Cicada Moving

Chapter 571: Wu·Confidant·Jingzhong

Chapter 571 Wu·Confidant·Jingzhong

Zuo Zhong was sitting on a chair in the living room, watching the intelligence briefing for the day. Next to him were a group of subordinates. In addition to Wu Chunyang and Gui Youguang, Song Minghao and Wu Jingzhong, who were supposed to be in Jinling, were also among them.

Different from the White Blood Cell Project, it was the Secret Service's job to find out what Hirota said. Since there were no important tasks here, it was natural for him to transfer his best troops to Shanghai.

When Gu Qi, whose pseudonym is Lao Dou, walked in, smiles appeared on everyone's faces. The fact that the other party came back safely meant that the deputy director's plan was half successful, and there may be something good to come next.

"How about it?"

Zuo Zhong did not look up when he heard the report. He just asked casually, flipping through the documents slowly in his hand, looking confident, as if he had foreseen this result.

“Report, I have established contact with the first target as an informant of the Special High School, and also led the murderer of the patrol murder case to the Japanese, but the other party did not take this matter too seriously.

I think the concession authorities don’t care who killed the patrol. They just want to put pressure on the government in retaliation for the death of Saluxun and the MI2 mole, and the attack on the Special Department. "

The stove in the room was burning brightly. Gu Qi took off his hat and scarf and continued to report: "As for the second target, as you speculated, it appeared after Nobita and I separated from the first target.

This man held me hostage at gunpoint in the alley and asked me about the purpose of meeting the other two people tonight. I told him that the British wanted to find the underground party involved in the firefight at Elizabeth Hospital. "

 “Oh? What did the other party say?”

He turned over a page, lowered his head and pointed to the seat closest to the stove, gesturing for him to sit down. After all, he would definitely be freezing if he wandered outside for so long in this **** weather.

If other people hadn't been out in the field often, the British might have photos and information. He really didn't want his old partner to take this risk. Who knows whether the Japanese would shoot or misfire.

Hearing this, Gu Qi smiled, sat down, put his hands on the stove, and said: "That guy was shocked when he heard that Britain offered 10,000 yuan to buy the heads of underground party members. He seemed to be short of money.

I found that this person's reaction did not seem to be fake, so I took the opportunity to request cooperation, and offered to purchase the contents of Hirota Koki's speech and the true purpose of the Japanese high-level officials for a price of 50,000 oceans.

It turns out that the other party has relevant orders from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He has promised me to meet tomorrow night to conduct the transaction. Deputy Director, how reliable do you think this is? Will there be any problems? "

 Is this happening?

Hearing this, Zuo Zhong became interested and finally put down the document. After thinking again and again, he patted the table and raised his head: "Whether it is credible or not, one thing is certain, the other party needs you to survive.

This may be to stabilize you so that I can testify against Nobita in the future, or it may be to follow the clues to investigate the situation behind you, or it may be that I am really short of money and want to make a fortune through intelligence trading. "

Everyone present nodded. These three inferences are consistent with logic and the current situation. Of course, it is also possible that the second goal is to pursue a three-pronged approach. Anyway, no one requires that only one be chosen.

Gucci heated up the fire for a while, driving away the coldness in his bones, and said thoughtfully: "Just now, the outside spy didn't find anyone following me. It seems that the other party's primary purpose is to make money or testify against Nobita.

That humble official will meet with him tomorrow. If he can buy relevant information for 50,000 yuan, it will be a good deal. Not only can he complete the tasks assigned by the superior, but he can also stabilize people's hearts.

The recent situation in Jinling is very bad. Many Sino-Japanese friendly people have emerged. These people have confused many people. Some people even say that the Northeast is a puppet Manchukuo. Why should we get involved in such nonsense.

We must let everyone see the true face of the Japanese and make their intentions known to the world. Otherwise, if the two countries fight together, there will be an endless supply of traitors and traitors who regard thieves as their fathers. "

He was transferred to the Secret Service for two years and spent two years dealing with the Japanese. He saw Japan's ambitions very clearly and understood that war was inevitable. This made Gu Qi extremely anxious.

From top to bottom in the Republic of China, they either felt that with international mediation, the Japanese did not dare to launch an attack within the pass, and that the 128 and North China were just a small fight, and they would retreat when the other party's demands were met.

Either you feel that the war will happen in ten or two years. By then, the strength gap between the Republic of China and the other party will not be big. With the country's massive population and resources, it will be easy to destroy just a few Japanese pirates.

Even those who knew that war was imminent, due to power struggles, territorial disputes and other reasons, hid their heads in the sandpit, exposed their buttocks, and pretended that nothing happened.

 As the saying goes, people’s hearts move like mountains and mountains.

As for those who are not united, one hundred people have one hundred ideas and one hundred plans. Before the Japanese come to the door, the Republic of China will collapse. The war in the southwest has been delayed again and again, which is enough to prove everything.

Zuo Zhong, who had a normal expression, picked up the tea cup and took a sip of tea. He glanced at Gucci, who was frowning, and nodded slightly in his heart. He could realize these things. It seemed that his old partner had thought about it seriously.

From this point of view, clarifying the true purpose of Hirota Koki’s speech to China is both an intelligence issue and a political issue. It is not only about the development of the Secret Service, but also related to the country’s major policies.

He rubbed the lid of the tea cup, knowing that he might not be able to save the 50,000 yuan, but it was not a big problem. The worst thing he could do was turn around and steal the money back. Anyway, Takaki Ikuta was a big disaster and couldn't be saved.

