Cicada Moving

Chapter 559: chief

Chapter 559 Chief

 The chief has never believed in coincidences, but what happened today made him believe that sometimes it is better to predict the situation than God, otherwise the two targets who entered the trap would not have been able to escape.

At that time, the gun was already aimed at Zuo's chest. As long as he and another cooperating team member pulled the trigger, the two agents would be killed on the spot. It only took half a second. What a pity.

There was indeed something wrong with that fruit stall owner. If it hadn't been for this person's reminder, Zuo Zhong would not have realized the danger, nor would he have pulled Xu Enzeng and hid under the car. An excellent opportunity was wasted.

After the assassination failed, he didn’t even look at what was going on at the scene. He packed the rifle and oilcloth into the suitcase without hesitation, walked quickly down the stairs to the bell tower, and evacuated according to the planned route.

  Intelligence operations do not have a 100% success rate. If you want to survive, you must make multiple preparations. Especially for red team members working in white areas, a retreat means a life.

After passing through several narrow alleys, the chief looked behind him to make sure there was no one around, then walked into a dead alley and stopped outside a wall. Inside the wall was a small kitchen built privately by a family.

This is very common in Shanghai, where every inch of land is at a premium. There is a saying called Dojo in a snail shell, which describes how to use a narrow site and simple conditions to accomplish the most exquisite and complex things.

Many people in the local area only have space that is as big as a palm, and it is difficult to cook or sleep. They have to move around in a small space and try their best to accommodate the whole family.

 Great wisdom lives in a small world.

 It also facilitates many things.

The chief glanced at the entrance of the alley, stood up on tiptoes and uncovered a corner of the tin roof of the small kitchen, stuffed the suitcase inside, and then let go and covered the roof. There was nothing suspicious from the outside.

  After doing this, he did not leave. Instead, he lowered his head and grabbed a handful of soil from the ground, carefully sprinkled it on the iron sheet, and finally blew lightly, and the roof returned to its dusty appearance.

 Details determine victory or defeat, as well as life and death.

This set of actions took less than a minute, and the weapon was well hidden. If you want to find one thing from so many residential houses, even if all the patrols in the concession are dispatched, it will take several months to find it.

The chief clapped his hands, smoothed the ground with his feet, walked slowly to the corner and listened to the sounds outside, then turned his head and glanced left and right, then walked out of the alley with a calm expression and continued to move.

At this time, night falls, and the moonlight is blocked by the high volcano wall. Without street lights, the visibility is very low. Even if we walk face to face, we may not be able to remember each other's faces.

This was planned by the Shanghai Central Bureau to silence the traitors at that time in order to take advantage of the window period before dark for assassination. Regardless of whether it was completed or not, the retreat would be much smoother.

The alleys in Shanghai are different from the straight alleys in the north. They are winding and have no direction. When you go around, you can't tell the difference between east, west, north and west, and you can't figure out where you are.

 Of course, that’s talking about ordinary people.

The chief walked in and out of the complicated streets with ease. In a short time, he was several hundred meters away from where the weapon was hidden. When he passed by a bush, he untied his robe and threw it in.

This kind of place is neither eye-catching nor hidden, and it is easy to be discovered. A good piece of clothing is not cheap, and the people who live nearby are not rich, so they may take it secretly.

 In this way, the clue of clothing is broken.

As he moved forward, he adjusted his wrinkled black tunic, tore off the moustache on his face, took out a pair of gold-rimmed glasses and put them on, suddenly transforming into the appearance of a little intellectual.

If Zuo Zhong were here, he would definitely think of Tianfu, the leader of the Nandou Group. This person also disguised himself in daily life. This is indeed convenient for movement, but it is very harmful to the body.

Cosmetics of this era, including the glue used to adhere fake beards, contain chemical substances. The better the effect, the more toxic it is. It’s not a ruthless person who wouldn’t do this, but this is obviously a ruthless person.

After the chief changed his appearance, he changed his direction and walked towards the French Concession. As time passed, residents who had enjoyed dinner came out one after another, and the alley became more smokey.

 The mother-in-law holding a vegetable basket and the proprietress of the grocery store across the street complained to each other and explained the conflicts with her daughter-in-law, while the children chased and played among the clothes-drying poles in a jungle-like area.

The nanny, who had just begun to have **** at a young age, was leaning against the back door of the barber shop, flirting with the young master who was smiling and whose hair was blown high.

Feeling the family's shortcomings, a smile appeared on the chief's stern face, and the murderous aura disappeared. He was like a teacher who had just returned home from get off work, and he was not noticeable at all among the crowd.

While passing by the grocery store, he thought about it and bought a bottle of Dutch water and a small bag of peanuts. Carrying them in his hand made him look more everyday, which fit the image of a scholar who pursues quality of life but is short of money.

 “Sir, walk slowly.”

 “Okay, thank you.”

The chief said hello to the proprietress, walked around the residential area, walked slowly onto the road, passed by a group of British troops with live ammunition, and entered the alley opposite.

