Cicada Moving

Chapter 552: complex human nature

Chapter 552 Complex Human Nature

The temporary residence of the Shanghai Central Bureau of the Underground Party. Sun Kai, the deputy district chief of Wei in Xipu District, was sitting at the door of the organization department. His heart was like fifteen buckets of water - he was feeling up and down, and his face turned pale.

 This morning he was just about to go to Ou Wei's office to work. On the way, he was blindfolded and sent here by security guards. Only when he arrived did he find that most of the heads of grassroots organizations of the Central Bureau had arrived.

What was he going to do? Could it be that his betrayal of the party was discovered by his superiors? Sun Kai swallowed his saliva and wanted to run away, but looking at the young people around him, he had to sit there obediently.

 Thinking of what happened after he was arrested by the secret service headquarters, the memories reappeared in his mind like a nightmare again and again. One mistake made him regret for eternity. Unfortunately, there was no way to look back.

There were no fewer than ten comrades who were betrayed by him and died at the hands of the Guo Party. As an old underground party member, Sun Kai knew very well the punishment he would face after being exposed, and there was only one way to die.

"Old Sun, why do you look so ugly? Are you feeling unwell? Do you want to see a doctor? Your health is important." A man who looked like a teacher next to him asked kindly.

“It’s okay, it’s okay. I was startled by the comrades from the security department this morning. I thought the enemy was coming, so I almost pulled the fuse of the grenade. By the way, Lao Wu, how did you get here?”

Sun Kaiqiang replied with a smile, and inquired about the situation by the way. If the other person was not brought here, then his rebellion must have been exposed. On the contrary, it was just a simple summons.

 This kind of thing has happened before. Usually very important information and orders need to be conveyed from the southwest. For security reasons, the people participating in the meeting do not know where the meeting is being held.

Besides, the old Wu in his mouth heard this explanation, and said with a smile: "The old grandson is indeed a years of old dedication, and the awareness is strong. I am also brought.

Sun Kai relaxed slightly after hearing the words, quietly observed the surroundings, and whispered: "I guess there is a meeting to discuss how to deal with the rebellious alarm officer Gong Zizai. You have heard about this, right?

 This kind of traitor must be resolutely suppressed, otherwise we will be sorry for the two arrested comrades. This person made a big mistake and not only did not want to repent, he even colluded with the spies to set a trap.

Fortunately, our people discovered in time that the enemy's conspiracy failed, otherwise this would have been another Gu incident. By the way, have you ever dealt with the other party? If so, move quickly. "

At this point, his face was full of worry and hatred, as if he wanted to kill Gong Zizai on the spot. This was true. Killing a traitor with his own hands was a great achievement.

Sun Kai thought about the higher he climbed, the higher subsidies and official positions he received from the secret service headquarters, and the women in his study apartment. He felt a burning sensation in his heart, and the remaining guilt suddenly disappeared.

 “I haven’t dealt with him before, so don’t worry.”

 Lao Wu on the other side didn't know what he was thinking, and said with the same anger: "I heard that the newspaper in the concession clearly told the inside story of this matter. This traitor will definitely not end well.

Taking the lives of his comrades to seek rewards from the enemy and betraying the party and the organization, I think Teko's comrades will be dispatched. By then, this person will definitely be full of ugliness. Old Sun, are you right? "


 Red team.

Sun Kai's breathing became heavy, and cold sweat ran down his back. When he heard this, he couldn't help but think of the traitors who were shot to death randomly, and then the faces of those people slowly changed into his own.

 The bullet holes in his chest and head, the panicked and twisted expression, the regret and fear in his eyes, the pale and stiff hands and feet, these images appeared before his eyes, getting closer and closer.

 “Old Sun? Old Sun? The superior is looking for you.”

  A shout that seemed to come from the horizon woke Sun Kai from his fantasy. He turned his head to look at Lao Wu in a daze, only to see the other person's mouth opening and closing. After a long pause, he finally heard what the other person said.

“Old Sun, the superiors want to talk to us one by one. You are the first one. Go quickly. It is not good to keep the chief waiting for too long. If you ask for opinions on how to deal with traitors, remember to ask for serious treatment.”

 “Oh, good.”

Sun Kaiqiang steeled himself and replied. He stood up with difficulty with his hands on his knees and walked into the organization department under the guidance of security personnel. The scene in the room frightened him so much that his legs became weak.

The room with the sealed windows had only one table, with three heads of the Shanghai Central Bureau sitting on one side, and a stool on the other side. There was a lamp on the table that gave off a dim light.

 This is a standard interrogation room configuration. The purpose is to create a strong sense of oppression on the interrogated person, disrupt normal thinking, and force the other party to make mistakes. In the final analysis, it is a psychological battle.

Sun Kai is very familiar with this. He was tortured in a place like this at the secret service headquarters. The only difference is that there are various tools for tormenting people, such as tiger stools, electric chairs, and torture racks.

