Cicada Moving

Chapter 565: son-in-law

Chapter 565 Son-in-law

Hearing Zuo Zhong say that he was from the Zuo family, Hase Ryosuke stood up instantly, raised his left hand and slammed the bar counter, and shouted with wide eyes: "Bartender, bring another bottle of whiskey."

 Then he showed a flattering expression on his face, raised his thumb and said with emotion: "Okamoto-kun, please forgive me for my rude words before, your ancestor and your father are both real businessmen, smart businessmen.

Those **** guys are too greedy, especially the Japanese trading houses and comprador merchants. They dared to secretly sell tobacco to the Republic of China. They deserve to be taught a lesson. I speak from the bottom of my heart. "

His chest was beating loudly, and he looked like an old friend of the Chinese people. When the bartender brought the whiskey, he poured a full glass and drank it all in one gulp, and then wanted to pour another drink for Zuo Chong.

 “Okay, let’s get down to business.”

Too lazy to watch this guy's performance, Zuo Zhong covered the cup with his hand and glanced around: "Our people have received the wind, Hirota Koki is about to deliver a speech to China, can you get the specific content.

It is best to find out the real purpose of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and find as much written materials as evidence. We are willing to spend a lot of money on this task. If you do it a few more times, you may be able to retire. "

Although he has decided to sabotage the peace negotiation between the government and the Japanese, it is also a good thing to have the opponent's trump card. What if Hase has some connections in Tokyo and can get relevant information.

 “Foreign Minister Guangtian?”

Over there, Hase Ryosuke exclaimed in a low voice, and the smile on his face turned bitter: "I'm afraid this is difficult. The Shanghai Consulate's Special Higher Education Department is under the Consulate's Intelligence Department, which also has the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' Intelligence Department.

 From the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Intelligence Minister, there is the deputy minister in charge of intelligence work, who reports to the Foreign Minister. In other words, I am different from Hirota Hiroshi. Wait, let me count the differences. "

He counted with his fingers, raised his head and said helplessly: "I don't know how many levels are missing. In short, this is impossible. Okamoto-kun, maybe you can kill him, it will be easier.

It is also unrealistic to obtain confidential documents. Not to mention that I am just a small special high-level section chief. Even Consul Taro Ishishe Ino of the Shanghai Consulate is not qualified to participate in this matter. You have to believe me. "

Well, there is really no way.

Zuo Zhong was almost crying when he saw the other person. He clapped his hand quickly and said, "I'm just trying. If it doesn't work, forget it. By the way, have you found the information about the second generation ancestor? Please introduce this person's situation.

I have a plan, which may require the cooperation of this guy and you. I will tell you the specific content later. Don’t worry, I won’t let you do anything dangerous. Just perform a play. "

 Hase Ryosuke breathed a sigh of relief. He really wanted to make more money and enjoy life after retirement. The premise was to survive the maelstrom of the Sino-Japanese War. Otherwise, what was the use of making so much money.

He carefully took a sip of wine and spoke: "Ikuta Takaki, 35 years old, Kagoshima Prefecture, graduated from Tokyo Higher Business School like the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Intelligence, Amaha Eiji.

  After graduating in 1924, he passed the diplomat and consulate examination and entered the East Asia Bureau of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a general clerk. In 1925, he met his current wife, and in the same year he became the deputy director of the General Affairs Division.

Later, the other party held the position of section chief in the consulates in Yangcheng and Harbin. This year, he was transferred to the Consulate General in Shanghai to assist Shizhu Shetaro in managing intelligence work. This is the situation. "

"that's it?"

Zuo Zhong was a little dissatisfied. He didn't know what these things could tell. He didn't know his personality, temperament, hobbies, etc. When Xiao Qingmin came into contact with the other party, he said that this person was not easily incited to rebel.

He tapped his fingers on the bar and said in a serious tone: "Mr. Hase, your work attitude is very problematic. I'm not asking you to memorize information. What I want is information. Information, do you understand what I mean?

I can get these things you mentioned by sending people to Tokyo to inquire around. Don’t waste everyone’s time, otherwise it may take a long time for the 50,000 oceans to be returned to your hands. "

 “bridge beans sack.”

When Ryosuke Hase heard this, he immediately said angrily: "Please wait a moment, I haven't finished speaking yet. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is now roughly divided into two factions, one is the Tokyo Business School faction.

These people are deeply influenced by expansionism and have a very close relationship with the military. They agree with the empire's war against your country. Takaki Ikuta is one of the generals and have a hostile attitude towards the Republic of China.

The reason is that decades ago, his elder died in the war against China. This man once publicly declared that all Chinese who dared to resist and those who did not resist would be killed in order to achieve the great cause of the empire. "

He glanced at Zuoshige cautiously and continued: "Ikuta Takaki's father-in-law is the third son of Duke Masakata Masakichi. He is a very powerful banker and has won over many military and industrial elites.

Although he did not have the title of Minister of Munitions, he had the actual title of Minister of Munitions. The other party's choice of Ikuta as his son-in-law was purely to win over diplomats from the Tokyo Business School and encourage them to support military operations.