At this time, Song Minghao, who had been keeping quiet, said angrily: "Deputy Director, as soon as you left Jinling, all kinds of monsters and monsters appeared, and Bai Wenzhi from the police department dared to come to investigate you.

 Lao Gu and I immediately drove this **** away, and this man went around telling people that the Beilun Port scam might involve high-level party and state officials. We heard that his brother-in-law's business suffered heavy losses in Ningbo. "

Yo, old white courage is fat.

Zuo Zhong’s eyebrows were raised. There was a saying in his previous life that a tree will not grow straight if it is not repaired, and a person will grow wild if it is not repaired. It was referring to this kind of ungrateful and ungrateful person. What a scam, it was clearly an investment.

 In business, there are wins and losses. Who can guarantee that you will never lose money? I didn’t use a knife to force you to pay. Why didn’t you thank me when you made money? Damn it, you have to bear the sins you have done.

After thinking clearly, he coughed twice: "We will discuss this matter when I return to Jinling. Now let's get down to business. I will arrange the division of labor for the meeting with the second target. Remember, we must not alert the other party."


 Everyone stood up and answered in a low voice.

Zuo Zhong glanced around for a week, and then clicked on G Qi's general: "Lao Gu, you will go to the address on the ID in your wallet to rest later. From there tomorrow, go to the meeting point, and be careful to keep your distance from other people.

They are all professional intelligence officers after all. Although the second target seems easier to deal with, you must prevent it from being a disguise. If you are taken away by the opponent halfway, know what to do. "

“Know, leave hidden marks for the surrounding supporting brothers, or give a general direction with gestures. When in danger, try to delay as long as possible to wait for rescue, and do not provoke the enemy at will.”

 Gu Qi talked about contingency strategies one by one. The biggest fear when lurking around the enemy is that the situation suddenly changes. At that time, having a backup plan will give you more hope of survival. Don't be careless.

 “Well, pay attention to safety.”

Zuo Zhong turned to look at the remaining people: "Chunyang, you should work harder and be responsible for protecting and monitoring the scene. If you encounter danger, you are allowed to make decisions on the fly, with personnel safety as the first priority.

 Lao Song and Lao Wu follow me. Wherever there is a shortage of people, you two will come. Also, seize the time to familiarize yourself with the situation in Shanghai. This place is no better than Jinling. We are outsiders here, so we must be cautious.

As for Gui Youguang, you and your team will cooperate with Shen Dongxin at No. 75 Jisi Feier Road. He has a special mission at the station. No matter what you see or hear, you are not allowed to disclose it to the outside world. "

When he said this, he said with a serious expression: "This mission was personally assigned by the leader and Deputy Director Dai. I hope everyone can swallow the arrogance in their bodies and hearts and don't take it lightly.

If you can't deal with even a half-hearted Japanese spy and a dandy British spy, I don't know if you have the nerve to go back to Jinling. In short, I don't have it. Let's disband and Lao Wu will stay for a while. "

 “Yes, Deputy Director.”

After hearing the order, Gu Qi and others turned around and walked out of the living room, and went to do their own business. Only Wu Jingzhong stood there obediently, looking at the toes of his shoes, and he was so nervous that he didn't dare to take a breath.

Zuo Zhong walked to the stove and used a pair of fire tongs to widen the air inlet. The flames instantly shot up. The kettle on the stove was gurgling with white steam, and a layer of water mist gradually condensed on the glass window.

He tilted his head and glanced at the King of Golden Sentences, then stared at the bright red flames and asked: "How did the investigation go when I asked you to investigate it? Do they have anything to do with the underground party?"

“Report to the deputy director, there is no report yet.”

Wu Jingzhong changed directions and replied respectfully: "Chief Gu, Deputy Section Chief Song, Section Chief Wu, Team Leader Song, including Miss He, can all review their experiences and find no problems.

The most difficult one is Miss He. Her hometown is currently in the hands of the Japanese. Fortunately, a reply came from the Northeast two days ago, and Miss He's neighbor was found, and they were identified and confirmed. "

 “Oh, what about Shen Dongxin?”

Zuo Zhong asked expressionlessly. Since the assassination in Elizabeth, he had assigned Wu Jingzhong a task to secretly screen all personnel in the intelligence department in order to prevent underground parties from infiltrating.

 In fact, he wanted to check the background of his subordinates to avoid being shot in the dark by his own comrades, which would be an unjust death. The reason why he chose the King of Golden Sentences was because he was from the Investigation Department of the Provincial Camp and had no quarrel with the old man.

And if something is found, it is convenient to silence him. Who would let the other party come later? This is why Zuo Zhong did not ask the more trustworthy Wu Chunyang to investigate. If you are not afraid of 10,000, just be afraid of the worst.

Wu Jingzhong didn’t know that he was halfway through the door of hell, so he whispered: “According to the information from the Embassy in France, Deputy Chief Shen performed well in school and had no contact with dissidents.”

Zuo Zhong breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and patted his shoulder, smiling slightly: "Very good, I did not misjudge you. If you find any problems in the future, you can report them to me in secret."


 Wu·confidence·Jingzhong was overjoyed when he heard this.

I arrived in Guangzhou yesterday. A couple of college classmates had something to do. A few of us who are good friends came to help. Today, a few more classmates came. They were too busy. There were typos in the message. I will correct it tomorrow during the day. Thank you.



 (End of this chapter)

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