Across the street from here is the French Concession. As long as you successfully enter, the retreat will be successful. The French and British have a lot of conflicts and will not allow the patrols of the Public Concession to enter the law enforcement. But after walking only a few dozen meters, he heard a woman's cry for help and the teasing laughter of several obscene men. The men did not sound Chinese and spoke vague English.

With the safe French Concession on one side and the compatriots who were being humiliated on the other, it was better to do less than to do more, or to risk the danger to save people. The chief did not hesitate, and a trace of determination flashed in his eyes.

 The purpose of joining the organization is to make the people live a good life. If you sit back and do nothing in the face of this kind of thing, what is the meaning of your life? This is not what a qualified underground party member should do.

He put the Dutch water into the cloth bag containing his glasses and strode towards the direction of the sound. Soon he saw three Indian patrolmen pulling a girl wearing a cheongsam into a corner.

 “Help, sir, help.”

When the girl saw someone coming, she immediately cried hoarsely and tried desperately to escape, but it had no effect at all against the adult male who had undergone professional physical training.

What made her most desperate was that the person opposite didn't seem to see this scene. He was walking in the middle of the road without looking away, with no intention of getting involved in this matter. Yes, who dares to offend the patrolman.

Red-headed Asan was usually the weaklings of foreigners. In the 14th year of the Republic of China, under the instruction of a British detective, they openly opened fire and massacred unarmed marchers, killing and wounding dozens of people.

Since then, many Chinese people have seen Indian patrols like a mouse seeing a cat, and would rather walk a few more steps than deal with them, for fear of offending these ruthless beasts.

 “Beauty, stop screaming.”

A red-headed Ah San, smelling of alcohol, released the revolver from his waist and said with disdain: "Chinese men are all cowards. No one can save you. Stop making unnecessary resistance."

The other two Indian patrolmen grabbed the girl's arms and showed wild smiles. Even if someone dared to meddle in their own business, their weapons were not vegetarian, just like the parade a few years ago.

But after all, they were doing bad things. The three of them did not completely relax their vigilance. They kept observing the passing Chinese man from the corner of their eyes. It was not until the other party walked over that they concentrated on dealing with the girl.

The chief over there adjusted his breathing, and his muscles slowly tightened. The moment the three red-headed heads turned their heads, the Dutch water hidden in their sleeves slipped into their hands, and then he twisted his body and rushed over.

  If you encounter an accident during the retreat, you must not shoot or make a loud noise. You must knock down the enemy as quickly as possible. A hard glass bottle is the most suitable and least conspicuous weapon.

 The only problem is that the fragments will make noise when they fall to the ground. The solution is to find a strong bag to wrap it. Similar mobile techniques will not appear in any book. It all depends on the accumulation of experience.

The chief and the patrolman were less than three meters apart. In the blink of an eye, he appeared behind one of them, and the Dutch water he raised high hit the other person's temple with a loud sound.

This part of the human body's bones, the most fragile part, was hit hard inward by the glass bottle, causing the temporal bone to fracture and the arteries in the meninges to be injured, resulting in blood interruption and instantaneous ischemia and hypoxia in the brain.

  When the man weakly let go of the girl and slumped to the ground, his sinful life was over. The agent's fighting skills had only one purpose, and that was to kill.

 There are no beautiful moves, no big opening and closing movements. Use the sharpest means to attack the weakest link and obtain the maximum results at the minimum cost. Efficiency is the core of it.

The next second after killing the first man, the chief strangled the second man's neck with his arms. At the same time, he kicked his feet up with all his strength and calmly kicked the last patrolman who tried to draw his gun.

With the first kick, the iron-shoe shoe accurately hit the elbow joint in the middle of the target's right arm, and made a clicking sound. In the blink of an eye, the person lost the ability to threaten himself, although it was only half.

The second kick that followed left a big footprint on the opponent's lower abdomen, and kicked the patrolman who had just threatened the girl away. Looking at the deformed arm, the opponent wanted to wail.


Unfortunately, a sharp pain in the back of his head caused him to lose consciousness. His whole body slowly fell from the wall in a large shape, lying quietly on the dirty ground, staring blankly at the night sky.

The chief ignored him, and then the reaction force of the kick caused the second man to fall down. He continued to use all his strength to control the Indian patrolman rolling his eyes under him, without any change in his expression.


Red-headed Ah San's head was not only red at the moment, but his lens and conjunctiva of his eyeballs were also rapidly congested and red. All the strength in his body disappeared like a tide, and his distorted face gradually became peaceful.

The rescued girl sat on the ground, staring at the scene in front of her with her mouth wide open. She was stunned for a few seconds, then she cleverly covered her mouth, closed her eyes, and crawled out of the alley.

The chief glanced at the other party and said nothing. He took away all the weapons and cash from the three patrolmen, tried his best to confuse the sight of the patrol house in the public concession, and then stood up and disappeared into the night.

 (End of this chapter)

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