So this guy is not taken seriously and is often bullied by the children of the Matsukata family. He is a famous waste in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. If it were not for the care of Eiji Tianha, he would have been kicked out of the diplomatic system long ago. "

 What is intelligence?

 This is what is called intelligence. Listening to Hase Ryosuke's addition, Zuo Zhong's face looked better. At the same time, he knew what this second-generation ancestor was. To put it simply, the other person was a pig's trotter who had taken the template of a son-in-law.

  Having a "family feud", being valued by one big boss, being used by another big boss, being despised by his wife's tribe and colleagues, if you say thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, then everything will be fine.

Such people generally have psychological problems. Once they have a chance to turn over, they will do whatever it takes because they need to prove themselves to others in order to gain a sense of satisfaction.

Understanding Ikuta Takaki’s character weakness, Zuo Shige made a slight modification to the plan in his mind, then personally poured a glass of whiskey for Hase Ryosuke, raised the glass and said to him.

“Thank you Mr. Hase for supporting us. Come on, have a drink. Besides, you, your boss Iwai, and Shotaro Ishizu must be from the other faction of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Am I right?”

“Yes, we are all from the Douban Library. Compared with people from the Tokyo Business School, we have a certain degree of friendliness and understanding towards your country and do not advocate a major war between China and Japan.”

 Hase Ryosuke clinked glasses with Zuo Zhong, and after drinking, he said: "During the Manchuria Incident, Consul Shizhu Shetaro once persuaded the people left behind in Kyrgyzstan to surrender to reduce meaningless casualties.

When the British Lytton investigation team came to China, the consul publicly stated that he was inconvenient to tell the truth due to his position. This made the military leaders angry, but the political leaders thought it was a sign of noble integrity.

He was critical of the establishment of Manchukuo, saying that none of the Chinese in the three eastern provinces supported independence, and that the empire should gradually assimilate the Republic of China through economic and cultural means. "

 Shit kindness and understanding.

 Zuo Zhong sneered in his heart, the so-called Doubshu School is no different from the Tokyo Business School School. The only difference is that Ishizuka Shotaro and his like understand that Japan cannot defeat China quickly.

 They studied in Shanghai when they were young. They knew how big the country was, how populous it was, and how rich its resources were. To deal with big countries with the manpower and material resources on a small island, they could only try to do it slowly.

But on the surface, Zuo Zhong smiled and said: "I also heard about Consul Shizhu Shetaro. After he took office, he said that maintaining peace in the international city of Shanghai is everyone's mission and responsibility.

He also said that there should be no more storms in the sky above Shanghai. I admire this. Mr. Hase, if you have the opportunity, please introduce us to each other. I have many things to say to Mr. Consul. "

 Hase Ryosuke really wants to give himself a few words. He is used to flattering him, but he couldn't help but praise him when he mentioned Stone Pig Shotaro. Alas, bad habits in officialdom kill people.

 He ​​rubbed his hands in embarrassment and abruptly changed the subject: "Okamoto-kun, you said earlier that you have a plan that requires my cooperation. Can you tell me now? I will do my best to complete the task."

 “Haha, don’t be nervous.”

Zuo Zhong rested his elbows on the bar, lit a cigarette and turned around and asked: "I'm afraid you looked bad when you were working at the consulate these past two days. Did Takaki Ikuta notice this?"

 Hase Ryosuke nodded in embarrassment: "Yes, there is no need to keep it secret after losing such a large amount of money. I have a strict attitude towards the subordinates of the Super High School, and the other party should know it."

Zuo Zhong could imagine the incompetent and furious look of this guy, so he put his arms around his shoulders with a smile, and spoke in a voice that only two people could hear. Mr. Superintendent of the High School nodded slowly while listening.

ten minutes later.

 Hase Ryo walked out of the nightclub in high spirits, immediately hailed a rickshaw and returned to the Shanghai Consulate. Every time he saw someone, he would nod with a smile on his face, and stop to say a few words from time to time.

This surprised many people who were interested. The intelligence agency had no secrets. The other party lost a lot of money at Beilun Port. Everyone knew about this. Why did they become so happy today?

Soon this matter spread. After learning about it, a short staff member secretly walked to the door of an office and knocked twice. Someone inside immediately replied seriously.


The short man looked happy, looked at both sides of the corridor mysteriously, opened the door a crack and got in, closed the door with his backhand, and said respectfully to a middle-aged man in front of the desk.

"Mr. Ikuta, Section Chief Hase has come back from outside and seems to be in a good mood. The matter may have been resolved. Do you need me to talk to the Chinese in Caobang and see where he went?"

 “Oh? There is such a thing.”

After listening to this, the middle-aged man put down the pen in his hand solemnly and muttered to himself. This person is the strong contender for the deputy director of the Intelligence Department of the Shanghai Consulate, Takaki Ikuta, the son-in-law of the Matsukata family.

He stood up and walked to the window, opened the blinds above and looked outside. He happened to see Ryosuke Hase patting a certain little agent on the shoulder affectionately, and Takaki Ikuta's face instantly turned ugly.

 (End of this chapter)

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