Cicada Moving

Chapter 576: One hit kill

Chapter 576 Kill with one strike


In the dark and narrow corridor of the prison, several minor criminals worked together to push a wooden cart and distributed dinner to the prisoners under the supervision of patrol officers. One of them kept shouting at the top of his voice.

 “It’s time to eat, get in line.”

The cell, which was originally like a pool of stagnant water, finally came alive again at this moment after hearing this sound. The cell leader stood at the door of the cell without hesitation, looking fiercely at the person who tried to jump in line.

 Then they gathered the distributed food together and distributed it according to the so-called levels. If they met anyone who didn't like it, they would just skip it or throw the food into the toilet.

Facing oppression, ordinary prisoners dare not speak out, because this hellish place only distributes meals once a day. If you miss it, you have to wait until the next day. If you go hungry for several days in a row, you will have problems.

As we all know, the source of power is the redistribution of wealth. When freedom is deprived, food is equal to wealth. Prison leaders use control of food to maintain their rule over other people.

The patrol officers are happy to see this happen. There are so many prisoners who need someone to maintain order, and they can also show some respect. This is the biological chain in the prison. The big fish eats the small fish and the small fish eats the shrimp.

 In the women’s cell.

Yizhi Hua held the half-opened door with her left hand, and handed the wooden basin out of the iron window with her right hand. She asked lazily: "What are you going to eat tonight? I took the new one for her, and I quickly filled it up for me."

 “Porridge, pickles.”

The prisoner serving the meal was also a gangster from the Cao Gang. When he heard the other party's question, he quickly replied in a low voice. He slowly lifted the spoon against the side and fished out a portion of thick porridge from the crystal clear porridge bucket.

 Then he took out a small package from his pocket and handed it to Yihua. The patrolman next to him pretended not to see this and turned his head calmly. It’s better to do less than to do more.

Looking at the half-closed door again, she saw that she had not had a drop of water since she was locked in in the morning. Now that she saw the porridge water that she usually disdained, her stomach drummed unsatisfactorily and she licked her lips unconsciously.

"Ha ha."

Yizhihua picked her chin with her fingers, her expression very proud: "My sister's skills are pretty good. When you are full, you can give me a pat on my back in the evening. It will be your benefit then."

 “Yes, eldest sister.”

  Leaving the door ajar and leaning into the other person's arms skillfully, he eats this bowl of rice. It's the same for men and women. It's a good deal to fill up your stomach with a small loss. It's better than starving to death here.

At this moment, several patrolmen walked in from outside. When they looked at the ugly woman squatting next to the toilet, they all sneered. One of them even put his hands on his waist and said pitifully.

“MD, aren’t you very arrogant outside? Why are you so wilt now? I’ll deal with you after tomorrow’s interrogation, Yi Zhi Hua, give me a good treat at night and let her know what the rules are.”

"Sir, please rest assured. I can't stand this ugly woman either. I'm going to let her starve for three to five days. I'll do it myself tonight and keep her safe so that she can live and not die."

A flattering smile appeared on Yi Zhihua's plump face. Here, no one has to give face to anyone, but the face of the other party must be given. It is too easy for people to cause trouble for a prisoner.

After receiving a positive answer, the patrolman left with satisfaction, and the prisoners in the women's prison also stayed away from the toilet in a tacit agreement, for fear that a fight would later cause disaster to the fish in the pond, and they could not join in the excitement.

  Time passed by minute by minute.

The footsteps and voices outside the bars gradually disappeared, leaving only a few electric lights hanging in the corridor blowing in the wind. Occasionally, a few gray-haired patrolmen holding batons would circle around.

Yizhi Hua and the thugs were sitting cross-legged on the ground, their eyes full of violence, looking eager to try. Their anger and resentment, which had lost their freedom, needed a place to vent.

The ugly woman didn't seem to care about the beating she was about to receive. She still squatted there expressionlessly and said nothing, listening to the surroundings with her ears raised, quickly collecting and analyzing something.

After an unknown amount of time, she put down her hand that was holding her pulse, raised her head and glanced at the moon hanging high outside the transom window, stood up and moved her legs and feet. She had a clear idea of ​​the situation in the cell and was ready to take action.

According to observations and calculations, the guards work in shifts of three hours, with five people in each shift. They are only equipped with batons and patrol once every half hour. It takes 80 steps, almost 40 meters, to walk from the duty room to the women's prison.

 All patrol officers must be subdued as quickly as possible, and they must not be allowed to alert the outside world. This is the chief patrol room, and even late at night, there must be many people on duty and working overtime.

To achieve this goal, the best way is to lure the guard over and deal with it personally. The ugly woman thought for a moment, turned to look at Yi Zhihua and the others, and raised her fingers contemptuously at the other party.

 “You bitch, you’re looking for death!”

Yizhihua was furious after being provoked. He pushed open the half-closed door and shouted at the thugs: "Are you all dead? Beat this ugly woman to death. I will be responsible for anything that goes wrong."

