Cicada Moving

Chapter 526: routine

Chapter 526 Routine

 Late night.

Special Agent Headquarters Shanghai Station.

Xu Enzeng stood in front of a map of Shanghai with his hands behind his back, looking at the points marked on the map in trance. The expression on his face was uncertain. After a long time, he turned around and opened his mouth to speak slowly.

“This time we have to catch all the underground party members. It’s a pity. If the people from the Secret Service hadn’t suddenly appeared, the case could have been dug deeper. Now we can only do it forcefully.

I hope the little Wang Basan named Zuo will believe that I put smoke bombs at the meeting, so that I can catch them off guard. By the time the deal is done, even if Dai Chunfeng wants to play tricks, it will be too late.

Sigh, I don’t know if my decision is right or wrong. Shi Zhenmei, Luo Ma, have the manpower at each arrest location been arranged to arrest people on time at 12 noon? How are the liaisons with the concession police? "

“All the operatives are already in place, just waiting for your order from the Section Chief. People from the Shanghai Central Bureau of the underground party, the All-China Federation of Railways, the General Association of Railways, the Secret Radio and the International Secret Radio cannot escape.

 After the arrest started, the nearby streets would be temporarily closed. I arranged for a few people, all old people from the other party's system, to identify pedestrians one by one to see if they could find old friends. "

Shi Zhenmei, who was opposite Xu Enzeng, replied confidently, and then looked at Luoma beside him: "Captain Luo of the action team is in charge of the concession. Captain Luo, please introduce the specific situation to the director."

 “Yes, webmaster.”

Luoma bowed slightly and said respectfully: "According to previous treaties, if our personnel want to arrest someone in the concession, they must submit written materials such as the cause of the case and the arrest address to the SAR court.

For example, if the Suzhou Provincial High Court is located in the Second and Third Branches of the Concession, we can only conduct joint arrest operations with the cooperation of the Concession Patrol after the Special Administrative Region Court signs and seals it.

The arrest of the suspect still needs to be completed by the SAR court before a decision is made on whether to proceed with extradition. Until then, the suspect is temporarily detained in the patrol room or the police station, and is guarded by personnel from both parties.

To ensure that the information does not leak out, I think we can submit arrest cooperation documents three hours before the arrest starts, that is, at 9 a.m. In such a short period of time, the underground party will never be able to react. "

Xu Enzeng frowned when he heard this. The foreigners had too many messy things, such as approval and assistance. It was so troublesome for them to arrest people in Jinling. They could just bang the door and rush in.

And with one more procedure, there is one more risk. God knows if there are underground parties in the so-called SAR courts, or how many underground parties there are. If the actions are leaked, the problem will be serious.

He hesitated and asked: "Can we arrest him first and then report it to the concession authorities after the arrest? The French, British, and Americans are very wary of redization, and they should not embarrass us.

If something goes wrong, I will ask the leader and Minister Chen for instructions and ask the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to negotiate with their government. They are just a few underground parties and not important figures. The other party should give some face. "

Luoma opened his mouth wide and didn't know how to speak. The chief of the department thought that the concession was somewhere where people like him could come and leave whenever they wanted. The foreign army was not a decoration.

 Once a firefight breaks out during an operation, the other side does not care who the shooter is. As long as he does not surrender, he will kill them all. This has happened before, and the captured agents are still serving time in prison.

In addition, people are arrested without legal procedures. If the prisoner falls into the hands of the concession, handing him over will be a big trouble. Don't forget, the public opinion circles in Shanghai are more troublesome than anywhere else in the world.

If reporters knew that intelligence agents of the Jinling government entered the concession without authorization, the headlines in the newspapers would definitely be sensational, such as the Republic of China will not recognize treaties with other countries.

 It’s so scary.

Thinking of this, Luoma's back was covered in cold sweat, and he quickly dissuaded her tactfully: "Report to the Director, this can easily cause misunderstandings with European and American countries. The Chairman of the Committee may not be happy if he finds out.

Please rest assured that your humble position will have people closely monitor the document submission process. If someone dares to tip off the person, it will not be too late to arrest him urgently. Maybe he can find new clues. "

Xu Enzeng nodded slowly. The chairman of the committee does pay more attention to foreign friends, so we should follow Xing Luoma's advice to avoid unnecessary complications. Anyway, if something goes wrong, someone will be responsible.

However, this person is somewhat quick-witted, and judging from his experience, it is impossible to collude with Southwest. Excluding the fact that he is a student named Gu, he is a rare talent among the idiots under him.

So he glanced at Luoma sideways: "After the case is over, I will report there. The position of intelligence section chief is still vacant. I hope that when you arrive in Jinling, you can catch more underground parties like you did in Shanghai.

I will never treat meritorious officials badly, but you must also remember that I can't rub sand in my eyes. What I hate most are people who are double-dealing and betraying the party and the country. Okay, you can go and rest. "

 “Yes, Director.”

Shi Zhenmei and Luo Ma bowed in reply, and then exited the conference room together. They walked silently in the deserted corridor, their expressions were not very good-looking, but the specific reasons were very different.

One is that they don’t want to arrest them so quickly. The White Blood Cell Project is at a critical time. Many situations still need to be investigated. Such hasty action will inevitably miss many important underground party figures.

