Cicada Moving

Chapter 551: basic personality

Chapter 551 Basic Personality

 The next day, it was still the same cinema.

The chief looked at Love helplessly, shook his head and said: "We have lost contact with our hometown. My telegraph operator has contacted us many times, but there has been no response. He must have entered communication silence.

I have arranged for traffic officers to use secret traffic lines to report relevant situations to superiors, but this will take time. Has the Shanghai Central Bureau made a decision on how to deal with traitors? "

He did not expect that things would be so coincidental. At such a critical moment, there would be a problem with the southwest radio station. Now that the arrow was on the string, it had to be launched. If the time went on, the enemy would inevitably become suspicious.

 “What? Can’t be reached?”

Love exclaimed in a low voice that this rarely happens. Could it be that the war situation has changed? Unfortunately, due to the Kuomintang's strict control of the news, they were unable to get the true situation on the front line.

His expression was full of worry: "I convened an emergency Chang Wei meeting. Five people participated in the meeting. Everyone agreed with your plan to take advantage of this rare opportunity to get rid of Xu Enzeng and Zuo Zhong.

 The conversation with the people on the list started this morning, and there has been little progress so far. Only two or three people are willing to explain their problems, and most of them are still talking about it.

 So we need more time to dispel these people's chances. If you continue to contact Southwest, when it comes time to make a move, the Shanghai Central Bureau will vote again. "

Working under the nose of the enemy requires both principle and flexibility. If everything has to be decided by superiors, there will not be enough radio stations in Southwest China.

The chief nodded in agreement. This is the best way at present. You can't just let the opportunity slip by. Every time Xu Enzeng goes out, he is followed by a group of people. The success rate of ordinary assassination is very low.

There is also Agent Gou named Zuo Zhong, who usually lives in seclusion and rarely appears in public places. If he misses it this time, he doesn't know how long it will take him, and he won't come back if he can't miss the opportunity.

Suddenly, he thought of something and whispered: "Keep an eye on those who are willing to turn back, in case someone is acting to deceive the organization. In addition, before taking action, you can announce that they have all been executed."

This is to protect comrades who are worth saving, and to stabilize the traitors who are dedicated to serving the enemy. Since the secret agents want to dye their heads red with the blood of traitors, we must help them do this. "

  In the dark theater, a murderous look flashed through the chief's eyes. He was not just a treat to a guest, but the unrepentant lackeys must be eliminated as soon as possible. If they remain, they will only bring danger to the party and the organization.

 “Okay, let’s do it.”

Love understood what he meant and immediately said: "The two lines work together, we prepare the bait, and I will leave the fishing to you Teco. How about it? Do you need any help?"

"No need, the weapons and manpower are ready. I will hold a short-term training course to strengthen the shooting skills of the personnel, and strive to kill the two spy leaders with one shot." The chief shook his head.

“I have heard about the reputation of Shanghai Special Branch and the Red Team when I was in my hometown. I hope that the operation will go well. The most important thing is that the personnel can evacuate safely, and we must not confront the enemy head-on.”

Love did not mind the chief's attitude and seriously warned: "The party's operational power in the white area has been completely lost. You must make protecting yourself the first priority, which is related to the safety of the organization.

With Teko behind us, we have the confidence to do our work, otherwise the Caogang and the Concession would not be so easy to talk to. The imperialists and gangsters hate people like you and me. "

The chiefs know what the other party means. They are the sharp sword and the strong shield of the party. In addition to dealing with traitors and spies, they also have to block open and hidden arrows from all directions. Their responsibilities are very important.

He solemnly promised: "Comrade Love, please rest assured that I will personally lead the team in this assassination operation and prepare the escape route in advance to ensure that no comrade is lost. I guarantee it with my party spirit."

Hearing this, Love patted his arm without saying anything. He put on his felt hat and left the meeting place. The longer the meeting, the more dangerous it was. To ensure safety, the time and frequency of meetings needed to be strictly controlled.

 When it comes to intelligence work, many people think that intelligence personnel are all capable of doing anything, but that is external strength. What determines the success of the work is internal strength. To put it bluntly, there are two words.


The Shanghai Central Bureau has ignored this point in the past, paid less attention to the mental state of personnel, and relaxed the management of personnel actions, which led to such serious work errors.

Love decided to use this heart-to-heart talk and self-criticism not only to save those on the verge of rebelling against the party, but also to nip the signs of slackness in others' minds. This is a very dangerous idea.

The Secret Service Headquarters is already difficult to deal with, but now there is an even more dangerous Secret Service. The latter has been fighting the Japanese for so long and has won repeatedly. This cannot be explained by just good luck.

According to internal information from the Guo Party, the leader, Zuo Zhong, is the number one detective expert in the Bureau of Statistics and Investigation. He has a very keen sense of intelligence, a thoughtful and sophisticated mind, and is good at discovering problems from details.

