Cicada Moving

Chapter 529: postpone action

Chapter 529 Postponing Action

  11 o'clock sharp.

Xu Enzeng, who was in a restaurant on Kangnao Tuo Road in the Shanghai Public Concession, looked at the Shikumen house opposite, then looked at the time, and said fiercely to Shi Zhenmei, who was cowering aside.

"What's going on? Does it take two hours to submit a piece of information? What does that loser Luma do for food? I'm telling you, if there is a problem with the operation, you and his head will not be saved."

“Reporting to the Director, Captain Luo sent someone to report on the phone before, saying that the president of the Criminal Division of the Special Administrative Region Court is not here. Without this person’s approval, the Concession Patrol Room will not allow us to arrest.”

Shi Zhenmei tried hard to explain: "I heard that the other party seems to be suffering from a disease, so I have asked them to immediately search the nearby bookstores and technical institutes. Once they find the person, the procedures will be sent as quickly as possible."

Xu Enzeng glared at him. Although there was no evidence, he always felt that this **** was mocking him. Then he thought for a while and opened his mouth to tell the addresses of more than 20 high-end entertainment venues.

After finishing speaking, he added: "Go to these places quickly and tell me that Mr. Chen from Jinling introduced it. The store owner will cooperate with you. When this matter is over, I will take care of that president.

The president of the dignified court actually delayed his official duties because of prostitution and has no determination at all. If such a person with no official ethics is left in the SAR court, sooner or later he will cause trouble and must be removed as soon as possible. "

Shi Zhenmei really wanted to ask the director how he knew so many happy places. He had been in Shanghai for eight years and had never heard of some places. Of course, he would be a fool to ask that.

He replied respectfully: "Yes, I will make arrangements immediately. I just want to postpone the 12 o'clock operation. It will take time to notify so many arrest locations one by one. I am afraid of making mistakes in the busy schedule."

In case a place is missed and not notified, they will continue to act as usual, which will inevitably alert other underground parties. To be on the safe side, I think postponing the arrest is the best option. "

Xu Enzeng hesitated for a moment and nodded helplessly. No matter how anxious he was, he couldn't take action at the risk of being exposed. The blame was on the work efficiency of the SAR Court and the promiscuous President Yu.

Thinking of this, he ordered with a look of reluctance: "That's all we can do. Notify everyone to be on standby temporarily, waiting for new orders. All personnel will enter a dormant state and continue to monitor their respective targets.

Especially on the other side, according to the intelligence from the inside cell, this place is the underground party library. There is a lot of important information in it. We must not give the other party a chance to burn or destroy it. Did you hear me? "

 “Yes, Director.”

Shi Zhenmei replied seriously that he was very aware of the importance of the library. All the minutes and resolutions of the underground party since its establishment, the instructions issued by the superiors, and the reports uploaded by the subordinates were all included in it.

Even, there are manuscripts of senior Southwest figures, instructions from the Underground Party International and military documents of the Southwest Army. If successfully captured, it will be a huge victory.

Moreover, it was a triple victory in intelligence, military, and political affairs. If not for this, Xu Enzeng would not come here personally to preside over the operation. When it comes to grabbing credit, the other party is definitely a professional figure.

At this time, Luo Ma finally saw Yu Hua, who had arrived late at the SAR Court. Facing the anxious agents, the judge seemed unhurried. He sat down with a smile and spoke.

“Don’t be anxious, let me take a look at your documents first. This is a big matter, as you know, the concession area involves European and American countries. Once diplomacy is involved, many things will be complicated.

In the future, we should not submit applications for assistance on the same day. This makes us very passive. The patrol house is a subordinate agency of the concession, and it disrupts their normal duty plans. After all, it is inappropriate. "

Luoma looked at Yu Hua who slowly took out his glasses and took another sip of hot tea. His eyes turned black with anger. It was their fault that they dared to flirt with each other for a long time. He immediately retorted rudely.

“President Yu, please don’t forget that you are civil servants of the National Government. You must cooperate with our secret service headquarters both emotionally and rationally. It is also the consensus of governments of all countries that the patrol room assists in arresting underground parties.

 So where do we start talking about disrupting the order of duty? Don't forget that you and I are Chinese. Don't use foreign chicken feathers as arrows. In Luo's case, relying on foreigners' self-esteem is not easy to use.

Furthermore, please explain. The judicial police from the First Criminal Court went to your home. Your wife said that you left home early in the morning. Why did you not come to the court and where did you go? "

 After waiting all morning, he was scolded and pushed back one after another. His anger burst out at this moment, and his voice became louder and louder. When the court staff heard these words, they all showed anger.

An operational captain of the Secret Service Headquarters dared to yell at the president of the court like this, and there was no sense of superiority or inferiority. He really thought that the secret service was a Royal Guard authorized by the imperial power, and he did not urinate to show his own virtue.

Yu Hua crossed his arms and looked at Luoma with interest. After the other party finished speaking, he pushed the documents back in a hurry, looked at his watch, got up, walked to the door, and said something slowly.

"I'm really sorry. It's time for us to get off work. Please come back in the afternoon, Captain Luo. Our First Criminal Court will study the relevant documents and give you a satisfactory answer to the special agent headquarters as soon as possible."

“Yes, diplomacy is a big deal.”

 “Details really need to be carefully considered.”

 “I think there are some situations that need to be reviewed.”

