Cicada Moving

Chapter 557: Zuo Shenzhong, the **** of war under the car (will return to normal tomorrow)

Chapter 557 Zuo Shenzhi, the God of War under the Car (returns to normal tomorrow)

The two sudden gunshots made the scene a little chaotic. Many agents did not see Zuo Zhong's movements. They only knew that the two division chiefs standing there chatting suddenly disappeared.


 There are assassins.

Wu Chunyang and Gui Youguang, who were directing from the periphery, were stunned for a few seconds, their eyes instantly turned red. While looking for cover, they desperately approached the scene of the incident, praying devoutly in their hearts.

 Since the 22nd year of the Republic of China, we have shared weal and woe so many times, lived and died together so many times, and how many enemies have fallen at their feet. How could the Deputy Director, who had always planned every plan, capsize here?

No matter how duplicitous and sinister Zuo Zhong is said by others, people like me know best how lucky we are to have such a commander who is not greedy for credit or blames his mistakes.

Everyone understands that without the promotion of deputy director, many capable people with no background can only continue to hang out at the bottom, such as Gu Qi, Song Minghao and other senior intelligence officers.

In other departments of the government, there are no hard relationships and hard gold bars. If you want to be promoted, just dream about it. The more important the position and the more critical the position, the more sincerity you have to give to your superiors.

Taking the example of Gucci's intelligence section chief, the greeting gift alone cannot be less than 50,000 yuan, and the thank you gift after the job is completed is additional. It is absolutely impossible to do it empty-handed. The party-state is a place of rules.


 Gui Youguang's eyes were filled with tears. It all depended on Zuo Zhong's operation. Otherwise, he would still be drinking from the northwest wind on the outskirts of Beiping City. Let alone becoming a lieutenant-level officer, he would be considered lucky if he could survive.

The situation in North China is changing three times a day. The reincarnation rate of intelligence personnel is second only to the Northeast region. The members of the Peiping Station have almost changed, and even two deputy station chiefs have died. How can the headquarters be so comfortable?

He gritted his teeth and swore fiercely: "If something really happens, I will lead people to kill all the underground parties in Shanghai. Our Secret Service does not want to get involved in some things, but it does not mean that we are afraid of them."

 “Okay, stop talking nonsense.”

Wu Chunyang scolded the bald head with a dark face. He hid behind a fire hydrant and glanced at the nearby terrain. His brain was running rapidly, and then he pointed at the bell tower in the distance and said decisively.

“Immediately lead people to surround it. There are many commanding heights in the direction of the gunfire, but they are all commercial houses and residences. The underground party does not have that much money to rent. The bell tower can be entered and exited freely. The assassin must be there.

Remember, just surround them and don’t act rashly. In addition, notify other brothers to quickly block the roads within one kilometer with the incident scene as the center, and focus on checking the people carrying luggage.

From the sound of gunshots, the assassin should have used a Japanese-made Arisaka rifle. This kind of gun is very long and requires tools to carry and transfer. The opponent cannot openly carry a weapon in a downtown area. "

He knew that no matter how angry he was, it would not help. The most important thing now was to confirm the status of the deputy director. The arrest and revenge had to be put aside first. They had to be stable.

 “Okay, I’ll go.”

 Gui Youguang sounded a little reluctant. After saying that, he waved his hands and made a few gestures. Several members of the action team ducked to the opposite side of the road. He led another team to attack the bell tower from the middle of the road.

These people are the most elite operational force in the Intelligence Section and even the Secret Service. They have rich practical experience. They understand that facing such a condescending gunman, the only way to survive is to be quick.

 S-shaped running and irregular movements are all seeking death. The longer the exposure time and the larger the area within the shooting range, the more dangerous it is. Instead of doing useless work, it is better to get out of the shooting range as soon as possible.

 Some of the agents knelt on one knee and held guns on guard, while others took the opportunity to leap forward. They repeated this cycle and quickly approached the bell tower. There was no hesitation or hesitation in their actions, and they were very professional.

After Wu Chunyang finished setting up, he turned around and looked around. He saw a group of people running around with weapons, and some people lying motionless with their buttocks sticking out, as if they could deal with the assassins in this way.

These people may not be all trash, but they lack a complete backup command system. When three commanders are lost in succession, they will inevitably fight on their own. It is better not to run away directly.

But the worst thing was Llama's. This man's body had been carried before. After the gunfire, who could care about the operation captain? He just threw it aside without even covering it with a piece of cloth.

His body was twisted and lying on the curb, and his gray eyes were wide-eyed, staring coldly at the agents present. Combined with the strange gray-white skin color, it made people's scalp numb.

  Exposing corpses on the street.

 This is what happens when you are a dog.

The reaction of the Secret Service was much faster. Someone had already run towards the location of another gunshot. The one who rushed at the front was Bronze Lock. This guy's tactical movements were decent, and it was obvious that he had put in hard work.

Wu Chunyang withdrew his gaze, kicked his feet hard and jumped forward suddenly, moving from the fire hydrant to behind a row of cars, and then lowered his body and walked along the road little by little towards the car where Zuo Zhong was.

at the same time.

Xu Enzeng’s head was buzzing. One second he was laughing and discussing something, but the next second he was being grabbed by the neck and dragged to the bottom of the car. Before he could ask questions, gunshots rang out. It was too sudden.

Faced with such a matter of life and death, he swallowed, hugged his thighs tighter, and made up his mind not to let go even if he died. Fortunately, he took Zuo with him today, otherwise he would not be able to escape death.