 Faced with such an opponent, one cannot take it too seriously. This is also the fundamental reason why Love and other Chang Wei support the chief's plan. When encountering a wolf, they must strike first to avoid regrets in the future.        A sneeze.

At No. 75 Jisi Feier Road, Zuo Zhong on the stool sneezed loudly. Shen Dongxin, who was reporting on work, quickly stood up and handed over a handkerchief, and closed the window next to them.

"Dong Xin, thank you. Let's sit down and continue talking about your old classmate. You just said that this person is not counted as working in the central police station. What do you mean? Is he being squeezed out in the concession?"

Zuo Zhong picked up a handkerchief and wiped his nose vigorously, and asked a question with a smile. He had no idea that he had become the target of the underground party, otherwise he would not be able to laugh.

Shen Dongxin sat upright and answered solemnly: "No, Francois revealed that his real position is Lieutenant Intelligence Officer of the Political and Security Department of the French Concession, and his boss's name is Joshua.

His task in the patrol room is to monitor the Chinese and Annan patrols and explore their ideological trends to prevent anti-French elements from sneaking in. Only a few people in the entire concession know his identity. "

Zuo Zhong frowned: "Then that's what he told you. I'm afraid there's something wrong here. No matter how amateur an intelligence officer is, he won't be like this. Have you ever revealed that you work in the Secret Service?"

The French Security Service and its predecessor have been conducting intelligence work in Asia for many years. They are not as famous as the British MI2, but they are still an efficient intelligence agency. Is this the level of its members?

 Either there is a conspiracy.

Either that Francois is a fool.

Shen Dongxin's tone was very positive: "No confirmation, I came to visit in the name of an old classmate and introduced myself to work in a foreign company in Jinling, responsible for communicating with foreign merchants.

This profession is in line with my family and educational background. The guy didn’t question it after hearing it, nor did he take the initiative to ask me any work-related questions. His expressions and body movements were normal.

As for the identity of the intelligence officer, it was the other party who took the initiative to tell me, and I did not guide him. During the conversation, Francois acted very calmly, perhaps because he felt that this matter did not need to be kept secret. "

 Speaking of this, he paused and explained: "This man is a standard young man who has no interest in military politics. He often sneaked out to hang out with dancers in Paris when he was studying in the military academy.

This behavior intensified after I arrived in Shanghai. Do you know how I found this guy? I went to Fengyue Street in the French Concession to inquire about him, and he took me directly to a bookstore.

 When I went there, the patrol room's uniform and pistol were hanging on the washstand, and there were several girls in the room accompanying me. Considering that I was visiting unexpectedly, it was unlikely that François was disguised. "

 Well, this is a fool.

Zuo Zhong thought for a while and looked up at Shen Dongxin: "This line must be maintained well. It is worth spending any money. You will be responsible for the other party from now on. Don't tell anyone except the director and me.

This is a long-term job, and you have to influence the lieutenant intelligence officer in a subtle and silent way, with friendship as the main thing and money as the supplement. Don't make a mistake between the two, you know what I mean. "

Shen Dongxin nodded and replied: "To make friends, we should make friends with loyalty and kindness. This is more reliable than simply buying with money. The other party will not betray us just because someone else gave us more money.

Moreover, using inducements and inducements is a double-edged sword. Using this to deal with the enemy will corrode oneself. If you are used to measuring everything with money, you are guaranteed to have someone sell out information for profit. You have to pay attention to this matter. "

 “Well said.”

Zuo Zhong smiled: "You have finally mastered the essence of intelligence work. We cannot learn from Xu Enzeng and engage in bribery, assassination, and other dirty tricks all day long.

It’s not that you can’t do it, it’s that you can’t form dependence. In this regard, we have to learn from the underground party. Deputy Director Dai has said more than once that you must have a basic personality to do any job.

 When you have personality, you will set a bottom line for yourself. You will know what you should do and what you shouldn't do. Haha, I would like to say a few more words after thinking about it. How about the hospital? "

Shen Dongxin thought about his words and replied: "There is no special situation, deputy director. Will the underground party know that there is an ambush in Elizabeth Hospital, so they gave up the silence for the time being.

Dissident elements are hidden in every corner of the city. It is difficult to distinguish them from ordinary people. Maybe the other party has sent people to conduct reconnaissance long ago. I don’t think there will be any gains in the near future. "

Zuo Zhong leaned on the chair, crossed his legs and said casually: "Don't take it lightly, there will be movement over there soon. Don't ask for more details. I will give you relevant information then."


Shen Dongxin has no intention of prying. The two are friends and superiors and subordinates. When getting along, they must keep their positions straight. You can listen to what your friend Zuo Zhong says, but you must listen to what your boss Zuo Zhong says.

 (End of this chapter)

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