Cicada Moving

Chapter 572: Transaction 1(modified)

Chapter 572 Transaction 1 (revised)

"Jingle Bell"

Early the next morning, a shrill ringtone rang in a new residential building in a public concession. Gucci opened his eyes suddenly on the bed and reached out to press down the noisy alarm clock on the bedside table.

This is a one-bedroom apartment with a single bed in the bedroom of more than ten square meters. The sun shines through the skylight on the sloping roof onto the shiny wooden floor, and the dust in the air is clearly visible.


Gucci stood up and leaned against the head of the bed, loading the Browning M1911 under the pillow with a serious face. This type of gun was kept in large quantities in the Republic of China and was suitable for covert operations. It was also convenient for purchasing ammunition and accessories.

  After doing this, he got out of bed and walked to the door to check the hair on the foot pad. After confirming that no one had disturbed him, he opened the window. This was a safety signal to the surveillance personnel outside.

 “Look at your face! Make your face!”

 After a while, a female voice with a northern Jiangsu accent spoke up, and then slowly walked away. The residents who got up early around them didn't think there was anything wrong here at all, and continued busy with the things at hand.

In the early morning in Shanghai, women from outside looking for a living often do this small business. They use cotton yarn to spread some white powder on women's faces and use the method of twisting the rope to pull out the hair to achieve a beauty effect.

Hearing the response, Gucci returned to the house with a normal expression, put on a coat, opened the door and walked out. Just as the door opposite opened, a young man carrying a leather bag closed the door coldly and went downstairs.

This kind of expensive new residential building is mostly occupied by single business office employees. There is little interaction between neighbors. If the working hours are staggered, it is normal not to see each other for ten and a half days.

Some people have lived here for two or three years and may not even know the surname or name of the people next door. Choosing this place as a disguised address can reduce the risk of being exposed by the enemy's side investigation.

Stepping out of the corridor with a Western-style decoration, Gucci, still dressed in a top hat and scarf, looked left and right on the side of the road, stopped a rickshaw, and said only one thing after getting on the car.

 “Let’s go.”

 “Yes, sir.”

The rickshaw driver didn’t ask where he was going, he dusted the seat, raised the handlebars and pulled the rickshaw in one direction, dashing left and right in the bustling crowd, causing the pedestrians behind him to yell and curse.

Pull some distance to a sparsely populated area, the driver lowered his head and introduced the next plan: "Dad, the target may be monitoring you, you have to pretend to be in contact with the British.

I have arranged it all. You go to a store in the city to make a call. It is a dark spot in East China. The boss and the clerk there are brothers, so you don’t have to worry about being eavesdropped on the call.

Phone monitoring in urban areas by police stations, telephone offices and secret service headquarters has also been suspended. If you dial 6705 and chat casually for five minutes, someone will come to your door at two o'clock in the afternoon to deliver gold for trading.

 Deputy Director asked me to tell you that you must pay attention to safety. The Japanese have no credibility. You can ignore gold and tasks when necessary. You must put your life and your own safety first. "

 Gu Qi knew why he had to make a phone call from such a far away place, because compared to the complicated public settlement, the Secret Service undoubtedly has stronger control over the urban area, especially in terms of communications.

If you pretend to make a phone call to the British in the concession, it is likely to be monitored by the Japanese, and the following plan will be difficult to implement. There is no harm in sailing the ship with caution.


After thinking clearly, he looked straight and replied without moving his lips: "Attention, I told the target yesterday that the gold bars of Citibank were used in the transaction. Make sure you don't make a mistake, so as not to cause complications.

Also, remember to put a hidden stamp on the corner of the gold. If we need to start a diplomatic lawsuit with Japan, we must have conclusive evidence. Otherwise, with the virtue of the little devil, we will definitely deny it. "

 Obtaining relevant documents from Hirota Koki's speech from Takaki Ikuta is just the beginning. War of words between the two countries is inevitable, so it is particularly important to prove that the intelligence sources of the Secret Service are reliable.

To turn this case into a solid case, the Japanese cannot be given the opportunity to confuse right and wrong. Marking the stolen goods is the most effective method, so that even if the gold bars are sold, they can be traced back.


Wu Chunyang responded: "The deputy director has thought about it. Before joining, you should apply glue on the fingertips and don't damage the fingerprints on the document. The Japanese will either silence you or admit their mistake."

The man surnamed Wang has been clamoring for China-Japan friendship during this period. When we got the evidence to see how he would explain it to the leader, the dignified executive president actually waved the flag and shouted for the enemy country. It was extremely shameless. "

 Gu Qi didn't say anything. The order to ban the boycott of Japanese goods was not issued by a certain person, but by the unanimous opinion of the high-ranking officials in the government who were admired by Zhu Pei. So does it make sense for the Secret Service to do this?

He didn’t know, nor did he want to know. It was a soldier’s bounden duty to obey orders. Even if he knew that what he was doing was useless, he still had to finish it. He hoped that the deputy director had a comprehensive plan for this.

