Cicada Moving

Chapter 566: Just want to make money

Chapter 566 I just want to make money

Takaki Ikuta was jealous of Ryosuke Hase. The military's intelligence network in Jinling was repeatedly destroyed. Only the other party's special high school successfully hid intelligence personnel, for which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs praised him many times.

If such a big credit is placed on oneself, relying on the power and influence of the Matsumoto family, let alone a mere deputy minister of the intelligence department, even the position of the intelligence minister is in the pocket.

He has been working hard at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for many years and has not yet been promoted to section chief. It is because he lacks impressive performance. After all, the empire does not belong to a certain family, and there are some rules that must be followed.

Now facing the competition for the position of Deputy Minister of Intelligence, Hase Ryosuke is like a stumbling blocker, blocking the way. There are many big shots in Tokyo supporting this person.

What’s even more detestable is that despite being very capable, the other person’s popularity is also very good. At the Shanghai Consulate, everyone was full of praise when they mentioned this super high-level section chief who was good at dancing.

 A commoner, why!

It's nothing more than spending money lavishly to buy people's hearts, and inviting people to nightclubs, book apartments and high-end restaurants at every turn. Those villains who are unscrupulous for profit have benefited, so they naturally want to say good things for them.

 “Baga, is it great to have money?”

After the short man left, Ikuta Takaki sat down on a chair, took out his wallet and looked at the ten-yen banknotes inside. He muttered something gloomily, his eyes filled with angry flames.

 My good father-in-law is a famous banker in the empire. As his only son-in-law, he should not be short of money. Everyone else thinks so, but this is not the case.

The Matsumoto family treated him like a servant and only provided a certain amount of living expenses every month. Even with the salary from the consulate, he could not use money to open a road like Hase Ryosuke.

 Takaki Ikuta carefully put his wallet back into his inner pocket, thinking about one thing in his mind, that is, where did Hase get so much money? Is it really a business?

This possibility is very small.

The Matsumoto family is familiar with it, and he knows very well that greater returns mean greater risks. No one can guarantee that he will always win. It is easy to make big money and fall into trouble. The only way is to have a steady stream of money.

 But as for Hase Ryosuke, he would treat guests when he was happy or treat him when he was unhappy. He simply did not regard money as money. Although the other party was not married and had children and did not need to support his parents at home, that was not right.

Ikuta Takaki narrowed his eyes. If he had the strong financial resources of the other party, plus his father-in-law's connections in the military and political circles, he would definitely have a place among the top officials of the empire in a few decades.

By then, the Matsumoto family will definitely regret what they have done before, and that **** woman. Do you really think he doesn’t know the existence of those pretty boys? It will take a long time, we will see.

 Ikuta Takaki gritted his teeth and thought for a long time, then stood up and decided to keep a close eye on Hase Ryosuke to see what this guy was doing, and then find a way to seize the way to make a fortune.

 What a **** empire.

 He just wants to make money now.

Just when Ikuta Takaki made the oath, in the Intelligence Minister's Office of the Shanghai Consulate, Minister Iwai sat on the sofa with a smile and whispered to Hase Ryosuke in a furtive manner.

“Mr. Hase, I have received the dividend from the Intelligence Alliance. Yes, this month’s income is much more than last month. It seems that the imperial intelligence in North China is becoming more and more valuable.”

“Yes, the garrison in Jinmen is very active during this period, and relevant information is needed in all aspects. This is only the first month, and your dividends will be more in the future, that’s for sure.”

Hase Ryosuke leaned forward and replied with the same smile: "I heard that land in South American countries is very cheap. Why don't Iwai-kun buy some with me? After the war is over, you and I can be neighbors.

 When we have free time, we can go fishing together, hunt in the jungle, or pour a cup of tea under the sunset and feel the wisdom in it. Wouldn’t it be beautiful to live like a fisherman, woodcutter, farmer, and reader? "

 “Haha, well said.”

Hearing this, Iwai couldn't help but feel fascinated. He raised his hand and waved it proudly: "I can't compete with you at fishing, but you can't do it at hunting. When I was training in Korea, I was a very famous sharpshooter."

He boasted about himself, and then said seriously: "We must keep it secret. Consul Shitaro Shetaro is very shrewd. If the other party discovers our business, you and I will not even have the chance to commit suicide."

If you notice that someone is following or inquiring about this matter, you must deal with it immediately. No matter who it is, as long as it threatens your own safety, you must be merciless."

As Iwai spoke, he made a knife gesture. The meaning was very clear, that was to kill people and silence them. The risks of intelligence trading were very high. If you want to survive, you must first be ruthless.

He dared to join this business. To be precise, he joined this business before Hase Ryosuke. He had already made corresponding psychological preparations. Anyone who dared to block the way, including Mr. Consul, would be killed.

