Cicada Moving

Chapter 528: Submit documents

Chapter 528 Submission of documents

Luoma put the pistol across his knees and carefully observed the movement outside the car. As soon as he set off from Shanghai Station, he felt something was wrong, but after several tests, he found nothing suspicious.

There are only two possibilities for this situation. One is that the stalker does not exist at all, and the other is that the stalker is well hidden. I am afraid of the second one, because there are too many people in Shanghai who want to kill Fruit Party agents.

 Underground party.

 A businessman who was extorted.

  A gangster who is being exploited.

Etc., etc

These people together can build a human bridge across the Huangpu River. In the past, assassins have attacked spies, but the murderer has not been caught yet. The most indispensable thing in Shanghai is the most vicious desperadoes.

The more Luoma thought about it, the more worried he became. He looked up and saw the car driving through the gate of the SAR Court. He immediately ordered his men in a serious tone: "Leave two people guarding each car to prevent anyone from installing dangerous goods.

Others have entered the highest alert state and must protect me at all times. If the situation goes wrong, retreat immediately. Don't be reluctant to fight. Let the concession patrol deal with the opponent. There is no need to increase casualties. "


The agents at the Shanghai Station of the Secret Service Headquarters have long been accustomed to the captain's suspicion, but it is a good thing to have such a commander. This is better than those brothers who followed Director Xu to Jiujiawei.

"get off."

Luoma waited for the car to stop and said in a deep voice, then got out of the car under the protection of his men and walked into the court office building. People who were coming and going secretly guessed that some big shot was here.

A man in robes carrying a briefcase happened to come in through the gate. His pupils shrank sharply when he saw this scene, and he naturally turned into the guard room with a sway of his shoulders, and asked the gatekeeper as if nothing had happened.

  “Have you got a letter from me?”

 “Some, some”

The janitor quickly opened the drawer, found two letters from inside, and handed them to the man in the robe with a smile on his face. Then while the other man was looking through them, he cautiously mentioned one thing.

“President Yu, I heard that our No. 1 Criminal Tribunal is recruiting a few judicial police officers. I don’t know what the regulations are. My boy graduated from the Shanghai Fahu Political School. Could you please write a recommendation?”

He said that President Yu stuffed the read letter into the envelope. Hearing these words, he shook his head helplessly: "The specific candidates have been decided before the matter was announced. I'm sorry that Yu is unable to do anything."

 “Ah? It’s decided?”

The gatekeeper exclaimed, with disappointment written all over his face. Sure enough, it was another pretentious performance. Although he had already guessed it, he still had a glimmer of extravagant hope, but now he had completely given up.

But at this moment, President Yu spoke again: "But I have a seat as a court clerk. How is your son doing in the political and law school? If he does well, you can ask him to help me."

The so-called court clerk refers to the assistant hired by the judge himself, who is responsible for auxiliary work such as arraignment and questioning before and after the trial. The salary is paid by the court. Some are like the criminal master of the former officials.

The janitor was stunned for a moment. This position was much better than that of a judicial police officer. He could get in touch with high-level officials of the court, and he might be able to become a judge if he had the opportunity in the future. Then he immediately responded and thanked him continuously.

 “Thank you, President Yu, thank you very much.”

“Haha, there’s no need to be so polite. Just ask him to come see me later with his homework. By the way, I saw several cars driving in. Is there anyone here?” President Yu asked casually.

The gatekeeper glanced at the parking lot, lowered his voice and said disdainfully: "Who else could it be? It's not just those spies who arrest people in the concession all day long. I don't know how many underground gangs they can catch."

President Yu smiled, reached into his pocket, took out the cigarette case, took out a cigarette and handed it over, lit another one for himself, and chatted with the janitor until someone walked out of the office building.

This man was wearing a police uniform and walked quickly out of the court gate. He glanced at the guard room as he passed by and caught the eyes of the judge. The two of them did not make any move and looked away.

The other party walked south along the Beizhe Province Road. Not long after, cars followed him sneakily. There were five secret agents sitting in the car, including the driver, staring attentively ahead.

Not far away, Gui Youguang retracted his head and asked doubtfully: "Deputy Director, what do the people from the secret service headquarters want to do when they go in and out? Have the documents been submitted and the review completed?"


Zuo Zhong held up the telescope and sneered: "When have you ever seen a government department do things so efficiently? It takes a lot of time just to type the official seals of each department, and it won't be so fast.

The other party may be using the submission of materials as bait in an attempt to find out the underground party lurking in the SAR court. The harvest from those important agencies is not enough. One place is really greedy. "

The two of them were talking here. Shi Shiran, a man in a long robe, walked out of the door and walked in the opposite direction to the previous two groups of people. He did not make any counter-following movements while walking and looked very normal.

Zuo Zhong frowned slightly. This person stayed in the guard room for less than five minutes. He entered after Luoma arrived and left after a special agent started to follow him. Could it be a coincidence? Originally, there were no coincidences in intelligence operations, but looking at the other party's behavior with no trace of training, he was a little unsure. This person might just be a nearby resident who came to collect letters.

