Cicada Moving

Chapter 561: It's rare to know each other in life

Chapter 561: Understanding each other is rare in life

 The first day of the new year.

The sun has been shining brightly in Shanghai, which has been gloomy these days. The little agents packed their luggage with smiles. This time they came out and completed the set task without firing a shot. It must be said that it went very smoothly.

The only regret is that they didn't have the opportunity to visit the Shili Foreign Market. The Secret Service has strict discipline and is not allowed to leave the station without permission. They can only take a look at the largest city in the Far East from a distance.

His men were happy, but Zuo Zhong frowned when he saw Xu Enzeng, who was crying and shouting. He ran over early in the morning, held up a newspaper and cursed the public concession patrol house angrily.

“Commissioner Zuo, this is slander. The British are slandering me. What do you mean by the lawlessness of the killers in the Secret Service Headquarters? They brutally killed two police officers and dumped their bodies in a dark alley.

  After we separated last night, all my people returned to Shanghai Station. Everyone can testify to this. How could they go to such a remote place to kill the red-headed Asan? It is simply incomprehensible. "

Xu Enzeng poked at the title of the newspaper and shouted excitedly: "Besides, I have no enmity with the Indians. What was the purpose of the killing? To grab those three broken revolvers and a few pounds of banknotes."

 In order to achieve certain goals, the Public Settlement placed a security case on a government official. This was an outright political conspiracy and a persecution of the party, the country, and me personally. "

 This is a mouthful of water.

Zuo Zhong took two steps back with disgust on his face, and calmly took the newspaper and read it. It said that two of the three Indian patrolmen were killed and one was injured. Their weapons and wallets were missing, and they died in a miserable state.

According to information released by the patrol room, the murderer is an agent from the secret service headquarters. His specific characteristics are that he is dressed in black, has sharp fighting skills, and has the ability to subdue multiple victims in an instant.


 It’s definitely a rumor.

How could one place have operators of this level? Zuo Zhong immediately believed what Lao Xu said. Concession patrols were different from the trash in later movies and TV dramas. The members had all undergone rigorous training.

They spend most of their time dealing with white-faced people①, especially gangsters from gangs. If they don't work hard, they can't even guarantee their own safety, let alone maintaining law and order.

 According to the laws of the public settlement, once criminals with guns are caught, they will be sentenced to extremely severe penalties, usually the death penalty. These people will not hesitate to shoot when they are patrolled. They will die anyway.

Gangsters without guns will take the initiative to attack and steal weapons, and will never leave anyone alive. They are more vicious than the previous one. Such vicious cases occur every year or even every month.

In such a harsh environment, some patrol officers summarized and developed a complete fighting system, and also invented a very dangerous weapon, the Fairbank Sykes fighting dagger.

  Intelligence from East China shows that this is a piece of equipment purely for killing. When used with a pistol, it forms a set of close combat shooting techniques, also known as the Shanghai Shooting School.

  (Picture is in the Easter egg)

At that time, Zuo Zhong asked Yu Xingle to find some related photos. After careful observation, he could see the shadow of C.A.R shooting technique. To put it more exaggeratedly, it looked a bit like the legendary gun fighting technique.

 So in daily work, patrol officers may be perfunctory due to thoughts or other reasons. However, when faced with life threats, they have a certain fighting capacity. How can they stand there and let others kill them?

 The agents in the Secret Service Headquarters are one against three.

 What an international joke.

Zuo Zhong pondered for a moment and felt that he could not let the British throw dirty water. This matter was too big and he might be implicated. But who did it? Could it be an underground party?

He walked to the table and took out a map of Shanghai, measured the distance between Elizabeth Hospital and the crime scene, and calculated the difference between the time when the assassin opened fire and the approximate time of the crime.

The answer came out quickly. From the perspective of time and space, the murderer who killed the red-headed Asan was probably one of the assassins. After the assassination failed, he went to the French Concession at a normal walking speed.

 That’s right.

Zuo Zhong's eyes lit up. After he and Xu Enzeng were assassinated in the public concession, where was the safest place for the underground party? Of course, it was the French Concession. The crime scene was only separated from the French Concession by a small street.

It's just that the other party is safe, so why take the risk of killing three patrolmen? If they are stopped, there is no need to cause such a big thing. The police's interrogation can easily be fooled.

Perhaps he ran into some trouble. Thinking about the virtues of Indians, he guessed that Ah San might have wanted to blackmail the assassin, or was preparing to do something bad but was seen by the assassin, and died as a result.

This is normal. No matter how powerful the patrol is, they are still police. Agents like members of the red team want to kill people, especially during a sneak attack. The opponent can basically lie down and wait for death, without any chance of winning.

Thinking of what the Indian patrolmen did in Shanghai, Zuo Zhong sneered in his heart, then frowned and closed the map, pretending to find nothing, and turned to look at Xu Enzeng, who was groaning.

"Director Xu, Mr. Zuo knows that you are not ignorant and will never do such a meaningless thing. I will explain my attitude and opinions to the department. You can rest assured about this."

Hearing these words, Xu Enzeng's eyes were sore and he almost cried. He wished he could give Zuo Zhong a slap on the spot. As a special correspondent, the other party would say one sentence to the superiors, which would be more effective than a hundred words himself.