“Don’t worry, Iwai-kun, you have placed great trust in me by entrusting me with the transaction with the Intelligence Alliance. When necessary, I will choose to commit suicide to live up to this trust.”

Hase Ryosuke made a promise, and then said with a bitter look on his face: "What's the use of us working **** the front line? Those big shots can put a waste without any merit in power with just one sentence.

It is better to save more money. The imperial hegemony is just an illusion. Only the banknotes and gold bars stored in the bank are real. I am afraid that Takaki Ikuta will retaliate against me after becoming the deputy minister. "

"Baga, that bastard." When it came to this matter, Iwai was also very angry. I really didn't know what the bureaucrats in Tokyo were thinking. They wanted a son-in-law to be his deputy instead of an experienced imperial hero.


 Sister-in-law and adopted son.

What kind of thing is he still a half-son-in-law who is not qualified to change his surname to Matsumoto? This is not only a personal insult to Hase Ryosuke, but also an insult to his immediate superior.

In China, marrying into a child is a very shameful thing, because Chinese people regard blood as the family unit, and the man who marries into the child can keep his surname, and in a sense, he is not a real family.

 Hence, the son-in-law who knocks on the door is not eligible to inherit the property. The status of the wife is much higher than that of the man. The man is in a guest status, and people from the same hometown and clan outside will point fingers at the man.

In Japan, there is no shame in having a child. The Japanese regard the family as a unit. For thousands of years, the family system has been deeply influenced by Chinese culture, and it also has male and patriarchal rights as its core.

The difference is that Japan does not pay attention to blood ties, but pays attention to the inheritance of family names. Family is a combination of interests. Under this framework, the central position is the entity of the family, not people.

 Therefore, as long as someone helps pass on the family name, it doesn't matter who it is. On the contrary, if a son-in-law is not allowed to change his name, it is a complete humiliation and is purely a fertility tool.

Iwai looked at Ryosuke Hase, who looked frustrated, and patted him on the shoulder: "Don't be discouraged, Mr. Hase. A man should be persistent. The seniors in the faction and I will find a way for you.

As for revenge, Takaki Ikuta is just a deputy minister. I will not give him the opportunity to target you. If the Party Secret Service needs a professional person to deal with it, let Mr. Son-in-law do it.

By the way, do you have a good relationship with General Doihara of the Kwantung Army? The other party said something for you at the regular cabinet intelligence meeting, which changed things. You must learn to be patient and forbearing. "


 Hase Ryosuke was a little dumbfounded. He had only met Doihara a few times when he went to Tohoku and had drinks together a few times. This was by no means the reason for the other party to recommend him, so what could be the reason?

He did not hesitate and replied directly: "I contacted the Kwantung Army when I informed the Kwantung Army of the investigation results of Special Task Force Nobuo Kato. I am not very familiar with it. Does Iwai-kun think there is something wrong with it?"

 “Well, I’m just a little worried.”

Iwai frowned, thought for a moment and shook his head: "Keep a distance from the military people. Those lunatics will do anything to start a war. Do you know Miyamoto Hideaki?"

He is a victim of the military's ambitions. The dignified vice-consul was forced to commit suicide. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is almost becoming the military's lackey. I think Hirota Koki will wear military uniform to go to the cabinet meeting. "

His words were very rude to his immediate boss's immediate boss, and his tone was sarcastic. It's no wonder that for a leader who uses the lives of his subordinates as bargaining chips for promotion, no subordinate would be willing to sacrifice their lives.


Hase Ryosuke bowed his head and replied respectfully, even though Doihara was extremely powerful, in this three-acre area of ​​​​the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it was much more effective to talk to the academic faction than a major general.

Besides, he himself is not interested in things like war. It is such a pleasant thing to make money with Iwai. Why risk his life to become a grandson for the military.

“Mr. Hase, just understand. The desire of a beast can never be satisfied. After eating the first prey, it will focus on the second and third ones. When the prey is gone, it will look at the same kind."

Iwai said something profound, and then showed a mysterious smile: "Okay, let's go to work. I'll see you at the nightclub tonight. It's your turn to treat me today. Don't let me down."

The two looked at each other and ended the conversation with a smile. Hase Ryousuke walked out of Iwai's office briskly, and when he closed the door, he suddenly glanced deep into the corridor, and the feeling of being spied on disappeared immediately.

 Haha, I took the bait.

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he swaggered back to his office regardless of the mice in the distance. After finishing the official business of the extra-high school course, he drove out of the consulate gate with a group of subordinates.

 “Follow up quickly.”

In an alley outside the door, Takaki Ikuta said something to the short eyeliner on the driver's seat. His eyes were fixed on the high-end car that flashed by, and the jealousy in his heart was burning.

 He wants the position of deputy minister.

He also wants the banknotes.

 (Bottleneck, I wrote more than 2,000 words and then deleted them. I need to wait for two days to sort out the outline. Don’t scold me.)

 (End of this chapter)

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