She really had murderous intentions. First, she had an explanation from the patrol, and there were people who supported her after the incident. Second, she wanted to scare the monkeys. If everyone talks to her like this, her position as cell leader will be unstable.

With the order given, seven or eight stout women moved, rolled up their sleeves and surrounded him while cursing. They had never seen such an arrogant prisoner, so they decided to show off the other party. The ugly woman's expression was indifferent. She took half a step back with her right foot and scanned her opponents closely. When she found that these people had no trace of fighting training, she jumped up and took the initiative to attack.

In a life-and-death struggle in a small space, the most important thing is not to lose momentum. Once someone is intimidated and the space for movement is restricted, even if you have three heads and six arms, you can only passively take the beating.

She chose the most ferocious-looking thug, used the sole of her left foot as the point of strength, and quickly kicked forward with her right foot to hit the person's vagina. With a muffled grunt, the opponent let out a scream and leaned back.


The ugly woman showed no mercy when she gained the upper hand. She punched the enemy in the heart with her straight right fist, instantly interrupting the blood supply to the heart muscle that maintains the vital organs of the human body. The thug rolled his eyes and lost consciousness and collapsed on the ground.

 (There are photos of Easter eggs, if not, we are reviewing them)

The prisoners in the male cell nearby saw this scene and clamped their legs at the same time, swallowing subconsciously. If they had replaced their fists with daggers, Yi Zhihua's thug would have died long ago.

This ugly **** is really ruthless, a standard blow is fatal. In the arena, unless there is a deep hatred between the two parties, they will not use such a move that can easily cause casualties.

Only those who have had military experience shrank their pupils and understood that this is a superb military fighting technique. In order to kill the enemy in a short time, naturally they must use the most efficient attack method.

The people in the female cell were also dumbfounded. They thought he was a little sheep when he came in, but he suddenly turned into a big bad wolf. This was a miscalculation.

The ugly woman didn't have time to pay attention to the reaction of the outside world. She leaned away and dodged a sneak attack by a thug. She hit the attacker's right rib with a left uppercut and then hit his right lower jaw with a left uppercut.


There was a heartbreaking cracking sound, and another enemy fell down. Half of his tongue was spit out during twitching. Blood gurgled from his mouth and soon stained the concrete floor red.

 “Kill someone!”

 “Someone killed someone!”

A female prisoner may have been misled by the drama, thinking that if her tongue was broken, she would be hopeless. She leaned on the bars and desperately begged for help, while the rest of the prisoners huddled in the corner and huddled together, their faces pale with fear.

The ugly woman over there knocked down two people, and continued to rush towards the enemy without any hesitation. She eliminated all the thugs with three punches and two kicks, blocked a flower in the corner, and rubbed her arm.

beat the old master to death with random punches. Even though she had received training, it was impossible not to be injured under the attack of so many people. She was kicked in the joint during the fight just now, which would hurt badly.

 “What are you going to do?”

Yi Zhihua leaned his back against the corner and said in a trembling voice: "Don't come over here. I'm telling you, I'm with Sister Agui. If you dare to kill me, our Caobang brothers won't let you go."

Sister Agui is the ex-wife of Mr. Huang and is very influential in the underworld. Even though her former glory has faded after the divorce, she still has many disciples and is still a stomping and trembling figure.

The ugly woman's face did not change when she heard this, and there was only a determination to move forward in her eyes. Today's action can only succeed, not fail. Suddenly, the sound of running and shouting rang out from the cell.

 “No fighting allowed.”

"be honest."

At the critical moment, the three guards arrived in time when they heard the call for help. Looking at the thugs lying on the ground, the three frowned. One took out the key and opened the cell door, and the other two took out their batons.

However, they were not too vigilant. It was normal for prisoners to fight among themselves. If they were serious every time, they would not be able to do this job at all. They would go in and beat the participants, and the matter would be over.

As for why no early warning was issued, it is because the guards' bonuses are linked to daily performance. If the superiors send people to suppress the cells, their wages will be deducted. Only fools would do this.

The ugly woman frowned slightly, wondering why only three people came after such a big commotion. It seemed that she had to risk going out to solve the problem. In order not to arouse suspicion, she lowered her hand on her chest.

Not far away, Yi Zhihua noticed the other party's movements. A fierce light appeared in his triangle eyes. He touched the package sent by the food server with his right hand, took out a steel thorn that shone with cold light and rushed forward.

 “Go to hell!”

With a ferocious look on her face, she pointed the weapon at the ugly woman's chest, determined to kill anyone who dared to block her way.

The three guards saw Yi Zhihua's movements as soon as they entered the door. They had no time to react. They could only watch a murder taking place in front of everyone, and screamed secretly in their hearts.

If they don't come, the responsibility may not be that big, but as long as they come, they can't escape the charge of dereliction of duty. They may have to take off their police uniforms. A flower can do a lot of harm to others.

 (End of this chapter)

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