Cicada Moving

Chapter 527: SAR Court

Chapter 527 SAR Court

Mornings in Shanghai are much noisier than in Jinling City. Countless rickshaws, cars, pedestrians and trams go their own way, or they mix together, making various noises.

Amidst this chaos, Bei Zhejiang Road in the public concession seemed particularly quiet, especially the SAR Court with the house number 191. People kept coming in and out, but there was no noise at all.

Zuo Zhong sat in the back seat of the car, observing the scene and the various people coming and going, including court staff, police, lawyers or reporters. They all slowed down here.

 The law is awe-inspiring.

 It’s also scary.

But there are always people who have different opinions. Gui Youguang, who was sitting in the driver's seat, muttered: "You look like a bastard. What is a court called a court that can't even judge foreigners? Just take off the sign."

“Something is better than nothing. This was paid for by the hundreds of lives lost in the May 30th Massacre. Otherwise, I’m afraid you and I wouldn’t be able to even approach the door. Remember the sign in the public garden that says Chinese people and dogs are not allowed to enter.”

Zuo Zhong squinted his eyes and sneered. After the tragedy, all classes of Chinese asked to take back the concession. It seemed like a very normal patriotic act, but in fact they had different interests and demands.

For example, the national government hopes to use this to improve its international status, Chinese capitalists hope to use this to increase their weight in joining public boards, and workers hope to participate in movements to alleviate the exploitation of foreign capitalists.

But it was such a contradictory "unity" that gave the concession authorities a powerful counterattack. The underground party contacted people from all walks of life to fight and protest against the imperialist massacre of the Chinese people.

Citizens came to the meeting. More than 200,000 workers went on strike, more than 50,000 students went on strike, all merchants in the public concession went on strike, and even the Chinese policemen employed in the concession responded to the call and declared a strike.

 Finally, after difficult negotiations, the judicial power of the concession was finally recovered under the conditions that the ownership of criminal cases, investigation and prosecution rights remained unchanged, and foreign court employees were not allowed to be fired at will.

 Special District Court.

These four words may seem simple, but behind them is an extremely painful past. Zuo Zhong looked at the British soldiers showing off their power on the roadside with undisguised murderous intent in his eyes. The debt must be paid sooner or later.

 Gui Youguang also had a bad look on his face: "I'll blow up that **** park sooner or later. Look where those foreign devils put up that sign. Damn, why haven't those **** from the secret service headquarters arrived yet?

Director, do you think they will kill the person first and then go through the formalities after arresting the person? As long as the person is arrested quickly enough, the concession police will not have time to react, and at worst they will shoot and kill him directly. "

As the bald man spoke, he looked at the foreign patrolman walking by. He licked his lips and couldn't help but touch the pistol at his waist with his right hand, as if he was thinking about where to shoot.

Zuo Zhongxian glanced at this guy, turned to stare out the window and said: "Xu Enzeng has an idea for you. You two are evenly matched. You can find time to compare notes and see who is more courageous and foolhardy.

Don't worry, although he is stupid, the person named Luo Ma under his command is very smart and will not let the person named Xu do this. The other party should want to come later to minimize the risk of intelligence leakage.

The underground party’s network of connections in Shanghai is much deeper than we thought. Don’t forget that during the Great Depression, they conquered the city with just workers’ pickets. There must be spies in the court. "

 After saying that, I didn't bother to talk to him anymore. I recalled the phone call at night. Station manager Shi Zhenmei was really Dai Chunfeng's little cotton-padded jacket. He explained the plans of his director without hesitation.

This is also the reason why Zuo Zhong did not let Wu Chunyang wait outside Shanghai Station. It is said that it is difficult to guard against a thief. Since there is an internal response, why should we take the risk of alerting the snake and monitor him.

According to Shi Zhenmei, Xu Enzeng attempted to eliminate all the underground party forces in Shanghai that had been exposed in the White Blood Cell Project, so that he could ask for credit from Jinling and save his face that did not exist in the first place.

He was just talking nonsense in yesterday's meeting. Of course, Zuo Zhong didn't believe those nonsense, and at that time he suspected that this old boy was playing tricks, because this matter was not in line with this person's style.

The white blood cells that have infiltrated the underground party at present were all developed by the Shanghai Station, and are not his credit. Even if all the underground parties in Shanghai are arrested by then, the credit will be enough to be divided among a few people.

What are you doing this for?

 Do you do good things to others?

To show his face in front of the bald man and Er Chen and regain his attention at the same time, Xu Enzeng must instigate a group of his own insider cells so that he can better beg for mercy from his master.

Zuo Zhong was sure that the reason why the other party acted in such a hasty manner was not only because he was afraid of having his beard cut off, but also because he wanted to develop more white blood cells among the captured personnel, this old fox.

In other words, regardless of whether the Secret Service is involved or not, Lao Xu will arrest people as quickly as possible. He is too old to play tricks.

Over there, Gui Youguang nodded when he heard Zuo Zhong’s explanation. The intelligence report before departure said that documents should be submitted at 9 a.m. and the action would take place at 12 o’clock. The interval was only 3 hours, and the interval was very short.

This amount of time is definitely not enough time for an intelligence organization to enter a dormant state. It is difficult to notify all personnel. Not all latent intelligence agents have telephones installed in their homes.

