Cicada Moving

Chapter 560:

Chapter 560

 “Get out of here, get out of here.”

At the junction of the Public Concession and the French Concession, a dozen Indian policemen were driving away the people who were watching the excitement. More Chinese and British policemen were watching the excitement, with some gloating on their faces.

Wherever there are people, there will be fights. The power of the patrol house is only so great. If some people take more, others will naturally take less. As a latecomer, red-headed Asan is one of the ones being squeezed out.

An Indian detective died tonight, and one of the two Indian policemen died and the other was seriously injured. The power is about to be reshuffled. Many people think that the two people died well, died wonderfully, and died loudly.

The duties of the patrol room are like a carrot and a trap. There are no friends who want to come in and make a living. When the other party dies, a few positions are moved out. It is really a good thing.

The reporters who rushed over after receiving the news were also smiling. Some took photos of the death scene, and some asked nearby residents whether they had heard any unusual noises before.

The people interviewed said with twinkling eyes that they did not hear any suspicious noises. If passers-by hadn’t screamed when they saw the bodies, the three police officers would have been lying in bed until tomorrow morning.

  Does anyone really hear the girl's cry for help? Maybe, maybe not. In one sentence, it can be described as Schrödinger's cry. In short, not many people are willing to get involved in a murder case.

Only a few white people living further away said that a man in black passed by before the case occurred. Other than that, there were no other clues. No one could see clearly the appearance, height, etc. of the man.

Without the specific details of the murderer, the case is difficult to solve. The Chinese reporters who are familiar with the security situation in the concession looked at each other and smiled with satisfaction. These red-headed Asans really deserved it.

Any Chinese with some sense of conscience would not hate these false arrests. Now that someone has done a good deed, they don't want the other person to be caught by the police patrol.


At this time, a car drove quickly from a distance with a piercing siren. Pedestrians and vehicles on the road were frightened and fled away. The car finally braked and stopped in front of the onlookers.



Seeing that important people were coming, reporters immediately gathered around. The spotlights in their hands kept turning on, emitting a shining white light. John Kaiziwei sat in the car, straightened his collar and walked out.

“Mr. Kai Ziwei, what are your thoughts on the murder of a police officer in the patrol house? Is this case related to the gang vendetta? Will the police force tighten the policy on entering rental properties as a result?”

“Some people say that the victim was involved in the Caobang’s cigarette and soil smuggling business. He was silenced because of the uneven distribution of the spoils. The patrol house as a protector has become a criminal umbrella. Do you have anything to explain?”

Under the protection of his men, John Kaiziwei lowered his head and continued to walk towards the scene, pretending not to hear these questions, and explained, any explanation, that tobacco was an important source of finance for the British Empire.

And this lucrative business involved the participation of many powerful people, from the aristocrats of London to the officials of the colonial administration system, who all relied on this to maintain a luxurious life.

Indian police officers are not qualified to join this feast of wealth, even those rich and fat princes. Servants will always be servants, and the corner of his mouth raised a trace of ridicule.

 “Back off, back off.”

The agents of the Special Department roared and pushed away the swarming crowd, and successfully sent John Kaiziwei to the two corpses. A white forensic doctor was already examining the corpses.

 For a long period of time, there was no professional forensic doctor in the concession patrol house, let alone a beautiful female forensic doctor. When encountering cases, doctors from the hospital had to be temporarily hired to perform autopsies.

 “Doctor, how is the situation?”

After waiting patiently for a long time, John Kaiziwei finally couldn't help but ask the forensic doctor. The other person was not an employee of the police force, so his tone and attitude seemed very polite.

The forensic doctor was looking at the head of the corpse. When he heard this, he let go and stood up and introduced: "There are three people at the scene. Two died on the spot and one was seriously injured. The injured was sent to the hospital by your men.

 The condition of the two deceased persons was very bad. One of them died of craniocerebral injury. The murderer used a solid object to smash the poor man's head. Mr. Kai Ziwei, please see here. "

He pointed to the temple of the corpse closest to them: "Faced with such a fatal blow, a normal person would immediately lose consciousness or die. The person who does it is well aware of the weaknesses of the human body.

 This is a cunning guy who has basic medical common sense and may often use this method to commit murder. I have to remind you and your colleagues that you and your colleagues need to pay attention to safety. "

John Kaiziwei was not surprised. The secret service headquarters was an intelligence agency and it was easy to deal with three Indians. Suddenly, he thought of a word in the forensic doctor's sentence and felt a little unbelievable.

His subordinates reported that it was the men in black who attacked the patrol, but they did not say it was a person. Shi Zhenmei's men had not shown such strong combat effectiveness before, so it could be that this was a disguise.

He asked anxiously: "It's impossible that the murderer is one person. The patrolmen have all received the most rigorous combat training. No one can subdue them in a short time, even a sneak attack is impossible."

