Cicada Moving

Chapter 558: That guy named Xu really deserves to die.

Chapter 558 That person named Xu really deserves to die

Zuo Zhong crawled out from under the car in disgrace. The Secret Service operators swarmed in and surrounded his deputy director tightly. Some people also found a few umbrellas and raised them over everyone's heads.


  The umbrellas were all opened at the same time, blocking the shooting angles from high places and forming two lines of defense with the agents' bodies. This was the safest way to evacuate in an emergency.

 In the special training of the Intelligence Section, how to protect important targets is an important part. Their quick response today proved that the training was effective and not so much money was wasted.

 “Commissioner, wait for me.”

Xu Enzeng knelt on the ground at some point and moved little by little to Zuo Zhong's feet, with a flattering smile on his face. The dignified director acted like this, he really had no shame at all.

There is no way. The Secret Service headquarters is still in chaos. No one has time to protect him. If he wants to survive, he can only follow the Secret Service. When it comes to escaping, Lao Xu is serious.

 “Deputy Director, are you okay?”

At this time, Shen Dongxin squeezed in eagerly. Unlike the others, in addition to the superior-subordinate relationship, he and Zuo Zhong were also friends since childhood, so they were naturally very worried when encountering this matter.

"It's okay. Thanks to Dongxin for your timely reminder, otherwise I would have been in danger. By the way, how did you know there were assassins? Did you see someone on the bell tower? Did you see how many there were?"

Zuo Zhong took out a handkerchief and wiped his face. He asked with a smile on the surface, but in his heart he was more vigilant. If the other party couldn't give an explanation, he would have to pay more attention to this in the future.

 Unlike his subordinates with clean backgrounds such as Wu Chunyang and Gui Youguang, Shen Dongxin’s study experience in France cannot be confirmed, and it is also doubtful whether he has contact with the underground party or other forces.

Shen Dongxinyan shook his head: "I didn't know there was anyone in the bell tower. It was another assassin who showed his flaw. This person had previously disguised himself as a fisherman and passed by the fruit stand on his bicycle.

The other person’s expression was very calm, and there was muddy water and fishing rods in the car, so I didn’t realize there was anything wrong, but later I realized that the most important thing was missing from the person’s side, a fishing rod.

 What is the purpose of a fake fisherman coming to the scene? It is most likely to kill people. But Gong Zizai did not take action in this matter, so the answer is very simple. Someone wants to kill you and Director Xu, Deputy Director. "

He explained the reasoning process completely, without any loopholes in the logic. As for whether it was really easy to confirm, more than one person must have seen the assassin at the time, and they would know as soon as they asked.

 He glanced at Wu Chunyang again. Wu Chunyang's right index finger placed on his side gently tapped to confirm the authenticity of the matter. It seemed that Shen Dongxin was not lying at least about this matter.

The reason is also reasonable. Every fisherman has the illusion that he will return home with a full load. He doesn’t need to bring anything. It’s impossible not to bring a fish basket. If you can’t catch anything, you have to go to the market and buy a few to save your face.

After understanding this, he breathed a sigh of relief and looked up and said, "Thank you Dong Xin anyway. You can go back and make a puzzle and have someone draw the assassin's appearance to facilitate the next investigation.

The person who dares to kill me and Director Xu must not be a simple character. He may be someone from the underground party's Special Section and the Red Team. He has certain intelligence value. We should hurry up and deal with this matter. Is that okay? "

 “No problem, Deputy Director.”

Shen Dongxin replied confidently: "I remember the other party's appearance very clearly, but in such a big city like Shanghai, with a population of more than two million, there is little hope of finding someone, so I can only give it a try."

Zuo Zhong slightly nodded his head in agreement and said in his heart that's great. This is what he wants. It's so difficult to find a needle in a haystack. By the time the Fruit Party finds someone, millions of troops may have crossed the river.

Moreover, no matter how big the matter is, it will be forgotten as time goes by. As long as he does not pursue it, the case will soon become a document in the Secret Service files until it is destroyed after the confidentiality period.


Suddenly, Gui Youguang stood outside the crowd and shouted, then pushed away the secret service and reported: "Deputy Director, after the gunshots were fired, someone saw a man holding a suitcase leaving the back door."

 Speaking of this, he glanced at Xu Enzeng, who had his ears pricked up, took a few steps closer and whispered in Zuo Zhong's ear: "Based on his height and body shape, I suspect that the other person is the action expert from Baoji Hotel.

I have followed Chunyang's suggestion and asked people to monitor within one kilometer of the incident site. If anyone is found carrying an object that can accommodate a rifle, I will immediately conduct a follow-up investigation to find the assassin's whereabouts. "

It's him?

After hearing this, Zuo Zhong suddenly realized that he was indeed a member of the Special Section of the underground party. Unknowingly, he had reached the level where the red team needed to take action. What is this, an early interview for Gongdelin's admission?

He put aside his messy thoughts for the time being and said, "Let the brothers who have blocked the surrounding areas come back. The assassins will run away as soon as they can. This is a concession, and it is not appropriate to make too big a move."