  First is the funds. As we all know, the biggest characteristic of the underground party is poverty. Second, there are restrictions on concealing one’s identity. For example, an ordinary worker installing a phone is equivalent to telling the outside world that he has a problem.

 In short, it was a very tense three hours. Even if someone in the court reported the matter, the underground party would at most evacuate the people they contacted in time. This did not take into account that the secret service headquarters had already started to monitor the relevant personnel. Gui Youguang thought seriously, if the ones being rounded up today were the Secret Service and faced with such a rigorous plan, how many of them could escape. The answer is pessimistic, I'm afraid not a few could escape.

Just like him, no matter how powerful he is, he is just one person. Even if there are sufficient weapons and ammunition and the terrain is favorable, all he can do is delay for a while to buy himself time to commit suicide and not be captured by the enemy.

 Gui Youguang thought of the Japanese spies who had been tortured, and shook his head gently. No one was sure of getting through the pain. It seemed that today's battle would be fierce, and then he sighed with emotion.

“Deputy Director, the report said that Xu Enzeng put a smoke bomb on you. Fortunately, the Deputy Director was well-informed, otherwise our people would have been greatly embarrassed and lost to the Secret Service Headquarters. How can we behave if word spreads out?”

Zuo Zhong was amused: "Okay, tell the deputy director of your flattery. Stop talking nonsense and monitor the suspicious people nearby. When you see someone approaching, immediately send a signal to Wu Chunyang."

Today, he is responsible for tracking the person who submitted the materials. When they arrive at the appropriate location, your action team is ready to take action. You cannot let the other party send the court-approved arrest documents to Xu Enzeng. "

 “Yes, Deputy Director.”

 Gui Youguang grinned: "How many people can deliver the materials? It's a simple matter. If you ask me to stop their car and throw a grenade, even a **** will not survive. If you want to deliver documents, just ask for it in your dreams."

 Listen, is this human language?

Zuo Zhong really wanted to kill this **** with one shot. If killing people could solve the problem, he could just lead people to wash out the Shanghai station with blood. Whether the agents died or not was not important. What was important was to delay time.

The warning message I sent to Old K may or may not have been received by the Shanghai authorities. Now I can delay it for as long as possible to leave more time for the underground party to retreat.

To achieve this goal, scale and propriety are key. Excessive stimulation of Xu Enzeng will only advance the attack. The best way is to make the opponent unable to determine the situation and automatically delay the attack.

So he frowned and said in a serious tone: "Remember, cause a car accident, cause a conflict, wait for an opportunity to destroy the documents, and retreat immediately after the operation is completed. I will be responsible for covering the outside.

 During this period, you can fight, but you can't use any weapons, and don't use military fighting movements. You can fight with Wang Baquan. Before the incident, sprinkle a little liquor on yourself and pretend to be a drunkard returning home.

How well you can beat people in one place depends on your ability. If no one is killed, the concession police will not care about such trivial matters. If you are blocked by someone, do you know how to tell the police station? "

Gui Youguang understood the importance clearly, stopped smiling, and said decisively: "I know, don't say anything, wait until the deputy director sends someone to rescue us. If you are beaten, you must cry out for pain and ask for mercy."

 “Very good, that’s it.”

Zuo Zhong smiled with satisfaction. Fighting was just a minor problem and could be solved with a little money. However, if the person fighting had received anti-torture training, the concession police would have to investigate in depth no matter how incompetent they were.

Maybe the intelligence agencies will get involved. Don’t underestimate the noses of the Special Department of the Public Concession Police Department and the Political Security Department of the French Concession. This is their home field. If you are careless, something will happen.

As time passed by, Gui Youguang sat there and planned the details of the action. He could neither reveal his purpose nor his identity. This task was a bit difficult and required careful planning.

Zuo Zhong glanced at the time secretly. It was nine o'clock, and it was time for him to contact Old K. He put his hand into his pocket, and after a few seconds, he resumed his original action and looked outside quietly.

 He sent another telegram marked for forwarding to Shanghai. The content was very simple - all retreat. These comrades who have persisted in the white terror for so long must understand what it means.

This means that all personnel and institutions in Shanghai have been exposed. The enemy has been lurking around and will start arresting them at any time. The warning for two consecutive days is enough to show the seriousness of this matter.


Several cars passed by quickly, and a familiar figure sat in the leading car. It was a Luoma. As officers, Xu Enzeng and Shi Zhenmei naturally couldn't do such errands.

Zuo Zhong counted and saw that 5 cars and 20 spies had arrived at the Shanghai station. Such a huge formation was created just to deliver a document. It seemed that the tragic experience of Jiujiawu had left an unforgettable memory for Lao Xu.

Hehe, he leaned over and patted Gui Youguang's arm in the front seat, pointed at the first car and said: "Look for the student-looking person inside. The document is on this person's body. Give me a good beating."

 “Okay, just take a look.”

The bald head shows white teeth.

  (Read the author’s words)

I shed tears as soon as I open my eyes. I write with one eye closed until now. I go to bed. I have a farewell party in the evening. I will fly home tomorrow. Tomorrow’s update may have to wait until the afternoon. I will return to normal time after a few days of recovery.



 (End of this chapter)

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