Besides, even if there was something wrong with the man in the robe, he was most likely his comrade. There was no need to attract the attention of the Secret Service. Zuo Zhong kept this man's appearance in mind and looked away.

At this time, the vicuñas in the SAR Court were like ants on a hot pot, walking around in the corridor. From time to time, they raised their hands to look at their watches. Cold sweat broke out on their foreheads, thinking that this was going to happen.

It’s past nine o’clock now, and Yu Hua, the president of the First Criminal Tribunal, hasn’t come to work yet. The judge may have gone to some bookstore to drink wine last night, but now he is still lying in the gentle countryside.

Ordinarily, he can't and doesn't want to deal with the matter of public servants sleeping with prostitutes, but without the other party's approval, the patrol office will not send people to assist them in arresting them. If it delays the white blood cell plan.


Luo Ma imagined Xu Enzeng's rage in his mind. His legs were a little weak, and he felt a huge black pot flying towards him, and he quickly opened the door of the First Criminal Court office.

Several Chinese judges and foreign clerks were sitting together in the room, laughing and discussing something in English in low voices. When they saw that the other party came in without knocking, one of them said impatiently.

"Captain Luo, I have asked the judicial police to go to President Yu Huayu's home to look for him. Just wait patiently. Besides, the arrest can be carried out at any time, and I am anxious for this moment."

Forgive me, it is best to be cautious about this kind of thing. Don't catch the wrong person like last time. Your stone station has pushed 625, which is involved in the newspaper for a month.

Also, please knock on the door before entering. I don’t know what the rules are at the Secret Service Headquarters, but this is the SAR Courthouse. Government and Western dignitaries often visit, so basic etiquette must be observed. "

 The members of the SAR Court are both managed by the National Government and employed by the concession. Their status is relatively sensitive, and they are not afraid of the spies that everyone talks about. The tone of the people who speak seems very rude.

Luo Ma blushed when he was told that, but he could not offend these powerful judges, so he could only reply dryly: "Okay, okay, Luo is rude, it is really urgent and cannot be delayed.

 The documents I have here require your approval from the President of the Court. Can you please sign or stamp them for me? Don’t worry, if something happens, all responsibility will lie with our secret service headquarters. "


The judges chuckled lightly. As legal practitioners, they knew very well that this kind of thing could not be done, and anyone who believed what a spy said was a fool, so they all pretended not to hear it.

Luoma waited for a long time, and when no one paid attention to him, he had to retreat. After closing the door, he turned and walked to the dean's office. He didn't believe that there was no one in the entire court who could make the decision.

Unfortunately, matters in the officialdom are far more complicated than intelligence warfare. No officer is willing to interfere with lower-level authorities for irrelevant people. This will offend others, so Luoma will naturally return without success.

Just like that, the agents who came to submit documents were jumping up and down anxiously, completely unaware that the President Yu they were waiting for had already come and left, and was about to arrive at the alarm officer's home at the same time.

The so-called alarm officer's only task is to stay at a fixed location, receive alarm information from lurking persons, and report the alarm to the contact point and superiors in a timely manner. This is a very important job.

Yu Hua, the president of the First Criminal Tribunal, recalled the address of the alarm caller as he walked. The caller lived not far from the SAR Court. The two were so close to each other, so they could prevent something like this from happening today.

 Every extra minute of retreat time can save the life of one more comrade. It may not be accurate to call him a comrade. After all, he is not an underground party, but an ordinary person who sympathizes with the cause of the underground party.

  Witnessing the corruption and inaction of the Nationalist government, as well as the oppression and exploitation of the Chinese people by imperialism, many elite intellectuals of the Republic of China were trying to find a way to save the country.

Yu Hua is one of them. His usual job is to use the verdict and his relationship with the concession to rescue captured persons of the underground party. The intelligence tasks are handled by the police officers who previously lured the spies away.

Now that the other party was entangled by the Fruit Party agents, he had to give a warning. Mr. President felt that his heart was about to jump out of nervousness, and he completely forgot about the anti-tracking methods of the underground party professor.

Without going around or testing, he walked directly to his destination, raised his hand and knocked on the door. There was no movement inside. After waiting for a short while, Yu Hua decisively took out the key, opened the door and walked in.

  There will not be only one solution for the intelligence joint, and the alarm officer cannot wait at the residence 24 hours a day. Daily necessities always need to be purchased, but this time is strictly controlled within one hour.

According to the agreement, in this case, he can use the spare key to hide the information in the secret compartment and leave a mark. The first thing the alarm officer does when he comes back from going out is to check whether there is any intelligence in the secret compartment.

Two minutes later, a relaxed Yu Hua walked out of the house and disappeared into the street. A few minutes later, a bearded man with white wine and braised pork in his hands opened the door.

However, he did not check the marks and secret grids according to the action discipline. Instead, he sat at the table and drank alone. He became extremely drunk, and the precious time passed by like this.

I quickly coded a chapter after my physical examination. I will update it at night first, and then adjust it back to the early morning after I recover. I checked my eyes and found conjunctivitis, which is a bit serious.



 (End of this chapter)

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