He stretched out his trembling hands and said with sobs: "Thank you to the commissioner for your trust. This is not only related to my innocence, but also to the honor and disgrace of the country. The British must give us an explanation."

 “Well, I understand that.”

Zuo Zhong took the other person's hand, shook it, and said sternly: "My brother is being framed in this way, I will not sit idly by and do nothing, Lao Xu, if you need anything, just ask me, I will fully support you.

 Personnel, weapons, intelligence, whatever the Secret Service has, I can give you. I have to give the British a slap in the face. After all, Shanghai belongs to the Chinese, not to these colonists. "

He was speaking from his heart. The Secret Service Headquarters and Xu Enzeng could only be bullied by themselves. The patrol house in the concession was nothing, they were just a group of domestic dogs that looked after people's homes and courtyards. They were quite courageous. Xu Enzeng next to him could no longer hold back at this moment, and tears overflowed from his eyes. Unexpectedly, never expected that the person who understood him best would be Zuo Zhong. How unpredictable things are in this world.

They say that people who know you well are not friends, but enemies. This is right. When Jinling receives this news, I am afraid that Director Chen will not be so sure that the secret service headquarters is innocent.

 It is rare in life to know each other's hearts.

He said nothing. He wiped away his tears and patted his chest: "It's all in my heart. It's all in my heart. Mr. Xu will never forget today in his life. From now on, he will do whatever he has to do.


 These few lies are quite accurate.

 Just like the real thing.

Zuo Chong laughed and let go, patting Lao Xu on the shoulder: "Don't be anxious, take it step by step. First, I have to report to the bureau headquarters and buy a little more time, and you can think about the next thing.

I just took a look and found out that the British statements were all conjectures with no concrete evidence. The other party’s purpose was very simple, which was to let Shangfeng make a decision that was unfavorable to the Secret Service Headquarters and Director Xu.

If you want to reverse this situation, then use public opinion against public opinion, mobilize the power of urban public opinion circles, and demand the public concessions to disclose evidence or witness testimony. Then you will not be the one who is anxious. "

This kind of routine seems clever now, but it is commonplace in later generations. If you want to set the pace, you have to compete with others to influence the media. In this regard, we have an advantage. Most of the people in the concession are Chinese.

 The British control basically foreign-language newspapers, so they are naturally at a disadvantage in the number of readers. How can one mouth make more noise than ten others? As for whether the patrol house will use administrative power to influence and control public opinion.

 That would be great.

 The colonial government suppressed conscientious media, which was another huge flash point. Fortunately, after the incident in the 14th year of the Republic of China, the concessions have restrained themselves a lot and will not use force unless absolutely necessary.

Otherwise, Xu Enzeng could just admit defeat. Maybe he could surrender and lose half of it. When it comes to shamelessness, these troublemakers in Great Britain are experts, much better than the elites of the Fruit Party.

 “Wonderful, public opinion versus public opinion.”

At this moment, Lao Xu only nodded and said yes. This method sounded very reliable. The secret service headquarters had a postal inspection department and had business dealings with urban newspapers. It was no problem to publish some news.

The problem is what to do with the newspapers in the concession. People have to lower their heads under the eaves and use their buttocks to know which side those people will stand on. Thinking of this, he raised it frankly.

Zuo Zhong chuckled after hearing this. I was waiting for your question. He took out a handful of banknotes with his left hand and a pistol with his right hand, and then slapped the two on the table in front of him.

He pointed at the banknotes and asked: "This, can it convince people?"

Xu Enzeng blinked: "Okay, but some people don't love money."

 He pointed at the pistol again: "This, that can convince people."

Xu Enzeng’s face turned red: “Yes, but some people are not afraid of death.”

So Zuo Zhong threw the banknotes and the pistol together, raised his head and said with a smile: "Can this plus this convince people? Lao Xu, specific problems need to be analyzed in detail, and we have to be more flexible.

What if the person in charge of a newspaper office neither loves money nor is afraid of death? Let other newspapers tell the citizens of Shanghai that this company is a lackey of foreigners and destroy their credibility. "

 “Commissioner Zuo, wonderful!”

 Xu Enzeng had a sudden enlightenment. Those who loved money gave money, and those who were afraid of death threats would ruin it if they didn't want to. With these three methods, at least half of the media could be won over, and the problem was solved.

 I didn’t lose unjustly before.

He couldn't help but raise his thumb and said in sincere admiration: "Special Commissioner, Xu is convinced. I will go back to arrange relevant matters now. I would like you to have a nice word with Deputy Director Dai in Jinling."

 “No problem, it’s a small matter.”

Zuo Zhong waved his hand grandly. Without the other party, where would he find an opponent who loves to take the blame? Besides, without the secret service headquarters, the bald man who spends all his time thinking about checks and balances will definitely set up other intelligence agencies.

 It is better to keep Xu Enzeng.

 After all, the souvenirs haven’t been given yet.

   Bai Xiangren ①Shanghai dialect. vagrant; gangster.

Transition chapter, then return to fighting against Japan.



 (End of this chapter)

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