 Otherwise, they would go through life and death, fighting the Japanese in a hail of bullets and wits, but in the end nothing would change, and they might even be labeled as undermining diplomatic relations by some people.

While the two were talking, the rickshaw arrived in the city through the checkpoint of the public concession and stopped in front of a small shop. A small wooden sign saying "Telephone Available" was hung on the wooden door of the shop.

"Here, the fare." "Thank you, sir."

 Gu Qi took out the banknotes and handed them over. Wu Chunyang took the money and thanked him, then pulled the cart and left without any stop. Due to the price difference, cart drivers in the concession rarely solicited customers in the city.

It’s all a sweat. For the same journey, you can earn one yuan in the concession, but you can only earn eight cents here. Instead of wasting time here, it’s better to go back early and do more work.

 This is a small detail, so small that it is easy for people to ignore it, but the success or failure of intelligence operations is determined by these small details. If you ignore it, the enemy will not, and death is waiting for you.

Gucci walked around in a circle and walked into the store. He chatted at the agreed number for a while and then hung up. After paying the fee, he took the tram back to his residence and waited patiently.

 Afternoon, two o'clock.

A man entered a residential building carrying a wooden box, walked out empty-handed a few minutes later, and then walked around several times in the public concession and the French Concession, performing counter-tracking actions over and over again.

Behind him, multiple groups of Secret Service agents monitored the passing crowds, trying to find suspicious people, but found nothing. It seemed that Ikuta Takaki did not send anyone over.

After Wu Chunyang, who was in charge of the perimeter, learned of the news and combined with the relevant intelligence he had, he immediately decided to stay put and respond to changes by staying the same, but the monitoring of Gu Qi's residence should be strengthened.

It is not possible to confirm whether there are no enemies or whether the enemies have not been discovered. The only certainty is that as long as Gu Qi moves, the Japanese will also move, and it will be much easier to find suspicious persons.

 Time passed in the evening. Around the meeting place arranged by Gu Qi and Ikuta Takaki, several Secret Service officers disguised as salesmen secretly sneaked into a small courtyard in an alley.

“Point 1 has a good view.”

“Point 2 has a good view.”

“The view at point three is blocked.”

In the Shikumen house last night, Zuo Zhong stood in front of a map of the public concession. Listening to the report from his little agent, he frowned slightly and took a look at the terrain before giving an order.

“Half of the people at Point 3 were withdrawn to the streets, working in groups of two and two. Don’t follow the target after discovering it. Check whether there are any Japanese intelligence personnel nearby. If there are any problems, come back and report to me immediately.

 In this operation, we will not shoot if we can. When it is absolutely necessary, try to subdue the target with close combat. If anyone kills the other person, it will be up to me how I deal with him. "


The little agent saluted, turned and left to deliver the order. Song Minghao and Wu Jingzhong on the side looked at the map after listening, and quietly looked at each other, and King Jinju made a suggestion.

“Deputy Director, do you want to arrange a team of operational personnel as backup? Once the other party shows signs of taking action, we can strike first. Section Chief Gu does not carry weapons, so it is very dangerous in the event of a crossfire.”

"No need, leave it to Wu Chunyang. He will make a decision based on the situation. Let's just wait for the news here. The most taboo in combat is to have the order go out too many times. You should pay special attention to this when leading the team in the future."

Zuo Zhong shook his head and sat back on the stool. He picked up the tea cup and blew on the hot air. He took a sip of tea and went through the entire plan several times in his mind. There was a hint of worry in his eyes.

 Lack of necessary information, no one knows what Ikuta Takaki's plan is. The other party may arrest "Lao Dou" to testify against Hase Ryosuke, or he may steal the gold by cheating.

He was afraid of the second type. Little Japan's hands were very dark. If he couldn't hold back after seeing so much gold and drew his gun and shot, then Gucci would be in danger. He would have no time to react at such a close range.

 One can only hope that Wu Chunyang has made corresponding preparations. This guy has presided over so many surveillance operations and has been questioned by himself for such a long time. He should know the seriousness of this matter.

 Twenty minutes later.

Someone came in and reported: "Report, Section Chief Wu has deployed three gunmen at the commanding heights as a final defensive force. If the target shoots at Section Chief Gu, please give us permission to counterattack.

 Another two minutes ago, Section Chief Gu got off the rickshaw and was heading to the meeting point. There were still ten minutes left before the meeting time. The brothers in makeup reconnaissance had not found any suspicious targets yet. "

 “Okay, I approve.”

This time Zuo Zhong was relieved. He knew the level of sharpshooters of the Secret Service. Even if the visibility was not high, he would definitely have no problem dealing with an agent who had not received professional military training.

What makes people confused is that since Lao Gu returned to the disguised residence last night, everything seemed very normal. Could it be that the son-in-law of the Matsumoto family was crazy and really wanted to trade and had no intention of playing tricks?

He waved his hand and asked the person who reported the news to go out first. We will know how things will develop in a while. The worst is that the Japanese will cheat them out of some gold. This risk is worth taking.

 (End of this chapter)

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