Other judges also expressed their support with smiles on their faces. Some people must be dealt with well, otherwise what is the dignity of the law? As for whether they are afraid or not, no one who can be here has a background.

 “MD, you are bullying others too much.”

Luoma stared at Yu Hua with red eyes, and directly pulled out the pistol from his waist. This action stirred up a hornet's nest. The judicial police who had been alert for a long time rushed into the office with guns.

“Put down the gun!” “Don’t move!”

The police and the secret agents were tearing each other apart while putting guns to each other's heads. The situation at the scene was on the verge of breaking out. Upon seeing this, the judges hurriedly exited the door and shouted in panic in the corridor.

 “Help, the agents are killing people.”

 “Contact the patrol room, there is an assassin.”

Luoma was shocked and angry when he heard this. What kind of **** judge is he? How could he be as shameless as those hooligans in Shanghai? When did he kill someone? The other party obviously wanted to make things bigger.

 When he realized this problem, it was like a bucket of cold water was poured on his head. He was suddenly cold from head to toe. His mind calmed down instantly, and he immediately wanted to give himself a big mouth.

The work of the Special Agent Headquarters cannot be separated from the support of the SAR Court. If the two sides completely break down, they will no longer be able to enter the concession to arrest people in the future. This is not good news for the White Blood Cell Project.

Luoma was not an impulsive person to begin with. What he did just now was out of anger. Now he woke up and regained his sense. He put down the pistol first and said to his subordinates with a gloomy face.

"Put down your guns. We are all our own people. Don't let the foreigners see the joke. I have something to tell President Yu. You go out first and report to Director Xu and Station Commander Shi to request a postponement of the arrest."

After all, this place is the territory of the SAR Court. The number of judicial police is increasing. The agents are muttering. When they hear what the captain says, they feel relieved. They curse and take back the gun in their hands.

Yu Hua quietly looked at each other at the scene. The two of them were equally relieved. They didn't want to make the matter a big deal. Who knew that the people at the secret service headquarters would draw their guns. Fortunately, the situation did not get out of control.

 “Put down the gun, be careful of misfire.”

Someone in the judicial police shouted. The police officers uniformly put away their guns, lined up, and prepared to go out under the leadership of their respective commanders. However, they ran into another group of people wearing Chinese tunic suits.

“Tsk tsk tsk, oh, you are singing a civilized drama here, can you show Zuo?” Accompanied by Gui Youguang and a dozen elite men, Zuo Zhong opened the door with a smile on his face.

 “Commissioner Left!”

Luoma exclaimed when he saw the visitor, and then realized that the other person's presence here was probably related to Shi Zhenmei. He had really underestimated Station Master Shi's determination to change the door.

But in any case, the Secret Service is also a member of the Bureau of Statistics and Investigation. The SAR court can look down on him as the captain, but the lieutenant colonel opposite must give him due respect.

The next second, he gave a nondescript military salute and introduced: "Reporting to Commissioner Zuo, the humble Luoma was appointed by Director Xu to submit an application to the concession to assist in arresting underground party members.

This is President Yu Huayu of the First Criminal Tribunal. We were discussing the arrest just now. There were some misunderstandings caused by me. Please deal with it. There are detailed documents on the table. "

Zuo Zhong looked at the man in the robe that Luoma pointed to and suddenly became happy. The man suddenly left the court, and he suspected that this man was an underground party and the purpose of leaving was to give an early warning to others.

It seems that it may not only be as simple as reporting a message, but also a plan to delay the arrest. No wonder the agents from the first branch did not come out after entering the court. It is strange that they came out.

Applying to the underground party to arrest the underground party is no joke. No wonder the secret service headquarters used to be successful in arresting people in the Kuomintang-controlled areas. Problems arose as soon as they arrived in the concession, but the root cause was the SAR court.

After thinking about it, he walked slowly to his desk, picked up the file, and looked at it. The smile on his face quickly faded, and finally he turned around and asked Luo Ma: "What's going on? Didn't I agree not to move the relevant personnel?"

The document clearly states that the people to be arrested in one place are all important figures in the White Blood Cell Project. However, according to the previous plan, these people should continue to be investigated rather than arrested.

Zuo Zhong pretended not to know anything and asked aggressively with his hands on his hips. Yu Hua and a policeman in the crowd frowned slightly. Today's incident was too weird.

 One agent wants to arrest someone, but the other agent refuses to arrest someone. Is the enemy trying to catch a big fish with a long-term plan, or has some other conspiracy? The two of them quietly pricked up their ears and tried to find out the reason.

Luoma over there couldn't say that Xu Enzeng wanted to take credit, so he could only hesitate and say: "Reporting to Commissioner Zuo, it is a matter of confidentiality. Please follow your humble position to see Director Xu. You will understand by then."

 “Let’s go, take me there.”

Zuo Zhong had a very ugly expression on his face. He threw the document directly on Yu Hua and said sullenly: "President Yu, Zuo doesn't want to see your SAR court approve this application. Do you understand?"

 “Understand, Yu understands.”

Yu Hua pretended to be frightened on the surface, but he couldn't help but feel ecstatic in his heart. He didn't expect that Agent Gou would keep the documents, so that they would know what happened.

Luoma hesitated when he saw this scene, and wisely chose to shut up. The big shot's affairs were beyond his control. He quickly walked in front and led the way with a flattering look on his face, and everyone left the court.

   Shanghai's high-end technical women are called Shuyu, which is the title of the highest-level technical women in old China, and they need to take exams.



 (End of this chapter)

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