So he immediately recruited. The enthusiasm for life-saving in his youth had long been worn away by time, and all that was left was the yearning for money and power. Moreover, Sun Kai knew that he would not be able to survive. Rather than being tortured and then opening his mouth again, it would be better to surrender and suffer less, and maybe get some benefits. The answer was similar to what he thought, and the secret service headquarters indeed provided generous rewards.

In addition to the serious atmosphere here, there were no teeth-trembling torture instruments. Sun Kai clenched his fists tightly, gritted his teeth and walked to the lone stool, pretending to sit on it as if nothing had happened.

Love, who was in the middle on the other side of the table, flipped through the thick pile of documents in front of him. After searching for a long time, he stopped on one of the pages. After browsing carefully for a few minutes, he adjusted his glasses, raised his head and asked.

“Comrade Sun Kai, we are entrusted by the Party Committee of the Shanghai Central Bureau to conduct a background check on you. Please cooperate. If you hear the questions, answer them truthfully if you know them. If you don’t know, just say you don’t know.”

 After announcing the purpose of calling the grassroots organization leaders here today, he paused for a while to give the other party time to think. Before Chang Weihui made relevant decisions, there must be no less procedures that should be followed.

"Yes, I understand."

Sun Kai tried his best to show a clear conscience and replied. His heart was pounding. The words "background check" indicated that his superiors confirmed that there were traitors within the organization, and the conversation was only about specific screening.

In this case, there is no way out for confrontation, which is tantamount to telling everyone that he has rebelled. Now he can only gamble that the other party has no conclusive evidence and that he can escape this disaster.

“Okay, you first introduce yourself, including basic information including name, age, and past experience, when did you join the party, who introduced you, and the positions you have held.”

Love started the first item of the review with an expressionless face, and then reminded: "You must tell the truth truthfully. This is your own responsibility. Sometimes, don't be afraid of taking the wrong path. Just see if you can correct it."

Wrong way.

Sun Kai's face instantly turned red, his eyes turned black, his head exploded with buzzing, his lips were numb, his heart was beating rapidly, and he looked a little groggy.

His right hand calmly pinched his thigh, and on the surface he calmly followed the instructions one by one, starting from his childhood family to the reasons why he joined the underground party many years ago.

“I was working as a worker in a coal mine, with an eight-hour shift and a salary of 30 cents. I couldn’t eat enough with this little money, so in order not to starve to death, I could only work fifteen or sixteen hours in a row.

  It is these incomes that can only sustain the minimum living standard, and are subject to various fines and usury deductions. The pitiful little wages we have exchanged for our lives are squeezed again and again.

 The working conditions underground are harsh, with fires, water leakage, gas, roof collapse, and landslides occurring almost every day. However, in order to obtain coal, mine owners often force workers to go down the mine regardless of their lives.

People were thrown into the mines when they were dead, and some were even thrown in while still alive. I have seen those corpses, and some of them looked like they were struggling, and some looked like they were caressing their wounds. It was horrible to watch. "

When Sun Kai talked about this paragraph, there was a trace of tears in his eyes, and his head gradually lowered: "I worked there for two full years, and my life was worse than death every day, without any hope.

It wasn’t until the end of the year that a bookkeeper came to the mine. His surname was Li. He was very kind and understood many principles. Everyone liked to hear his stories about the outside world. Later I found out that he was an underground party member.

He told us why miners risked their lives to work without enough food, but mine owners were able to enjoy the benefits. It was all because of exploitation, and everyone must unite if they want to live a good life. "

Sun Kai seemed to have returned to those days full of passion at this moment. He puffed up his chest and raised his head and said: "Under the leadership of Mr. Li, we organized a strike to demand that the mine owners increase wages.

Of course, the mine owner refused, and even sent some scoundrels with guns to scare people. Everyone was too frightened to speak, but he stood up first, blocked the muzzle of the gun with his body, and forced the other party to retreat.

 In the end, we won, everyone’s wages increased, and the safety measures underground were improved, but I still quit my job. I wanted to follow Mr. Li and help more suffering people. "

"what's next."

Love took a pen to record and asked seriously. The file only records a person's general situation. If you want to fully understand a person's past, you have to listen to what he has to say.

Sun Kai raised his hand to wipe his tears: "I followed Mr. Li to many places to help him launch the labor movement. I saw and listened to a lot along the way, and I joined the party under Mr. Li's introduction.

In the 16th year of the Republic of China, the Kuomintang massacred our comrades. Mr. Li and I were also blocked in a small forest by the spies. I wanted to lure the enemy away, but he refused and asked me to leave first.

  He said with a smile that he was already old, and the party’s cause needs young people who are full of vigor and vitality. He hoped that I would not forget the oath sworn under the party banner and that I must fight for the cause of underground partyism throughout my life. "

Sun Kai burst into tears at this time and fell to his knees with a plop: "Those beasts chopped off Mr. Li's head and carried it on a bamboo pole. I shouldn't have left. I really deserve to die. I don't deserve to be an underground party member."

 (End of this chapter)

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