Shi Zhenmei was full of resentment, and the most taboo in combat was to change orders from day to day. He had promised not to seek quick results and not be greedy for immediate success, but he suddenly changed his mind and said that he should strike first to gain the upper hand.

I bother.

The dignified director's words are worse than farts. He is not afraid that the Secret Service will steal the credit. He just wants to quickly make contributions to please the Chairman and Er Chen. However, it is the Shanghai Station and himself, the station chief, who take such risks.

It seemed that he had to make a decision as soon as possible. He must not be a scapegoat. He clenched his back molars and thought about how to escape this disaster. Suddenly, a slightly crying voice came from the side. "Webmaster, please beg Director Chen for mercy. I really don't want to be that unlucky intelligence section chief. How many people have died in that position? I heard that none of them survived more than a year."

Director Xu is looking for a scapegoat so that he can shirk responsibility for the failure of the mission. Who in our intelligence system doesn't know about this? I really want to go to the capital to serve, but I don't want to die in vain. "

Luoma almost knelt down. In addition to the reasons mentioned, the Jinling underground party is also very fierce. They committed a prisoner robbery last year and killed dozens of spies. They even used light machine guns and grenades.

 His own family knows his own affairs. He was able to capture so many dissidents in Shanghai entirely because the opponent's current strength was insufficient. A few years ago, he would have been shot to death indiscriminately.

The experiences of the two seniors Wang Aofu and Liu Gui were even more chilling. The first one did not know whether he would live or die, the second one almost died without a burial place, and only Meng Ting had a good ending.

This latent underground party member shot Xu before he left, and miraculously escaped from being surrounded by hundreds of spies. The pursuers have not found any trace of him so far.

Luo Ma finally figured it out. Xu Enzeng was trying to defeat the intelligence section chief. Anyway, one of the two sides had to die. He felt that his life was not so tough and the possibility of dying unexpectedly was very high.

The only person who can save him now is the station chief. The other person is Director Chen's former secretary, and he can talk to Deputy Director Dai. As long as the bureau headquarters doesn't let go, the appointment of the intelligence section chief will not be made.

But Shi Zhenmei sighed after hearing this, patted him on the shoulder and left quickly. She didn't say anything but seemed to have said everything. How can an egg be completed in a crowd? Let's just take care of ourselves.

 “Secret Service!”

Luoma looked at the life-saving straw and shouted in a low voice. If he was not desperate, he really didn't want to threaten a professional agent with an uncertain thing. This was very dangerous.

Sure enough, Shi Zhenmei turned back sharply, her face extremely ferocious, revealing a sinister and vicious look, which was intimidating, and her fingers against her trouser pocket moved slightly, as if she was preparing to take action.

 “Webmaster, please don’t get me wrong.”

Luo Ma hurriedly smiled bitterly and said: "Director Chen has lost his real power, and the situation is over. Deputy Director Dai was ordered by the Chairman to take charge of the work. Luo had long wanted to attach Jiwei, but he had no choice but to do so.

 I just wanted to remind you that people like us who change families must give their new backers a welcome gift. Those underground parties are the most suitable, and all internal cells are under my command.

As long as you are willing to lend a helping hand, I will fully support your work. This matter will benefit both sides if we work together, and hurt both if we divide it. The person named Xu is pressing us harder and harder, so you must consider it carefully. "

After finishing what he said in his heart, Luoma left in a hurry. The arrest scene was inseparable from people. He had to go to several surveillance points to check. No matter which temple he worshiped or which incense he burned, the underground party could not let go.

This matter has nothing to do with doctrine. Whether it is with Director Chen, Director Dai, or any other director, the head of the dissident is the official position. Who said this is the order of the chairman of the committee.

If it weren't for the request from above, the ghost would be willing to risk his life and fight with those red heads. After all, they are all compatriots. When he thought of what Xu Enzeng said, there was a trace of ridicule in his eyes.

Moreover, Shi Zhenmei looked at Luoma's retreating back, a little confused, and couldn't tell whether what the other party said was true or false. After thinking about it, she returned to the office, locked the door and took out a radio.

As a veteran intelligence agent who has been in the industry for more than ten years since the Republic of China, receiving and receiving telegrams is a basic skill. He skillfully pressed the keys and sent Xu Enzeng's arrest plan to a certain mysterious band in code.

 Half an hour later.

Zuo Zhong was awakened from his sleep by a rapid knock on the door. He immediately grabbed the pistol on the bedside and slowly walked to the door, knocking softly on the door. Wu Chunyang's voice soon sounded outside the door.

“Deputy Director, Jinling’s phone number.”

 “Okay, I’ll go there right away.”

Zuo Zhong turned off the safety and put down the gun, walked to the lobby of the small foreign building with his clothes on, signed his name after the call time on the call record, picked up the phone and communicated with the other party.

 “Yes, today’s meeting.”

 “I think there’s some fraud involved.”

 “Understand and ensure the completion of the task.”

Hang up the phone, he stood and waved to Wu Chunyang: "Immediately arrange for personnel to keep an eye on a Shanghai station, and report any situation at any time. Let's go to the SAR Court in the morning and bring more people."


①The fly ran a thousand miles because it was attached to the tail of a thousand-mile horse. It describes ordinary people who become famous because of the glory of wise men.



 (End of this chapter)

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