"I'm a doctor, not a policeman. It's not my job to solve crimes. But judging from the footprints left at the scene, yes, the other party killed three police officers alone without making any noise." The forensic doctor shrugged and looked at the wall. Another corpse on the side: "This gentleman's elbow joint was broken by the murderer and his lower abdomen was severely injured. The cause of death was an injury to the back of the head. A beautiful blow was fatal.

 The last injured person went into shock due to suffocation, his brain function was severely damaged, and there was little chance of waking up. I suggest that he be allowed to leave in a dignified manner. Sir, this is all the situation at the scene. "

 Leave gracefully?

John Kaiziwei knew what this meant. He thought about it seriously and replied: "Okay, doctor, if he still shows no sign of waking up within three days, please help him leave in a dignified manner."

 It costs a lot of money to maintain the life of a seriously injured person. The patrol room has limited funds, so it is impossible to keep a waste in vain. This case does not need to be investigated. It is very clear who the murderer is.

Wearing black clothes and possessing excellent fighting skills, coupled with the firefight that broke out at Elizabeth Hospital a few hours ago, all this proved to be the patrolman killed by people from the secret service headquarters.

 Although the Chinese pretend to be useless, what is fake is fake and cannot become true. He must teach Mr. Xu an unforgettable lesson. He swore on the honor of his family.

 “I am willing to serve you.”

The doctor over there took off his hat and took off his hat, then took the tools and the body to the forensic room, where the body will be further examined to confirm the specific cause of death.

“Inform reporters that this murder was committed by people from the Jinling government. The leader was Enzen Xu from the Secret Service Headquarters. They brutally killed two Indian patrol officers. Go now.”

John Kaiziwei looked at the doctor's leaving figure and called an agent from the Special Department to whisper a few words of warning. Once the matter was announced, all the pressure would be on Enzen Xu.

The senior leaders of the National Government would never dare to anger the British Empire. The most likely option would be to introduce a scapegoat, as they had done in the past, and the head of the intelligence agency would be enough to quell this incident.

Thinking of this, he chuckled softly, got into the car and prepared to leave the scene. If it were not related to the secret service headquarters, the death and injury of three dogs would not be worth a gentleman coming to such a dirty place.


A bouquet of gorgeous fireworks rose from the banks of the Huangpu River, and meteor-like sparks fell straight from the sky, causing everyone to look up and watch with excitement. It was the Gregorian New Year.


  The year 1935 came quietly.

Zuo Zhong stood at the window of No. 75 Jisi Feier Road. Behind him, Gui Youguang and others were holding wine glasses and talking happily. The colorful light shone on his face, making it look a little dark and uncertain.

“Deputy Director, are you homesick?”

He Yijun walked over lightly, staring at the fireworks in the distance, and turned around to ask. Everyone was happy to celebrate the New Year in the evening and the operation went well. Only Zuo Zhong was in a low mood.

This makes her a little worried. Unlike last year, the deputy director and his family are thousands of miles apart at this time, and the situation in the country is unclear. She doesn’t know when they will meet again, which will inevitably make people sad.

Zuo Zhong smiled and shook his head: "I know that my grandfather and his family are living a good life in New Zealand. That's enough. We go through life and death just for our family and compatriots to live a good life."

By the way, Xiao Qingmin has made arrangements with the new arrivals. Tomorrow the other party will carry out a mission. Food and drink must be according to the highest standards. Don't save such a small amount of money, or you can't cold people's hearts. "

He explained warmly, and then talked about work. People risked their lives to go to the Northeast. The relevant treatment should not be harsh, and the subsidies and mission bonuses that should be provided behind enemy lines should not be less.

 “Don’t worry, Deputy Director.”

He Yijun lowered his voice and reported: "Before the banquet started, I sent it over. Xiao Qingmin asked me to apologize to you. The target you let her contact is very cautious, and there is no possibility of instigating rebellion and development."

"Well, I got it. Remember to keep it a secret and keep this matter in your stomach. No matter who you ask, you will say you don't know, including the old brothers in the intelligence department. This matter is of great importance, so be careful when sailing."

Zuo Zhongruo said something pointedly, his pupils suddenly flashing with dazzle. The cheers and colorful neon lights outside made this magical city look like a heavenly palace on earth.

  Xiao Qingmin's mission in Shanghai was actually completed, but she didn't know it. With the blurry photos of the young woman and her husband-in-law walking arm in arm, the munitions minister's father-in-law would take action.

As long as Ryosuke Hase becomes the deputy director of the intelligence department of the consulate, the Japanese deployment in the southeastern region will be completely open to the secret service. This will be a huge victory on the intelligence front.

 The time left for the Republic of China,

 There really aren’t many left.

 (End of this chapter)

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