and his life depended on others. What could he do? Of course, he had to find a way to solve this problem.

He forced a smile and explained: "Jiu Wenlong and I are casual acquaintances. Where do we come from? Someone must be maliciously slandering Bai. Chief Zuo, you must be aware of everything."

Brother, I suddenly remembered that I have a lot of antique jades at home. I spent a lot of money buying them. I don’t know if they are real or not. It would be great if you have time to help me check them out. "

Lao Bai's heart is bleeding. Those are all good things from the Tang and Song Dynasties. Taking out any one of them can shake up the literary and entertainment circles. It is really a secret to give it to a rough guy like Zuo. But there was no way. After repeated blackmails, the local specialties at his home had been exhausted. If he wanted to go out to purchase, he would not be able to buy them in time. The other party would not be able to give him that long to prepare.

  That's it, that's it, just treat it like a dog-beating meat bun. As long as you can drive away the vicious dogs, it's all worth it. At worst, you can work overtime a few times and catch more thieves, robbers or cigarette dealers.

Bai asked and made up his mind. He went through the collection in his mind and prepared to pick out the least valuable one and give it away. Anyway, Zuo was just a stick, so he didn't know how to deal with antiques.

If it weren't for my black gauze hat and head on my neck, I really want to go to Chaotian Palace to buy some fakes to deal with it, huh? This seemed to be a solution, and he wanted to see the other party's reaction.

As a result, Zuo Zhong ignored this and waved his hand directly: "There is no need for antique jade. Those things are too eye-catching and are not as low-key as souvenirs. I still like things with more weight.

If you don't have it, I can lend it to you first. My brother will settle the accounts and return it nine times out and thirteen out according to the specific weight. Don't worry, Zuo Mou always operates honestly and never cheats people. "


Bai Wenzhi, who was drinking to relieve his sorrow, spit out all the wine in his mouth. There are such shameless people in the world who lend money to others to give gifts to themselves. Does the Republic of China still have royal laws and justice?

  It is even more excessive to go out and return home at the end of the twelfth. I am afraid that I will sell all my family property and I will not be able to pay off this bad debt. No, absolutely not. Even if I go to rob a gold shop, I can't agree to the surname Zuo.

He stammered quickly: "Thank you, Director Zuo, for your kindness. Bai has his own way to solve the problem. I don't know how much it will take to solve the problem for me and my brother, so I can go back and make preparations."

Hearing this, Zuo Zhong took a sip of wine and said unhappily: "You sound like I'm blackmailing you. These hundred large yellow croakers are not for me alone. Anyone who sees them has a share. Do you understand?"

 “One hundred!”

Bai Wenzhi was dumbfounded. The beasts were getting darker and darker, and their prices were rising faster than prices in Jinling. These big yellow croakers could buy a nice house in Jinling, but he could say it.

"Yes, it's a hundred. Don't look at me like that. Let me tell you, you are taking advantage of it. You and Bai Wentian have a lot of problems. No one except our Secret Service dares to take care of it."

Zuo Zhong was talking nonsense in a serious manner: "Besides, there is no need to take care of anything up and down. If someone else comes, there is no need to talk if it is less than two hundred. But who makes us friends? It's a shame for me to admit this mute."


Bai Wen's teeth were almost broken, and he said word by word: "Thank you very much. Please give Bai five days. The quantity is a bit large this time. I can only think of a solution from Shanghai. I will definitely visit you at that time." .

 It’s just that the ugly words are ahead. If the problem cannot be solved, all the things must be returned, especially the smoking convict Jiu Wenlong. I don’t want to see him walk out of the detention center of your Secret Service alive. "

Zuo Zhong took a sip of wine and said with a worried look on his face: "The weather has been really cold recently. I heard that many prisoners in your Jinling Police Department froze to death. I have to take a look when I go back to avoid making any mistakes."

Some things don't need to be said too clearly. Bai Wenzhi snorted, poured several glasses of wine and drank it, trying to recover some losses, until the waiter handed the bill into his hand.

 “Why should I pay?”

He couldn't bear it anymore, jumped up and said angrily: "I'm here for a banquet today. There's no reason for guests to give money. Your secret service is so careless. I don't have any money!"

 “Oh? Going to a banquet?”

Zuo Zhong smiled slightly and took something out of his pocket: "Do you have an invitation? Brothers, please show your invitations to Director Bai. Don't let people say we are unreasonable."


 “Director Bai, look.”

The agents winked and waved the invitations in their hands, and walked out swaggeringly. Zuo Zhong ignored the livid old Bai, signaled to Gu Qi to carry the small box, and left immediately.

Walked to the door of Dehe Tower and looked at the stars twinkling in the sky. He sighed deeply. Damn it, I have to go to the Central Army Officer School tomorrow. My freedom!

 (End of this chapter)

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