Sure enough, you have to be with someone who has good luck. Dai Chunfeng was able to become the deputy director. In the final analysis, it was because of this student. Xu Enzeng thought thoughtfully. In the future, he must first go to fortune telling for his subordinates.

Zuo Zhong didn't know what the other person was thinking, so he took off his shiny watch and put it on the ground. Using the reflection on the dial, he carefully observed the movement on the clock tower, but unfortunately he didn't find anything. This is also normal. The characteristic of assassins is that they can escape thousands of miles without hitting a single hit. Of course, thousands of miles is a bit exaggerated. Retreat is certain. The underground party will not just stay there and wait for them to round up.

There was a look of helplessness on his face. It was not unusual for an intelligence officer to be assassinated by his own side. In a sense, it also proved the success of the lurking, but the too special girl was scary.

With only one second, or even half a second, those two bullets will hit your head or chest. What is even more worrying is that as the situation develops, this kind of thing will become more frequent.

 Should you confess your identity to Lao K?

An idea flashed through Zuo Zhong's mind, but he immediately gave it up. It was undoubtedly dangerous to place one's life on others. Moreover, in this line of work, suspicion and concealment have become habits.

It’s not that I don’t believe in the organization, I just know the direction of the historical trend, and why I want to confront the opponent head-on. The disaster of the Xiaoliuqiu underground party many years later is enough to illustrate a truth.

 —People must rely on themselves.

He took back his watch and fell into deep thought. Since his identity could not be revealed, he would use this matter to gain the trust of Bald Head and Dai Chunfeng. No one would have thought that the person the underground party wanted to kill was the underground party.


 “Quick, surround the bell tower.”

 A sound of footsteps and familiar voices came from the highway. Zuo Zhong was stunned for a moment, tilted his head and looked outside, and happened to see Gui Youguang and the members of the action team divided into two teams and advancing together.

He opened his mouth and thought for a while, but in the end he did not call the other party to stop. What could he do by asking his subordinates to come over at this time, to admire his heroic appearance hiding under the car? Forget it, that would be a big shame.

Since when have I ever been in such a mess, and how can I behave as a human being if word spreads about it? When others mention the Special Commissioner of the Bureau of Statistics and Investigation and the Deputy Director of the Secret Service, they will definitely not say good things.

Zuo Shenzhi, the **** of war under the car?

Zuo Zhong never wanted to be like Zhao Er, so he might as well die. But if he didn't shout, it didn't mean that others wouldn't shout. When Xu Enzeng saw someone coming, he screamed loudly.

"Come here, Commissioner Zuo and I are here. Come and help me quickly. I saw you, that big bald man. Your deputy director Zuo is lying next to me. Brother Zuo, please say something."

 Lao Xu yelled at the top of his lungs, as if he was afraid that others wouldn't hear him. There was nothing he could do. As the director of a division, he knew the abilities and levels of his subordinates very well, so it would be safer to follow the secret service.


Zuo Zhong really wanted to kick this **** to death. He felt that the shame was not big enough, right? A division chief or a deputy division chief was beaten to a pulp by the underground party, so he had to call people over to watch.


Gui Youguang thought that he had received professional training in emotional control and could handle the collapse of a mountain without changing his expression, but today he couldn't help but laugh out loud during the task, showing his white teeth.

Knowing that Zuo Zhong was okay, he turned around with a smile and ordered: "Everyone, hurry up. The deputy director is watching us. All entrances and exits are blocked. No one, male or female, old or young, is allowed to leave this place."


The people from the intelligence section's action team winked and replied, "Xu Enzeng has seen a lot of defiance. This is the first time we have seen the deputy director's defiance. Otherwise, the underground party is very powerful, so we need to pay attention to it in the future."

Zuo Zhong could clearly see the expressions of these guys. He was so angry that his teeth were itching. He thought to himself that if it weren't for my old brother, I would have thrown you all to the Northeast, no, to the mainland of Japan.

At this time, Xu Enzeng took a sneaky look and confirmed that it was safe. Then he quietly let go of someone's thigh, wiped his shiny back, and pretended to discuss the work.

“Special Commissioner, the arrival of these two assassins was a bit coincidental. There are also problems with the person who killed Luoma and injured Shi Zhenmei. The underground party seemed to have known that we had set up an ambush. What do you think?”


Zuo Zhong narrowed his eyes. Xu Enzeng had been in the intelligence agency for several years after all. Of course he could see such a simple problem. It seemed that he had to fool the other party, so he spoke.

“The person who killed Captain Luo was Sun Kai from the White Blood Cell Project. This person was a veteran underground party member. He might have been unwilling to be instigated by you to rebel, but this time he found an opportunity to betray again.

Looking at his actions, it is obvious that he came with the determination to die, which is terrible. Therefore, I personally think that intelligence similar to the penetration plan is of low value because it is impossible to tell whether the insider is reliable. "

Xu Enzeng suddenly felt enlightened after hearing his analysis, and he breathed a sigh of relief. As long as there were no more problems at the Shanghai Station, as for the white blood cell plan, it really needed to be studied again.

 “Section Chief, you can come out now.”

Wu Chunyang's head quietly appeared under the car, with a faint smile on his face. It was obvious that he had learned the essence of emotional management. No matter how funny things he saw, he would never laugh.

 (The elders’ affairs have been dealt with and things will return to normal tomorrow)

 (End of this chapter)

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