Now that we have figured out who the murderer is, we can revisit the scene if we have the chance. It is no small matter that so many people died at the scene. Once there is a conflict with the police station, we will be passive and evacuate as soon as possible. "

 “Yes, yes, evacuate.”

Xu Enzeng, who was eavesdropping, interjected, "What will you do if you don't leave after you get the credit? What will happen if the assassin is caught? It doesn't matter if there is one more person or one less person. The important thing is to keep the existing results." The gang of Japanese and Indians in the patrol room are very evil-minded. Knowing that it is government officials who are doing things, they will definitely take the opportunity to extort money. In order to avoid causing trouble, it is better for them to leave as soon as possible.

The two division chiefs gave the order together, and the agents from the Secret Service Headquarters and the Secret Service quickly cleared the scene, took all the corpses and most of the bullet casings into the car, and disappeared into the streets of the concession.

five minutes later.

John Kaiziwei, head of the Special Division of the Public Settlement Police Department, looked at his watch and stepped out of the police car. He glanced at the pool of blood at his feet, squinted his eyes, and his light green pupils shrank.

One person died here. With such a large amount of bleeding, there was basically no possibility of the injured person surviving. No matter who dared to kill someone openly in a downtown area, he would have to face the wrath of the British Empire.

He took out a handkerchief from his chest pocket and covered his mouth and nose, and ordered his MI2 intelligence officers: "Immediately go find relevant witnesses, survey the scene, and if you find the body, send it to the forensic room for autopsy.

In addition, I notified the Ministry of Industry Bureau and the garrison to close the access to the leased area, and asked the patrol house to check door to door. I must find these **** who dare to challenge the Kaiziwei family. "


A few tough young white men made a military salute and started to inquire and investigate separately. It didn't take long for them to obtain a lot of useful information, but this was not good news for the public settlement.

“Mr. Kai Ziwei, at about 5:20, there was a gun battle at Elizabeth Hospital. The casualties were unknown. There were about 20 murderers. After leaving the hospital, they were ambushed by the other party and all of them died.”

An MI2 officer described their findings and continued: “The body was taken away by a group of gangsters dressed in black, and we also found some .45-caliber pistol cartridge casings.

 According to the description, there was a brief exchange of fire between the two sides. The ambusher suffered one casualty and one injury each. The injured are currently being treated in the hospital. I suggest controlling this guy and finding out the real culprit behind the scenes. "

More than twenty people died?

John Kaiser took a breath. Someone started a war in the public settlement. Damn it, such a big thing happened. Even London would pay attention to it. Who could do it?


 45 bullets and black uniforms seemed to be the standard equipment of Jinling government intelligence personnel. Could it be that the people involved in the exchange of fire were Shi's secret service headquarters and the underground party? He suddenly thought of something.

The victims of the hotel homicide were being treated in Elizabeth. The shootout in the hospital was probably about one party trying to silence them, while the fight outside the hospital was about Director Xu wiping out the southwest dissidents.

John Kaiser frowned, thought for a while and asked: "Have ordinary citizens been injured, especially imperial citizens? Fleet Street cannot be given the opportunity to question the colonial policy in the Far East."

“The ambushers were well prepared, had clear goals, and did not accidentally injure any citizens. This is a good help, sir. I think this is a masterpiece of the national intelligence agency. There is no need to warn the other party.”

 The young white man who came to report had sharp eyes and gave his own guesses and suggestions. Since the Special Department station was hit by a truck, many people wanted to have a good fight with the Chinese.

Knowing that no British people were injured, John Kaiziwei looked a little better, waved his hand and said: "London needs Shanghai to maintain stability to create wealth. I'm going to see the injured murderer.

You will lift the blockade after you complete the on-site investigation. I don't want everyone to discuss this matter tomorrow, and announce to the outside world that it is a conflagration between two gangs, and warn those newspapers to shut up. "

 After saying that, he held on to his bowler hat and walked quickly into the hospital. He found his target easily, and then looked at Shi Zhenmei, who was pale and unconscious, and fell into deep thought on what to do now.

As an important suspect, the other party will definitely be interrogated by the Special Department. If this guy fails to resist and leaks information about the intelligence alliance, he will be in great trouble.

After careful consideration over whether to silence Shi Zhenmei, John Kaiziwei gave up this tempting idea. Who knew if there were any Chinese informants nearby, so he could not take this risk.

 “Lucky bastard.”

Looking at his rescue partners, he cursed under his breath and decided to go back and contact the special agent headquarters and ask them to take the person out of the public concession quickly. The case ended here.

 Fortunately, the other party took away all the bodies before leaving. Without evidence, the matter would be simple. The more than 20 people who died could easily be the more than 20 people who were injured. Eyewitnesses must not dare to object.

Having an idea, he walked out of the hospital slowly, and happened to bump into one of his men. The other man hurriedly said: "Sir, three Indian patrolmen were attacked by men in black. Two were killed and one was seriously injured."

 “What, fucx, go to the scene quickly.”

John Kai Ziwei's eyes widened. To use a Chinese saying, the secret service headquarters bullied people too much. Even if they wanted to kill the underground gang, they dared to attack the patrolman in the concession. That man named Xu really deserves to die.

The traditional gathering place of British media has now been moved out.



 (End of this chapter)

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